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Although nitrogen (N) deposition is increasing globally, N availability still limits many organisms, such as microorganisms and mesofauna. However, little is known to which extent soil organisms rely on mineral‐derived N and whether plant community composition modifies its incorporation into soil food webs. More diverse plant communities more effectively compete with microorganisms for mineral N likely reducing the incorporation of mineral‐derived N into soil food webs. We set up a field experiment in experimental grasslands with different levels of plant species and functional group richness. We labeled soil with 15NH4 15NO3 and analyzed the incorporation of mineral‐derived 15N into soil microorganisms and mesofauna over 3 months. Mineral‐derived N incorporation decreased over time in all investigated organisms. Plant species richness and presence of legumes reduced the uptake of mineral‐derived N into microorganisms. In parallel, the incorporation of mineral‐derived 15N into mesofauna species declined with time and decreased with increasing plant species richness in the secondary decomposer springtail Ceratophysella sp. Effects of both plant species richness and functional group richness on other mesofauna species varied with time. The presence of grasses increased the 15N incorporation into Ceratophysella sp., but decreased it in the primary decomposer oribatid mite Tectocepheus velatus sarekensis. The results highlight that mineral N is quickly channeled into soil animal food webs via microorganisms irrespective of plant diversity. The amount of mineral‐derived N incorporated into soil animals, and the plant community properties affecting this incorporation, differed markedly between soil animal taxa, reflecting species‐specific use of food resources. Our results highlight that plant diversity and community composition alter the competition for N in soil and change the transfer of N across trophic levels in soil food webs, potentially leading to changes in soil animal population dynamics and community composition. Sustaining high plant diversity may buffer detrimental effects of elevated N deposition on soil biota.  相似文献   
Mantle cell lymphomas (MCL), characterized by the t(11;14)(q13;q32), frequently carry secondary genetic alterations such as deletions in chromosome 17p involving the TP53 locus. Given that the association between TP53-deletions and concurrent mutations of the remaining allele is weak and based on our recent report that the Hypermethylated in Cancer 1 (HIC1) gene, that is located telomeric to the TP53 gene, may be targeted by deletions in 17p in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), we investigated whether HIC1 inactivations might also occur in MCL. Monoallelic deletions of the TP53 locus were detected in 18 out of 59 MCL (31%), while overexpression of p53 protein occurred in only 8 out of 18 of these MCL (44%). In TP53-deleted MCL, the HIC1 gene locus was co-deleted in 11 out of 18 cases (61%). However, neither TP53 nor HIC1 deletions did affect survival of MCL patients. In most analyzed cases, no hypermethylation of the HIC1 exon 1A promoter was observed (17 out of 20, 85%). However, in MCL cell lines without HIC1-hypermethylation, the mRNA expression levels of HIC1 were nevertheless significantly reduced, when compared to reactive lymph node specimens, pointing to the occurrence of mechanisms other than epigenetic or genetic events for the inactivation of HIC1 in this entity.  相似文献   


Vestibular reflexes, evoked by human electrical (galvanic) vestibular stimulation (EVS), are utilized to assess vestibular function and investigate its pathways. Our study aimed to investigate the electrically-evoked vestibulo-ocular reflex (eVOR) output after bilateral and unilateral vestibular deafferentations to determine the characteristics for interpreting unilateral lesions such as vestibular schwannomas.


EVOR was recorded with dual-search coils as binocular three-dimensional eye movements evoked by bipolar 100 ms-step at EVS intensities of [0.9, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0]mA and unipolar 100 ms-step at 5 mA EVS intensity. Five bilateral vestibular deafferented (BVD), 12 unilateral vestibular deafferented (UVD), four unilateral vestibular schwannoma (UVS) patients and 17 healthy subjects were tested with bipolar EVS, and five UVDs with unipolar EVS.


After BVD, bipolar EVS elicited no eVOR. After UVD, bipolar EVS of one functioning ear elicited bidirectional, excitatory eVOR to cathodal EVS with 9 ms latency and inhibitory eVOR to anodal EVS, opposite in direction, at half the amplitude with 12 ms latency, exhibiting an excitatory-inhibitory asymmetry. The eVOR patterns from UVS were consistent with responses from UVD confirming the vestibular loss on the lesion side. Unexpectedly, unipolar EVS of the UVD ear, instead of absent response, evoked one-third the bipolar eVOR while unipolar EVS of the functioning ear evoked half the bipolar response.


The bidirectional eVOR evoked by bipolar EVS from UVD with an excitatory-inhibitory asymmetry and the 3 ms latency difference between normal and lesion side may be useful for detecting vestibular lesions such as UVS. We suggest that current spread could account for the small eVOR to 5 mA unipolar EVS of the UVD ear.  相似文献   
Giardia lamblia parasitism accounts for the majority of cases of parasitic diarrheal disease, making this flagellated eukaryote the most successful intestinal parasite worldwide. This organism has undergone secondary reduction/elimination of entire organelle systems such as mitochondria and Golgi. However, trophozoite to cyst differentiation (encystation) requires neogenesis of Golgi‐like secretory organelles named encystation‐specific vesicles (ESVs), which traffic, modify and partition cyst wall proteins produced exclusively during encystation. In this work we ask whether neogenesis of Golgi‐related ESVs during G. lamblia differentiation, similarly to Golgi biogenesis in more complex eukaryotes, requires the maintenance of distinct COPII‐associated endoplasmic reticulum (ER) subdomains in the form of ER exit sites (ERES) and whether ERES are also present in non‐differentiating trophozoites. To address this question, we identified conserved COPII components in G. lamblia cells and determined their localization, quantity and dynamics at distinct ERES domains in vegetative and differentiating trophozoites. Analogous to ERES and Golgi biogenesis, these domains were closely associated to early stages ofnewly generated ESV. Ectopic expression of non‐functional Sar1 GTPase variants caused ERES collapse and, consequently, ESV ablation, leading to impaired parasite differentiation. Thus, our data show how ERES domains remain conserved in G. lamblia despite elimination of steady‐state Golgi. Furthermore, the fundamental eukaryotic principle of ERES to Golgi/Golgi‐like compartment correspondence holds true in differentiating Giardia presenting streamlined machinery for secretory organelle biogenesis and protein trafficking. However, in the Golgi‐less trophozoites ERES exist as stable ER subdomains, likely as the sole sorting centres for secretory traffic.  相似文献   
Eccentric gaze in darkness evokes minor centripetal eye drifts in healthy subjects, as cerebellar control sufficiently compensates for the inherent deficiencies of the brainstem gaze-holding network. This behavior is commonly described using a leaky integrator model, which assumes that eye velocity grows linearly with gaze eccentricity. Results from previous studies in patients and healthy subjects suggest caution when this assumption is applied to eye eccentricities larger than 20 degrees. To obtain a detailed characterization of the centripetal gaze-evoked drift, we recorded horizontal eye position in 20 healthy subjects. With their head fixed, they were asked to fixate a flashing dot (50 ms every 2 s)that was quasi-stationary displacing(0.5 deg/s) between ±40 deg horizontally in otherwise complete darkness. Drift velocity was weak at all angles tested. Linearity was assessed by dividing the range of gaze eccentricity in four bins of 20 deg each, and comparing the slopes of a linear function fitted to the horizontal velocity in each bin. The slopes of single subjects for gaze eccentricities of ±0−20 deg were, in median,0.41 times the slopes obtained for gaze eccentricities of ±20−40 deg. By smoothing the individual subjects'' eye velocity as a function of gaze eccentricity, we derived a population of position-velocity curves. We show that a tangent function provides a better fit to the mean of these curves when large eccentricities are considered. This implies that the quasi-linear behavior within the typical ocular motor range is the result of a tuning procedure, which is optimized in the most commonly used range of gaze. We hypothesize that the observed non-linearity at eccentric gaze results from a saturation of the input that each neuron in the integrating network receives from the others. As a consequence, gaze-holding performance declines more rapidly at large eccentricities.  相似文献   
Modulation of Ganglioside Biosynthesis in Primary Cultured Neurons   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
Murine cerebellar cells were pulse labeled with [14C]galactose, and the incorporation of radioactivity into gangliosides and neutral glycosphingolipids was examined under different experimental conditions. In the presence of drugs affecting intracellular membrane flow, as well as at 15 degrees C, labeled GlcCer was found to accumulate in the cells, whereas the labeling of higher glycosphingolipids and gangliosides was reduced. Monensin and modulators of the cytoskeleton effectively blocked biosynthesis of the complex gangliosides GM1, GD1a, GD1b, GT1b, and GQ1b, whereas incorporation of radioactivity into neutral glycosphingolipids, such as glucosylceramide and lactosylceramide, as well as GM3, GM2, and GD3 was either increased or unaltered. As monensin has been reported to interfere with the flow of molecules from the cis to the trans stacks of the Golgi apparatus, this result highlights at least one subcompartmentalization of ganglioside biosynthesis within the Golgi system. Inhibitors of energy metabolism affected, predominantly, the biosynthesis of the b-series gangliosides, whereas a reduced temperature (15 degrees C) more effectively blocked incorporation of radiolabel into the a-series gangliosides, a result suggesting the importance of GM3, as the principal branching point, for the regulation of ganglioside biosynthesis.  相似文献   
In ambient aerosols, ultrafine particles (UFP) and their agglomerates are considered to be major factors contributing to adverse health effects. Reactivity of agglomerated UFP of elemental carbon (EC), Printex 90, Printex G, and diesel exhaust particles (DEP) was evaluated by the capacity of particles to oxidize methionine in a cell-free in vitro system for determination of their innate oxidative potential and by alveolar macrophages (AMs) to determine production of arachidonic acid (AA), including formation of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), leukotriene B4 (LTB4), reactive oxygen species (ROS), and oxidative stress marker 8-isoprostane. EC exhibiting high oxidative potential induced generation of AA, PGE2, LTB4, and 8-isoprostane in canine and human AMs. Printex 90, Printex G, and DEP, showing low oxidative capacity, still induced formation of AA and PGE2, but not that of LTB4 or 8-isoprostane. Aging of EC lowered oxidative potential while still inducing production of AA and PGE2 but not that of LTB4 and 8-isoprostane. Cellular ROS production was stimulated by all particles independent of oxidative potential. Particle-induced formation of AA metabolites and ROS was dependent on mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1 activation of cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) as shown by inhibitor studies. In conclusion, cPLA2, PGE2, and ROS formation was activated by all particle types, whereas LTB4 production and 8-isoprostane were strongly dependent on particles' oxidative potential. Physical and chemical parameters of particle surface correlated with oxidative potential and stimulation of AM PGE2 and 8-isoprostane production.  相似文献   
Interleukin-1alpha (IL-1alpha) and IL-1beta are proinflammatory cytokines, which induce a plethora of genes and activities by binding to the type 1 IL-1 receptor (IL-1R1). We have investigated the role of IL-1 during pulmonary antiviral immune responses in IL-1R1(-/-) mice infected with influenza virus. IL-1R1(-/-) mice showed markedly reduced inflammatory pathology in the lung, primarily due to impaired neutrophil recruitment. Activation of CD4(+) T cells in secondary lymphoid organs and subsequent migration to the lung were impaired in the absence of IL-1R1. In contrast, activation of virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes and killing of virus-infected cells in the lung were intact. Influenza virus-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgA antibody responses were intact, while the IgM response was markedly reduced in both serum and mucosal sites in IL-1R1(-/-) mice. We found significantly increased mortality in the absence of IL-1R1; however, lung viral titers were only moderately increased. Our results demonstrate that IL-1alpha/beta mediate acute pulmonary inflammatory pathology while enhancing survival during influenza virus infection. IL-1alpha/beta appear not to influence killing of virus-infected cells but to enhance IgM antibody responses and recruitment of CD4(+) T cells to the site of infection.  相似文献   
The influence of natural enemies has led to the evolution of various predator avoidance strategies in herbivorous insects. Many caterpillars are exclusively active at night and rest during the day. It is widely assumed that nocturnal activity in caterpillars reduces their risk of falling prey to their natural enemies. To test this hypothesis, we compared predation pressure between day and night in tree‐fall gaps and closed‐canopy forest sites in an Amazonian primary lowland rainforest. Artificial clay caterpillars, showing camouflaged colouration (green), were exposed as potential prey to a natural predator community. Attacks were significantly more frequent during daytime and were reduced by about a quarter at night in tree‐fall gaps, and by a third in closed‐canopy forest sites. This supports the idea of time‐dependent activity in caterpillars as an antipredatory adaptation. Further, independent of the time of day, predation pressure on caterpillars was significantly higher in tree‐fall gaps compared to closed‐canopy forest habitats. Nearly all predation events were caused by arthropods, whereas birds played a negligible role. Across both habitat types and time scales, ants acted as major predator group, emphasising their important role in population control of herbivorous insects in lowland rainforest ecosystems. This is the first experimental study using artificial caterpillars to examine whether time‐scheduling of exposition might influence predation risk amongst undefended, solitary, free‐living lepidopteran larvae.  相似文献   
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