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Isozymes of pyridoxine (pyridoxamine)-5′-phosphate oxidase (EC were isolated from the extract of wheat seedlings by column chromatographies. From DEAE-Sephadex A-50, two fractions having pyridoxine-5′-phosphate oxidase activity were separated by eluting with ~0.075 and ~0.125 m phosphate buffers (pH 8.0). These fractions were further fractionated on a Blue-Sepharose CL-6B column, from which again two activities were eluted by 1.0 m KCl solution. One fraction, designated as E-I, used only pyridoxine 5′-phosphate as substrate, whereas the other, designated as E-II, oxidized not only pyridoxine 5′-phosphate but also pyridoxamine 5′-phosphate with approximately equal rates. The mobility on polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis and the substrate specificity of these two fractions were different. Therefore, they were concluded to be isozymes.  相似文献   
Five temperature-sensitive mutants of influenza virus A/FPV/Rostock/34 (H7N1), ts206, ts293, ts478, ts482, and ts651, displaying correct hemagglutinin (HA) insertion into the apical plasma membrane of MDCK cells at the permissive temperature but defective transport to the cell surface at the restrictive temperature, have been investigated. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the HA gene of the mutants and their revertants demonstrated that with each mutant a single amino acid change is responsible for the transport block. The amino acid substitutions were compared with those of mutants ts1 and ts227, which have been analyzed previously (W. Schuy, C. Will, K. Kuroda, C. Scholtissek, W. Garten, and H.-D. Klenk, EMBO J. 5:2831-2836, 1986). With the exception of ts206, the changed amino acids of all mutants and revertants accumulate in three distinct areas of the three-dimensional HA model: (i) at the tip of the 80-A (8-nm)-long alpha helix, (ii) at the connection between the globular region and stem, and (iii) in the basal domain of the stem. The concept that these areas are critical for HA assembly and hence for transport is supported by the finding that the mutants that are unable to leave the endoplasmic reticulum at the nonpermissive temperature do not correctly trimerize. Upon analysis by density gradient centrifugation, cross-linking, and digestion with trypsin and endoglucosaminidase H, two groups can be discriminated among these mutants: with ts1, ts227, and ts478, the HA forms large irreversible aggregates, whereas with ts206 and ts293, it is retained in the monomeric form in the endoplasmic reticulum. With a third group, comprising mutants ts482 and ts651 that enter the Golgi apparatus, trimerization was not impaired.  相似文献   
The combined effects of methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) and ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) on the induction of 6-thioguanine (6TG)-resistant mutants and chromosome aberrations were examined in Chinese hamster V79 cells. Cells were simultaneously treated with EMS at a concentration of D20 and MMS at various concentrations for 3, 6 or 9 h. In other experiments cells were simultaneously treated with MMS at a concentration of D20 and EMS at various concentrations for 3, 6 or 9 h. The mathematical analysis of the combined effects of both chemicals for cell killing (cytotoxicity) and 6TG-resistant mutations indicates that synergistic interactions were observed for both cell killing and mutations induced by MMS and EMS. The frequency of chromosome aberrations induced by simultaneous treatment with MMS at a concentration of D20 and EMS at various concentrations for 3 h was additive. However, the frequency of chromosome aberrations induced by EMS at a concentration of D20 and MMS at various concentrations for 3 h was not significantly different from those induced by MMS alone.  相似文献   
The synthesis of the D1 subunit of the reaction center of photosystemII is light-dependent in isolated chloroplasts. The mechanismof the regulation by light was analyzed using spinach chloroplasts.The light-regulated synthesis of the D1 protein was preventedby the addition of atrazine and the dependence on the concentrationof atrazine of the inhibition was practically identical withthat of the inhibition of photosynthetic electron transportin photosystem II, as measured by the photoreduction of 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol. Inhibitors of photosynthetic phosphorylation, suchas phloridzin, nigericin and carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone,also inhibited the light-dependent synthesis of the D1 protein.Determination of the levels of ATP in chloroplasts and the ratesof synthesis of D1 protein under the various degrees of inhibitioncaused by these reagents suggested that the level of ATP inthe soluble, stromal fraction can control the synthesis of theD1 protein. The level of stromal ATP in chloroplasts was furthermanipulated, either by modulating the intensity of actinic lightor by the addition of metabolites, such as glycerate, whichwas used to decrease the level of ATP in the light, and dihydroxyacetonephosphate/oxaloacetate, which was used to raise the level ofATP in the dark. The results definitely support the hypothesisthat the light-induced level of ATP is an essential determinantin the regulation of the synthesis of the D1 protein in isolatedchloroplasts. (Received July 25, 1991; Accepted October 22, 1991)  相似文献   
A sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic method using 3-bromomethyl-6,7-dimethoxy-1-methyl-2(1H)-quinoxalinone (Br-DMEQ) as a fluorescent labeling reagent is described for the determination of benzoylecgonine (BE) and ecgonine (EC). The Br-DMEQ derivatives of BE and EC were separated on a C18 column and detected at 455 nm with excitation at 370 nm. The detection limits of the proposed method were 18.7 fmol for BE and 12.5 pmol for EC at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3. Relative standard deviations of five replicate measurements were 1.94% (10 pmol) and 2.98% (50 pmol) for BE and 6.3% (250 pmol) and 5.62% (1.25 pmol) for EC. This method was applied to the determination of BE in human urine. BE was extracted from urine by solvent extraction with chloroform—isopropyl alcohol (9:1, v/v) solution. Levels of 2.5 · 10−8 M BE in urine (25 pmol/ml) could be determined.  相似文献   
Right nodular goiter with diffuse miliary shadow on chest roentgenogram was found in a postpartum febrile woman. Transbronchial lung biopsy revealed tuberculous granuloma and acid-fast bacilli were found by aspiration cytology of the thyroid. Although chemotherapy was effective, the thyroid nodule remained palpable and the serum thyroglobulin level remained high. Subtotal thyroidectomy revealed papillary carcinoma associated with tuberculosis and lymph nodes metastasis. This seems to be the first case report of a patient with tuberculous thyroiditis, coexisting with thyroid carcinoma, diagnosed by aspiration cytology and treated prior to surgery.  相似文献   
M. Ishigami  R. Nagai  K. Kuroda 《Protoplasma》1981,109(1-2):91-102
Summary The birefringent fibrils in thin-spread plasmodium ofPhysarum polycephalum have been investigated with both polarizing and electron microscopes. The birefringent fibrils were classified into three groups by polarized light microscopy. The first type of fibril is observed in the advancing frontal region as a mutual orthogonal array. The birefringence changes rhythmically in accordance with the shuttle streaming. The second type of birefringent fibril is located in the strand region and runs parallel or somewhat oblique to the strand axis. The third type is observed in the strand region always perpendicular to the streaming axis. Electron microscopy confirmed that all these fibrils are composed of microfilaments, which range in densities in the cross view of the fibril from 1.2 to 1.7 × 103/m2 (1.5 × 103/(xm2 on the average).  相似文献   
Eu-actinin, a new structural protein of the Z-line of striated muscles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A new protein component of the Z-line of striated muscles was isolated from chicken breast muscle. This protein has been designated as eu-actinin because of its close similarity in polypeptide molecular weight to actin. Eu-actinin was extracted from myosin-removed myofibrils at low ionic strength at pH 6.5 and purified by column chromatography on Sepharose 4B and DEAE-cellulose. Although the polypeptide molecular weight of eu-actinin measured by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis is similar to that of actin, other physico-chemical properties of eu-actinin definitely differ from those of actin. The isoelectric point of eu-actinin was more acidic than that of actin. The amino acid composition of eu-actinin was found to be different from that of actin or those of other muscle structural proteins. The results of analytical gel filtration on Sepharose 4B indicated that eu-actinin forms dimers through non-covalent bonding under aqueous conditions. Eu-actinin has a low axial asymmetry under low-salt conditions, as judged from its intrinsic viscosity ([eta] = 6.4 ml/g for the dimer state) and exhibits a tendency to undergo self-association with increasing ionic strength. Interactions of eu-actinin with other muscle proteins were examined by the affinity column technique. It was shown that eu-actinin binds to actin and alpha-actinin. Eu-actinin exhibited strong seeding ability for the polymerization of actin. Antibody to eu-actinin was raised in a goat and purified by affinity chromatography. The specific antibody against eu-actinin did not form precipitine lines with actin or alpha-actinin. Immunofluorescence studies revealed that eu-actinin is localized at the Z-line of myofibrils. The FITC-conjugated antibody to eu-actinin also stained the Z-lines of rabbit skeletal muscle and chicken cardiac muscle. Therefore, it was concluded that eu-actinin is a new, ubiquitous constituent of Z-lines of striated muscles.  相似文献   
The protein NMR spectrum of 9-beta-D-arabinofuranosyl-8-n-butylaminoadenine shows an unusually low-field 5'-hydroxyl proton resonance, which has been interpreted in terms of an anti glycosidic conformation together with an 05' ... N8 intramolecular hydrogen bond. Confirmatory evidence for this was obtained by an X-ray crystallographic study; in the crystal, the glycosidic angle chi is 52.7 degrees and the sugar pucker is C3' endo-C4' exo.  相似文献   
The physiochemical properties of pyocin F1 were studied. Pyocin F1 consists of flexuous rod-like particles homogenous in size. Each particle was composed of rod and fiber parts. The rod part was 105.5 +/- 9.5 nm long and 10.0 +/- 1.4 nm wide, and showed regular striations amounting to 23 layers. The fiber part was composed of several filaments; the length of the longest filament was 43.0 +/- 12.0 nm. The amino acid composition, the partial specific volume (0.720 ml/g), the sedimentation coefficient (S020,W = 35.1S), and the translational diffusion constant (0.94 +/- 0.01 x 10(-7) cm2/s) were determined. The particle weight was calculated to be 3.23 x 10(6) daltons.  相似文献   
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