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Small peptide tags are often fused to proteins to allow their affinity purification in high-throughput structure analysis schemes. To assess the compatibility of small peptide tags with protein crystallization and to examine if the tags alter the three-dimensional structure, the N-terminus of the chicken alpha-spectrin SH3 domain was labeled with a His6 tag and the C-terminus with a StrepII tag. The resulting protein, His6-SH3-StrepII, consists of 83 amino-acid residues, 23 of which originate from the tags. His6-SH3-StrepII is readily purified by dual affinity chromatography, has very similar biophysical characteristics as the untagged protein domain and crystallizes readily from a number of sparse-matrix screen conditions. The crystal structure analysis at 2.3 A resolution proves native-like structure of His6-SH3-StrepII and shows the entire His6 tag and part of the StrepII tag to be disordered in the crystal. Obviously, the fused affinity tags did not interfere with crystallization and structure analysis and did not change the protein structure. From the extreme case of His6-SH3-StrepII, where affinity tags represent 27% of the total fusion protein mass, we extrapolate that protein constructs with N- and C-terminal peptide tags may lend themselves to biophysical and structural investigations in high-throughput regimes.  相似文献   
Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) microscopy continues to gain increasing interest as a technique for real-time monitoring of biochemical and signaling events in live cells and tissues. Compared to classical biochemical methods, this novel technology is characterized by high temporal and spatial resolution. FRET experiments use various genetically-encoded biosensors which can be expressed and imaged over time in situ or in vivo1-2. Typical biosensors can either report protein-protein interactions by measuring FRET between a fluorophore-tagged pair of proteins or conformational changes in a single protein which harbors donor and acceptor fluorophores interconnected with a binding moiety for a molecule of interest3-4. Bimolecular biosensors for protein-protein interactions include, for example, constructs designed to monitor G-protein activation in cells5, while the unimolecular sensors measuring conformational changes are widely used to image second messengers such as calcium6, cAMP7-8, inositol phosphates9 and cGMP10-11. Here we describe how to build a customized epifluorescence FRET imaging system from single commercially available components and how to control the whole setup using the Micro-Manager freeware. This simple but powerful instrument is designed for routine or more sophisticated FRET measurements in live cells. Acquired images are processed using self-written plug-ins to visualize changes in FRET ratio in real-time during any experiments before being stored in a graphics format compatible with the build-in ImageJ freeware used for subsequent data analysis. This low-cost system is characterized by high flexibility and can be successfully used to monitor various biochemical events and signaling molecules by a plethora of available FRET biosensors in live cells and tissues. As an example, we demonstrate how to use this imaging system to perform real-time monitoring of cAMP in live 293A cells upon stimulation with a β-adrenergic receptor agonist and blocker.  相似文献   


The breadth of ecological niches and dispersal abilities have long been discussed as important determinants of species' range sizes. However, studies directly comparing the relative effects of both factors are rare, taxonomically biased and revealed inconsistent results.



Time Period


Major Taxa

Butterflies, Lepidoptera.


We relate climate, diet and habitat niche breadth and two indicators of dispersal ability, wingspan and a dispersal tendency index, to the global range size of 369 European-centred butterfly species. The relative effects of these five predictors and their variation across the butterfly phylogeny were assessed by means of phylogenetic generalized least squares models and phylogenetically weighted regressions respectively.


Climate niche breadth was the most important single predictor, followed by habitat and diet niche breadth, while dispersal tendency and wingspan showed no relation to species' range size. All predictors together explained 59% of the variation in butterfly range size. However, the effects of each predictor varied considerably across families and genera.

Main Conclusions

Range sizes of European-centred butterflies are strongly correlated with ecological niche breadth but apparently independent of dispersal ability. The magnitude of range size–niche breadth relationships is not stationary across the phylogeny and is often negatively correlated across the different dimensions of the ecological niche. This variation limits the generalizability of range size–trait relationships across broad taxonomic groups.  相似文献   
Healthcare services increasingly use the activity recognition technology to track the daily activities of individuals. In some cases, this is used to provide incentives. For example, some health insurance companies offer discount to customers who are physically active, based on the data collected from their activity tracking devices. Therefore, there is an increasing motivation for individuals to cheat, by making activity trackers detect activities that increase their benefits rather than the ones they actually do. In this study, we used a novel method to make activity recognition robust against deceptive behavior. We asked 14 subjects to attempt to trick our smartphone-based activity classifier by making it detect an activity other than the one they actually performed, for example by shaking the phone while seated to make the classifier detect walking. If they succeeded, we used their motion data to retrain the classifier, and asked them to try to trick it again. The experiment ended when subjects could no longer cheat. We found that some subjects were not able to trick the classifier at all, while others required five rounds of retraining. While classifiers trained on normal activity data predicted true activity with ~38% accuracy, training on the data gathered during the deceptive behavior increased their accuracy to ~84%. We conclude that learning the deceptive behavior of one individual helps to detect the deceptive behavior of others. Thus, we can make current activity recognition robust to deception by including deceptive activity data from a few individuals.  相似文献   
A novel nanocomposite surface is prepared by coating surface-adsorbed dielectric colloidal particles with a contiguous layer of gold nanoparticles. The resulting surface shows pronounced optical extinction in reflection with the extinction peaks located in the UV–Vis and NIR region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The peak positions of these maxima change very sensitively with the adsorption of organic molecules onto the surface. For the adsorption of a monolayer of octadecanethiol, we observe a peak shift of 55 nm on average, which is about five times that of established label-free sensing methods based on propagating and localized surface plasmons. In a first proof-of-principle experiment, the interaction of peptides with specific antibodies has been detected without labeling by means of a fiber-optical set-up with microscopic lateral resolution. To avoid crosstalk in high-density arrays, the optically responsive surface areas can be locally separated on a micro- or even nanometer scale. Accordingly, the newly developed optically responsive surfaces are well suited for integration into high-density peptide or DNA arrays as demanded in genomics, proteomics, and biomedical research in general.  相似文献   
The classical view of cortical information processing is that of a bottom-up process in a feedforward hierarchy. However, psychophysical, anatomical, and physiological evidence suggests that top-down effects play a crucial role in the processing of input stimuli. Not much is known about the neural mechanisms underlying these effects. Here we investigate a physiologically inspired model of two reciprocally connected cortical areas. Each area receives bottom-up as well as top-down information. This information is integrated by a mechanism that exploits recent findings on somato-dendritic interactions. (1) This results in a burst signal that is robust in the context of noise in bottom-up signals. (2) Investigating the influence of additional top-down information, priming-like effects on the processing of bottom-up input can be demonstrated. (3) In accordance with recent physiological findings, interareal coupling in low-frequency ranges is characteristically enhanced by top-down mechanisms. The proposed scheme combines a qualitative influence of top-down directed signals on the temporal dynamics of neuronal activity with a limited effect on the mean firing rate of the targeted neurons. As it gives an account of the system properties on the cellular level, it is possible to derive several experimentally testable predictions.  相似文献   
Two former biologists play at dice. In the center of the table there are several banknotes from a prize they had won a few years before they dropped out of science. The rule of the game is that each player gets a banknote whenever he correctly predicts how many throws it will take after throwing a 6 to throw the next 6. One of the two players, a former theoretical biologist, remembers that the frequency of throwing a 6 is one in six, so he always foretells that the waiting period will be 6. The other player's cause for failing in science was opposite: he believed in superstitions. As his lucky number is three, he guesses after each 6 that the next 6 will occur three throws later. Which of the two fellows will recover more from the prize money? And is there a waiting period that could be predicted that would make more money?  相似文献   
Summary Fluid transport and net fluxes of Na, K, Cl and HCO3 by guinea pig gallbladder were investigatedin vitro. A perfused gallbladder preparation was devised to simultaneously study unidirectional fluxes of22Na and36Cl. The net Cl flux exceeded the net Na flux during fluid absorption in the presence of HCO3. This Cl excess was counter-balanced by a net HCO3 secretion: a HCO3–Cl exchange. PGE1 reversed the direction of fluid transport and abolished the net Cl flux. The magnitude of the HCO3 secretion remained unchanged, but shifted from a HCO3–Cl exchange to a net secretion of NaHCO3 and KHCO3. Furosemide inhibited both the HCO3–Cl exchange and HCO3 secretion after PGE1 without influencing fluid absorption. Ouabain inhibited the HCO3–Cl exchange as well as fluid absorption; only the effect on the HCO3 secretion was entirely reversible. Secreted HCO3 appeared not to be derived from metabolic sources since HCO3 secretion was abolished in a HCO3-free bathing medium. HCO3 secretion was also dependent on the Na concentration of the bathing fluid. Three lines of evidence are presented in favor of an active HCO3 secretion in guinea pig gallbladder. HCO3 is secreted against: (i) a chemical gradient, (ii) an electrical gradient and (iii) the direction of fluid movement under control conditions.  相似文献   
Walsh RM  Hochedlinger K 《Cell》2010,143(4):499-500
The discovery that somatic cells can be reprogrammed into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) raised the exciting possibility of modeling diseases with patient-specific cells. Marchetto et?al. (2010) now use iPSC technology to generate, characterize, and treat an in?vitro model for the autism spectrum disorder Rett syndrome.  相似文献   
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