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Transglutaminase catalyzes the intermolecular cross-linking of peptides between Gln and Lys residues, forming an -(-glutamyl) lysine bond. Amyloid -peptide, a major constituent of the deposits in Alzheimer disease, contains Lys16, Lys28, and Gln15 which may act as substrates of transglutaminase. Transglutaminase treatment of amyloid -peptide (1–28) and amyloid -peptide (1–40) yielded cross-linked oligomers. Transglutaminase-treated A retarded neurite extension of PC12 cells, and rat cultured neurons of hippocampus and septum, brain areas severely affected by Alzheimer disease, and subsequently caused cell death, whereas the transglutaminase-untreated counterparts did not show harmful effects. The transglutaminase-catalyzed oligomers of amyloid -peptide and their neurotoxicity may be involved in two characteristics in Alzheimer disease, neuronal degeneration and formation of the insoluble deposits.Abbreviations: AD – Alzheimer disease, A – amyloid -peptide, DMEM – Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium, DMEM/F–12–1:1 mixture of DMEM and Ham's F–12 medium, FCS – fetal calf serum, HS – horse serum, PAGE – polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, MTT – 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol–2-yl)–2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide, NGF – nerve growth factor, TGase – transglutaminase.  相似文献   
Genes coding for sporamin and β-amylase of sweet potato are inducible not only by high levels of metabolizable sugars, such as sucrose, but also by a low concentration of polygalacturonic acid (PGA). Calmodulin inhibitors and EGTA inhibited both the PGA-inducible and the sucrose-inducible accumulation of mRNAs for sporamin and β-amylase in sweet potato. Calmodulin inhibitors, EGTA and La3+, also inhibited the sucrose-inducible expression, in leaves of transgenic tobacco, of a fusion gene, β-Amy:GUS, which consists of the promoter of the β-amylase gene and the coding sequence for β-glucuronidase. The sucrose-inducible expression of the β-Amy:GUS fusion gene was also inhibited by two inhibitors of Ca2+ channels, diltiazem and nicardipine. These results suggest that the sugar-inducible expression of genes for sporamin and β-amylase involves, at least in part, Ca2+-mediated signalling, and that the cytosolic free Ca2+ may mediate cross-talk between signals related to carbohydrate metabolism and other stimuli. Treatment of coelenterazine-loaded leaf discs of tobacco expressing a Ca2+-binding photoprotein, aequorin, with 0.2 M sucrose for 24 h significantly reduced the level of luminescence that could be induced by cold shock, as compared to cold shock-induced luminescence in coelenterazine-loaded leaf discs treated with water. Repression of cold shock-induced luminescence was due to the conversion of holoaequorin to apoaequorin during the treatment with sucrose. Treatment of coelenterazine-loaded leaf discs with a 0.2 M solution of glucose or fructose, but not of mannitol or sorbitol, also reduced the cold shock-induced luminescence. It is suggested that non-synchronous increases in cytosolic level of free Ca2+ occur in leaf discs during treatment with high levels of metabolizable sugars.  相似文献   
The dielectric dispersion of isolated intact mitochondria in suspension has been measured between 10 kHz and 500 MHz. In isotonic KCI media at 4°C, the mitochondria maintained their characteristic ‘double membrane’ structure as examined by electron microscopy, and the observed dispersion curves were successfully simulated in terms of a superposition of two sub-dispersions having different characteristic frequencies and different permittivity magnitudes. Taking these observations into account we analyzed the dispersion data on the basis of a ‘double-shell’ model in which two concentric shells are meant to represent the mitochondrial outer and inner membranes. The analyses by a computerized curve-fitting method revealed that: (i) electric capacities for the outer and the inner membrane are 1.7 and 0.5 μF/cm2, respectively, (ii) relative permittivity for the inner compartment (or the equivalent homogeneous matrical space) = 50–60, (iii) outer compartment-to-external conductivity ratio = 0.4–0.6, and (iv) inner compartment-to-external conductivity ratio = 0.14. The implications of these parameter values are discussed with due attention paid to the limitations inherent in our ‘double-shell’ model approach.  相似文献   
The relation between N content and ribulose-l,5-bisphosphate(RuBP) carboxylase protein was examined in the 12th leaf bladeof rice. Plants were grown under different amounts of N afterthe emergence of the 12th leaf blade. RuBP carboxylase proteinincreased with leaf N during leaf expansion. The synthesis ofRuBP carboxylase predominated during this period, and changesin the amounts of carboxylase synthesized until leaf death paralleledchanges in the N influx to the leaves. When the carboxylasereached its maximum content, the proportion of RuBP carboxylaseto leaf N was 27 to 28% irrespective of N treatment. As theleaf senesced, however, this proportion differed significantlywith the treatment. It was higher in the N-deficient leaf thanin the N-sufficient leaf. This was due to different patternsof RuBP carboxylase degradation for the treatments during senescence.RuBP carboxylase was degraded actively during the early stageof senescence in the N-sufficient leaf, whereas its degradationproceeded almost constantly in the N-deficient leaf during senescence. (Received October 17, 1983; Accepted January 27, 1984)  相似文献   
The position of the gametophytic bud was examined in relationto the development of protonema in the moss, Physcomitrium sphaericum. Positions of protrusion formation, of the development of protrusionsinto lateral filaments, and of the differentiation of protrusionsinto buds are restricted within the narrow regions of the filaments.The number of cells from the apical cell of the filament tothese positions are constant in any size filament. The growth pattern of the protonema is shown as follow. As afilament grows one-dimensionally through divisions of the apicalcell, new protrusions are produced successively on the 5th cellfrom the apical cell or on its vicinity. The cells which intervenebetween the apical cell and this protrusion increase in numberas the apical cell divides. When this protrusion is positionedat the 8th or 9th cell from the apex, it differentiates intoa bud or a lateral filament. This growth pattern is common toboth the main and lateral filaments. Buds are differentiated not only on caulonema cells in the mainand lateral filament, but also on chloronema cells at the baseof the lateral filaments. (Received December 14, 1981; Accepted April 24, 1982)  相似文献   
When thiamine concentration in subculture medium was rapidlylowered to nil, soybean cells in suspension became necroticand stopped growing entirely. When it was gradually lowered,cell growth was vigorous until the concentration was reducedto 7.8?103 mg/liter. The cells at this level of thiamineceased growing for a time, but prolonged culture in the samemedium resulted in the appearance of fresh white cells whichcould be easily distinguished from the old brown, necrotic cellsin the aggregates. These new cell lines could be subculturedwith further reduction in the thiamine supply, growing as largeraggregates of about 4 mm in diameter. New cell lines were similarly obtained by prolonged culturesin media containing a thiamine precursor; three lines appearedto be habituated to the pyrimidine moiety and one to the thiazolemoiety. The latter cell line could be subcultured without thiamineand its precursors for at least eight passages. These habituatedcells were characterized by the increase of the dry to freshweight ratio and by their growth in large aggregates. 1Present address: Section of Phytochemical Research, Eisai Co.,Ltd., Kawashima, Gifu 483, Japan. (Received December 15, 1978; )  相似文献   
On the basis of recent neurophysiological findings on the mammalian visual cortex, a selforganizing neural network model is proposed for the understanding of the development of complex cells. The model is composed of two kinds of connections from LGN cells to a complex cell. One is direct excitatory connections and the other is indirect inhibitory connections via simple cells. Inhibitory synapses between simple cells and complex cells are assumed to be modifiable. The model was simulated on a computer to confirm its behavior.  相似文献   
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