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At present 8 species of Alexandrium genus have been found in seas and adjacent waters of Russia: A. acatenella, A. catenella, A. insuetum, A. margalefii, A. ostenfeldii, A. pseudogonyaulax, A. tamarense, and A. tamutum. The distribution and population density of Alexandrium species varied within the surveyed area of the Pacific: in the Sea of Japan and Sea of Okhotsk, 7 species were recorded; 3 species were recorded along the Pacific coast of Kamchatka; and 2 species were found in the Bering Sea. A. tamarense was the most widespread and abundant species over the area. A. insuetum was recorded only in the Sea of Japan, and A. catenella, in the Sea of Okhotsk (Terpeniya Bay). The highest concentration of Alexandrium spp. (2–7 million cells/l) was recorded along the Pacific coast of Kamchatka and in the Bering Sea; in the Sea of Okhotsk, a rather high concentration (51000 cells/l) was registered in Aniva Bay; in the Sea of Japan, the highest concentration was recorded in Peter the Great Bay (6000 cells/l). The distribution of cysts (spores) in surface sediments of the Pacific coast of Russia as a whole reflected the pattern of distribution of vegetative cells of Alexandrium. Cysts of Alexandrium cf. tamarense prevailed all over the area, with the maximum concentration along the Pacific coast of Kamchatka. Beyond that type of cysts, insignificant numbers of cysts of Alexandrium cf. minutum were recorded in Peter the Great Bay and Aniva Bay. Analysis of seasonal dynamics revealed that cells of Alexandrium spp. occurred in Peter the Great Bay from June up to September, and along the Pacific coast of Kamchatka from April to October. In the first region, the maximum density was recorded in August; it was provided by A. pseudogonyaulax (59% of the total density of Alexandrium), A. tamarense (35%), and A. insuetum (6%). In the second region, it was recorded in July, thanks only to development of A. tamarense.  相似文献   
The screening of the immunomodulating activity (IMA) of different protein fractions isolated from bifidobacteria was carried out and the capacity of these fractions for changing the proliferative activity of immunocompetent cells was evaluated. Soluble proteins were extracted from lyophilized and sonicated bacterial mass of B. bifidum strain 1 in Na2HPO4 (pH 8) in a water bath at 65 degrees C for 30 minutes. After the formation and removal of nucleic acid sediment the resulting supernatant fluid was dialyzed, its adsorption spectra were analyzed and the fluid was fractionated in a specially proposed device for preparative electrophoresis. Protein fractions were tested for IMA on spleen cells of CBA mice in the reaction of lymphocyte blast-transformation by the level of the inclusion 3H thymidine. The analysis of IMA of protein fractions revealed that their high-molecular components produced a pronounced dose-dependent effect on the proliferative activity of spleen cells. The fractions containing low-molecular components were either inactive (fraction 4) or active only in the maximum dose (fraction 5).  相似文献   
It was found that glucose in the range of concentrations 12.5–100 mM stimulated Cu2+–mediated free radical peroxidation of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) from human blood plasma. Considering the kinetic parameters of LDL peroxidation we proposed that intensification of this process may be caused by formation of free radical intermediates of glucose auto-oxidation. Addition of SOD to the medium inhibited LDL oxidation, indicating the formation of superoxide anion-radicals under autoxidation of glucose. Similarly, SOD inhibited free radical peroxidation of liposomes from egg lecithin in the presence of glucose that confirms the generation of superoxide radicals under co-oxidation of unsaturated lipids and glucose. Normalization of glucose level in the blood of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus during therapy was accompanied by a significant decrease in LDL oxidation in vivo (the decrease in primary and secondary lipoperoxidation products). The formation of superoxide anion-radicals was observed during interaction of aminoacid l-lysine with a product of glucose oxidative metabolism–methylglyoxal, but not with a product of lipoperoxidation malonyldialdehyde. In accordance with the foregoing the administration of sugar-lowering drug metformin, which binds and utilizes methylglyoxal, caused a stronger inhibition of LDL peroxidation in the blood of patients with diabetes mellitus, probably due to decrease in methylglyoxal-dependent generation of superoxide anion-radicals. Based on the results we set out the hypothesis about autocatalytic mechanism of free radical reactions involving natural dicarbonyls and suppose the common molecular mechanism of vascular wall injury in atherosclerosis and diabetes.  相似文献   
Despite chromium nicotinate’s popular use as a chromium nutritional supplement, the structure and composition of chromium nicotinate have only been poorly described. As solid chromium nicotinate is intractable, being insoluble or unstable in common solvents, studies on the solid have been limited, and studies of the solution from which the “compound” precipitates have additionally provided little additional data. The results of mass spectrometric and spectroscopic investigations designed to further elucidate the structure and composition of chromium nicotinate are described. The results demonstrated that the three common methods for producing “chromium nicotinate” all yield different compounds, all of which are polymers of Cr(III), oxygen-bound nicotinate, hydroxide, and water. Implications for interpreting results of nutritional studies of “chromium nicotinate” are discussed.  相似文献   
Supramolecular complexes between carotenoids and a triterpene glycoside, beta-glycyrrhizic acid (GA), were found to exhibit unusual antioxidant activity. Complexation with GA increases a scavenging rate of canthaxanthin and 7',7'-dicyano-7'-apo-beta-carotene toward OOH radicals more than 10 times, but has no effect on the scavenging rate of zeaxanthin. Scavenging rate constants were measured in DMSO solution of carotenoids using the EPR spin-trapping technique. EPR parameters of spin adducts were determined as a(H) = 2.3 G, a(N) = 13.9 G for PBN (N-tert-butyl-alpha-phenylnitrone)-OOH, and a(H) = 3.4 G, a(N) = 14.9 G for the PBN-CH3 adduct. Taking into account the previously measured dependence of the scavenging rate constants toward OOH radicals on the oxidation potential of carotenoids, this result can be explained by the hypothesis that the complexation with GA affects the value of oxidation potentials. This hypothesis was confirmed by CV measurements.  相似文献   
Cardiovascular diseases are accompanied by active oxygen species and organic free radical generation. The aim of this study was to examine the possibility of using oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) as a new diagnostic biomarker. Epidemiological study in populations of Estonia (782 subjects) and Russia (1433 subjects) was carried out in 2007-2009. The screening procedure included standard epidemiological methods. Oxidative stress was assessed by measuring the level of oxLDL using immunoassay method. Positive correlation between the levels of oxLDL and LDL cholesterol was indicated in blood of patients from estonian (r = 0.61; P < 0.05) and russian (r = 0.56; P < 0.05) populations. In russian population oxLDL/HDL cholesterol ratio was higher in the groups with highest risk of atherosclerosis development or manifest coronary artery disease (CAD). Cholesterol-rich low density lipoproteins are also more oxidized. Estimation of oxLDL/HDL ratio may be used as an independent biochemical marker for atherosclerosis.  相似文献   
Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology - In this work, a model of adhesion formation in mice was optimized. It was shown that there were no significant differences in the level of adhesion between...  相似文献   
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