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The liquid–liquid phase separation (LLPS) of Tau has been postulated to play a role in modulating the aggregation property of Tau, a process known to be critically associated with the pathology of a broad range of neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer''s Disease. Tau can undergo LLPS by homotypic interaction through self‐coacervation (SC) or by heterotypic association through complex‐coacervation (CC) between Tau and binding partners such as RNA. What is unclear is in what way the formation mechanisms for self and complex coacervation of Tau are similar or different, and the addition of a binding partner to Tau alters the properties of LLPS and Tau. A combination of in vitro experimental and computational study reveals that the primary driving force for both Tau CC and SC is electrostatic interactions between Tau‐RNA or Tau‐Tau macromolecules. The liquid condensates formed by the complex coacervation of Tau and RNA have distinctly higher micro‐viscosity and greater thermal stability than that formed by the SC of Tau. Our study shows that subtle changes in solution conditions, including molecular crowding and the presence of binding partners, can lead to the formation of different types of Tau condensates with distinct micro‐viscosity that can coexist as persistent and immiscible entities in solution. We speculate that the formation, rheological properties and stability of Tau droplets can be readily tuned by cellular factors, and that liquid condensation of Tau can alter the conformational equilibrium of Tau.  相似文献   
Exotic perennial grasses (EPGs) pose a significant risk to native communities globally. With over 2,200 species in Australia, understanding which characteristics enable high threat invasions, and comparing between functionally similar EPGs, can help prioritise species management. We developed a framework of risk and used the literature to rank 21 EPGs considered a threat to plant communities in New South Wales, while also evaluating the reliability of information currently available. Characteristics were scored within five broad categories that distinguish invasiveness: Arrival, Establishment, Persistence, Impact and Distribution. These included aspects of reproductive biology, competitive ability and environmental tolerance. The risk assessment was effective in assessing key characteristics of invasion. EPGs with an economic benefit (trade‐off species) were more likely to have reliable research and frequently ranked as high‐risk invaders in natural habitats due to the overlap of characteristics important in invasion with those considered important in agriculture. Lack of formal scientific research hindered assessment for some species, and some traits had been poorly assessed in the literature. High uncertainty was associated with key characteristics for Establishment, Persistence and Impact. Uncertainty in key characteristics revealed a need for improved integration of less formal research validated by more formal scientific research. This may lead to more informed decisions in the management of EPGs in native habitats and assist in early control of EPGs not yet assessed.  相似文献   
Ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1 (RAC1) is a plasma membrane-associated small GTPase which cycles between the active GTP-bound and inactive GDP-bound states. There is wide range of evidences indicating its active participation in inducing cancer-associated phenotypes. RAC1 F28L mutation (RACF28L) is a fast recycling mutation which has been implicated in several cancer associated cases. In this work we have performed molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation (~0.3 μs) to investigate the conformational changes occurring in the mutant protein. The RMSD, RMSF and NHbonds results strongly suggested that the loss of native conformation in the Switch I region in RAC1 mutant protein could be the reason behind its oncogenic transformation. The overall results suggested that the mutant protein attained compact conformation as compared to the native. The major impact of mutation was observed in the Switch I region which might be the crucial reason behind the loss of interaction between the guanine ring and F28 residue.  相似文献   
Optimization of biophysical properties is a critical success factor for the developability of monoclonal antibodies with potential therapeutic applications. The inter-domain disulfide bond between light chain (Lc) and heavy chain (Hc) in human IgG1 lends structural support for antibody scaffold stability, optimal antigen binding, and normal Fc function. Recently, human IgG1λ has been suggested to exhibit significantly greater susceptibility to reduction of the inter Lc-Hc disulfide bond relative to the same disulfide bond in human IgG1κ. To understand the molecular basis for this observed difference in stability, the sequence and structure of human IgG1λ and human IgG1κ were compared. Based on this Lc comparison, three single mutations were made in the λ Lc proximal to the cysteine residue, which forms a disulfide bond with the Hc. We determined that deletion of S214 (dS) improved resistance of the association between Lc and Hc to thermal stress. In addition, deletion of this terminal serine from the Lc of IgG1λ provided further benefit, including an increase in stability at elevated pH, increased yield from transient transfection, and improved in vitro antibody dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC). These observations support the conclusion that the presence of the terminal serine of the λ Lc creates a weaker inter-chain disulfide bond between the Lc and Hc, leading to slightly reduced stability and a potential compromise in IgG1λ function. Our data from a human IgG1λ provide a basis for further investigation of the effects of deleting terminal serine from λLc on the stability and function of other human IgG1λ antibodies.  相似文献   
‘Ecosystem engineers’ have a critical role in the structure and function of natural communities and need to be considered as focal species to enable successful conservation or restoration of ecosystems. Through introduction and/or managing a single species, an entire community can be influenced. In our study we show that Pedicularis palustris, an endangered hemiparasite in large parts of Europe, can act as an ‘ecosystem engineer,’ speeding up the restoration of undrained fen-meadow ecosystems colonised by species-poor and resistant Carex acuta vegetation. The parasitic behavior of Pedicularis palustris on tall sedges significantly alters local plant diversity, biomass production and soil characteristics. Our experiments show that, under the right hydrological conditions and mowing management practice, several target species for nature conservation can benefit from the gaps it creates in above-ground Carex acuta vegetation and its dense below-ground root system. The more prominent presence of mosses and lower density of the topsoil stimulates the recovery of mesotrophic transition mire with active peat formation. Since this habitat type is specifically protected under the European Habitat Directive, (re)introduction of Pedicularis palustris in similar sites within its geographical distribution range in Europe may be a helpful tool to achieve the imposed obligations for appropriate management and restoration.  相似文献   
The pandemic amphibian disease chytridiomycosis often exhibits strong seasonality in both prevalence and disease-associated mortality once it becomes endemic. One hypothesis that could explain this temporal pattern is that simple weather-driven pathogen proliferation (population growth) is a major driver of chytridiomycosis disease dynamics. Despite various elaborations of this hypothesis in the literature for explaining amphibian declines (e.g., the chytrid thermal-optimum hypothesis) it has not been formally tested on infection patterns in the wild. In this study we developed a simple process-based model to simulate the growth of the pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) under varying weather conditions to provide an a priori test of a weather-linked pathogen proliferation hypothesis for endemic chytridiomycosis. We found strong support for several predictions of the proliferation hypothesis when applied to our model species, Litoria pearsoniana, sampled across multiple sites and years: the weather-driven simulations of pathogen growth potential (represented as a growth index in the 30 days prior to sampling; GI30) were positively related to both the prevalence and intensity of Bd infections, which were themselves strongly and positively correlated. In addition, a machine-learning classifier achieved ∼72% success in classifying positive qPCR results when utilising just three informative predictors 1) GI30, 2) frog body size and 3) rain on the day of sampling. Hence, while intrinsic traits of the individuals sampled (species, size, sex) and nuisance sampling variables (rainfall when sampling) influenced infection patterns obtained when sampling via qPCR, our results also strongly suggest that weather-linked pathogen proliferation plays a key role in the infection dynamics of endemic chytridiomycosis in our study system. Predictive applications of the model include surveillance design, outbreak preparedness and response, climate change scenario modelling and the interpretation of historical patterns of amphibian decline.  相似文献   
Oculocutaneous albinism type 1A (OCA1A) is the most severe form of albinism characterized by a complete lack of melanin production throughout life and is caused by mutations in the TYR gene. TYR gene codes tyrosinase protein to its relation with melanin formation by knowing the function of these SNPs. Based on the computational approaches, we have analyzed the genetic variations that could change the functional behaviour by altering the structural arrangement in TYR protein which is responsible for OCA1A. Consequences of mutation on TYR structure were observed by analyzing the flexibility behaviour of native and mutant tyrosinase protein. Mutations T373K, N371Y, M370T and P313R were suggested as high deleterious effect on TYR protein and it is responsible for OCA1A which were also endorsed with previous in vivo experimental studies. Based on the quantitative assessment and flexibility analysis of OCA1A variants, T373K showed the most deleterious effect. Our analysis determines that certain mutations can affect the dynamic properties of protein and can lead to disease conditions. This study provides a significant insight into the underlying molecular mechanism involved in albinism associated with OCA1A.  相似文献   


Because the water status of grapevines strongly affects the quality of the grapes and resulting wine, automated and early drought stress detection is important. Plant measurements are very promising for detecting drought stress, but strongly depend on microclimatic changes. Therefore, conventional stress detection methods require threshold values which define when plants start sensing drought stress. There is however no unique method to define these values. In this study, we propose two techniques that overcome this limitation.


Two statistical methods were used to automatically distinguish between drought and microclimate effects, based on a short preceding full-irrigated period to extract plant behaviour under normal conditions: Unfold Principal Component Analysis (UPCA) and Functional Unfold Principal Component Analysis (FUPCA). Both techniques aimed at detecting when measured sap flow rate or stem diameter variations in grapevine deviated from their normal behaviour due to drought stress.


The models based on sap flow rate had some difficulties to detect stress on days with low atmospheric demands, while those based on stem diameter variations did not show this limitation, but ceased detecting stress when the stem diameter levelled off after a period of severe shrinkage. Nevertheless, stress was successfully detected with both approaches days before visible symptoms appeared.


UPCA and FUPCA based on plant indicators are therefore very promising for early stress detection.  相似文献   
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