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We have cloned and characterized a 55-kb region of DNA surrounding HRAS1. It contains a cluster of two, and possibly three, genes associated with CpG islands within the 32 kb immediately upstream of HRAS1. We have sequenced cDNAs representing one of these genes, provisionally designated HRC1. The locus, which is located 29 kb upstream of HRAS1, is divergently transcribed. HRC1 cDNA probe recognizes fragments on Southern blots of DNA from other vertebrate species. In human DNA, multiple homologous fragments are detected in addition to the predicted ones containing HRC1. Therefore, this locus may represent a member of an evolutionarily conserved gene family. HRC1 expression is upregulated with HRAS1 in the EJ bladder carcinoma cell line, suggesting the possibility of coordinate regulation. The deduced translational product of the longest open reading frame (1119 nucleotides, 373 amino acids) predicts a protein with regions rich in glutamine and proline and a region similar to the helix-loop-helix motif adjacent to a carboxy-terminal leucine zipper dimerization motif with four heptad repeats. Alternate splicing of terminal exons occurs, resulting in the truncation of one proline-rich domain and preservation of the leucine zipper. Thus, a biologically important region of chromosome 11p consists of a gene cluster. At least one of these genes, in addition to HRAS1, may be involved in regulation of cell growth or differentiation.  相似文献   
The biosynthesis of protein-bound complex N-glycans in mammals requires a series of covalent modifications governed by a large number of specific glycosyltransferases and glycosidases. The addition of oligosaccharide to an asparagine residue on a nascent polypeptide chain begins in the endoplasmic reticulum. Oligosaccharide processing continues in the Golgi apparatus to produce a diversity of glycan structures. UDP-N-acetylglucosamine:α-3- -mannoside β-1,2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I (EC; GlcNAc-TI) is a key enzyme in the process because it is essential for the conversion of high-mannose N-glycans to complex and hybrid N-glycans. We have isolated the mouse gene encoding GlcNAc-TI (Mgat-1) from a genomic DNA library. The mouse sequence is highly conserved with respect to the human and rabbit homologs and exists as a single protein-encoding exon. Mgat-1 was mapped to mouse Chromosome 11, closely linked to the gene encoding interleukin-3 by the analysis of multilocus interspecies backcrosses. RNA analyses of Mgat-1 expression levels revealed significant variation among normal tissues and cells.  相似文献   
The mechanisms of the hepatocarcinogenicity of non-mutagenic peroxisome proliferators, i.e. compounds used as hypolipidemic drugs and industrial plasticizers, are not sufficiently understood. To gain more information on the mechanism of their action, the chronic effects of two structurally diverse peroxisome proliferators on rat-liver DNA were investigated by the 32P-postlabeling assay. Male F-344 rats (1.5 month old) were fed ciprofibrate (0.025%) in the diet for 2, 5, 8, and 16 months or Wy-14643 (0.1%) for 18 months. Liver DNA from individual treated animals (3-4 per group) and age-matched controls was analyzed by the nuclease P1/bisphosphate version of the 32P-postlabeling assay. Three distinct types of exposure-related DNA alterations were observed: (i) A significant reduction of the age-dependent accumulation of I-compounds (putative indigenous DNA modifications) (type 1), (ii) adduct-like DNA derivatives induced by the treatments (type 2), and (iii) as yet structurally uncharacterized radiolabeled material occupying substantial areas of DNA adduct maps and accumulating in an exposure time-dependent manner (type 3). DNA from liver tumors generated by these agents displayed only traces of I-compounds, lacked all but one adduct-like derivatives, and had no type 3 alterations. Thus, in contrast to the non-mutagenicity of peroxisome proliferators in short-term assays, chronic administration of these compounds led to DNA alterations that were detectable by 32P-postlabeling assay.  相似文献   
Epidemiologic studies suggest that the consumption of cruciferous vegetables is associated with a reduced risk for several types of cancer including cancer of colon. Experimental studies indicate that dithiolthiones, naturally occurring substances in cruciferous vegetables, possess anticarcinogenic properties. 5-(2-Pyrazinyl)-4-methyl-1,2-dithiol-3-thione (oltipraz), a substituted dithiolthione, has been tested for its chemopreventive activity. We studied the effect of dietary oltipraz on liver and colonic mucosal enzymes and DNA adducts to evaluate the modulating role of this agent during the early period of azoxymethane (AOM)-induced carcinogenesis. At 6 weeks of age, groups of animals were fed the AIN-76A diet containing 0 and 300 ppm oltipraz. At 8 weeks of age, all of the animals except vehicle-treated animals were administered a subcutaneous injection of AOM (15 mg/kg body wt/week for 2 weeks). Animals intended for vehicle treatment were administered normal saline subcutaneously. Fifteen hours after the second AOM injection, six animals each from control oltipraz diet groups were sacrificed and liver and colonic mucosa from each animal were used for DNA adduct analysis. Animals intended for liver and colonic mucosal glutathione S-transferase, tyrosine specific protein kinase (TPK), and ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) enzyme assays were killed 5 days after the second AOM or saline injection. The results of this study indicated that dietary oltipraz significantly increased liver (P less than 0.001) and colonic mucosal (P greater than 0.05) weights, but had no effect on body weights (P greater than 0.05). In saline-treated animals, feeding of oltipraz significantly increased the cytosolic glutathione S-transferase (P less than 0.001) and ODC (P less than 0.05) activities in the liver and colon when compared with those fed the control diet. Although our unpublished results indicate an inhibitory role of oltipraz when fed during the initiation and postinitiation phases of intestinal carcinogenesis, the increased ODC activity may indicate a possible role of oltipraz in colon tumor promotion. Additional studies are indicated to test the antitumor properties of oltipraz administered during the postinitiation phases. AOM treatment significantly increased the TPK (P less than 0.0001) and ODC (P less than 0.01) activities in the liver and colon of animals fed the control diet. Dietary oltipraz significantly suppressed the AOM-induced TPK (P less than 0.001) activities in liver and colon and ODC (P less than 0.01) activity of colon. Analysis of nucleic acid bases, O6-methylguanine, and 7-methylguanine revealed that dietary oltipraz significantly (P less than 0.05) inhibited the AOM-induced adduct species. These results suggest that dietary oltipraz enhances the colonic and liver glutathione S-transferase activity and reduced the formation of DNA adducts. In addition, dietary oltipraz modulates liver and colonic ODC and TPK activities that have been shown to play a role in tumor promotion.  相似文献   
Changes in oxidative metabolism of hepatopancreas and muscle tissues of penaeid prawn, Metapenaeus monoceros was studied, following its exposure to selected organophosphorous insecticides phosphamidon, dichlorovos and methylparathion. The OPI are found to inhibit the activity levels of acetylcholinesterase, succinate dehydrogenase, isocitrate dehydrogenase, pyruvate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase and cytochrome-c-oxidase and cause accumulation of acetylcholine in the hepatopancreas and muscle tissues. These changes in the activity levels of selected oxidative enzymes during insecticide exposure in these tissues of prawn indicates the shift in the metabolic emphasis from aerobic to anaerobic conditions and is interpreted as a functional adaptation to insecticide induced metabolic stress. These observed changes at cellular level pave way for successful survival of prawns in insecticide polluted environ.  相似文献   
Hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-glucoside by the beta-glucosidase of a thermophilic and cellulolytic fungus, Humicola insolens was stimulated by two-fold in the presence of high concentrations of beta-mercaptoethanol. This enzyme did not have any free sulfhydryl groups and high concentrations of beta-mercaptoethanol (5% v/v) reduced all of the three disulfide bonds present in the enzyme. In contrast, the hydrolysis of cellobiose and cellulose polymers was inhibited by 50% under the same conditions. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (1% w/v) even in combination with beta-mercaptoethanol did not show any significant effects on this enzyme. These unusual properties suggest that this enzyme may be of significant importance for understanding the structure of the enzyme.  相似文献   
Two general mechanisms mediate glucose transport, one is a sodium-coupled glucose transporter found in the apical border of intestinal and kidney epithelia, while the other is a sodium-independent transport system. Of the latter, several facilitated transporters have been identified, including GLUT1 (erythrocyte/brain), GLUT2 (liver) and GLUT4 (adipose/muscle) isoforms. In this study, we used Western-blot analysis and high resolution immunoelectron microscopy (IEM) to investigate the stage-related expression and cellular localization of GLUT1, 2 and 4. The Western blot results demonstrate that GLUT1 is detectable in the oocyte and throughout preimplantation development. GLUT2 isoforms were not detectable until the blastocyst stage, while the GLUT4 isoform was undetectable in the oocyte through blastocyst stages. The present findings confirm previous studies at the molecular level which demonstrated that mRNAs encoding the same GLUT isoforms are detectable at corresponding developmental stages. GLUT1 and GLUT2 display different cellular distributions at the blastocyst stage as shown by IEM studies. GLUT1 has a widespread distribution in both trophectoderm and inner cell mass cells, while GLUT2 is located on trophectoderm membranes facing the blastocyst cavity. This observation suggests a different functional significance for these isoforms during mouse preimplantation development.  相似文献   
Studies on glutathione (GSH) metabolism in an established baby hamster kidney fibroblast cell line (BHK-21/C13) and in its polyoma virus-transformed counterpart (BHK-21/PyY) have revealed a significant stimulation of intracellular GSH peroxidase (GSHpx) activity (selenium-independent plus selenium-dependent) by alpha-tocopherol supplementation (14 microM). This stimulation was found to be much greater in the transformed cells. Other GSH-requiring enzyme activities (i.e. GSH reductase and GSH S-transferase) were unaltered by alpha-tocopherol treatment, suggesting a degree of specificity in its action on GSHpx. In unsupplemented growth media, the GSHpx activity in both cell lines was significantly decreased by oxidative stress. However, the same stress applied to the alpha-tocopherol-supplemented cells had no effect on the stimulated GSHpx activity, suggesting that some protection was afforded by the alpha-tocopherol.  相似文献   
用相关和回归处理方法,研究了8条正常狗咽喉部高频喷射通气时,调节驱动压、呼吸比和频率对喷气量、吸入气氧浓度、动脉血气及气道内压的作用。结果显示,驱动压和呼吸此对各观察指标几乎有同等重要的作用,频率的影响很小,喷气量与吸入气氧浓度、动脉血气、气道内压间存在显著的正相关关系。说明调节参数的意义主要在于改变了喷气量。  相似文献   
The -carboxyl groups of Glu-43() and Glu-22() of hemoglobin-S (HbS), two intermolecular contact residues of deoxy protein, are activated by carbodiimide atp H 6.0. The selectivity of the modification by the two nucleophiles, glycine ethyl ester (GEE) and glucosamine, is distinct. Influence ofN-hydroxysulfosuccinimide, a reagent that rescues carbodiimide-activated carboxyl (O-acyl isourea) as sulfo-NHS ester, on the overall selectivity and efficiency of the coupling of Glu-22() and Glu-43() with nucleophiles has been investigated. Sulfo-NHS increases the extent of coupling of nucleophiles to HbS. The rescuing efficiency of sulfo-NHS(increase in modification) with GEE and galactosamine as nucleophiles is 2.0 and 2.8, respectively. In the presence of sulfo-NHS, the extent of modification of a carboxyl group is a direct reflection of the extent to which it is activated (i.e., the protonation state of the carboxyl group). The modification reaction exhibits very high selectivity for Glu-43() with GEE and galactosamine (GA) in the presence of sulfo-NHS. From the studies of the kinetics of amidation of oxy-HbS at its Glu-43() (i.e., chemical reactivity) as a function of thepH in the region of 5.5–7.5, the apparentpKa of its -carboxyl group has been calculated to be 6.35. Deoxygenation of HbS, nearly doubles the chemical reactivity of Glu-43() of HbS atpH 7.0. It is suggested that the increased hydrophobicity of the microenvironment of Glu-43(), which occurs on deoxygenation of the protein, is reflected as the increased chemical reactivity of the -carboxyl group and could be one of the crucial preludes to the polymerization process.  相似文献   
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