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The study was aimed to reveal the subbands of correlated changes in power spectral density of brain electrical activity (EA), including the low-voltage (up to 10 microV) high-frequency (HF) components (40-200 Hz) in dogs during instrumental conditioning by means of factor analysis. The values of the EA spectral density in interstimulus intervals calculated with a resolution of 1 Hz were used for subsequent factor analysis (the standard principle component technique with varimax rotation). Twenty factors could explain about 80% of total variance. The groups of frequencies which were presented by comparatively narrow peaks (2-3 points) of high loads (more than 0.6) of single factors ("stable" factors) were taken into consideration. In the process of conditioning the factor organization of the EA became substantially complicated, the number of the "stable" factors increased. It was originally shown that the high loads of these factors divided the HF band in comparatively narrow frequency subbands, which appear to reflect the functional mosaics in the neocortex.  相似文献   
The physiological functions of nitric oxide (NO) are well established. The finding that the endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF) is NO was totally unexpected. It was shown that NO is a reaction product of an enzymatically catalyzed, overall, 5-electron oxidation of guanidinium nitrogen from L-arginine followed by the release of the free radical species NO. NO is synthesized by a single protein complex supported by cofactors, coenzymes (such as tetrahydrobiopterin) and cytochrome P450. The latter can uncouple from substrate oxidation producing O2*- radicals. The research groups of Richter [Ghafourifar P, Richter C. Nitric oxide synthase activity in mitochondria. FEBS Lett 1997; 418: 291-296.] and Boveris [Giulivi C, Poderoso JJ, Boveris A. Production of nitric oxide by mitochondria. J Biol Chem 1998; 273: 11038-11043.] identified a mitochondrial NO synthase (NOS). There are, however, increasing reports demonstrating that mitochondrial NO is derived from cytosolic NOS belonging to the Ca2+-dependent enzymes. NO was thought to control cytochrome oxidase. This assumption is controversial due to the life-time of NO in biological systems (millisecond range). We found a nitrite reductase in mitochondria which is of major interest. Any increase of nitrite in the tissue which is the first oxidation product of NO, for instance following NO donors, will stimulate NO-recycling via mitochondrial nitrite reductase. In this paper, we describe the identity and the function of mitochondrial nitrite reductase and the consequences of NO-recycling in the metabolic compartment of mitochondria.  相似文献   
The formation of phosphatidic acid (PA) from lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), diacylglycerol, or phosphatidylcholine plays a key role in the regulation of intracellular membrane fission events, but the underlying molecular mechanism has not been resolved. A likely possibility is that PA affects local membrane curvature facilitating membrane bending and fission. To examine this possibility, we determined the spontaneous radius of curvature (R(0p)) of PA and LPA, carrying oleoyl fatty acids, using well-established X-ray diffraction methods. We found that, under physiological conditions of pH and salt concentration (pH 7.0, 150 mM NaCl), the R(0p) values of PA and LPA were -46 A and +20 A, respectively. Thus PA has considerable negative spontaneous curvature while LPA has the most positive spontaneous curvature of any membrane lipid measured to date. The further addition of Ca(2+) did not significantly affect lipid spontaneous curvature; however, omitting NaCl from the hydration buffer greatly reduced the spontaneous curvature of PA, turning it into a cylindrically shaped lipid molecule (R(0p) of -1.3 x 10(2) A). Our quantitative data on the spontaneous radius of curvature of PA and LPA at a physiological pH and salt concentration will be instrumental in developing future models of biomembrane fission.  相似文献   
Genetic studies have revealed that segment determination in Drosophila melanogaster is based on hierarchical regulatory interactions among maternal coordinate and zygotic segmentation genes. The gap gene system constitutes the most upstream zygotic layer of this regulatory hierarchy, responsible for the initial interpretation of positional information encoded by maternal gradients. We present a detailed analysis of regulatory interactions involved in gap gene regulation based on gap gene circuits, which are mathematical gene network models used to infer regulatory interactions from quantitative gene expression data. Our models reproduce gap gene expression at high accuracy and temporal resolution. Regulatory interactions found in gap gene circuits provide consistent and sufficient mechanisms for gap gene expression, which largely agree with mechanisms previously inferred from qualitative studies of mutant gene expression patterns. Our models predict activation of Kr by Cad and clarify several other regulatory interactions. Our analysis suggests a central role for repressive feedback loops between complementary gap genes. We observe that repressive interactions among overlapping gap genes show anteroposterior asymmetry with posterior dominance. Finally, our models suggest a correlation between timing of gap domain boundary formation and regulatory contributions from the terminal maternal system.  相似文献   
Lipoic acid is an essential prosthetic group in several metabolic pathways. The biosynthetic pathway of protein lipoylation in Escherichia coli involves gene products of the lip operon. YbeD is a conserved bacterial protein located in the dacA-lipB intergenic region. Here, we report the nuclear magnetic resonance structure of YbeD from E. coli. The structure includes a beta alpha beta beta alpha beta fold with two alpha-helices on one side of a four-strand antiparallel beta-sheet. The beta 2-beta 3 loop shows the highest sequence conservation and is likely functionally important. The beta-sheet surface contains a patch of conserved hydrophobic residues, suggesting a role in protein-protein interactions. YbeD shows striking structural homology to the regulatory domain from d-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase, hinting at a role in the allosteric regulation of lipoic acid biosynthesis or the glycine cleavage system.  相似文献   
Current models for membrane fusion in diverse biological processes are focused on the local action of fusion proteins present in the contact zone where the proteins anchored in one membrane might interact directly with the other membrane. Are the fusion proteins outside of the contact zone just bystanders? Here we assess the role of these "outsider" proteins in influenza virus hemagglutinin-mediated fusion between red blood cells and either hemagglutinin-expressing cells or viral particles. To selectively inhibit or enhance the actions of hemagglutinin outsiders, the antibodies that bind to hemagglutinin and proteases that cleave it were conjugated to polystyrene microspheres too large to enter the contact zone. We also involved hemagglutinin outsiders into interactions with additional red blood cells. We find the hemagglutinin outsiders to be necessary and sufficient for fusion. Interfering with the activity of the hemagglutinin outsiders inhibited fusion. Selective conversion of hemagglutinin outsiders alone into fusion-competent conformation was sufficient to achieve fusion. The discovered functional role of fusion proteins located outside of the contact zone suggests a tempting analogy to mechanisms by which proteins mediate membrane fission from outside of the fission site.  相似文献   
A study was made of the adjuvant effect of the mouse tumor necrosis factor alpha (mTNF alpha) on DNA immunization against the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1). The HSV1 gD gene (pDNAgD) served as an immunogen; mTNF alpha or its gene cloned in an eukaryotic expression vector (pDNAmTNF) were used to modulate the immune response. Double immunization with pDNAgD led to a sixfold increase in the in vitro T-cell response, a high (1:2000) titer of anti-HSV1 antibodies (including virus-neutralizing antibodies), an increase in IgG2a/IgG1 (suggesting a shift of the immune response to the Th1 type), and no change in CD4/CD8 T-cell ratio. A single injection of mTNF alpha along with inactivated HSV1 allowed a twice higher antibody titer and a fourfold higher T-cell response as compared with immunization with HSV1 alone. Double immunization with both pDNAgD and pDNAmTNF increased the titer of anti-HSV1 antibodies and the T-cell response by factors of 8 and 1.5, respectively, as compared with immunization with pDNAgD alone. However, the protective effect was significantly lower with the two plasmids than with pDNAgD (73 vs. 100%). Thus, DNA immunization with pDNAgD induced both B- and T-cell responses and completely protected mice from a lethal doze of HSV1. The adjuvant properties of mTNF alpha and pDNAmTNF need further investigation.  相似文献   


Sepsis (bloodstream infection) is the leading cause of death in non-surgical intensive care units. It is diagnosed in 750,000 US patients per annum, and has high mortality. Current understanding of sepsis is predominately observational and correlational, with only a partial and incomplete understanding of the physiological dynamics underlying the syndrome. There exists a need for dynamical models of sepsis progression, based upon basic physiologic principles, which could eventually guide hourly treatment decisions.  相似文献   
Normally, the ability to digest milk sugar (lactose) is present in every child, but not in every adult. The decrease in lactase synthesis (hypolactasia) results in the inability to digest whole milk. Recent studies of the Finnish population have associated lactase persistence in adults with allele T of the C/T?13910 polymorphism located upstream of the lactase gene; a 100% correlation of primary hypolactasia with genotype C/C has been proved. In this study, the allele and genotype frequencies of C/T?13910 were determined in populations of Russia. The frequencies of genotype C/C, varying from 36.6% in Russians to 88.2% in Chukchi, were close to the published medical and epidemiological data on the hypolactasia frequencies in these populations. Genotyping was carried out by three different methods to determine the optimal one. Genotype C/C proved to be the key determinant of primary hypolactasia. It was assumed that DNA diagnosis of genotype C/C provides a predictive test to detect primary hypolactasia long before its clinical manifestation.  相似文献   
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