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Capsule: Local weather conditions, but not a city-associated diet composition, influence the breeding performance of urban Eurasian Kestrels Falco tinnunculus.

Aims: We aim to explore the impact of diet composition, specifically a high proportion of avian prey, on the breeding performance of urban Eurasian Kestrels under different weather conditions.

Methods: The Eurasian Kestrel is known to exploit cities and occurs in the study area of Vienna, Austria (415?km2) at high breeding densities of 89–122 pairs/100?km2. Unlike their rural conspecifics which specialize in voles, urban Kestrels are generalists, preying on passerines and mammals, but also reptiles and insects. We explore this alternative diet through pellet analyses along an urbanization gradient over a 5-year period and link diet to reproductive performance, taking local weather conditions into account.

Results: Our results showed that weather had a greater influence on breeding performance than did diet. Warm and dry weather during the arrival and courtship period was correlated with earlier egg-laying, higher nestling survival and an overall higher breeding success. Dry winters increased the proportion of mammalian prey, whereas low temperatures and high rainfall during the nestling phase increased the proportion of avian prey. Overall, a more diverse diet was also associated with higher rainfall, but only during the arrival and courtship period.

Conclusion: Our research shows a stronger connection between breeding performance and weather conditions than between breeding performance and diet composition, although there may be indirect effects of weather on prey availability which augment the impact of diet on reproductive output in the Eurasian Kestrel.  相似文献   


In domestic sheep Ovis aries, the mother and the young display a preferential bond for each other that relies on multimodal inter-individual recognition. Lambs show a preference for their own dam shortly after birth, and this is important for their survival. The role of acoustic cues in this early preference for the mother is not clear. The aim of the present work was to analyze the timing of acoustic recognition of the mother and to identify the physical parameters used in the recognition of maternal bleats by the lamb.

In a first study, we investigated the ability of lambs to discriminate between the bleats of their own mother and an alien equivalent mother in a two-choice test. Both ewes were hidden behind a canvas sheet and lambs were not allowed to approach the dams closer than 1 m, thus preventing visual as well as olfactory perception. Tests were conducted 12 hr, 24 hr or 48 hr after birth (n=19 or 20/group). An indication of vocal discrimination was already present at 24 hr and at 48 hr lambs spent significantly more time near their mother than near the alien dam.

In a second step, we investigated which physical parameters of the bleats were important for recognition. For this, we conducted playback experiments with modified bleats at two weeks postpartum. Ours results show that lambs pay attention to a combination of various time, energy and frequency parameters: timbre (distribution of energy within the spectrum), amplitude and frequency modulations appear to be the most important parameters encoding the individual signature.

We conclude that vocal recognition between the ewe and her lamb plays an important role in the display of preferential mother-young bond from very early on. Our studies also demonstrate that the encoding of the individual signature is not limited to the frequency domain but rather involves a multiparametric encoding process.  相似文献   
Clostridium perfringens is a pathogen of great concern in veterinary medicine, because it causes enteric diseases and different types of toxaemias in domesticated animals. It is important that bacteria in tissue samples, which have been collected in the field, survive and for the classification of C. perfringens into the correct toxin group, it is crucial that plasmid-borne genes are not lost during transportation or in the diagnostic laboratory. The objectives of this study were to investigate the survival of C. perfringens in a simulated transport of field samples and to determine the stability of the plasmid-borne toxin genes cpb1 and etx after storage at room temperature and at 4°C. Stability of the plasmid-borne genes cpb1 and etx of C. perfringens CCUG 2035, and cpb2 from C. perfringens CIP 106526, JF 2255 and 6 field isolates in aerobic atmosphere was also studied. Survival of C. perfringens was similar in all experiments. The cpb1 and etx genes were detected in all isolates from samples stored either at room temperature or at 4°C for 24–44 h. Repeated aerobic treatment of C. perfringens CCUG 2035 and CIP 106526 did not result in the loss of the plasmid-borne genes cpb1, cpb2 or etx. Plasmid-borne genes in C. perfringens were found to be more stable than generally reported. Therefore, C. perfringens toxinotyping by PCR can be performed reliably, as the risk of plasmid loss seems to be a minor problem.  相似文献   
The food canal of the proboscis of Lepidoptera serves for the uptake of nutrient fluids and the discharge of saliva. A valve was discovered at the entrance to the sucking pump in the head that separates these countercurrent flows in nymphalid butterflies. Three species of Nymphalidae were examined by dissections and light microscopic serial semithin sections. The sucking pump is a unit composed of three structures: (1) the oral valve, which is a projection of the epipharynx extending into the anterior cibarial lumen, (2) the expandable lumen, and (3) the posterior sphincter valve which controls influx into the oesophagus. Based on the microanatomical results, a functional model is presented to account for the uptake and swallowing of fluids and for the control of the salivary flow into the food canal of the proboscis. Dilator muscles of the sucking pump expand the lumen by pulling on the muscular dorso-anterior side. This opens the oral valve and fluid can be drawn into the lumen from the food canal of the proboscis. Circular compressor muscles which attach to both sides of the sclerotized ventro-posterior wall of the sucking pump reduce the size of the lumen; passively they close the oral valve and press fluid through the relaxed posterior sphincter opening into the oesophagus. According to this model saliva can be discharged into the food canal during the swallowing phase. The oral valve and pumping unit are similar in all studied species despite the fact that saliva presumably plays a special role in the derived pollen-feeding behaviour of one of them, viz. Heliconius melpomene.  相似文献   


H5N1 influenza vaccines, including live intranasal, appear to be relatively less immunogenic compared to seasonal analogs. The main influenza virus surface glycoprotein hemagglutinin (HA) of highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses (HPAIV) was shown to be more susceptible to acidic pH treatment than that of human or low pathogenic avian influenza viruses. The acidification machinery of the human nasal passageway in response to different irritation factors starts to release protons acidifying the mucosal surface (down to pH of 5.2). We hypothesized that the sensitivity of H5 HA to the acidic environment might be the reason for the low infectivity and immunogenicity of intranasal H5N1 vaccines for mammals.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We demonstrate that original human influenza viruses infect primary human nasal epithelial cells at acidic pH (down to 5.4), whereas H5N1 HPAIVs lose infectivity at pH≤5.6. The HA of A/Vietnam/1203/04 was modified by introducing the single substitution HA2 58K→I, decreasing the pH of the HA conformational change. The H5N1 reassortants containing the indicated mutation displayed an increased resistance to acidic pH and high temperature treatment compared to those lacking modification. The mutation ensured a higher viral uptake as shown by immunohistochemistry in the respiratory tract of mice and 25 times lower mouse infectious dose50. Moreover, the reassortants keeping 58K→I mutation designed as a live attenuated vaccine candidate lacking an NS1 gene induced superior systemic and local antibody response after the intranasal immunization of mice.


Our finding suggests that an efficient intranasal vaccination with a live attenuated H5N1 virus may require a certain level of pH and temperature stability of HA in order to achieve an optimal virus uptake by the nasal epithelial cells and induce a sufficient immune response. The pH of the activation of the H5 HA protein may play a substantial role in the infectivity of HPAIVs for mammals.  相似文献   
Vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) and mammalian enabled (Mena) are actin cytoskeleton and signaling modulators. Ena-VASP proteins share an identical domain organization with an NH2-terminal Ena VASP homology (EVH1) domain, which mediates the binding of these proteins to FPPPP-motif containing partners such as zyxin and vinculin. VASP and Mena are abundantly expressed in the heart. However, previous studies showed that disruption by gene targeting of VASP or Mena genes in mice did not reveal any cardiac phenotype, whereas mice lacking both VASP and Mena died during embryonic development. To determine the in vivo function of Ena-VASP proteins in the heart, we used a dominant negative strategy with cardiac-specific expression of the VASP-EVH1 domain. Transgenic mice with cardiac myocyte-restricted, alpha-myosin heavy chain promoter-directed expression of the VASP-EVH1 domain were generated. Overexpression of the EVH1 domain resulted in specific displacement of both VASP and Mena from cardiac intercalated disks. VASP-EVH1 transgenic mice developed dilated cardiomyopathy with myocyte hypertrophy and bradycardia, which resulted in early postnatal lethality in mice with high levels of transgene expression. The results demonstrate that Ena-VASP proteins may play an important role in intercalated disk function at the interface between cardiac myocytes.  相似文献   
Transcutaneous electrical stimulation can depolarize nerve or muscle cells applying impulses through electrodes attached on the skin. For these applications, the electrode-skin impedance is an important factor which influences effectiveness. Various models describe the interface using constant or current-depending resistive-capacitive equivalent circuit. Here, we develop a dynamic impedance model valid for a wide range stimulation intensities. The model considers electroporation and charge-dependent effects to describe the impedance variation, which allows to describe high-charge pulses. The parameters were adjusted based on rectangular, biphasic stimulation pulses generated by a stimulator, providing optionally current or voltage-controlled impulses, and applied through electrodes of different sizes. Both control methods deliver a different electrical field to the tissue, which is constant throughout the impulse duration for current-controlled mode or have a very current peak for voltage-controlled. The results show a predominant dependence in the current intensity in the case of both stimulation techniques that allows to keep a simple model. A verification simulation using the proposed dynamic model shows coefficient of determination of around 0.99 in both stimulation types. The presented method for fitting electrode-skin impedance can be simple extended to other stimulation waveforms and electrode configuration. Therefore, it can be embedded in optimization algorithms for designing electrical stimulation applications even for pulses with high charges and high current spikes.  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to examine the mechanism by which metabolic inhibition reduces amino acid active transport in ehrlich ascites tumor cells. At 37 degrees C the metabolic inhibitor combination 0.1 mM 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) + 10 mM 2- deoxy-D-glucose (DOG) reduced the cell ATP concentration to 0.10- 0.15 mM in less than 5 min. This inhibition was associated with a 20.6 percent +/- 6.4 percent (SD) decrease in the initial influx of α-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB), and a two- to fourfold increase in the unidirectional efflux. These effects could be dissociated from changes in cell Na(+) or K(+) concentrations. Cells incubated to the steady state in 1.0-1.5 mM AIB showed an increased steady-state flux in the presence of DNP + DOG. Steady- state fluxes were consistent with trans-inhibition of AIB influx and trans-stimulation of efflux in control cells, but trans- stimulation of both fluxes in inhibited cells. In spite of the reduction of the cell ATP concentration to less than 0.15 mM and greatly reduced transmembrane concentration gradients of Na(+) and K(+), cells incubated to the steady state in the presence of the inhibitors still established an AIB distribution ration 13.8 +/- 2.6. The results are interpreted to indicate that a component of the reduction of AIB transport produced by metabolic inhibition is attributable to other actions in addition to the reduction of cation concentration gradients. Reduction of cell ATP alone is not responsible for the effects of metabolic inhibition, and both the transmembrane voltage and direct coupling to substrate oxidation via plasma-membrane-bound enzymes must be considered as possible energy sources for amino acid active transport.  相似文献   
Krenn, H. W. 2000. Proboscis musculature in the butterfly Vanessa cardui (Nymphalidae, Lepidoptera): settling the proboscis recoiling controversy. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 81 : 259–266 The proboscis of Vanessa cardui (Nymphalidae) contains two basal galeal muscles and two different series of numerous oblique muscles. Both muscle series extend from the proximal region up to the tip‐region; the individual muscles of each series run a constant course throughout the proboscis. In contrast to other butterflies, the knee bend region does not have additional types of muscles. The analysis of shock‐frozen proboscises reveals that the dorsal wall is arched outwardly in the uncoiled, feeding position whereas in the coiled, resting position the dorsal proboscis wall is flat or concave. This results in a significantly greater cross‐sectional area due to the significantly greater dorso‐ventral diameter in uncoiled proboscises. After freezing the proboscis in its distal region, it can still be uncoiled, however, it cannot be fully recoiled. These morphometric and experimental results indicate that the oblique proboscis muscles are responsible for recoiling the proboscis to the resting position.  相似文献   
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