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Colored biofilms cause problems in paper industry. In this work we used real-time PCR to detect and to quantitate members of the genus Meiothermus from the process samples and end products from 24 machines manufacturing pulp, paper and board in four countries. The results obtained from 200 samples showed the importance of members of the genus Meiothermus as ubiquitous biofoulers in paper machines. This genus was the dominant biofouler in some mills. From ≤104 to 1011 copies of Meiothermus 16S rRNA genes were found per gram of process deposit (wet weight). Meiothermus spp. were found in paper and board products with colored defects and connection between deposit-forming microbes and end-product spots was shown. 16S rRNA gene sequences of 29 biofilm producing bacterial isolates from different mills were determined. Based on sequence data, 25 of the isolates were assigned to the genus Meiothermus, with Meiothermus silvanus and M. ruber as the most frequent species.  相似文献   
AIMS: To investigate the production of antioxidant activity during fermentation with commonly used dairy starter cultures. Moreover, to study the development of antioxidant activity during fermentation, and the connection to proteolysis and bacterial growth. METHODS AND RESULTS: Antioxidant activity was measured by analysing the radical scavenging activity using a spectrophotometric decolorization assay and lipid peroxidation inhibition was assayed using liposomal model system with a fluorescence method. Milk was fermented with 25 lactic acid bacterial (LAB) strains, and from these six strains, exhibiting the highest radical scavenging activity was selected for further investigation. Leuconostoc mesenteroides ssp. cremoris strains, Lactobacillus jensenii (ATCC 25258) and Lactobacillus acidophilus (ATCC 4356) showed the highest activity with both the methods used. However, the radical scavenging activity was stronger than lipid peroxidation inhibition activity. The development of radical scavenging activity was connected to proteolysis with four strains. Molecular distribution profiles showed that fermentates with high scavenging activity also possessed a higher proportion of peptides in the molecular mass range of 4-20 kDa, while others had mostly large polypeptides and compounds below 4 kDa. In addition, the amount of hydrophobic amino acids was higher in these fermentates. CONCLUSIONS: The development of antioxidant activity was strain-specific characteristic. The development of radical scavengers was more connected to the simultaneous development of proteolysis whereas, lipid peroxidation inhibitory activity was related to bacterial growth. However, high radical scavenging activity was not directly connected to the high degree of proteolysis. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: To the best of our knowledge, this seems to be the first report, which screens possible antioxidant activity among most common dairy LAB strains. Use of such strains improve nutritional value of fermented dairy products.  相似文献   


Many practical tasks in biomedicine require accessing specific types of information in scientific literature; e.g. information about the results or conclusions of the study in question. Several schemes have been developed to characterize such information in scientific journal articles. For example, a simple section-based scheme assigns individual sentences in abstracts under sections such as Objective, Methods, Results and Conclusions. Some schemes of textual information structure have proved useful for biomedical text mining (BIO-TM) tasks (e.g. automatic summarization). However, user-centered evaluation in the context of real-life tasks has been lacking.  相似文献   
Due to its influence on body size, timing of maturation is an important life-history trait in ectotherms with indeterminate growth. Comparison of patterns of growth and maturation within and between two populations (giant vs. normal sized) of nine-spined sticklebacks (Pungitius pungitius) in a breeding experiment revealed that the difference in mean adult body size between the populations is caused by differences in timing of maturation, and not by differential growth rates. The fish in small-sized population matured earlier than those from large-sized population, and maturation was accompanied by a reduction in growth rate in the small-sized population. Males matured earlier and at smaller size than females, and the fish that were immature at the end of the experiment were larger than those that had already matured. Throughout the experimental period, body size in both populations was heritable (h2 = 0.10–0.64), as was the timing of maturation in the small-sized population (h2 = 0.13–0.16). There was a significant positive genetic correlation between body size and timing of maturation at 140 DAH, but not earlier (at 80 or 110 DAH). Comparison of observed body size divergence between the populations revealed that Q ST exceeded F ST at older ages, indicating adaptive basis for the observed divergence. Hence, the results suggest that the body size differences within and between populations reflect heritable genetic differences in the timing of maturation, and that the observed body size divergence is adaptive.  相似文献   
在四川北部九寨沟和黄龙保护区的云杉、松树和铁杉上发现异担子菌 ,并从 6号标本中分离到 73个单孢菌株。在每个标本中随机选取 2个菌株分别与欧洲的原始多年异担子菌、小孔异担子菌和冷杉异担子菌的单孢菌株进行融合性交配。试验表明 ,这 6号标本都是小孔异担子菌。四川的菌株与欧洲的原始多年异担子菌交配不融合 ,而与欧洲的小孔异担子菌完全融合 ,并在交配后的菌落中形成锁状联合 ,且在交配的菌落中不产生拮抗线。虽然四川的菌株与欧洲的冷杉异担子菌有较高的融合性 ,但这些交配大部分为单项交配 ,即只在四川一侧的菌落中产生锁状联合 ,而且在交配的菌落中多数产生拮抗线。研究样品全部采自天然林 ,小孔异担子菌在四川经营林分中的致病性还有待进一步调查。  相似文献   
Summary Complementation experiments with cloned DNA fragments encoding either the KS71A, the KS71B or the KS71C fimbriae of the pyelonephritogenic Escherichia coli strain KS71 were used to localise the P-fimbrillin genes and to demonstrate regulatory interactions between the cloned genes. The structural genes of the KS71A and KS71B fimbriae were located within a common 1.1 kilobase pair ClaI-SmaI fragment, and it was shown that the gene clusters for these fimbriae could complement each other in trans. The gene cluster encoding the KS71C fimbriae did not complement for the other KS71 fimbriae. A DNA fragment, located near the KS71A fimbrillin gene, was found to enhance the production of the KS71B fimbriae in trans.  相似文献   
Nitrogen-fixing Klebsiella and Enterobacter strains isolated from several plants were assayed for fimbriae and for adhesion to plant roots in vitro. All eight Klebsiella strains formed type 3 fimbriae, and five strains also formed type 1 fimbriae; all 21 Enterobacter strains had type 1 fimbriae. Three strains of Klebsiella carrying either type 1, type 3, or no fimbriae were used as model organisms in developing an in vitro adhesion test. Adhesion was assayed with bacterial cells labeled with [3H]leucine. Fifteen N2-fixing strains and the three model strains were compared for adhesion to the roots of seven grasses and five cereals. Type 3-fimbriated Klebsiella strains adhered better than the other strains, and type 3 fimbriae appeared to be major adhesins for the Klebsiella strains. Although variations between plants were observed, no host specificity for bacterial adhesion was found.  相似文献   
We studied the localization of laminin alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, alpha5, beta1, beta2, and gamma1 chains and extradomain A- (EDA), EDB-, and oncofetal fibronectin by immunohistochemistry in human placental villi during placental development. The laminin alpha2, alpha5, beta1, beta2, and gamma1 chains were detected in the trophoblastic basement membrane (BM) at all stages of gestation, suggesting the presence of laminin-2, -4, -10, and -11 trimers. The laminin alpha1 chain was selectively found at sites where the villous BM was in contact with proliferating cells in trophoblastic islands or columns. EDA-Fn, but not other Fn isoforms, was found in the trophoblastic BM during the first trimester. The laminin alpha2, beta1, beta2, and gamma1 chains were detected in the villous stroma and capillaries throughout placental development, while the laminin alpha5 chain emerged distinctly during development. Extensive EDA-Fn immunoreactivity was found in first-trimester villous stroma, but distinctly fewer Fn isoforms were seen in the villous stroma during the later stages of gestation. Our results also suggest that, during the formation of new villi, laminins are not found in trophoblastic sprouts before the ingrowth of the villous mesenchyme. Rather, laminins may be deposited at the villous epithelial-mesenchymal interface. Furthermore, the results show that distinct changes occur in the localization of various laminin and Fn isoforms during the maturation of villous trophoblastic and capillary BMs.  相似文献   
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