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Muenke syndrome, also known as FGFR3-associated coronal synostosis, is defined molecularly by the presence of a heterozygous nucleotide transversion, c.749C>G, encoding the amino acid substitution Pro250Arg, in the fibroblast growth factor receptor type 3 gene (FGFR3). This frequently occurs as a new mutation, manifesting one of the highest documented rates for any transversion in the human genome. To understand the biology of this mutation, we have investigated its parental origin, and the ages of the parents, in 19 families with de novo c.749C>G mutations. All ten informative cases originated from the paternal allele (95% confidence interval 74–100% paternal); the average paternal age at birth overall was 34.7 years. An exclusive paternal origin of mutations, and increased paternal age, were previously described for a different mutation (c.1138G>A) of the FGFR3 gene causing achondroplasia, as well as for mutations of the related FGFR2 gene causing Apert, Crouzon and Pfeiffer syndromes. We conclude that similar biological processes are likely to shape the occurrence of this c.749C>G mutation as for other mutations of FGFR3 as well as FGFR2.S.V. Rannan-Eliya and I.B. Taylor contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   
Delirium is a severe psychiatric syndrome that is highly prevalent in elderly general hospital patients. However, the diagnosis of delirium is often missed. The use of rating scales can be helpful in detecting and measuring delirium symptom severity. This article reviews recent developments with regard to psychometric qualities, measurement goal, content and rating procedures of some of the available rating scales in clinical practise. Studies that used delirium rating scales were searched for using the MEDLINE and subsequent examination of reference lists. Ten rating scales were selected for further evaluation. The Confusional Assessment Method (CAM), NEECHAM Confusion Scale (NEECHAM) and Delirium Observation Scale (DOS) appear to be most suitable as a screening instrument, depending on the type of rater (physician or nurse). The (revised) Delirium Rating Scale (DRS(-R-98)) seems to be particularly useful for measuring delirium severity or monitoring change.  相似文献   
p116Rip is a ubiquitously expressed protein that was originally identified as a putative binding partner of RhoA in a yeast two-hybrid screen. Overexpression of p116Rip in neuroblastoma cells inhibits RhoA-mediated cell contraction induced by lysophosphatidic acid (LPA); so far, however, the function of p116Rip is unknown. Here we report that p116Rip localizes to filamentous actin (F-actin)-rich structures, including stress fibers and cortical microfilaments, in both serum-deprived and LPA-stimulated cells, with the N terminus (residues 1-382) dictating cytoskeletal localization. In addition, p116Rip is found in the nucleus. Direct interaction or colocalization with RhoA was not detected. We find that p116Rip binds tightly to F-actin (Kd approximately 0.5 microm) via its N-terminal region, while immunoprecipitation assays show that p116Rip is complexed to both F-actin and myosin-II. Purified p116Rip and the F-actin-binding region can bundle F-actin in vitro, as shown by electron microscopy. When overexpressed in NIH3T3 cells, p116Rip disrupts stress fibers and promotes formation of dendrite-like extensions through its N-terminal actin-binding domain; furthermore, overexpressed p116Rip inhibits growth factor-induced lamellipodia formation. Our results indicate that p116Rip is an F-actin-binding protein with in vitro bundling activity and in vivo capability of disassembling the actomyosin-based cytoskeleton.  相似文献   
The closely related mycobacteria responsible for tuberculosis produce an unusually high number of secreted proteins, many of which are clearly implicated in pathogenesis and protective immunity. Falling within this category are the closely related proteins MPB70 and MPB83. The structure of MPB70 reveals a complex and novel bacterial fold, which has clear structural homology to the two C-terminal FAS1 domains of the cell adhesion protein fasciclin I, whose structures were reported very recently. Assessment of the surface features of MPB70, the sequence divergence between MPB70 and MPB83, the conservation of residues across a group of FAS1 domains, and the locations of disease-inducing mutations in betaig-h3 strongly suggests that MPB70 and MPB83 contain two functional surfaces on opposite faces, which are probably involved in binding to host cell proteins. This analysis also suggests that these functional surfaces are retained in the FAS1 proteins associated with mediating interactions between cells and the extracellular matrix (fasciclin I, periostin, and betaig-h3) and furthermore that some of the human corneal disease-inducing substitutions identified in betaig-h3 will perturb interactions at these sites.  相似文献   
In B cells, HLA-DO controls HLA-DM-mediated peptide loading on MHC class II molecules. We analyzed whether HLA-DO mutations are associated with autoimmune diseases characterized by an autoantibody component and with a linkage to HLA-DR or HLA-DQ. These diseases include systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, celiac disease, and Graves' disease. In addition, several B-cell leukemias were screened for mutations in HLA-DO. A limited number of polymorphisms in DOA and DOB were found, most of which are non-coding changes or result in a conserved amino acid change. A novel non-conserved Arg to Cys mutation in DOA was found in a patient suffering from chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Further analysis did not reveal any effect on the function of HLA-DO. We conclude that HLA-DO variants are not critically involved in the autoimmune diseases and B-cell leukemias studied here.  相似文献   
The MLL gene is targeted by chromosomal translocations, which give rise to heterologous MLL fusion proteins and are associated with distinct types of acute lymphoid and myeloid leukaemia. To determine how MLL fusion proteins alter the proliferation and/or differentiation of primary haematopoietic progenitors, we introduced the MLL-AF9 and MLL-ENL fusion proteins into primary chicken bone marrow cells. Both fusion proteins caused the sustained outgrowth of immature haematopoietic cells, which was strictly dependent on stem cell factor (SCF). The renewing cells have a long in vitro lifespan exceeding the Hayflick limit of avian cells. Analysis of clonal cultures identified the renewing cells as immature, multipotent progenitors, expressing erythroid, myeloid, lymphoid and stem cell surface markers. Employing a two-step commitment/differentiation protocol involving the controlled withdrawal of SCF, the MLL-ENL-transformed progenitors could be induced to terminal erythroid or myeloid differentiation. Finally, in cooperation with the weakly leukaemogenic receptor tyrosine kinase v-Sea, the MLL-ENL fusion protein gave rise to multilineage leukaemia in chicks, suggesting that other activated, receptor tyrosine kinases can substitute for ligand-activated c-Kit in vivo.  相似文献   
Exopolysaccharides (EPS) play an important role in the rheology and texture of fermented food products. This is the first report demonstrating that homologous overexpression of a complete eps gene cluster in Lactococcus lactis leads to increased EPS production levels. A ninefold-elevated EPS plasmid copy number led to an almost threefold increase in the eps expression level, resulting in an almost fourfold increase in the NIZO B40 EPS production level. It was previously reported that increased EPS precursor levels did not influence NIZO B40 EPS production levels. However, the present results indicate that the maximal NIZO B40 EPS production level is limited by the activity level of the expression products of the eps gene cluster rather than by the level of EPS precursors.  相似文献   
Nucleotide sequence analysis of the lactococcal EPS plasmid pNZ4000   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The complete 42180-bp nucleotide sequence of the mobilization plasmid pNZ4000, coding for exopolysaccharide (EPS) production in Lactococcus lactis, was determined. This plasmid contains a region involved in EPS biosynthesis, four functional replicons, a region containing mobilization genes, and three origin of transfer (oriT) sequences. Sequences identical to these oriT sequences were also found on two other lactococcal plasmids and a plasmid from Lactobacillus helveticus. Several complete and partial IS elements were identified on pNZ4000, including iso-ISS1, iso-IS946, and iso-IS982 sequences. Furthermore, pNZ4000 contains a gene cluster that may encode a cobalt transport system and a gene that encodes a CorA homologue which may function as a magnesium transporter.  相似文献   
A critical role for the small GTPase Rho and one of its targets, p160ROCK (a Rho-associated coiled coil-forming protein kinase), in neurite remodeling was examined in neuroblastoma N1E-115 cells. Using wild-type and a dominant-negative form of p160ROCK and a p160ROCK-specific inhibitor, Y-27632, we show here that p160ROCK activation is necessary and sufficient for the agonist-induced neurite retraction and cell rounding. The neurite retraction was accompanied by elevated phosphorylation of myosin light chain and the disassembly of the intermediate filaments and microtubules. Y-27632 blocked both neurite retraction and the elevation of myosin light chain phosphorylation in a similar concentration-dependent manner. On the other hand, suppression of p160ROCK activity by expression of a dominant-negative form of p160ROCK induced neurites in the presence of serum by inducing the reassembly of the intermediate filaments and microtubules. The neurite outgrowth by the p160ROCK inhibition was blocked by coexpression of dominant-negative forms of Cdc42 and Rac, indicating that p160ROCK constitutively and negatively regulates neurite formation at least in part by inhibiting activation of Cdc42 and Rac. The assembly of microtubules and intermediate filaments to form extended processes by inhibitors of the Rho–ROCK pathway was also observed in Swiss 3T3 cells. These results indicate that Rho/ROCK-dependent tonic inhibition of cell process extension is exerted via activation of the actomysin-based contractility, in conjunction with a suppression of assembly of intermediate filaments and microtubules in many cell types including, but not exclusive to, neuronal cells.  相似文献   
The Polycomb group (Pc-G) constitutes an important, functionally conserved group of proteins, required to stably maintain inactive homeobox genes repressed during development. Drosophila extra sex combs (esc) and its mammalian homolog embryonic ectoderm development (eed) are special Pc-G members, in that they are required early during development when Pc-G repression is initiated, a process that is still poorly understood. To get insight in the molecular function of Eed, we searched for Eed-interacting proteins, using the yeast two-hybrid method. Here we describe the specific in vivo binding of Eed to Enx1 and Enx2, two mammalian homologs of the essential Drosophila Pc-G gene Enhancer-of-zeste [E(z)]. No direct biochemical interactions were found between Eed/Enx and a previously characterized mouse Pc-G protein complex, containing several mouse Pc-G proteins including mouse polyhomeotic (Mph1). This suggests that different Pc-G complexes with distinct functions may exist. However, partial colocalization of Enx1 and Mph1 to subnuclear domains may point to more transient interactions between these complexes, in support of a bridging role for Enx1.  相似文献   
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