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The holoparasitic plant genus Cuscuta is comprised of species with various degrees of plastid functionality and significant differences in photosynthetic capacity, ranging from moderate to no photosynthetic carbon fixation. In the present study, several Cuscuta species were analyzed with respect to the overall contents of tocochromanols and plastoquinone and the levels of the individual tocochromanols. No correlations among photosynthetic capacity, the amount of carotenoids, of plastoquinone and of tocochromanols were observed. On the contrary, wide variation in the composition of the tocochromanol fraction was observed among different species, as well as in stems of the same species in response to starvation conditions. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology - Samples of strawberries were divided into two portions, they were wrapped and one portion was irradiated at 200 krad. A total of 30 samples of Dutch...  相似文献   
Coherency phase is often interpreted as a time delay reflecting a transmission delay between spatially separated neural populations. However, time delays estimated from corticomuscular coherency are conflicting and often shorter than expected physiologically. Recent work suggests that corticomuscular coherence is influenced by afferent sensory feedback and bidirectional interactions. We investigated how bidirectional interaction affects time delay estimated from coherency, using a feedback model of the corticomuscular system. We also evaluated the effect of bidirectional interaction on two popular directed connectivity measures: directed transfer function (DTF) and partial directed coherence (PDC). The model is able to reproduce the range of time delays found experimentally from coherency phase by varying the strengths of the efferent and afferent pathways and the recording of sensory feedback in the cortical signal. Both coherency phase and DTF phase were affected by sensory feedback, resulting in an underestimation of the transmission delay. Coherency phase was altered by the recording of sensory feedback in the cortical signals and both measures were affected by the presence of a closed loop feedback system. Only PDC phase led to the correct estimation of efferent transmission delay in all simulated model configurations. Coherency and DTF phase should not be used to estimate transmission delays in neural networks as the estimated time delays are meaningless in the presence of sensory feedback and closed feedback loops.  相似文献   
Free-living protozoan communities in water supplies may include hosts for Legionella pneumophila and other undesired bacteria, as well as pathogens. This study aimed at identifying free-living protozoa in two unchlorinated groundwater supplies, using cultivation-independent molecular approaches. For this purpose, samples (<20°C) of treated water, distributed water, and distribution system biofilms were collected from supply A, with a low concentration of natural organic matter (NOM) (<0.5 ppm of C), and from supply B, with a high NOM concentration (7.9 ppm of C). Eukaryotic communities were studied using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism and clone library analyses of partial 18S rRNA gene fragments and a Hartmannella vermiformis-specific quantitative PCR (qPCR). In both supplies, highly diverse eukaryotic communities were observed, including free-living protozoa, fungi, and metazoa. Sequences of protozoa clustered with Amoebozoa (10 operational taxonomic units [OTUs]), Cercozoa (39 OTUs), Choanozoa (26 OTUs), Ciliophora (29 OTUs), Euglenozoa (13 OTUs), Myzozoa (5 OTUs), and Stramenopiles (5 OTUs). A large variety of protozoa were present in both supplies, but the estimated values for protozoan richness did not differ significantly. H. vermiformis was observed in both supplies but was not a predominant protozoan. One OTU with the highest similarity to Acanthamoeba polyphaga, an opportunistic human pathogen and a host for undesired bacteria, was observed in supply A. The high level of NOM in supply B corresponded with an elevated level of active biomass and with elevated concentrations of H. vermiformis in distributed water. Hence, the application of qPCR may be promising in elucidating the relationship between drinking water quality and the presence of specific protozoa.Free-living protozoa are ubiquitous in natural freshwater environments (7, 38, 51, 71) but also proliferate in engineered water systems, including water treatment systems (3, 47, 70), distribution systems (6, 75), and tap water installations inside buildings (54, 69). Concentrations of protozoa, determined using cultivation methods and microscopy, range from <1 to 104 cells liter−1 in treated water (3, 47, 70, 75) and from <1 to 7 × 105 cells liter−1 in distribution systems (6, 61, 64, 75). Genera of free-living protozoa commonly observed in these systems and in tap water installations include Acanthamoeba, Echinamoeba, Hartmannella, Platyamoeba, Vahlkampfia, and Vannella (47, 58, 69, 70). In warm water systems, certain free-living protozoa, e.g., Acanthamoeba spp. (57), Balamuthia mandrillaris (62), Echinamoeba exandans (16), Hartmannella spp. (39, 56), Naegleria spp. (49, 57), Tetrahymena spp. (18, 33), and Vahlkampfia jugosa (56), serve as hosts for Legionella pneumophila, the etiologic agent of Legionnaires'' disease. High concentrations of L. pneumophila are generally associated with the proliferation of host protozoa in biofilms (38, 53). In addition, other amoeba-resistant, potentially pathogenic bacteria, e.g., Burkholderia spp. (28) and Mycobacterium spp. (37), have been observed in man-made aquatic environments (24). Free-living protozoa may enhance the multiplication of bacteria, serve as a transmission vector, or serve as a shelter against unfavorable environmental conditions, such as the presence of disinfectants. Furthermore, certain free-living protozoa are human pathogens, e.g., Naegleria fowleri (81), Balamuthia mandrillaris (77), and Acanthamoeba spp. (12) can cause encephalitis. Acanthamoeba spp. have also been associated with keratitis in persons wearing contact lenses (31).Free-living protozoa feed on bacteria, algae, fungi, other protozoa, and organic detritus in biofilms or in the planktonic phase, thereby affecting the structure of microbial communities. In turn, the community of free-living protozoa depends on the diversity and abundance of bacteria in the biofilm and in the planktonic phase (26, 50, 51, 55, 63, 65). Water quality is a critical factor for biofilm formation in distribution systems and tap water installations and therefore will affect the abundance and diversity of free-living protozoa in these systems (72, 78). However, information about the presence and identity of free-living protozoa in water supplies in relation to the quality of treated water is scarce, which may be attributed to the limitations of microscopic techniques and cultivation methods for detection and identification of these organisms, e.g., low detection limits and selectivity for specific groups (19).In this study, we applied a variety of cultivation-independent techniques, viz., quantitative PCR, terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis, and cloning and sequencing of eukaryotic 18S rRNA gene fragments, for the detection and identification of free-living protozoa predominating in two unchlorinated groundwater supplies. The concentrations of dissolved natural organic matter (NOM) in treated water at the plant were <0.5 mg C liter−1 and 7.9 mg C liter−1, covering the entire range of NOM concentrations in drinking water in The Netherlands. The objectives of the study were (i) to elucidate the identities of and diversity in the free-living protozoa predominating in these two different water supplies and (ii) to trace the presence of host protozoa for L. pneumophila and pathogenic free-living protozoa. The study revealed that treated water and biofilms in the distribution systems of both water supplies contained a large variety of free-living protozoa, including protozoan hosts for Legionella bacteria.  相似文献   
Legionella pneumophila proliferates in aquatic habitats within free-living protozoa, 17 species of which have been identified as hosts by using in vitro experiments. The present study aimed at identifying protozoan hosts for L. pneumophila by using a biofilm batch test (BBT). Samples (600 ml) collected from 21 engineered freshwater systems, with added polyethylene cylinders to promote biofilm formation, were inoculated with L. pneumophila and subsequently incubated at 37°C for 20 days. Growth of L. pneumophila was observed in 16 of 18 water types when the host protozoan Hartmannella vermiformis was added. Twelve of the tested water types supported growth of L. pneumophila or indigenous Legionella anisa without added H. vermiformis. In 12 of 19 BBT flasks H. vermiformis was indicated as a host, based on the ratio between maximum concentrations of L. pneumophila and H. vermiformis, determined with quantitative PCR (Q-PCR), and the composition of clone libraries of partial 18S rRNA gene fragments. Analyses of 609 eukaryotic clones from the BBTs revealed that 68 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) showed the highest similarity to free-living protozoa. Forty percent of the sequences clustering with protozoa showed ≥99.5% similarity to H. vermiformis. None of the other protozoa serving as hosts in in vitro studies were detected in the BBTs. In several tests with growth of L. pneumophila, the protozoa Diphylleia rotans, Echinamoeba thermarum, and Neoparamoeba sp. were identified as candidate hosts. In vitro studies are needed to confirm their role as hosts for L. pneumophila. Unidentified protozoa were implicated as hosts for uncultured Legionella spp. grown in BBT flasks at 15°C.Legionella pneumophila, the causative agent of Legionnaires'' disease, is a common inhabitant of natural freshwater environments and human-made water systems, including cooling towers, whirlpools, air-conditioning systems, and installations for warm tap water (14). In the aquatic environment L. pneumophila proliferates within certain free-living protozoa, which serve as its hosts (15, 30, 59). Environmental factors favoring the growth and survival of L. pneumophila in freshwater systems include a water temperature between 20°C and 45°C (41, 60) and the presence of biofilms and sediments on which the protozoan hosts can graze (30, 41, 56).Rowbotham (44) was the first to report the growth of L. pneumophila within free-living amoebae, which belonged to the genera Acanthamoeba and Naegleria. In vitro studies with cocultures have revealed that 14 species of amoebae, viz., Acanthamoeba spp. (1, 35, 44, 53), Balamuthia mandrillaris (47), Echinamoeba exundans (15), Hartmannella spp. (43), Naegleria spp. (38, 44, 53), and Vahlkampfia jugosa (43); the slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum (20, 48); and two species of the ciliate genus Tetrahymena (15, 26) can serve as hosts for L. pneumophila. Recently, it has been reported that L. pneumophila can also replicate within the intestinal tract of the microbiovorous nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (3).A number of the free-living protozoa mentioned above and others, e.g., Vannella spp. and Saccamoeba spp., have been observed in aquatic environments from which L. pneumophila was cultivated or in which it was detected with PCR (4, 42, 51, 52). However, it remains unknown which of these protozoa actually serve as hosts for L. pneumophila in the aquatic environment, including human-made water systems. Moreover, it cannot be excluded that free-living protozoa other than those tested in vitro can serve as hosts for L. pneumophila as well. Information is also lacking about protozoan hosts for Legionella anisa (13, 49), which is frequently present in water installations in temperate regions (11, 62). Furthermore, it is unknown which free-living protozoa serve as hosts for uncultured Legionella bacteria that can grow at temperatures of about 15°C (61; B. A. Wullings, G. Bakker, and D. van der Kooij, submitted for publication).L. pneumophila can proliferate in samples of surface water, effluent of wastewater treatment plants, potable water, and water from cooling towers incubated at 25°C, 35°C, or 37°C (28, 45, 56). Consequently, incubation of freshwater samples can be used to amplify protozoan hosts for L. pneumophila and other Legionella spp. In this study, different human-made water types were investigated using a biofilm batch test (BBT) system to (i) amplify and subsequently identify predominating, known, and yet-undescribed hosts for L. pneumophila and (ii) identify potential protozoan hosts for Legionella bacteria that can grow at 15°C.  相似文献   
Representatives of the genus Legionella were detected by use of a real-time PCR method in all water samples collected directly after treatment from 16 surface water (SW) supplies prior to postdisinfection and from 81 groundwater (GW) supplies. Legionella concentrations ranged from 1.1 x 10(3) to 7.8 x 10(5) cells liter(-1) and were significantly higher in SW treated with multiple barriers at 4 degrees C than in GW treated at 9 to 12 degrees C with aeration and filtration but without chemical disinfection. No Legionellae (<50 CFU liter(-1)) were detected in treated water by the culture method. Legionella was also observed in untreated SW and in untreated aerobic and anaerobic GW. Filtration processes in SW and GW treatment had little effect or increased the Legionella concentration, but ozonation in SW treatment caused about 1-log-unit reduction. A phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences of 202 clones, obtained from a selection of samples, showed a high similarity (>91%) with Legionella sequences in the GenBank database. A total of 40 (33%) of the 16S rRNA gene sequences obtained from treated water were identified as described Legionella species and types, including L. bozemanii, L. worsleiensis, Legionella-like amoebal pathogen types, L. quateirensis, L. waltersii, and L. pneumophila. 16S rRNA gene sequences with a similarity of below 97% from described species were positioned all over the phylogenetic tree of Legionella. Hence, a large diversity of yet-uncultured Legionellae are common members of the microbial communities in SW and GW treated at water temperatures of below 15 degrees C.  相似文献   


Cell division in Bacillus subtilis occurs precisely at midcell. Positional control of cell division is exerted by two mechanisms: nucleoid occlusion, through Noc, which prevents division through nucleoids, and the Min system, where the combined action of the MinC, D and J proteins prevents formation of the FtsZ ring at cell poles or recently completed division sites.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used a genetic screen to identify mutations in ftsZ that confer resistance to the lethal overexpression of the MinC/MinD division inhibitor. The FtsZ mutants were purified and found to polymerize to a similar or lesser extent as wild type FtsZ, and all mutants displayed reduced GTP hydrolysis activity indicative of a reduced polymerization turnover. We found that even though the mutations conferred in vivo resistance to MinC/D, the purified FtsZ mutants did not display strong resistance to MinC in vitro.


Our results show that in B. subtilis, overproduction of MinC can be countered by mutations that alter FtsZ polymerization dynamics. Even though it would be very likely that the FtsZ mutants found depend on other Z-ring stabilizing proteins such as ZapA, FtsA or SepF, we found this not to be the case. This indicates that the cell division process in B. subtilis is extremely robust.  相似文献   
Intracellular polysaccharide fractions were isolated from calcifying B-type cells of Emiliania huxleyi and separated by electrophoretic fractionation. In all fractions, the polysaccharide was immunologically related to the polysaccharide of (extracellular) B-type coccoliths (CP-B) and not to polysaccharides of A-type coccoliths (CP-A). Most polysaccharide fractions also contained protein material. The fraction with the largest proportion of protein was used to raise antibodies. The resulting antiserum, α-BP, contained antibodies against both CP-B- and protein-epitopes. The antibodies specific for polysaccharide-epitopes reacted with intracellular polysaccharide fractions of B-type cells only. In contrast, the antibodies specific for protein-epitopes reacted with the intracellular fractions of B-type as well as A-type cells. With immunolocalization, the presence of protein antigen in a layer surrounding both types of cells was demonstrated. A cDNA library of E. huxleyi was screened with α-BP, and a gene called gpa was isolated. The open reading frame of gpa was found to encode a protein (GPA) of 36,608 D, containing, inter alia, 24% acidic residues (18% glutamic acid and 6% aspartic acid), 12% proline, and 23% alanine. GPA has two repeats, one containing a sequence resembling the Ca2+-binding loop of EF-hands. Overproduction of GPA in a prokaryotic system yielded a dimeric product capable of binding Ca2+. The possible role of GPA in the formation of coccoliths in E. huxleyi is discussed.  相似文献   
Mouse monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) specific for potato virus M (PVM) were prepared and the properties of three of them were studied. MAb M4C1 is IgG2b, it binds with high affinity to PVM coat protein, to purified virus preparations and recognises PVM in infected potato leaves and tubers. MAb M6D5 is IgG2a and also reacts with PVM coat protein, purified PVM and with PVM in potato leaf and tuber extracts. In double-antibody sandwich ELISA (DAS ELISA) MAbs M4C1 and M6D5 reacted with all 17 PVM isolates tested. MAb M7 is IgG2b and recognises PVM only in indirect dot ELISA on nitrocellulose filters and viral coat protein on Western blots. MAbs against PVM were used as capture antibodies and europium-labelled MAbs as conjugates in time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay (EuTRFIA). The standard EuTRFIA curve of PVM detection is approximately linear over a range of PVM concentrations from 0.5 ng/ml to 1000 ng/ml. The lowest PVM concentration detectable in EuTRFIA was 0.5 ng/ml and correspondingly 6 ng/ml in DAS ELISA. The use of the europium chelate label allows PVM detection in potato leaf and tuber sap at dilutions greater than 10--4 with very low background fluorescence. EuTRFIA with MAbs, with either one or two incubations is about 10–20 times more sensitive for PVM detection than is DAS ELISA. PVM and PVX, mixed with healthy potato tuber sap, were simultaneously tested in a single sample at concentrations lower than 10 ng/ml by double-label TRFIA using europium-labelled MAbs to PVM and samarium-labelled MAbs to PVX.  相似文献   
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