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Sooty shearwater (Puffinus griesus, titi) abundance, harvest levels and chick mass were monitored repeatedly on Putauhinu Island, south‐west of Rakiura (Stewart Island) between 1997 and 2005. Putauhinu is the second largest of the Titi Islands and has a relatively high density of chicks distributed over most of the island, so it supports what is likely the second‐largest population of sooty shearwaters in the Rakiura region (after Taukihepa, Big South Cape Island). Rakiura Maori harvested chicks from five “manu” (family birding areas) that covered 56% of the 128.4 ha of breeding colony of the island. Chick density was lower on the unharvested area in the interior of the island than on harvested areas. Burrow entrance density was higher where there was more ground cover (mainly fern) vegetation, but these areas had lower burrow occupancy, so overall chick density was similar at different levels of ground cover. Twenty‐six harvesters present on Putauhinu in 2005 took 31 280 chicks in total, equivalent to 8.4% (95% CI = 6.6–12%) of the available chicks on the entire island. Seasonal variation in total chicks harvested (CV 15–22%) was not related to chick abundance or mass. Refuges, including impenetrable patches of vegetated ground within manu, the unharvested centre of the island, and even nearby unharvested islands, will ameliorate localised impacts of harvest if density‐dependent immigration is operating.  相似文献   
Vibrotactile thresholds depend on the characteristics of the vibration, the location of contact with the skin, and the geometry of the contact with the skin. This experimental study investigated vibrotactile thresholds (from 8 to 250?Hz) at five locations on the distal phalanx of the finger with two contactors: (i) a 1-mm diameter circular probe (0.78-mm2 area) with a 1-mm gap to a fixed circular surround (i.e., 7.1-mm2 excitation area), and (ii) a 6-mm diameter circular probe (28-mm2 area) with a 2-mm gap to a fixed circular surround (i.e., 79-mm2 excitation area). With both contactors, especially the smaller contactor at low frequencies (i.e., 8, 16, and 31.5?Hz), thresholds decreased towards the tip of the finger, although there was little variation around the whorl. With low frequencies of vibration, and at all five locations on the finger, similar thresholds were obtained with both contactors, consistent with the NPI channel not changing in sensitivity with a change in the area of stimulation. At high frequencies (i.e., 63, 125, and 250?Hz), thresholds were lower with the larger area of stimulation at all locations, except at the extreme tip of the finger, consistent with spatial summation in the Pacinian channel. It is concluded that with a 6-mm diameter contactor, moderate variations in location around the whorl have little influence on the measured thresholds. With the 1-mm diameter contactor there were greater variations in thresholds and extreme locations, near the nail and the distal interphalangeal joint, may be unsuitable for investigating sensorineural disorders.  相似文献   
Neurons of the Drosophila central brain fall into approximately 100 paired groups, termed lineages. Each lineage is derived from a single asymmetrically-dividing neuroblast. Embryonic neuroblasts produce 1,500 primary neurons (per hemisphere) that make up the larval CNS followed by a second mitotic period in the larva that generates approximately 10,000 secondary, adult-specific neurons. Clonal analyses based on previous works using lineage-specific Gal4 drivers have established that such lineages form highly invariant morphological units. All neurons of a lineage project as one or a few axon tracts (secondary axon tracts, SATs) with characteristic trajectories, thereby representing unique hallmarks. In the neuropil, SATs assemble into larger fiber bundles (fascicles) which interconnect different neuropil compartments. We have analyzed the SATs and fascicles formed by lineages during larval, pupal, and adult stages using antibodies against membrane molecules (Neurotactin/Neuroglian) and synaptic proteins (Bruchpilot/N-Cadherin). The use of these markers allows one to identify fiber bundles of the adult brain and associate them with SATs and fascicles of the larval brain. This work lays the foundation for assigning the lineage identity of GFP-labeled MARCM clones on the basis of their close association with specific SATs and neuropil fascicles, as described in the accompanying paper (Wong et al., 2013. Postembryonic lineages of the Drosophila brain: II. Identification of lineage projection patterns based on MARCM clones. Submitted.).  相似文献   
Forested headwater streams play an important role in watershed nutrient dynamics, and wood is thought to be a key factor influencing habitat structure and nitrate-nitrogen dynamics in many forested streams. Because wood in streams can promote nitrogen uptake through denitrification, we hypothesized that nitrate uptake velocities would decrease following wood removal. We measured stream characteristics and nitrate uptake velocities before and after wood manipulation experiments conducted at Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, NH, and the Sleepers River watershed, VT. The mean size of stream substrates and the amount of riffle habitat increased following wood removal. In contrast to our expectations, summer nitrate uptake velocities increased in the wood removal treatments relative to the reference treatments, possibly because wood removal increased the availability of stable substrates for periphyton growth, therefore increasing nitrate demand in these streams. Our results highlight that effects of wood on stream ecosystems occur through multiple pathways and suggest that the relative importance of these pathways may vary seasonally.  相似文献   
Published biological data suggest that the methyl erythritol phosphate (MEP) pathway, a non-mevalonate isoprenoid biosynthetic pathway, is essential for certain bacteria and other infectious disease organisms. One highly conserved enzyme in the MEP pathway is 2C-methyl-d-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate synthase (IspF). Fragment-bound complexes of IspF from Burkholderia pseudomallei were used to design and synthesize a series of molecules linking the cytidine moiety to different zinc pocket fragment binders. Testing by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) found one molecule in the series to possess binding affinity equal to that of cytidine diphosphate, despite lacking any metal-coordinating phosphate groups. Close inspection of the SPR data suggest different binding stoichiometries between IspF and test compounds. Crystallographic analysis shows important variations between the binding mode of one synthesized compound and the pose of the bound fragment from which it was designed. The binding modes of these molecules add to our structural knowledge base for IspF and suggest future refinements in this compound series.  相似文献   
A series of conformationally restricted GPR119 agonists were prepared based around a 3,8-diazabicyclo[3.2.1]octane scaffold. Examples were found to have markedly different pharmacology in mouse and human despite similar levels of binding to the receptor. This highlights the large effects on GPCR phamacology that can result from small structural changes in the ligand, together with inter-species differences between receptors.  相似文献   
Floodplain ecosystems are characterized by alternating wet and dry phases and periodic inundation defines their ecological character. Climate change, river regulation and the construction of levees have substantially altered natural flooding and drying regimes worldwide with uncertain effects on key biotic groups. In southern Australia, we hypothesized that soil eukaryotic communities in climate change affected areas of a semi‐arid floodplain would transition towards comprising mainly dry‐soil specialist species with increasing drought severity. Here, we used 18S rRNA amplicon pyrosequencing to measure the eukaryote community composition in soils that had been depleted of water to varying degrees to confirm that reproducible transitional changes occur in eukaryotic biodiversity on this floodplain. Interflood community structures (3 years post‐flood) were dominated by persistent rather than either aquatic or dry‐specialist organisms. Only 2% of taxa were unique to dry locations by 8 years post‐flood, and 10% were restricted to wet locations (inundated a year to 2 weeks post‐flood). Almost half (48%) of the total soil biota were detected in both these environments. The discovery of a large suite of organisms able to survive nearly a decade of drought, and up to a year submerged supports the concept of inherent resilience of Australian semi‐arid floodplain soil communities under increasing pressure from climatic induced changes in water availability.  相似文献   
The prey range of the invasive Asian paper wasp, Polistes chinensis antennalis, was studied using molecular diagnostics. Nests of paper wasps were collected from urban residential and salt marsh habitats, larvae were removed and dissected, and DNA in the gut of the paper wasp larvae was amplified and sequenced with cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI). Seventy percent of samples (211/299) yielded medium‐to high‐quality sequences, and prey identification was achieved using BLAST searches in BOLD. A total of 42 taxa were identified from 211 samples. Lepidoptera were the majority of prey, with 39 taxa from 91% of samples. Diptera was a relatively small component of prey (three taxa, 19 samples). Conclusive species‐level identification of prey was possible for 67% of samples, and genus‐level identification, for another 12% of samples. The composition of prey taken was different between the two habitats, with 2.5× more native prey species being taken in salt marsh compared with urban habitats. The results greatly extend the prey range of this invasive species. The technique is a more effective and efficient approach than relying on the collection of “prey balls”, or morphological identification of prey, for the study of paper wasps.  相似文献   
The bacteriovorous nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has been used to investigate many aspects of animal biology, including interactions with pathogenic bacteria. However, studies examining C. elegans interactions with bacteria isolated from environments in which it is found naturally are relatively scarce. C. elegans is frequently associated with cultivation of the edible mushroom Agaricus bisporus, and has been reported to increase the severity of bacterial blotch of mushrooms, a disease caused by bacteria from the Pseudomonas fluorescens complex. We observed that pseudomonads isolated from mushroom farms showed differential resistance to nematode predation. Under nutrient poor conditions, in which most pseudomonads were consumed, the mushroom pathogenic isolate P. fluorescens NZI7 was able to repel C. elegans without causing nematode death. A draft genome sequence of NZI7 showed it to be related to the biocontrol strain P. protegens Pf-5. To identify the genetic basis of nematode repellence in NZI7, we developed a grid-based screen for mutants that lacked the ability to repel C. elegans. The mutants isolated in this screen included strains with insertions in the global regulator GacS and in a previously undescribed GacS-regulated gene cluster, ‘EDB'' (‘edible''). Our results suggest that the product of the EDB cluster is a poorly diffusible or cell-associated factor that acts together with other features of NZI7 to provide a novel mechanism to deter nematode grazing. As nematodes interact with NZI7 colonies before being repelled, the EDB factor may enable NZI7 to come into contact with and be disseminated by C. elegans without being subject to intensive predation.  相似文献   
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