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The role of bats and sunbirds in the pollination ecology of Musa itinerans Cheesman (Musaceae) was studied in the tropical seasonal rain forests of Xishuangbanna, southern Yunnan, China. It was found that both long–tongued fruit bats (Macroglossus sobrinus) and sunbirds (Arachnothera longirostris) were effective pollinators of M. itinerans. Nectar production had two peaks, one during the day and one during night (0800–1200 h and 2000–2400 h), which allowed the two different foragers to visit at specific times. The visitation patterns of the two foragers coincided with both flowering time and nectar production. By measuring the differences in fruit weight and seed production among different bagging experiments, we found that birds and bats were equally effective as pollinators of this species.  相似文献   
Coronary stents improve resting blood flow and flow reserve in the presence of stenoses, but the impact of these devices on fluid dynamics during profound vasodilation is largely unknown. We tested the hypothesis that stent implantation affects adenosine-induced alterations in coronary hemodynamics and wall shear stress in anesthetized dogs (n = 6) instrumented for measurement of left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) blood flow, velocity, diameter, and radius of curvature. Indexes of fluid dynamics and shear stress were determined before and after placement of a slotted-tube stent in the absence and presence of an adenosine infusion (1.0 mg/min). Adenosine increased blood flow, Reynolds (Re) and Dean numbers (De), and regional and oscillatory shear stress concomitant with reductions in LAD vascular resistance and segmental compliance before stent implantation. Increases in LAD blood flow, Re, De, and indexes of shear stress were observed after stent deployment (P < 0.05). Stent implantation reduced LAD segmental compliance to zero and potentiated increases in segmental and coronary vascular resistance during adenosine. Adenosine-induced increases in coronary blood flow and reserve, Re, De, and regional and oscillatory shear stress were attenuated after the stent was implanted. The results indicate that stent implantation blunts alterations in fluid dynamics during coronary vasodilation in vivo.  相似文献   
Summary Oogenesis was studied in adult Triturus vulgaris (Urodela) with the electron microscope. The oocytes investigated ranged between 50 m and 1600 m in diameter.Two types of yolk platelet formation were found. Since both types involve the incorporation of high numbers of pinocytotic vesicles they are believed to be of an extraoocytic origin. On the basis of the order of their appearance they were named primary and secondary yolk.Five different types of vesicles were found, which participate in a variety of activities, such as yolk formation and the formation of the Golgi apparatus. They originate from four different sources, namely the nuclear membrane, the cytoplasm in connection with ribosome-like particles, the Golgi apparatus and the plasma membrane through pinocytosis. The results obtained were discussed especially with respect to differences found between the anura and the urodela, such as the presence or absence of cortical granules or equivalent structures.The authors wish to thank Prof. Dr. K.S. Ludwig for his valuable criticism and encouragement during the course of this study, Messrs. H. Boffin, C. Evers and Miss D. Lovri for their capable technical assistance.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wurden aus einer lettischen Weißkleepopulation selbstfertile Formen ausgelesen und im Verlaufe von 7 Jahren geprüft. Dabei wurde festgestellt, daß die bei den fremdbestäubten Weißklee-Populationen in der Praxis beobachteten Schwankungen im Samenertrag auch bei den selbstfertilen Formen zu beobachten sind, obwohl diese vom Bienenflug nicht mehr unbedingt abhängig sind. Als Ursache dieser Schwankungen konnte die Witterungsgestaltung während der Vorund Hochsommermonate ermittelt werden. Allerdings scheinen die Witterungsbedingungen nicht unmittelbar, sondern mittelbar über die negative Korrelation zwischen der Ausbildung vegetativer und generativer Pflanzenmasse auf die Selbstfertilität einzuwirken. Neben der starken Variabilität der Selbstfertilität traten aber auch erblich bedingte Selbstfertilitätsunterschiede auf, die sich von den Umweltbedingungen nicht verwischen ließen. Daraus wird die Möglichkeit abgeleitet, durch weitere züchterische Bearbeitung die noch sehr labil ausgebildete Selbstfertilität bei den ausgelesenen Pflanzen zu verbessern und zu festigen.Mit 9 Textabbildungen  相似文献   
A comprehensive database, containing biological and chemical information, collected in the framework of the bilateral interdisciplinary MARS project (”biological indicators of natural and man-made changes in marine and coastal waters”) during the years 1995–1997 in the coastal environment of the North Sea, was subjected to a multivariate statistical evaluation. The MARS project was designated to combine a variety of approaches and to develop a set of methods for the employment of biological indicators in pollution monitoring and environmental quality assessment. In total, nine ship cruises to four coastal sampling sites were conducted; 765 fish and 384 mussel samples were analysed for biological and chemical parameters. Additional information on the chemical background at the sampling sites was derived from sediment samples, collected at each of the four sampling sites. Based on the available chemical data in sediments and black mussel (Mytilus edulis) a pollution gradient between the selected sites, was established. The chemical body burden of flounder (Platichthys flesus) from these sites, though, did not reflect this gradient equally clear. In contrast, the biological information derived from measurements in fish samples displayed significant a regional as well as a temporal pattern. A multivariate bioindicator data matrix was evaluated employing a factor analysis model to identify relations between selected biological indicators, and to improve the understanding of a regional and temporal component in the parameter response. In a second approach, applying the k-means algorithm on the data matrix, two significantly different clusters of samples, characterised by the current health status of the fish, were extracted. Using this classification a temporal, and in the second order, a less pronounced spatial effect was evident. In particular, during July 1996, a clear sign of deteriorating environmental conditions was extracted from the biological data matrix. Received: 20 June 1999 / Received in revised form: 8 November 1999 / Accepted: 8 November 1999  相似文献   
In this study we examined the activity of catalase in the water column (mainly attributed to planktonic microorganisms) and the activity of catalase and superoxide dismutase (SOD), as well as lipid peroxidation in the midgut gland of the benthic bivalve Donax trunculus as possible indicators of biotic stress. The measurements were performed at stations situated at known contaminated and clean sites in the coastal waters and shores along the Israeli coast (eastern Mediterranean Sea). In the water column, we found that catalase activity was higher in polluted coastal waters than in nearby unpolluted or less-polluted stations. Moreover, there was diurnal periodicity in catalase activity rates which matched the diurnal changes in hydrogen peroxide levels in seawater. Consistent evidence of extracellular catalase activity was found in the seawater sampled. Catalase activity rates in the midgut gland of D. trunculus did not exhibit clear patterns with respect to site (polluted or clean) or season. However, SOD activity and lipid peroxidation measured in the same tissues were good indicators of organic pollution in the coastal waters examined and, among the three stations examined in Haifa Bay, Qiriat Haim was the most polluted.  相似文献   
The trace element contamination levels in mollusks were evaluated for different marine coastal sites in the Mediterranean (Israeli coast), Red (Israeli coast) and North (German coast) Seas. Three bivalve species (Mactra corallina, Donax sp, and Mytilus edulis) and two gastropod species (Patella sp.and Cellana rota) were sampled at polluted and relatively clean sites, and their soft tissue analyzed for Hg, Cd, Zn, Cu, Mn and Fe concentrations. Representative samples were screened for organic contaminants [(DDE), polychlorinated biphenyls PCBs and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)] which exhibited very low concentrations at all sites. In the Red Sea, the gastropod C. rota showed low levels of Hg (below detection limit) and similar Cd concentrations at all the examined sites, while other trace elements (Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe) were slightly enriched at the northern beach stations. Along the Mediterranean coast of Israel, Hg and Zn were enriched in two bivalves (M. corallina and Donax sp.) from Haifa Bay, both species undergoing a long-term decrease in Hg based on previous studies. Significant Cd and Zn enrichment was detected in Patella sp. from the Kishon River estuary at the southern part of Haifa Bay. In general, Patella sp. and Donax sp. specimens from Haifa Bay exhibited higher levels of Cd compared to other sites along the Israeli Mediterranean coast, attributed to the enrichment of Cd in suspended particulate matter. Along the German coast (North Sea) M. edulis exhibited higher concentrations of Hg and Cd at the Elbe and Eider estuaries, but with levels below those found in polluted sites elsewhere. Received: 25 February 1999 / Received in revised form: 22 April 1999 / Accepted: 30 April 1999  相似文献   
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