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This report introduces the "neural-island flap" concept, which represents a consistent and reliable skin flap design supplied only by the intrinsic vasculature of a cutaneous nerve. In this study, the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve was selected as the pedicle of the neural-island flap, and a standard skin flap, which is the territory of the accompanying vessels (i.e., iliac branches of the iliolumbar artery and vein), was elevated on the lower dorsal region of the rats. In a total of 92 Wistar rats, three experiments were performed. In part I (n = 24), the vascular anatomy of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve was established by the methods of dissection, microangiography, nerve mapping, perfusion with colored latex and India ink, and histologic analysis. In part II (n = 46), the role of the cutaneous nerve in supporting an acutely elevated skin flap was explored by creating five flap groups as follows: group 1, conventional flap (artery, vein, and nerve intact); group 2, neural island flap (only the nerve intact); group 3, neurocutaneous flap (vein and nerve intact); group 4, denervated flap (artery and vein intact); and group 5, skin graft. In part III (n = 22), the role of a preliminary surgical delay procedure to augment the survival of the neural island flap was investigated. Results of the anatomic studies indicated a consistent perineural vasculature by the accompanying iliolumbar artery. Skin flaps survived totally in groups where the artery and vein were intact, whereas mean survival rates for the neural island flap and the neurocutaneous flap were 38.2 +/- 3.1 percent and 44.5 +/- 3.8 percent, respectively (p > 0.05). Results of part III of the experiment demonstrated a significantly higher survival for the delayed neural island flap (94.5 +/- 5.5 percent) compared with the acutely elevated neural island flap (p < 0.05). The perineural and intraneural vessels were found to be greatly dilated after a delay procedure, demonstrated by direct observation, microangiography, histologic analysis, dye injection study, and scanning electron microscopy. On the basis of this promising series of experiments, a clinical technique was developed using the sural neural-island flap. The flap was used to reconstruct lower extremity defects in four cases. A delay procedure was accomplished in the first stage by elevating a fasciocutaneous flap from the midcalf region based on a posterior skin bridge and the sural nerve. After a 2-week delay period, a sural neural-island flap was created based on the nerve and transposed to the defect. Flap survival was complete in all cases, with a satisfactory result. The authors conclude that this report proves for the first time that a robust and reliable skin flap can be created pedicled only by the intrinsic vasculature of a cutaneous nerve, after a proper surgical delay. The so-created neural-island flap design offers two novel advantages: (1) a very narrow pedicle and (2) a pedicle without any restriction to a specific pivot point, in addition to the previously described unique advantages of preservation of a major artery and avoidance of microvascular anastomoses.  相似文献   
Triglycerides and cholesterol are essential for life in most organisms. Triglycerides serve as the principal energy storage depot and, where vascular systems exist, as a means of energy transport. Cholesterol is essential for the functional integrity of all cellular membrane systems. The endoplasmic reticulum is the site of secretory lipoprotein production and de novo cholesterol synthesis, yet little is known about how these activities are coordinated with each other or with the activity of the COPII machinery, which transports endoplasmic reticulum cargo to the Golgi. The Sar1B component of this machinery is mutated in chylomicron retention disorder, indicating that this Sar1 isoform secures delivery of dietary lipids into the circulation. However, it is not known why some patients with chylomicron retention disorder develop hepatic steatosis, despite impaired intestinal fat malabsorption, and why very severe hypocholesterolemia develops in this condition. Here, we show that Sar1B also promotes hepatic apolipoprotein (apo) B lipoprotein secretion and that this promoting activity is coordinated with the processes regulating apoB expression and the transfer of triglycerides/cholesterol moieties onto this large lipid transport protein. We also show that although Sar1A antagonizes the lipoprotein secretion-promoting activity of Sar1B, both isoforms modulate the expression of genes encoding cholesterol biosynthetic enzymes and the synthesis of cholesterol de novo. These results not only establish that Sar1B promotes the secretion of hepatic lipids but also adds regulation of cholesterol synthesis to Sar1B''s repertoire of transport functions.  相似文献   
Cyanovirin-N (CVN), a cyanobacterial lectin, exemplifies a class of antiviral agents that inhibit HIV by binding to the highly glycosylated envelope protein gp120. Here, we investigate the energetics of glycan recognition using a computationally inexpensive flexible docking approach, backbone perturbation docking (BP-Dock). We benchmarked our method using two mutants of CVN: P51G-m4-CVN, which binds dimannose with high affinity through domain B, and CVN(mutDB), in which binding to domain B has been abolished through mutation of five polar residues to small nonpolar side chains. We investigated the energetic contribution of these polar residues along with the additional position 53 by docking dimannose to single-point CVN mutant models. Analysis of the docking simulations indicated that the E41A/G and T57A mutations led to a significant decrease in binding energy scores due to rearrangements of the hydrogen-bond network that reverberated throughout the binding cavity. N42A decreased the binding score to a level comparable to that of CVN(mutDB) by affecting the integrity of the local protein structure. In contrast, N53S resulted in a high binding energy score, similar to P51G-m4-CVN. Experimental characterization of the five mutants by NMR spectroscopy confirmed the binding affinity pattern predicted by BP-Dock. Despite their mostly conserved fold and stability, E41A, E41G, and T57A displayed dissociation constants in the millimolar range. N53S showed a binding constant in the low micromolar range, similar to that observed for P51G-m4-CVN. No binding was observed for N42A. Our results show that BP-Dock is a useful tool for rapidly screening the relative binding affinity pattern of in silico-designed mutants compared with wild-type, supporting its use to design novel mutants with enhanced binding properties.  相似文献   
Erin N  Ulusoy O 《Regulatory peptides》2009,152(1-3):108-113
Substance P (SP) originally found as a neuropeptide in capsaicin-sensitive sensory neurons, had more recently been identified in non-neuronal cells, especially under pathological conditions. Neuronal and non-neuronal SP may perform distinct functions. A simple technique to differentiate different SP sources is currently unavailable. Herein, we describe a two-step sequential acetic acid extraction to differentiate SP source. The efficiency of this two-step extraction in differentiating SP in capsaicin-sensitive neurons was verified by using capsaicin as a tool to deplete SP in sensory neurons. Specifically, Balb-c mice were treated with high dose capsaicin (200 mg/kg). Skin was removed two weeks after treatment. In a separate experiment, lung and skin tissues from control animals (untreated) were incubated in-vitro with capsaicin, and sequential acetic acid extraction was performed. Following capsaicin treatment, both in-vivo and in-vitro, SP recovered in first extraction decreased significantly in lung and skin. Lastly, presence of capsaicin solvent (10% methanol and 10% Tween 80) or protease inhibitor cocktail in solution altered SP EIA test, yielding false positive results. These results demonstrated that SP in capsaicin sensitive sensory neurons was extracted in initial extraction of 15 min while non-neuronal SP was present in second extraction. Because SP in non-neuronal tissues may possibly be more important in pathological conditions, this technique could be useful in determining effects of various treatments on neuronal and non-neuronal SP levels and their consequences.  相似文献   
Ghrelin and obestatin are two peptide hormones with opposing roles in the control of appetite: orexigenic and anorexigenic, respectively. Loss of appetite is a common, serious complication of many forms of malignancy. The goals of this study were to investigate: (i) whether there are differences in ghrelin and obestatin peptide expression in thyroid tissues from a series of papillary carcinoma cases and normal controls, and (ii) whether there are correlations between tissue ghrelin and obestatin levels in series of papillary carcinoma cases and normal controls. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that in sections of benign human thyroid tissue, anti-ghrelin antibody reacted with intense staining in colloid-filled follicles. In benign thyroid tissues, colloids displayed plentiful dispersion in comparison with papillary microcarcinomas, whereas colloids in malignant thyroid tissues were uncommon. We found markedly lower tissue ghrelin levels in thyroid tissue of patients with papillary carcinomas, compared with normal thyroid tissues (= 0.001). Immunohistochemical analysis also showed that obestatin in papillary carcinoma stained positively to various degrees. Obestatin tissue levels in papillary carcinomas tended to be slightly higher than those in normal thyroid tissue, but this was not statistically significant (= 0.29). We also report that thyroid tissue of patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis produced ghrelin and obestatin at similar levels as in normal thyroid tissue, even though colloid in Hashimoto’s disease is scarce. We conclude that depressed expression of ghrelin, but not obestatin, is specific to papillary carcinoma, and this difference might constitute a diagnostic tool to differentiate papillary carcinoma from normal thyroid tissue. We currently do not know how these peptides are regulated and what factors are involved in papillary carcinoma, which inhibit the expression of ghrelin but not obestatin. This issue warrants further studies.  相似文献   
AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a known regulator of cellular and systemic energy balance, is now recognized to control cell division, cell polarity and cell migration, all of which depend on the actin cytoskeleton. Here we report the effects of A769662, a pharmacological activator of AMPK, on cytoskeletal organization and signalling in epithelial Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. We show that AMPK activation induced shortening or radiation of stress fibers, uncoupling from paxillin and predominance of cortical F-actin. In parallel, Rho-kinase downstream targets, namely myosin regulatory light chain and cofilin, were phosphorylated. These effects resembled the morphological changes in MDCK cells exposed to hyperosmotic shock, which led to Ca2+-dependent AMPK activation via calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase-β(CaMKKβ), a known upstream kinase of AMPK. Indeed, hypertonicity-induced AMPK activation was markedly reduced by the STO-609 CaMKKβ inhibitor, as was the increase in MLC and cofilin phosphorylation. We suggest that AMPK links osmotic stress to the reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   
In the present work, we provide compelling evidence for the expression of a ghrelin-like peptide hormone that has only been associated with animals, in various plant tissues. Ghrelin, the appetite stimulating hormone, has been identified from a number of different species including humans, rat, pig, mouse, gerbil, eel, goldfish, bullfrog and chicken. The study here was conducted using an immunohistochemistry assay to screen whether plants have any ghrelin immunoreactivity. In this respect, Prunus x domestica L. and Marus alba were examined. Immunohistochemistry results showed that there is a strong human ghrelin immunoreactivity substance in the parenchyma cells of these plants. This was entirely unexpected since this hormone was considered to be present solely in animals. Thus, this study is the first to report the presence of a peptide with ghrelin-like activity in plants, a finding that has only been observed in the animal kingdom. RIA analysis confirmed that these plants contain significant amounts of this substance. Furthermore, reverse-phase HPLC analyses of plant extracts showed an elution characteristic of the peptide identical to that of human ghrelin. In general, fruit from both plants had higher levels of the peptide than the vegetative parts.  相似文献   
Apoptosis of lymphoid tissues during sepsis is well documented and linked to the pathobiology of organ failure and death. In this study, we evaluated the effect of a single dose of recombinant erythropoietin (EPO) on thymic and splenic apoptosis in an endotoxic sepsis model. Young male Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups and administered intraperitoneally (IP) either normal saline; lipopolysaccharide (LPS) 10 mg/kg; or EPO (5000 U/kg) 30 min before lipopolysaccharide. Six hours following LPS administration animals were sacrificed. Apoptosis was assessed by hematoxylin-eosin staining, terminal deoxynucleotide transferase-mediated fluorescein-dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL), and caspase-3 immunostaining. When compared with animals given LPS, animals pretreated with EPO displayed reduced splenic and thymic TUNEL positivity of 44+/-3 (p<0.05) and 143+/-4 (p<0.05) nuclei per high power field (hpf), respectively. Caspase-3 positivity was also significantly reduced in the spleen and thymus, with 31+/-4 (p<0.05) and 93+/-3 (p<0.05) positive stained nuclei per hpf, respectively. Serum nitrite levels were elevated in animals given lipopolysaccharide. Pretreatment with EPO attenuated the increase in nitrite levels; however, this did not reach statistical significance. We conclude that a single dose of recombinant erythropoietin can reduce thymic and splenic apoptosis associated with lipopolysaccharide administration.  相似文献   
We propose and demonstrate a novel approach to measure the size and refractive index of microparticles based on two beam optical trapping, where forward scattered light is detected to give information about the particle. The counter-propagating optical trap measurement (COTM) system exploits the capability of optical traps to measure pico-Newton forces for microparticles' refractive index and size characterization. Different from the current best technique for microparticles' refractive index measurement, refractometry, a bulk technique requiring changing the fluid composition of the sample, our optical trap technique works with any transparent fluid and enables single particle analysis without the use of biological markers. A ray-optics model is used to explore the physical operation of the COTM system, predict system performance and aid system design. Experiments demonstrate the accuracy of refractive index measurement of Deltan=0.013 and size measurement of 3% of diameter with 2% standard deviation. Present performance is instrumentation limited, and a potential improvement by more than two orders of magnitude can be expected in the future. With further development in parallelism and miniaturization, the system offers advantages for cell manipulation and bioanalysis compatible with lab-on-a-chip systems.  相似文献   
Disturbance is one of the most important factors promoting exotic invasion. However, if disturbance per se is sufficient to explain exotic success, then "invasion" abroad should not differ from "colonization" at home. Comparisons of the effects of disturbance on organisms in their native and introduced ranges are crucial to elucidate whether this is the case; however, such comparisons have not been conducted. We investigated the effects of disturbance on the success of Eurasian native Centaurea solstitialis in two invaded regions, California and Argentina, and one native region, Turkey, by conducting field experiments consisting of simulating different disturbances and adding locally collected C. solstitialis seeds. We also tested differences among C. solstitialis genotypes in these three regions and the effects of local soil microbes on C. solstitialis performance in greenhouse experiments. Disturbance increased C. solstitialis abundance and performance far more in nonnative ranges than in the native range, but C. solstitialis biomass and fecundity were similar among populations from all regions grown under common conditions. Eurasian soil microbes suppressed growth of C. solstitialis plants, while Californian and Argentinean soil biota did not. We suggest that escape from soil pathogens may contribute to the disproportionately powerful effect of disturbance in introduced regions.  相似文献   
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