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Arabidopsis AtNRT2.1 protein is the best characterized high affinity nitrate transporter in higher plants. However, nothing is known about its sub-cellular localization. In this work, we used GFP imaging to follow the targeting of the AtNRT2.1 protein to the different cell membranes. A polyclonal antibody was also raised against a peptide derived from the AtNRT2.1 sequence. Comparison of wild type and mutant plant extracts showed that this antibody recognized specifically the AtNRT2.1 protein. Microsomal membranes were fractionated on sucrose gradients and immunological detections were performed on the different fractions. Altogether, our results demonstrate that the AtNRT2.1 protein is located in the plasma membrane of the root cells.  相似文献   
Expression of the gene Nrt2Np, which encodes a putative high-affinity nitrate transporter of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia was studied under variable physiological conditions. Nrt2Np is rapidly induced by very low nitrate concentrations and repressed by reduced nitrogen metabolites. Furthermore, Nrt2Np is expressed in coordination with other genes involved in nitrate assimilation (Nia, Nii). A deficiency in nitrate reductase activity, which is accompanied by high internal nitrate concentration and low levels of nitrogen metabolites, e.g. glutamine, leads to an overexpression of Nrt2Np, showing that high nitrate concentration per se does not repress Nrt2Np expression. By investigating plants with altered nitrate uptake properties, we showed a correlation between Nrt2 mRNA accumulation and 15N nitrate influx rates, providing the first evidence that the expression of Nrt2 correlates with the rate of nitrate uptake. In situ hybridization revealed a tissue-specific expression pattern. Nrt2Np mRNA accumulation is localized throughout all layers of the root tip, being highest in epidermal and endodermal cells. However, in mature root tissue, Nrt2 expression was detected mainly in the lateral root primordia and in the epidermis.  相似文献   
Expression of coregulated imprinted genes, H19 and Igf2, is monoallelic and parent-of-origin-dependent. Like most imprinted genes, H19 and Igf2 are regulated by a differentially methylated imprinting control region (ICR). CTCF binding sites and DNA methylation at the ICR have previously been identified as key cis-acting elements required for proper H19/Igf2 imprinting. Here, we use mouse models to elucidate further the mechanism of ICR-mediated gene regulation. We specifically address the question of whether sequences outside of CTCF sites at the ICR are required for paternal H19 repression. To this end, we generated two types of mutant ICRs in the mouse: (i) deletion of intervening sequence between CTCF sites (H19ICR?IVS), which changes size and CpG content at the ICR; and (ii) CpG depletion outside of CTCF sites (H19ICR-8nrCG), which only changes CpG content at the ICR. Individually, both mutant alleles (H19ICR?IVS and H19ICR-8nrCG) show loss of imprinted repression of paternal H19. Interestingly, this loss of repression does not coincide with a detectable change in methylation at the H19 ICR or promoter. Thus, neither intact CTCF sites nor hypermethylation at the ICR is sufficient for maintaining the fully repressed state of the paternal H19 allele. Our findings demonstrate, for the first time in vivo, that sequence outside of CTCF sites at the ICR is required in cis for ICR-mediated imprinted repression at the H19/Igf2 locus. In addition, these results strongly implicate a novel role of ICR size and CpG density in paternal H19 repression.  相似文献   
Within the Pycnogonida, genetic studies have revealed that Colossendeis megalonyx Hoek (Challenger Report, Zoology, 3(X), 1–167, 1881), consists of a complex of several cryptic or overlooked species. Colossendeis megalonyx is a typical Southern Hemisphere species complex distributed primarily on the continental shelves in the Antarctic and Subantarctic. However, a different Colossendeis species with a completely different geographic distribution range, Colossendeis tenera Hilton (Journal of Entomology and Zoology, Pomona College, Claremont, 35(1), 2–4, 1943), was considered a subspecies of Colossendeis megalonyx by Turpaeva (Trudy Instituta Okeanology "P. P. Shirshova", Akademy Nauk SSSR, 103, 230–246, 1975). Colossendeis tenera occurs predominantly along the Pacific Coast of North America from the Bering Sea to central California. Prominent differences between these two currently distinct species are found in body proportions and other characters that were interpreted by Turpaeva as a possible case of pedomorphosis induced by deep-sea conditions. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that Colossendeis tenera belongs to the Colossendeis megalonyx complex by analyzing available and novel sequence data (CO1 and H3) of both Colossendeis megalonyx and Colossendeis tenera as well as a similar, apparently closely related species, Colossendeis angusta Sars (Archiv for Mathematik og Naturvidenskab, 2, 237–271, 1877). We compared morphometric data and SEM of the ovigera of these species. Our results clearly indicate that Colossendeis tenera and Colossendeis angusta are not a part of the Colossendeis megalonyx complex. A sister-group relationship of Colossendeis tenera and Colossendeis angusta is strongly supported, but Colossendeis tenera is not clearly resolved as monophyletic with respect to Colossendeis angusta. This work highlights the need for further examination of the variation found in the tenera-angusta clade. It also gives a first hint of the phylogenetic affinities of species within Colossendeis.  相似文献   
Modern noninvasive methods of prenatal medicine, in particular first-trimester-screening, enable early risk evaluation of the most common forms of aneuploidy. With over 4000 certified gynecologists in Germany, this method nowadays represents the standard in prenatal risk evaluation. The importance of classic genetic sonography during the second trimester by detection of soft markers for aneuploidy has declined. However, detailed sonography during the second trimester remains the gold standard for the detection of congenital anomalies. Therefore, the specialist in prenatal medicine must be able to recognize soft markers during this examination in order to re-evaluate the maternal risk for aneuploidy.  相似文献   
Solar radiation is a crucial factor governing biological processes in polar habitats. Containing harmful ultraviolet radiation (UVR), it can pose a threat for organisms inhabiting surface waters of polar oceans. The present study investigated the physiological color change in the obligate sympagic amphipod Apherusa glacialis mediated by red-brown chromatophores, which cover the body and internal organs of the species. Short-term experimental exposure to photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) led to pigment dispersal in the chromatophores, resulting in darkening of the animal. Irradiation in the PAR range (400–700 nm) was identified as the main trigger with high light intensities evoking marked responses within 15 min. After exposure to high PAR, darkness led to a slow aggregation of pigments in the cell center after 24 h. Experiments revealed no statistically significant change in coloration of the animal when exposed to different background colors nor UV radiation. Our results point to a dose- and time-dependent photoprotective role of chromatophores in the amphipod, presuming a shielding effect from harmful radiation in a dispersed state. The reversible nature of the physiological color change enables the species to adapt dynamically to prevailing light conditions and thereby minimize the cost of increased conspicuousness toward visually hunting predators.  相似文献   
? Premise of the study: Polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed for Fosterella rusbyi (Bromeliaceae) to evaluate the population genetic structure and genetic diversity of natural populations of F. rusbyi and other Fosterella species in Bolivia. ? Methods and Results: 454 pyrosequencing technology was used to generate 73027 sequence reads from F. rusbyi DNA, which together contained 2796 perfect simple sequence repeats (SSRs). Primer pairs were designed for 30 loci, of which 15 were used to genotype 30 F. rusbyi plants from two geographical areas in Bolivia. All markers were polymorphic, with two to nine alleles in the overall sample. Cross-species amplification was tested in 10 additional Fosterella species. Seven loci showed consistent amplification in six or more species. ? Conclusions: The 15 SSR markers developed for F. rusbyi are promising candidates for population genetic analyses within F. rusbyi and other species of Fosterella.  相似文献   
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