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In savannas, the tree-grass balance is governed by water, nutrients, fire and herbivory, and their interactions. We studied the hypothesis that herbivores indirectly affect vegetation structure by changing the availability of soil nutrients, which, in turn, alters the competition between trees and grasses. Nine abandoned livestock holding-pen areas (kraals), enriched by dung and urine, were contrasted with nearby control sites in a semi-arid savanna. About 40 years after abandonment, kraal sites still showed high soil concentrations of inorganic N, extractable P, K, Ca and Mg compared to controls. Kraals also had a high plant production potential and offered high quality forage. The intense grazing and high herbivore dung and urine deposition rates in kraals fit the accelerated nutrient cycling model described for fertile systems elsewhere. Data of a concurrent experiment also showed that bush-cleared patches resulted in an increase in impala dung deposition, probably because impala preferred open sites to avoid predation. Kraal sites had very low tree densities compared to control sites, thus the high impala dung deposition rates here may be in part driven by the open structure of kraal sites, which may explain the persistence of nutrients in kraals. Experiments indicated that tree seedlings were increasingly constrained when competing with grasses under fertile conditions, which might explain the low tree recruitment observed in kraals. In conclusion, large herbivores may indirectly keep existing nutrient hotspots such as abandoned kraals structurally open by maintaining a high local soil fertility, which, in turn, constrains woody recruitment in a negative feedback loop. The maintenance of nutrient hotspots such as abandoned kraals by herbivores contributes to the structural heterogeneity of nutrient-poor savanna vegetation.  相似文献   
1. Water‐level fluctuations are typical of lakes located in the semi‐arid Mediterranean region, which is characterised by warm rainy winters and hot dry summers. Ongoing climate change may exacerbate fluctuations and lead to more severe episodes of drought, so information on the effects of water level on the functioning of lake ecosystems in such regions is crucial. 2. In eutrophic Lake Eymir, Turkey, we conducted a 4‐month (summer) field experiment using cylindrical 0.8‐m‐ (low‐water‐level) and 1.6‐m‐deep (high‐water‐level) mesocosms (kept open to the sediment and atmosphere). Fish (tench, Tinca tinca, and bleak, Alburnus escherichii) were added to half of the mesocosms, while the rest were kept fishless. Ten shoots of Potamogeton pectinatus were transplanted to each mesocosm. 3. Sampling for physicochemical variables, chlorophyll a (chl‐a), zooplankton and per cent plant volume inhabited (PVI%) by macrophytes was conducted weekly during the first 5 weeks, and subsequently biweekly. Macrophytes were harvested on the last sampling date. During the course of the experiment, the water level decreased by 0.41 ± 0.06 m. 4. Throughout the experiment, fish affected zooplankton abundance (?), nutrient concentrations (+), chl‐a (+) and water clarity (?) most strongly in the low‐water‐level mesocosms and the zooplankton community shifted towards dominance of small‐sized forms. The fishless mesocosms had a higher zooplankton/phytoplankton ratio, suggesting higher grazing. 5. Greatest macrophyte growth was observed in the low‐water‐level fishless mesocosms. However, despite high nutrient concentrations and low water clarity, macrophytes were also abundant in the fish mesocosms and particularly increased following a water‐level decrease from midsummer onwards. Macrophyte growth was poor in the high‐water‐level mesocosms, even in the fishless ones with high water clarity. This was ascribed to extensive periphyton development reducing light availability for the macrophytes. 6. Our results indicate that a reduction in water level during summer may help maintain the growth of macrophytes in Mediterranean eutrophic shallow lakes, despite a strong negative effect of fish predation on water clarity. It is therefore probable that an expected negative effect of global climate change on water clarity because of eutrophication and enhanced top‐down control of fish may be, at least partly, counteracted by reduced water level, provided that physical disturbance is not severe.  相似文献   
Escherichia coli MutY has an important role in preventing mutations associated with the oxidative lesion 7,8-dihydro-8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine (OG) in DNA by excising adenines from OG.A mismatches as the first step of base excision repair. To determine the importance of specific steps in the base pair recognition and base removal process of MutY, we have evaluated the effects of modifications of the OG.A substrate on the kinetics of base removal, mismatch affinity and repair to G-C in an E. coli-based assay. Notably, adenine modification was tolerated in the cellular assay, whereas modification of OG resulted in minimal cellular repair. High affinity for the mismatch and efficient base removal required the presence of OG. Taken together, these results suggest that the presence of OG is a critical feature that is necessary for MutY to locate OG.A mismatches and select the appropriate adenines for excision to initiate repair in vivo before replication.  相似文献   
The crystal structures of MutS protein from Thermus aquaticus and Escherichia coli in a complex with a mismatch-containing DNA duplex reveal that the Glu residue in a conserved Phe-X-Glu motif participates in a hydrogen-bonded contact with either an unpaired thymidine or the thymidine of a G-T base-base mismatch. Here, the role of hydrogen bonding in mismatch recognition by MutS is assessed. The relative affinities of MutS for DNA duplexes containing nonpolar shape mimics of A and T, 4-methylbenzimidazole (Z), and difluorotoluene (F), respectively, that lack hydrogen bonding donors and acceptors, are determined in gel mobility shift assays. The results provide support for an induced fit mode of mismatch binding in which duplexes destabilized by mismatches are preferred substrates for kinking by MutS. Hydrogen bonding between the O epsilon 2 group of Glu and the mismatched base contributes only marginally to mismatch recognition and is significantly less important than the aromatic ring stack with the conserved Phe residue. A MutS protein in which Ala is substituted for Glu(38) is shown to be defective for mismatch repair in vivo. DNA binding studies reveal a novel role for the conserved Glu residue in the establishment of mismatch discrimination by MutS.  相似文献   
DNA polymerases insert a dNTP by a multistep mechanism that involves a conformational rearrangement from an open to a closed ternary complex, a process that positions the incoming dNTP in the proper orientation for phosphodiester bond formation. In this work, the importance and relative contribution of hydrogen-bonding interactions and the geometric shape of the base pair that forms during this process were studied using Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I (Klenow fragment, 3'-exonuclease deficient) and natural dNTPs or non-hydrogen-bonding dNTP analogues. Both the geometric fit of the incoming nucleotide and its ability to form Watson-Crick hydrogen bonds with the template were found to contribute to the stability of the closed ternary complex. Although the formation of a closed complex in the presence of a non-hydrogen-bonding nucleotide analogue could be detected by limited proteolysis analysis, a comparison of the stabilities of the ternary complexes indicated that hydrogen-bonding interactions between the incoming dNTP and the template increase the stability of the complex by 6-20-fold. Any deviation from the Watson-Crick base pair geometry was shown to have a destabilizing effect on the closed complex. This degree of destabilization varied from 3- to 730-fold and was found to be correlated with the size of the mismatched base pair. Finally, a stable closed complex is not formed in the presence of a ddNTP or rNTP. These results are discussed in relation to the steric exclusion model for the nucleotide insertion.  相似文献   
Enzymatic ligation methods are useful in diagnostic detection of DNA sequences. Here we describe the investigation of nonenzymatic phosphorothioate-iodide DNA autoligation chemistry as a method for detection and identification of both RNA and DNA sequences. Combining ligation specificity with the hybridization specificity of the ligated product is shown to yield discrimination of a point mutation as high as >10(4)-fold. Unlike enzymatic ligations, this reaction is found to be equally efficient on RNA or DNA templates. The reaction is also shown to exhibit a significant level of self-amplification, with the template acting in catalytic fashion to ligate multiple pairs of probes. A strategy for fluorescence labeling of three autoligating energy transfer (ALET) probes and directly competing them for autoligation on a target sequence is described. The method is tested in several formats, including solution phase, gel, and blot assays. The ALET probe design offers direct RNA detection, combining high sequence specificity with an easily detectable color change by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET).  相似文献   
The multidrug resistance protein family   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
The human multidrug resistance protein (MRP) family contains at least six members: MRP1, the godfather of the family and well known as the multidrug resistance protein, and five homologs, called MRP2-6. In this review, we summarize what is known about the protein structure, the expression in tissues, the routing in cells, the physiological functions, the substrate specificity, and the role in multidrug resistance of the individual members of the MRP family.  相似文献   
DNA curvature at A tracts containing a non-polar thymine mimic   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
We report the first experimental probing of electrostatic interactions on the pyrimidine side of a bent A tract. Although the curvature of short A tracts (A4–A6) has long been studied, its physical origins remain under debate. Current hypotheses include the influence of major-groove hydrogen bonds between propeller-twisted base pairs, electrostatic effects of closely associated minor-groove cations, effects of minor-groove solvation, and stacking effects at the junctions adjacent to the A tract. We investigated this problem through the substitution of thymidines in A5 tracts by difluorotoluene deoxynucleoside (F), a non-polar molecule of the same size and shape which lacks hydrogen bonding and metal-ion complexing capabilities. Ligation experiments with phased A tracts demonstrated that F substitution has asymmetric effects on the bend angle. The strongest effects occurred at the second and third thymines where curvature was reduced from 19.8° to 5.3° and 9.6°, respectively. Moderate effects were observed with substitutions at positions 1 and 4, while substitution at position 5 had no effect on bend angle. The results support the hypothesis that highly localized electrostatic interactions are a principal cause of A-tract curvature. Furthermore, they are most consistent with the notion that local metal-ion complexation at O2 of thymine is a strong component of these interactions.  相似文献   
Marine reserves are becoming progressively more important as anthropogenic impacts continue to increase, but we have little baseline information for most marine environments. In this study, we focus on the Oceanic Shoals Commonwealth Marine Reserve (CMR) in northern Australia, particularly the carbonate banks and terraces of the Sahul Shelf and Van Diemen Rise which have been designated a Key Ecological Feature (KEF). We use a species-level inventory compiled from three marine surveys to the CMR to address several questions relevant to marine management: 1) Are carbonate banks and other raised geomorphic features associated with biodiversity hotspots? 2) Can environmental (depth, substrate hardness, slope) or biogeographic (east vs west) variables help explain local and regional differences in community structure? 3) Do sponge communities differ among individual raised geomorphic features? Approximately 750 sponge specimens were collected in the Oceanic Shoals CMR and assigned to 348 species, of which only 18% included taxonomically described species. Between eastern and western areas of the CMR, there was no difference between sponge species richness or assemblages on raised geomorphic features. Among individual raised geomorphic features, sponge assemblages were significantly different, but species richness was not. Species richness showed no linear relationships with measured environmental factors, but sponge assemblages were weakly associated with several environmental variables including mean depth and mean backscatter (east and west) and mean slope (east only). These patterns of sponge diversity are applied to support the future management and monitoring of this region, particularly noting the importance of spatial scale in biodiversity assessments and associated management strategies.  相似文献   
The recently declared Australian Commonwealth Marine Reserve (CMR) Network covers a total of 3.1 million km2 of continental shelf, slope, and abyssal habitat. Managing and conserving the biodiversity values within this network requires knowledge of the physical and biological assets that lie within its boundaries. Unfortunately very little is known about the habitats and biological assemblages of the continental shelf within the network, where diversity is richest and anthropogenic pressures are greatest. Effective management of the CMR estate into the future requires this knowledge gap to be filled efficiently and quantitatively. The challenge is particularly great for the shelf as multibeam echosounder (MBES) mapping, a key tool for identifying and quantifying habitat distribution, is time consuming in shallow depths, so full coverage mapping of the CMR shelf assets is unrealistic in the medium-term. Here we report on the results of a study undertaken in the Flinders Commonwealth Marine Reserve (southeast Australia) designed to test the benefits of two approaches to characterising shelf habitats: (i) MBES mapping of a continuous (~30 km2) area selected on the basis of its potential to include a range of seabed habitats that are potentially representative of the wider area, versus; (ii) a novel approach that uses targeted mapping of a greater number of smaller, but spatially balanced, locations using a Generalized Random Tessellation Stratified sample design. We present the first quantitative estimates of habitat type and sessile biological communities on the shelf of the Flinders reserve, the former based on three MBES analysis techniques. We contrast the quality of information that both survey approaches offer in combination with the three MBES analysis methods. The GRTS approach enables design based estimates of habitat types and sessile communities and also identifies potential biodiversity hotspots in the northwest corner of the reserve’s IUCN zone IV, and in locations close to shelf incising canyon heads. Design based estimates of habitats, however, vary substantially depending on the MBES analysis technique, highlighting the challenging nature of the reserve’s low profile reefs, and improvements that are needed when acquiring MBES data for small GRTS locations. We conclude that the two survey approaches are complementary and both have their place in a successful and flexible monitoring strategy; the emphasis on one method over the other should be considered on a case by case basis, taking into account the survey objectives and limitations imposed by the type of vessel, time available, size and location of the region where knowledge is required.  相似文献   
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