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Staphylococcus warneri ISK-1 produces a lantibiotic, nukacin ISK-1. The nukacin ISK-1 gene cluster consists of at least six genes, nukA, -M, -T, -F, -E, and -G, and two open reading frames, ORF1 and ORF7 (designated nukH). Sequence comparisons suggested that NukF, -E, -G, and -H contribute to immunity to nukacin ISK-1. We investigated the immunity levels of recombinant Lactococcus lactis expressing nukFEG and nukH against nukacin ISK-1. The co-expression of nukFEG and nukH resulted in a high degree of immunity. The expression of either nukFEG or nukH conferred partial immunity against nukacin ISK-1. These results suggest that NukH contributes cooperatively to self-protection with NukFEG. The nukacin ISK-1 immunity system might function against another lantibiotic, lacticin 481. Western blot analysis showed that NukH expressed in Staphylococcus carnosus was localized in the membrane. Peptide release/bind assays indicated that the recombinant L. lactis expressing nukH interacted with nukacin ISK-1 and lacticin 481 but not with nisin A. These findings suggest that NukH contributes cooperatively to host immunity as a novel type of lantibiotic-binding immunity protein with NukFEG.  相似文献   
Elevated CO2 enhances photosynthesis and growth of plants, but the enhancement is strongly influenced by the availability of nitrogen. In this article, we summarise our studies on plant responses to elevated CO2. The photosynthetic capacity of leaves depends not only on leaf nitrogen content but also on nitrogen partitioning within a leaf. In Polygonum cuspidatum, nitrogen partitioning among the photosynthetic components was not influenced by elevated CO2 but changed between seasons. Since the alteration in nitrogen partitioning resulted in different CO2-dependence of photosynthetic rates, enhancement of photosynthesis by elevated CO2 was greater in autumn than in summer. Leaf mass per unit area (LMA) increases in plants grown at elevated CO2. This increase was considered to have resulted from the accumulation of carbohydrates not used for plant growth. With a sensitive analysis of a growth model, however, we suggested that the increase in LMA is advantageous for growth at elevated CO2 by compensating for the reduction in leaf nitrogen concentration per unit mass. Enhancement of reproductive yield by elevated CO2 is often smaller than that expected from vegetative growth. In Xanthium canadense, elevated CO2 did not increase seed production, though the vegetative growth increased by 53%. As nitrogen concentration of seeds remained constant at different CO2 levels, we suggest that the availability of nitrogen limited seed production at elevated CO2 levels. We found that leaf area development of plant canopy was strongly constrained by the availability of nitrogen rather than by CO2. In a rice field cultivated at free-air CO2 enrichment, the leaf area index (LAI) increased with an increase in nitrogen availability but did not change with CO2 elevation. We determined optimal LAI to maximise canopy photosynthesis and demonstrated that enhancement of canopy photosynthesis by elevated CO2 was larger at high than at low nitrogen availability. We also studied competitive asymmetry among individuals in an even-aged, monospecific stand at elevated CO2. Light acquisition (acquired light per unit aboveground mass) and utilisation (photosynthesis per unit acquired light) were calculated for each individual in the stand. Elevated CO2 enhanced photosynthesis and growth of tall dominants, which reduced the light availability for shorter subordinates and consequently increased size inequality in the stand.  相似文献   
The influence of protein stability on the adsorption and desorption behavior to surfaces with fundamentally different properties (negatively charged, positively charged, hydrophilic, and hydrophobic) was examined by surface plasmon resonance measurements. Three engineered variants of human carbonic anhydrase II were used that have unchanged surface properties but large differences in stability. The orientation and conformational state of the adsorbed protein could be elucidated by taking all of the following properties of the protein variants into account: stability, unfolding, adsorption, and desorption behavior. Regardless of the nature of the surface, there were correlation between (i) the protein stability and kinetics of adsorption, with an increased amplitude of the first kinetic phase of adsorption with increasing stability; (ii) the protein stability and the extent of maximally adsorbed protein to the actual surface, with an increased amount of adsorbed protein with increasing stability; (iii) the protein stability and the amount of protein desorbed upon washing with buffer, with an increased elutability of the adsorbed protein with increased stability. All of the above correlations could be explained by the rate of denaturation and the conformational state of the adsorbed protein. In conclusion, protein engineering for increased stability can be used as a strategy to decrease irreversible adsorption on surfaces at a liquid-solid interface.  相似文献   
Cytoglobin (Cgb) and neuroglobin (Ngb) are the first examples of hexacoordinated globins from humans and other vertebrates in which a histidine (His) residue at the sixth position of the heme iron is an endogenous ligand in both the ferric and ferrous forms. Static and time-resolved resonance Raman and FT-IR spectroscopic techniques were applied in examining the structures in the heme environment of these globins. Picosecond time-resolved resonance Raman (ps-TR3) spectroscopy of transient five-coordinate heme species produced by the photolysis of carbon monoxide (CO) adducts of Cgb and Ngb showed Fe-His stretching (nu(Fe-His)) bands at 229 and 221 cm(-1), respectively. No time-dependent shift in the nu(Fe-His) band of Cgb and Ngb was detected in the 20-1000 ps time domain, in contrast to the case of myoglobin (Mb). These spectroscopic data, combined with previously reported crystallographic data, suggest that the structure of the heme pocket in Cgb and Ngb is altered upon CO binding in a manner different from that of Mb and that the scales of the structural alteration are different for Cgb and Ngb. The structural property of the heme distal side of the ligand-bound forms was investigated by observing the sets of (nu(Fe-CO), nu(C-O), delta(Fe-C-O)) and (nu(Fe-NO), nu(N-O), delta(Fe-N-O)) for the CO and nitric oxide (NO) complexes of Cgb and Ngb. A comparison of the spectra of some distal mutants of Cgb (H81A, H81V, R84A, R84K, and R84T) and Ngb (H64A, H64V, K67A, K67R, and K67T) showed that the CO adducts of Cgb and Ngb contained three conformers and that the distal His (His81 in Cgb and His64 in Ngb) mainly contributes to the interconversion of the conformers. These structural characteristics of Cgb and Ngb are discussed in relation to their ligand binding and physiological properties.  相似文献   
During chemical denaturation different intermediate states are populated or suppressed due to the nature of the denaturant used. Chemical denaturation by guanidine-HCl (GuHCl) of human carbonic anhydrase II (HCA II) leads to a three-state unfolding process (Cm,NI=1.0 and Cm,IU=1.9 M GuHCl) with formation of an equilibrium molten-globule intermediate that is stable at moderate concentrations of the denaturant (1-2 M) with a maximum at 1.5 M GuHCl. On the contrary, urea denaturation gives rise to an apparent two-state unfolding transition (Cm=4.4 M urea). However, 8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulfonate (ANS) binding and decreased refolding capacity revealed the presence of the molten globule in the middle of the unfolding transition zone, although to a lesser extent than in GuHCl. Cross-linking studies showed the formation of moderate oligomer sized (300 kDa) and large soluble aggregates (>1000 kDa). Inclusion of 1.5 M NaCl to the urea denaturant to mimic the ionic character of GuHCl leads to a three-state unfolding behavior (Cm,NI=3.0 and Cm,IU=6.4 M urea) with a significantly stabilized molten-globule intermediate by the chloride salt. Comparisons between NaCl and LiCl of the impact on the stability of the various states of HCA II in urea showed that the effects followed what could be expected from the Hofmeister series, where Li+ is a chaotropic ion leading to decreased stability of the native state. Salt addition to the completely urea unfolded HCA II also led to an aggregation prone unfolded state, that has not been observed before for carbonic anhydrase. Refolding from this state only provided low recoveries of native enzyme.  相似文献   
We constructed a single-chain antibody fragment (scFv) of murine monoclonal antibody, MABL, which specifically bound to human CD47 (hCD47) and induced apoptosis of the leukemic cells. The scFv of MABL antibody with a 15-residue linker (MABL scFv-15) formed both dimer (Mr 50 kDa) and monomer (Mr 25 kDa). Both MABL scFv-15 dimer and monomer had binding activity for hCD47. MABL scFv-15 dimer strongly induced apoptosis of hCD47-introduced mouse leukemic cells in vitro and exhibited anti-tumor effect in a myeloma transplanted mice model. However, MABL scFv-15 monomer scarcely exhibited these activities. These results strongly demonstrate that the ligation of CD47 antigen by two antigen-binding sites of MABL dimer is needed for inducing apoptosis. The parent MABL antibody caused hemagglutination due to the CD47 expressed on erythrocytes. Interestingly, MABL scFv-15 dimer did not cause hemagglutination. This apoptosis-inducing dimer appears to be a lead candidate for novel leukemic therapy.  相似文献   
Intra-abdominal fat accumulation is involved in development of the metabolic syndrome, which is associated with insulin and leptin resistance. We show here that ectopic expression of very low levels of uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) in epididymal fat (Epi) reverses both insulin and leptin resistance. UCP1 expression in Epi improved glucose tolerance and decreased food intake in both diet-induced and genetically obese mouse models. In contrast, UCP1 expression in Epi of leptin-receptor mutant mice did not alter food intake, though it significantly decreased blood glucose and insulin levels. Thus, hypophagia induction requires a leptin signal, while the improved insulin sensitivity appears to be leptin independent. In wild-type mice, local-nerve dissection in the epididymis or pharmacological afferent blockade blunted the decrease in food intake, suggesting that afferent-nerve signals from intra-abdominal fat tissue regulate food intake by modulating hypothalamic leptin sensitivity. These novel signals are potential therapeutic targets for the metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   
Thiopurine S-methyltransferase (TPMT; EC is the key enzyme in the metabolism of thiopurine drugs. Determination of TPMT activity has been used for the individualization of thiopurine dose. We developed HPLC-UV assay for the determination of TPMT activity in human erythrocytes using 6-mercaptopurine as a substrate. Various extraction and chromatographic conditions were compared. In-house developed extraction with acetonitrile provided the lowest limit of quantification. TPMT activity was determined in 99 previously genotyped healthy Estonians. TPMT activity was expressed as the formation of 6-methylmercaptopurine ng/ml/h and normalized either to haemoglobin, haematocrit, erythrocyte count or protein content. The receiver-operating characteristic curve analysis revealed similar accuracy values for TPMT activity in predicting heterozygous and wild type individuals for each method of calculation. In healthy Estonians, TPMT activity varied from 21.5 to 129.6 ng/ml/h. For heterozygous individuals (n = 18), TPMT activity was 48.1 +/- 11.7 ng/ml/h. Wild type individuals (n = 81) revealed significantly higher TPMT activity 79.3 +/- 20.7 ng/ml/h (P < 0.001). This sensitive HPLC assay for quantitative determination of TPMT activity could easily be used in clinical settings. Under constant experimental conditions for haemolysate preparation no normalization is required.  相似文献   
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