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A new methodology for quantitative analysis of proteins is described, applying stable-isotope labeling by small organic molecules combined with one- or two-dimensional electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF-MS, also allowing concurrent protein identification by peptide mass fingerprinting. Our method eliminates fundamental problems in other existing isotope-tagging methods requiring liquid chromatography and MS/MS, such as isotope effects, fragmentation, and solubility. It is also anticipated to be more practical and accessible than those LC-dependent methods.  相似文献   
Naphthoquinone derivatives have been reported to possess various pharmacological activities, such as antiplatelet, anticancer, antifungal, and antiviral properties. In this study, we investigated the effects of a newly-synthesized naphthoquinone derivative, 2-decylamino-5,8-dimethoxy-1,4-naphthoquinone (2-decylamino-DMNQ), on VSMC proliferation and examined the molecular basis of the underlying mechanism. In a dose-dependent manner, 2-decylamino-DMNQ inhibited PDGF-stimulated VSMC proliferation with no apparent cytotoxic effect. While 2-decylamino-DMNQ did not affect PDGF-Rβ or Akt, it did inhibit the phosphorylation of Erk1/2 and PLCγ1 induced by PDGF. Moreover, 2-decylamino-DMNQ suppressed DNA synthesis through the arrest of cell cycle progression at the G0/G1 phase, including the suppression of pRb phosphorylation and a decrease in PCNA expression, which was related to the downregulation of cell cycle regulatory factors, such as cyclin D1/E and CDK 2/4. It was demonstrated that both U0126, an Erk1/2 inhibitor, and U73122, a PLCγ inhibitor, increased the proportion of cells in the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle. Thus, these results suggest that 2-decylamino DMNQ has an inhibitory effect on PDGF-induced VSMC proliferation and the mechanism of this action is through cell cycle arrest at the G0/G1 phase. This may be a useful tool for studying interventions for vascular restenosis in coronary revascularization procedures and stent implantation.  相似文献   
The mechanisms whereby the parathyroid hormone (PTH) exerts its anabolic action on bone are incompletely understood. We previously showed that inhibition of ERK1/2 enhanced Smad3-induced bone anabolic action in osteoblasts. These findings suggested the hypothesis that changes in gene expression associated with the altered Smad3-induced signaling brought about by an ERK1/2 inhibitor would identify novel bone anabolic factors in osteoblasts. We therefore performed a comparative DNA microarray analysis between empty vector-transfected mouse osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells and PD98059-treated stable Smad3-overexpressing MC3T3-E1 cells. Among the novel factors, Tmem119 was selected on the basis of its rapid induction by PTH independent of later increases in endogenous TGF-β. The levels of Tmem119 increased with time in cultures of MC3T3-E1 cells and mouse mesenchymal ST-2 cells committed to the osteoblast lineage by BMP-2. PTH stimulated Tmem119 levels within 1 h as determined by Western blot analysis and immunocytochemistry in MC3T3-E1 cells. MC3T3-E1 cells stably overexpressing Tmem119 exhibited elevated levels of Runx2, osteocalcin, alkaline phosphatase, and β-catenin, whereas Tmem119 augmented BMP-2-induced Runx2 levels in mesenchymal cells. Tmem119 interacted with Runx2, Smad1, and Smad5 in C2C12 cells. In conclusion, we identified a Smad3-related factor, Tmem119, that is induced by PTH and promotes differentiation in mouse osteoblastic cells. Tmem119 is an important molecule in the pathway downstream of PTH and Smad3 signaling in osteoblasts.  相似文献   
In our previous study, fluoride ([AlF(4) ](-) ) disturbed ER-to-Golgi transport through the activation of ER-resident heterotrimeric G protein (ER-G protein). Therefore, ER-G protein may be implicated in ER-to-Golgi transport at the early stage prior to coat protein assembly. Sar1 translocation onto the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane is suppressed by non-selective protein kinase inhibitor H89, suggesting the participation of H89-sensitive kinase in this process. To investigate the involvement of ER-G protein in ER-to-Golgi transport, the effect of G(i) protein activator (mastoparan 7) was examined on Sar1 translocation onto the ER in a cell-free system consisting of microsome membrane and cytosol. Sar1 translocation onto the microsome membrane was induced by addition of GTPγS in the cell-free system. Translocation of Sar1 by GTPγS was suppressed significantly by both H89 and mastoparan 7. Mastoparan 7 suppressed the translocation of Sar1 onto the microsome membrane with dosage dependency, but mastoparan 17, the inactive analog of mastoparan 7, had no effect on Sar1 translocation. The suppressive effect of mastoparan 7 was recovered by treatment with pertussis toxin (IAP). Moreover, G(i2) protein was detected on the microsome membrane by western blotting for heterotrimeric G(i) proteins. These results indicate that ER-G(i2) protein modulated Sar1 translocation onto the ER, suggesting that ER-resident G(i2) protein is an important negative regulator of vesicular transport at the early stage of vesicle formation before coat protein assembly on the ER.  相似文献   
We screened for mutations affecting retinotectal axonal projection in Medaka, Oryzias latipes. In wild-type Medaka embryos, all the axons of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) project to the contralateral tectum, such that the topological relationship of the retinal field is maintained. We labeled RGC axons using DiI/DiO at the nasodorsal and temporoventral positions of the retina, and screened for mutations affecting the pattern of stereotypic projections to the tectum. By screening 184 mutagenized haploid genomes, seven mutations in five genes causing defects in axonal pathfinding were identified, whereas mutations affecting the topographic projection of RGC axons were not found. The mutants were grouped into two classes according to their phenotypes. In mutants of Class I, a subpopulation of the RGC axons branched out either immediately after leaving the eye or after reaching the midline, and this axonal subpopulation projected to the ipsilateral tectum. In mutants of Class II, subpopulations of RGC axons branched out after crossing the midline and projected aberrantly. These mutants will provide clues to understanding the functions of genes essential for axonal pathfinding, which may be conserved or partly divergent among vertebrates.  相似文献   
The development of germ cells has been intensively studied in Medaka (Oryzias latipes). We have undertaken a large-scale screen to identify mutations affecting the development of primordial germ cells (PGCs) in Medaka. Embryos derived from mutagenized founder fish were screened for an abnormal distribution or number of PGCs at embryonic stage 27 by RNA in situ hybridization for the Medaka vasa homologue (olvas). At this stage, PGCs coalesce into two bilateral vasa-expressing foci in the ventrolateral regions of the trunk after their migration and group organization. Nineteen mutations were identified from a screen corresponding to 450 mutagenized haploid genomes. Eleven of the mutations caused altered PGC distribution. Most of these alterations were associated with morphological abnormalities and could be grouped into four phenotypic classes: Class 1, PGCs dispersed into bilateral lines; Class 2, PGCs dispersed in a region more medial than that in Class 1; Class 3, PGCs scattered laterally and over the yolk sac area; and Class 4, PGCs clustered in a single median focus. Eight mutations caused a decrease in the number of PGCs. This decrease was observed in the offspring of heterozygous mothers, indicating the contribution of a maternal factor in determining PGC abundance. Taken together, these mutations should prove useful in identifying molecular mechanisms underlying the early PGC development and migration.  相似文献   
In a large scale mutagenesis screen of Medaka we identified 60 recessive zygotic mutations that affect retina development. Based on the onset and type of phenotypic abnormalities, the mutants were grouped into five categories: the first includes 11 mutants that are affected in neural plate and optic vesicle formation. The second group comprises 15 mutants that are impaired in optic vesicle growth. The third group includes 18 mutants that are affected in optic cup development. The fourth group contains 13 mutants with defects in retinal differentiation. 12 of these have smaller eyes, whereas one mutation results in enlarged eyes. The fifth group consists of three mutants with defects in retinal pigmentation. The collection of mutants will be used to address the molecular genetic mechanisms underlying vertebrate eye formation.  相似文献   
The forebrain, consisting of the telencephalon and diencephalon, is essential for processing sensory information. To genetically dissect formation of the forebrain in vertebrates, we carried out a systematic screen for mutations affecting morphogenesis of the forebrain in Medaka. Thirty-three mutations defining 25 genes affecting the morphological development of the forebrain were grouped into two classes. Class 1 mutants commonly showing a decrease in forebrain size, were further divided into subclasses 1A to 1D. Class 1A mutation (1 gene) caused an early defect evidenced by the lack of bf1 expression, Class 1B mutations (6 genes) patterning defects revealed by the aberrant expression of regional marker genes, Class 1C mutation (1 gene) a defect in a later stage, and Class 1D (3 genes) a midline defect analogous to the zebrafish one-eyed pinhead mutation. Class 2 mutations caused morphological abnormalities in the forebrain without considerably affecting its size, Class 2A mutations (6 genes) caused abnormalities in the development of the ventricle, Class 2B mutations (2 genes) severely affected the anterior commissure, and Class 2C (6 genes) mutations resulted in a unique forebrain morphology. Many of these mutants showed the compromised sonic hedgehog expression in the zona-limitans-intrathalamica (zli), arguing for the importance of this structure as a secondary signaling center. These mutants should provide important clues to the elucidation of the molecular mechanisms underlying forebrain development, and shed new light on phylogenically conserved and divergent functions in the developmental process.  相似文献   
The dorsal ectoderm of vertebrate gastrula is first specified into anterior fate by an activation signal and posteriorized by a graded transforming signal, leading to the formation of forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain and spinal cord along the anteroposterior (A-P) axis. Transplanted non-axial mesoderm rather than axial mesoderm has an ability to transform prospective anterior neural tissue into more posterior fates in zebrafish. Wnt8 is a secreted factor that is expressed in non-axial mesoderm. To investigate whether Wnt8 is the neural posteriorizing factor that acts upon neuroectoderm, we first assigned Frizzled 8c and Frizzled 9 to be functional receptors for Wnt8. We then, transplanted non-axial mesoderm into the embryos in which Wnt8 signaling is cell-autonomously blocked by the dominant-negative form of Wnt8 receptors. Non-axial mesodermal transplants in embryos in which Wnt8 signaling is cell-autonomously blocked induced the posterior neural markers as efficiently as in wild-type embryos, suggesting that Wnt8 signaling is not required in neuroectoderm for posteriorization by non-axial mesoderm. Furthermore, Wnt8 signaling, detected by nuclear localization of beta-catenin, was not activated in the posterior neuroectoderm but confined in marginal non-axial mesoderm. Finally, ubiquitous over-expression of Wnt8 does not expand neural ectoderm of posterior character in the absence of mesoderm or Nodal-dependent co-factors. We thus conclude that other factors from non-axial mesoderm may be required for patterning neuroectoderm along the A-P axis.  相似文献   
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