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Summary We have examined the radiolysis of an O2-free aqueous solution of glycine at absorbed doses of60Co gamma-radiation of up to 20 Mrad. At least 20 compounds are formed during radiolysis, among them several amino acids, an oligoamine, and the nitrogen-free polymers (Mw28,000 daltons). When dicyandiamide is present in the solution of glycine, various nitrogen-containing products, including some polymers (Mw12,000 daltons), are synthesized along with radiolytic products of glycine; polyglycines are not formed. We have determined the radiation-chemical yields of radiolytic-product formation and of decomposition of glycine, and have considered possible free-radical reactions leading to the radiation-induced changes observed.  相似文献   
Two commercial tomato cultivars were used to determine whether grafting could prevent decrease of fruit weight and quality under salt stress conditions. The cultivars Buran F1 and Berberana F1 were grafted onto rootstock ‘Maxifort’ and grown under three levels of elevated soil salinity (EC 3.80 dS m?1, 6.95 dS m?1 and 9.12 dS m?1). Fruit weight reduction of grafted plants was lower (about 20–30%) in comparison with non‐grafted ones. Salt stress at the second salinity level (EC 6.95 dS m?1) induced the highest alteration of examined growth and quality parameters. The total increase of phenols, flavonoids, ascorbate and lycopene content in the fruits of both grafted and non‐grafted plants for both cultivars had a similar trend and intensity, though some inter‐cultivar variation was observed. The possibility of grafting tomato plants to improve salt tolerance without fruit quality loss is discussed.  相似文献   
Subplate zone (SP) is prominent, transient laminar compartment of the human fetal cerebral wall. The SP develops around 13 and gradually disappears after 32-34 postovulatory weeks. The SP neurons can be found as late as nine postnatal months, while remnants of the SP neurons can be traced until adult age in the form of interstitial neurons of the gyral white matter. SP is composed of postmigratory and migratory neurons, growth cones, loosely arranged axons, dendrites, glial cell and synapses. The remarkable feature of the SP is the presence of large amount of extracellular matrix. This feature can be used for delineation of SP in magnetic resonance images (MRI) of both, in vivo and post mortem brains. The importance of SP as the main synaptic zone of the human fetal cortex is based on the rich input of ,waiting,< afferents from thalamus and cortex, during the crucial phase of cortical target area selection. SP increases during mammalian evolution and culminates in human brain concomitantly with increase in number and diversity of cortico-cortical fibers. The recent neurobiological evidence shows that SP is important site of spontaneous endogeneous activity, building a framework for development of cortical columnar organization. The SP which can be readily visualized on conventional and DTI (diffusion-tensor-imaging) MRI in vivo, today is in the focus of interest of pediatric neurology due to the following facts: (1) SP is the site of early neural activity, (2) SP is the major substrate for functional plasticity, and (3) selective vulnerability of SP may lead to cognitive impairment.  相似文献   
Recently, S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase deficiency was confirmed for the first time in an adult. Two missense mutations in codons 89 (A>V) and 143 (Y>C) in the AdoHcyase gene were identified [N.R.M. Buist, B. Glenn, O. Vugrek, C. Wagner, S. Stabler, R.H. Allen, I. Pogribny, A. Schulze, S.H. Zeisel, I. Bari?, S.H. Mudd, S-Adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase deficiency in a 26-year-old man, J. Inh. Metab. Dis. 29 (2006) 538-545]. Accordingly, we have proven the Y143C mutation to be highly inactivating [R. Beluzi?, M. Cuk, T. Pavkov, K. Fumi?, I. Bari?, S.H. Mudd, I. Jurak, O. Vugrek, A single mutation at tyrosine 143 of human S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase renders the enzyme thermosensitive and effects the oxidation state of bound co-factor NAD, Biochem. J. 400 (2006) 245-253]. Now we report that the A89V exchange leads to a 70% loss of enzymatic activity, respectively. Circular dichroism analysis of recombinant p.A89V protein shows a significantly reduced unfolding temperature by 5.5 degrees C compared to wild-type. Gel filtration of mutant protein is almost identical to wild-type indicating assembly of subunits into the tetrameric complex. However, electrophoretic mobility of p.A89V is notably faster as shown by native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis implicating changes to the overall charge of the mutant complex. 'Bioinformatics' analysis indicates that Val(89) collides with Thr(84) causing sterical incompatibility. Performing site-directed mutagenesis changing Thr(84) to 'smaller' Ser(84) but preserving similar physico-chemical properties restores most of the catalytic capabilities of the mutant p.A89V enzyme. On the other hand, substitution of Thr(84) with Lys(84) or Gln(84), thereby introducing residues with higher volume in proximity to Ala(89) results in inactivation of wild-type protein. In view of our mutational analysis, we consider changes in charge and the sterical incompatibility in mutant p.A89V protein as main reason for enzyme malfunction with AdoHcyase deficiency as consequence.  相似文献   
Evidence exists that Cd and certain nutrient elements, such as Fe and Mg, could share similar mechanisms of plant uptake and accumulation. Here we report that Mg and Fe deficiency in mature plants of Salix viminalis, grown in hydroponic solutions containing 5 µg ml?1 of Cd, caused a significant increase in Cd accumulation in roots, stems and leaves. Cd (µg g?1 dry weight) was determined following three treatments: 1) Cd treatment in complete nutrient solution; 2) Cd treatment with Fe deficiency; and 3) Cd treatment with Mg deficiency, yielding, respectively: in young leaves (65.3, 76.1, and 92.2), mature leaves (51.5 to 76.3 and 87.1), upper stems (80.6, 116.8, and 130.6) lower stems (67.2, 119, and 102.3), roots (377.1, 744.8, and 442,5). Our results suggest that Cd utilizes the same uptake and transport pathways as Mg and Fe. Evidence exists that Mg and Fe uptake and translocation could be further facilitated by plants as an adaptive response to deficiency of these elements. Such physiological reaction could additionally stimulate Cd accumulation. Although Cd uptake was mostly confined in roots, high Cd content in aerial plant parts (51.5–130.6 µg g?1) indicates that the analysed Salix viminalis genotype is suitable for phytoextraction.  相似文献   
Plants respond to infection by accumulating many compounds some of which may function in disease resistance. These include: phytoalexins, antifungal proteins, chitinases, glucanases, esterases, proteaes, phospholipases, lipoxygenases, ribonucleases, peroxidases, phenoloxidases, lignin, callose, hydroxyproline and glycine-rich glycoproteins, phenolic cross-linked polysachcarides, melanin-like pigments, salicylic acid, jasmonic acid, ethylene, peptides, oligosaccharides, hydrogen peroxide and active oxygen species. Though specific avirulence genes, elicitors and elicitor receptors have been reported, the production of defense-related compounds is nonspecific and can be elicited by pathogens, pathogen products and many organics and inorganics. The molecular implications of this specificity/nonspecificity and their significance to disease resistance and practical disease control will be discussed.  相似文献   
Cerebral palsy (CP) is a nonprogressive motor disorder caused by white matter damage in the developing brain. Recent epidemiological and clinical data suggest intrauterine infection/inflammation as the most common cause of preterm delivery and neonatal complications, including CP. Cyclooxygenases are key enzymes in the conversion of arachidonic acid to prostaglandins. The COX family consists of two isoforms, COX-1 and COX-2. In the brain, COX-2 is constitutively expressed at high levels on pyramidal neurons, while COX-1 is predominantly expressed by microglia and can be upregulated in pathological conditions, such as infection, ischemia and traumatic brain injury. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the COX-1 and COX-2 gene could have profound effects on COX-1 and COX-2 expression and, directly or indirectly, influence the pathogenesis, development and severity of CP. In this study we investigated the association between single nucleotide polymorphisms of the COX-1 and COX-2 gene and susceptibility to cerebral palsy in very preterm infants. The results of our study showed the association between COX-1 high expression genotype (?842 AA) and COX-1 high expression allele ?842A and risk of CP in infants with cystic periventricular leucomalacia (cPVL). Our results support an important role of COX-1 enzyme on microglial activation during neuroinflammation resulting in huge neuroinflammatory response and the proinflammatory mediator overproduction, with the serious white matter damage and CP development as a consequence.  相似文献   
Moxifloxacin (1-cyclopropyl-6-fluoro-1,4-dihydro-8-methoxy-7-[(4aS,7aS)-octahydro-6H-pyrrolo-[3,4-b]pyridin-6-yl]-4-oxo-3-quinolinecarboxylic acid hydrochloride) is new, fourth generation fluoroquinolone with broaden spectrum of antibacterial activity. In the present work simple and rapid RP-HPLC method for the direct determination of moxifloxacin in human plasma is described. Separation of moxifloxacin from plasma components was achieved on Supelco LC-Hisep shielded hydrophobic phase column. The mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile and 0.25mol/dm(3) Na(3)PO(4) (pH 3) in a volume percent ratio (5:95, v/v) and was delivered at a rate of 1mL/min. Fluorescence detection was employed with excitation at 290nm and emission at 500nm. Ofloxacin was used as internal standard and sodium dodecylsulfate solution was used as a displacing agent. Sample preparation was simplified and involved only addition of displacing agent and internal standard and dilution with water. The separation conditions were optimized by the response surface method in two factor space, i.e. the dependence of the retention time on volume percent of acetonitrile and on pH of aqueous phase was optimized. The method was fully validated and validation parameters were: linearity range 3-1300microg/L; correlation coefficient, 0.99986; mean recovery, 92.5%; limit of quantification, 3.0microg/L and limit of detection, 1.0microg/L. Method was applied for the determination of moxifloxacin in human plasma after single or repeated oral doses of 400mg Avelox tablets. The proposed method proved to be rapid and accurate and can be successfully used in pharmacokinetic studies and routine clinical practice.  相似文献   
The aim of this paper was to investigate the prevalence of smoking using selected anthropometric variables in a sample of hospitalized coronary heart disease (CHD) patients in Croatia (N = 1,298). A total of 444 subjects (34.6%) were non-smokers, 548 (42.6%) were smokers and 293 (22.8%) were ex-smokers. Men, on average, smoked more cigarettes per day than women (22.62 vs. 19.84 cigarettes, p < 0.001) and they also had bigger index "pack-years" than women (36.96 vs. 33.91, p = 0.024). Men were more often smokers and ex-smokers than women (47.4% vs. 30.8% for smokers and 25.0% vs. 22.8% for ex-smokers, p < 0.001). In this study a high prevalence of smoking was found among CHD patients in Croatia. Unless it is decreased, it can be expected that CHD patients in Croatia will continue to experience adverse effects more often than other CHD patients in the rest of Europe.  相似文献   
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