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Under additive inheritance, the Henderson mixed model equations (HMME) provide an efficient approach to obtaining genetic evaluations by marker assisted best linear unbiased prediction (MABLUP) given pedigree relationships, trait and marker data. For large pedigrees with many missing markers, however, it is not feasible to calculate the exact gametic variance covariance matrix required to construct HMME. The objective of this study was to investigate the consequences of using approximate gametic variance covariance matrices on response to selection by MABLUP. Two methods were used to generate approximate variance covariance matrices. The first method (Method A) completely discards the marker information for individuals with an unknown linkage phase between two flanking markers. The second method (Method B) makes use of the marker information at only the most polymorphic marker locus for individuals with an unknown linkage phase. Data sets were simulated with and without missing marker data for flanking markers with 2, 4, 6, 8 or 12 alleles. Several missing marker data patterns were considered. The genetic variability explained by marked quantitative trait loci (MQTL) was modeled with one or two MQTL of equal effect. Response to selection by MABLUP using Method A or Method B were compared with that obtained by MABLUP using the exact genetic variance covariance matrix, which was estimated using 15 000 samples from the conditional distribution of genotypic values given the observed marker data. For the simulated conditions, the superiority of MABLUP over BLUP based only on pedigree relationships and trait data varied between 0.1% and 13.5% for Method A, between 1.7% and 23.8% for Method B, and between 7.6% and 28.9% for the exact method. The relative performance of the methods under investigation was not affected by the number of MQTL in the model.  相似文献   


In the recent past, the introduction of Classical Swine Fever Virus (CSFV) followed by between-herd spread has given rise to a number of large epidemics in The Netherlands and Belgium. Both these countries are pork-exporting countries. Particularly important in these epidemics has been the occurrence of substantial "neighborhood transmission" from herd to herd in the presence of base-line control measures prescribed by EU legislation. Here we propose a calculation procedure to map out "high-risk areas" for local between-herd spread of CSFV as a tool to support decision making on prevention and control of CSFV outbreaks. In this procedure the identification of such areas is based on an estimated inter-herd distance dependent probability of neighborhood transmission or "local transmission". Using this distance-dependent probability, we derive a threshold value for the local density of herds. In areas with local herd density above threshold, local transmission alone can already lead to epidemic spread, whereas in below-threshold areas this is not the case. The first type of area is termed 'high-risk' for spread of CSFV, while the latter type is termed 'low-risk'.


As we show for the case of The Netherlands, once the distance-dependent probability of local transmission has been estimated from CSFV outbreak data, it is possible to produce a map of the country in which areas of high-risk herds and of low-risk herds are identified. We made these maps even more informative by estimating border zones between the two types of areas. In these border zones the risk of local transmission of infection to a nearby high-risk area exceeds a certain level.


The risk maps provide an easily understandable visualization of the spatial heterogeneities in transmission risk. They serve as a tool for area-specific designs of control strategies, and possibly also for spatial planning of areas where livestock farming is allowed. Similar risk maps can in principle be constructed for other highly-transmissible livestock infections that spread via neighborhood transmission.
In Escherichia coli, elevated levels of free l-tryptophan (l-Trp) promote translational arrest of the TnaC peptide by inhibiting its termination. However, the mechanism by which translation-termination by the UGA-specific decoding release factor 2 (RF2) is inhibited at the UGA stop codon of stalled TnaC-ribosome-nascent chain complexes has so far been ambiguous. This study presents cryo-EM structures for ribosomes stalled by TnaC in the absence and presence of RF2 at average resolutions of 2.9 and 3.5 Å, respectively. Stalled TnaC assumes a distinct conformation composed of two small α-helices that act together with residues in the peptide exit tunnel (PET) to coordinate a single L-Trp molecule. In addition, while the peptidyl-transferase center (PTC) is locked in a conformation that allows RF2 to adopt its canonical position in the ribosome, it prevents the conserved and catalytically essential GGQ motif of RF2 from adopting its active conformation in the PTC. This explains how translation of the TnaC peptide effectively allows the ribosome to function as a L-Trp-specific small-molecule sensor that regulates the tnaCAB operon.  相似文献   
Interspecific comparisons of microsatellite loci have repeatedly shown that the loci are longer and more variable in the species from which they are derived (the focal species) than are homologous loci in other (nonfocal) species. There is debate as to whether this is due to directional evolution or to an ascertainment bias during the cloning and locus selection processes. This study tests these hypotheses by performing a reciprocal study. Eighteen perfect dinucleotide microsatellite loci identified from a Drosophila simulans library screen and 18 previously identified in an identical Drosophila melanogaster library screen were used to survey natural populations of each species. No difference between focal and nonfocal species was observed for mean PCR fragment length. However, heterozygosity and number of alleles were significantly higher in the focal species than in the nonfocal species. The most common allele in the Zimbabwe population of both species was sequenced for 31 of the 36 loci. The length of the longest stretch of perfect repeat units is, on average, longer in the focal species than in the non-focal species. There is a positive correlation between the length of the longest stretch of perfect repeats and heterozygosity. The difference in heterozygosity can thus be explained by a reduction in the length of the longest stretch of perfect repeats in the nonfocal species. Furthermore, flanking-sequence length difference was noted between the two species at 58% of the loci sequenced. These data do not support the predictions of the directional-evolution hypothesis; however, consistent with the ascertainment bias hypothesis, the lower variability in nonfocal species is an artifact of the microsatellite cloning and isolation process. Our results also suggest that the magnitude of ascertainment bias for repeat unit length is a function of the microsatellite size distribution in the genomes of different species.   相似文献   


Determining an animal’s genetic merit using genomic information can improve estimated breeding value (EBV) accuracy; however, the magnitude of the accuracy improvement must be large enough to recover the costs associated with implementing genome-enabled selection. One way to reduce costs is to genotype nucleus herd selection candidates using a low-density chip and to use high-density chip genotyping for animals that are used as parents in the nucleus breeding herd. The objective of this study was to develop a tool to estimate the cost structure associated with incorporating genome-enabled selection into multi-level commercial breeding programs.


For the purpose of this deterministic study, it was assumed that a commercial pig is created from a terminal line sire and a dam that is a cross between two maternal lines. It was also assumed that all male and female selection candidates from the 1000 sow maternal line nucleus herds were genotyped at low density and all animals used for breeding at high density. With the assumptions used in this analysis, it was estimated that genome-enabled selection costs for a maternal line would be approximately US$0.082 per weaned pig in the commercial production system. A total of US$0.164 per weaned pig is needed to incorporate genome-enabled selection into the two maternal lines. Similarly, for a 600 sow terminal line nucleus herd and genotyping only male selection candidates with the low-density panel, the cost per weaned pig in the commercial herd was estimated to be US$0.044. This means that US$0.21 per weaned pig produced at the commercial level and sired by boars obtained from the nucleus herd breeding program needs to be added to the genetic merit value in order to break even on the additional cost required when genome-enabled selection is used in both maternal lines and the terminal line.


By modifying the input values, such as herd size and genotyping strategy, a flexible spreadsheet tool developed from this work can be used to estimate the additional costs associated with genome-enabled selection. This tool will aid breeders in estimating the economic viability of incorporating genome-enabled selection into their specific breeding program.  相似文献   
The aquaporin-4 (AQP4) water channel has been proposed to play a role in gastric acid secretion. Immunocytochemistry using anti-AQP4 antibodies showed strong AQP4 protein expression at the basolateral membrane of gastric parietal cells in wild-type (+/+) mice. AQP4 involvement in gastric acid secretion was studied using transgenic null (-/-) mice deficient in AQP4 protein. -/- Mice had grossly normal growth and appearance and showed no differences in gastric morphology by light microscopy. Gastric acid secretion was measured in anesthetized mice in which the stomach was luminally perfused (0. 3 ml/min) with 0.9% NaCl containing [(14)C]polyethylene glycol ([(14)C]PEG) as a volume marker. Collected effluent was assayed for titratable acid content and [(14)C]PEG radioactivity. After 45-min baseline perfusion, acid secretion was stimulated by pentagastrin (200 microg. kg(-1). h(-1) iv) for 1 h or histamine (0.23 mg/kg iv) + intraluminal carbachol (20 mg/l). Baseline gastric acid secretion (means +/- SE, n = 25) was 0.06 +/- 0.03 and 0.03 +/- 0.02 microeq/15 min in +/+ and -/- mice, respectively. Pentagastrin-stimulated acid secretion was 0.59 +/- 0.14 and 0.70 +/- 0.15 microeq/15 min in +/+ and -/- mice, respectively. Histamine plus carbachol-stimulated acid secretion was 7.0 +/- 1.9 and 8.0 +/- 1.8 microeq/15 min in +/+ and -/- mice, respectively. In addition, AQP4 deletion did not affect gastric fluid secretion, gastric pH, or fasting serum gastrin concentrations. These results provide direct evidence against a role of AQP4 in gastric acid secretion.  相似文献   
From a single aflatoxin B1 oxime — bovine serum albumin conjugate, polyclonal and monoclonal antibody preparations were produced. The four rabbit polyclonal antisera were specific for aflatoxin Bi in a microtitration plate enzyme — linked immunosorbent assay. The monoclonal antibodies showed a wide range of differing specificities, recognizing, for example, aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2; B1 and B2; B1 and G1; and G1 alone. No antibody preparations reacted with aflatoxin M1. The significance of these results to the strategy of anti-aflatoxin antibody production for use in quantitative enzyme immunoassays is discussed.  相似文献   


Cultivated peanut, Arachis hypogaea is an allotetraploid of recent origin, with an AABB genome. In common with many other polyploids, it seems that a severe genetic bottle-neck was imposed at the species origin, via hybridisation of two wild species and spontaneous chromosome duplication. Therefore, the study of the genome of peanut is hampered both by the crop's low genetic diversity and its polyploidy. In contrast to cultivated peanut, most wild Arachis species are diploid with high genetic diversity. The study of diploid Arachis genomes is therefore attractive, both to simplify the construction of genetic and physical maps, and for the isolation and characterization of wild alleles. The most probable wild ancestors of cultivated peanut are A. duranensis and A. ipaënsis with genome types AA and BB respectively.


We constructed and characterized two large-insert libraries in Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) vector, one for each of the diploid ancestral species. The libraries (AA and BB) are respectively c. 7.4 and c. 5.3 genome equivalents with low organelle contamination and average insert sizes of 110 and 100 kb. Both libraries were used for the isolation of clones containing genetically mapped legume anchor markers (single copy genes), and resistance gene analogues.


These diploid BAC libraries are important tools for the isolation of wild alleles conferring resistances to biotic stresses, comparisons of orthologous regions of the AA and BB genomes with each other and with other legume species, and will facilitate the construction of a physical map.
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