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Методом адсорбционной хроматографии на колонке целлюлозы DEAE была сделана попытка отделить друг от друга колицины группы E, D и I: как в естественной смеси, какую представляет собой культивационная среда штамма Escherichia coli II (где присутствует кроме того еще колицин Q), так и в искусственной смеси. Для элюции пользовались раствором NaCl в концентрациах 0025 м–025 м. Изолировать отдельные колицины не удалось, но можно было наблюдать характерные различия в их сродстве к целлюлозе DEAE. Итак, можно полагать, что по своим физическим свойствам они отличаются друг от друга.  相似文献   
Outbreaks of smallpox (i.e., caused by variola virus) resulted in up to 30% mortality, but those who survived smallpox infection were regarded as immune for life. Early studies described the levels of neutralizing antibodies induced after infection, but smallpox was eradicated before contemporary methods for quantifying T-cell memory were developed. To better understand the levels and duration of immunity after smallpox infection, we performed a case-control study comparing antiviral CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cell responses and neutralizing antibody levels of 24 smallpox survivors with the antiviral immunity observed in 60 smallpox-vaccinated (i.e., vaccinia virus-immune) control subjects. We found that the duration of immunity following smallpox infection was remarkably similar to that observed after smallpox vaccination, with antiviral T-cell responses that declined slowly over time and antiviral antibody responses that remained stable for decades after recovery from infection. These results indicate that severe, potentially life-threatening disease is not required for the development of sustainable long-term immunity. This study shows that the levels of immunity induced following smallpox vaccination are comparable in magnitude to that achieved through natural variola virus infection, and this may explain the notable success of vaccination in eradicating smallpox, one of the world's most lethal diseases.  相似文献   
One of the important challenges for MALDI imaging mass spectrometry (MALDI-IMS) is the unambiguous identification of measured analytes. One way to do this is to match tryptic peptide MALDI-IMS m/z values with LC-MS/MS identified m/z values. Matching using current MALDI-TOF/TOF MS instruments is difficult due to the variability of in situ time-of-flight (TOF) m/z measurements. This variability is currently addressed using external calibration, which limits achievable mass accuracy for MALDI-IMS and makes it difficult to match these data to downstream LC-MS/MS results. To overcome this challenge, the work presented here details a method for internally calibrating data sets generated from tryptic peptide MALDI-IMS on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded sections of ovarian cancer. By calibrating all spectra to internal peak features the m/z error for matches made between MALDI-IMS m/z values and LC-MS/MS identified peptide m/z values was significantly reduced. This improvement was confirmed by follow up matching of LC-MS/MS spectra to in situ MS/MS spectra from the same m/z peak features. The sum of the data presented here indicates that internal calibrants should be a standard component of tryptic peptide MALDI-IMS experiments.  相似文献   
The DNA sequence preferences of nearly all sequence specific DNA binding proteins are influenced by the identities of bases that are not directly contacted by protein. Discrimination between non-contacted base sequences is commonly based on the differential abilities of DNA sequences to allow narrowing of the DNA minor groove. However, the factors that govern the propensity of minor groove narrowing are not completely understood. Here we show that the differential abilities of various DNA sequences to support formation of a highly ordered and stable minor groove solvation network are a key determinant of non-contacted base recognition by a sequence-specific binding protein. In addition, disrupting the solvent network in the non-contacted region of the binding site alters the protein''s ability to recognize contacted base sequences at positions 5–6 bases away. This observation suggests that DNA solvent interactions link contacted and non-contacted base recognition by the protein.  相似文献   
The affinity of synthetic P22 operators for P22 repressor varies with the base sequence at the operator's center. At 100 mM KCl, the affinity of these operators for P22 repressor varies over a 10-fold range. Dimethylsulfate protection experiments indicate that the central bases of the P22 operator are not contacted by the repressor. The KD for the complex of P22 repressor with an operator bearing central T-A bases (9T) increases less than 2-fold between 50 and 200 mM KCl, whereas the KD for the complex of repressor with an operator bearing central C-G bases (9C) increases 10-fold in the same salt range. The DNase I cleavage patterns of both bound and unbound P22 operators also vary with central base sequence. The DNase I pattern of the repressor-9C operator complex changes markedly with salt concentration, whereas that of the 9T operator-repressor complex does not. These changes in nuclease digestion pattern thereby mirror the salt-dependent changes in the P22 operator's affinity for repressor. P22 repressor protects the central base pair of the 9T operator from cleavage by the intercalative cleavage reagent Cu(I)-phenanthroline, while repressor does not protect the central bases of the 9C operator. Together these data indicate that central base pairs affect P22 operator strength by altering the structure of the unbound operator and the repressor-operator complex.  相似文献   


Fornicata is a relatively recently established group of protists that includes the diplokaryotic diplomonads (which have two similar nuclei per cell), and the monokaryotic enteromonads, retortamonads and Carpediemonas, with the more typical one nucleus per cell. The monophyly of the group was confirmed by molecular phylogenetic studies, but neither the internal phylogeny nor its position on the eukaryotic tree has been clearly resolved.  相似文献   
The search for novel molecular materials has focused on viruses as natural nanomaterials. Historically studied for their effects as pathogens, recent advances have incorporated viruses as substrates for chemical modification, materials development, and therapeutic design. Here we will discuss recent advances in chemical strategies for modifying viruses, and the applications of these technologies.  相似文献   
Amyloid fibrils are aggregated and precipitated forms of protein in which the protein exists in highly ordered, long, unbranching threadlike formations that are stable and resistant to degradation by proteases. Fibril formation is an ordered process that typically involves the unfolding of a protein to partially folded states that subsequently interact and aggregate through a nucleation-dependent mechanism. Here we report on studies investigating the molecular basis of the inherent propensity of the milk protein, kappa-casein, to form amyloid fibrils. Using reduced and carboxymethylated kappa-casein (RCMkappa-CN), we show that fibril formation is accompanied by a characteristic increase in thioflavin T fluorescence intensity, solution turbidity, and beta-sheet content of the protein. However, the lag phase of RCMkappa-CN fibril formation is independent of protein concentration, and the rate of fibril formation does not increase upon the addition of seeds (preformed fibrils). Therefore, its mechanism of fibril formation differs from the archetypal nucleation-dependent aggregation mechanism. By digestion with trypsin or proteinase K and identification by mass spectrometry, we have determined that the region from Tyr(25) to Lys(86) is incorporated into the core of the fibrils. We suggest that this region, which is predicted to be aggregation-prone, accounts for the amyloidogenic nature of kappa-casein. Based on these data, we propose that fibril formation by RCMkappa-CN occurs through a novel mechanism whereby the rate-limiting step is the dissociation of an amyloidogenic precursor from an oligomeric state rather than the formation of stable nuclei, as has been described for most other fibril-forming systems.  相似文献   
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