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The alpha M beta 2 integrin of leukocytes can bind a variety of ligands. We screened phage display libraries to isolate peptides that bind to the alpha M I domain, the principal ligand binding site of the integrin. Only one peptide motif, (D/E)(D/E)(G/L)W, was obtained with this approach despite the known ligand binding promiscuity of the I domain. Interestingly, such negatively charged sequences are present in many known beta 2 integrin ligands and also in the catalytic domain of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). We show that purified beta 2 integrins bind to pro-MMP-2 and pro-MMP-9 gelatinases and that that the negatively charged sequence of the MMP catalytic domain is an active beta 2 integrin-binding site. Furthermore, a synthetic DDGW-containing phage display peptide inhibited the ability of beta 2 integrin to bind progelatinases but did not inhibit the binding of cell adhesion-mediating substrates such as intercellular adhesion molecule-1, fibrinogen, or an LLG-containing peptide. Immunoprecipitation and cell surface labeling demonstrated complexes of pro-MMP-9 with both the alpha M beta 2 and alpha L beta 2 integrins in leukocytes, and pro-MMP-9 colocalized with alpha M beta 2 in cell surface protrusions. The DDGW peptide and the gelatinase-specific inhibitor peptide CTTHWGFTLC blocked beta 2 integrin-dependent leukocyte migration in a transwell assay. These results suggest that leukocytes may move in a progelatinase-beta 2 integrin complex-dependent manner.  相似文献   
Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI, EC, an enzyme and chaperone, catalyses disulfide bond formation and rearrangements in protein folding. It is also a subunit in two proteins, the enzyme collagen prolyl 4-hydroxylase and the microsomal triglyceride transfer protein. It consists of two catalytically active domains, a and a', and two inactive ones, b and b', all four domains having the thioredoxin fold. Domain b' contains the primary peptide binding site, but a' is also critical for several of the major PDI functions. Mass spectrometry was used here to follow the folding pathway of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A (RNase A) in the presence of three PDI mutants, F449R, Delta455-457, and abb', and the individual domains a and a'. The first two mutants contained alterations in the last alpha helix of domain a', while the third lacked the entire domain a'. All mutants produced genuine, correctly folded RNase A, but the appearance rate of 50% of the product, as compared to wild-type PDI, was reduced 2.5-fold in the case of PDI Delta455-457, 7.5-fold to eightfold in the cases of PDI F449R and PDI abb', and over 15-fold in the cases of the individual domains a and a'. In addition, PDI F449R and PDI abb' affected the distribution of folding intermediates. Domains a and a' catalyzed the early steps in the folding but no disulfide rearrangements, and therefore the rate observed in the presence of these individual domains was similar to that of the spontaneous process.  相似文献   
Many integrins mediate cell attachment to the extracellular matrix by recognizing short tripeptide sequences such as arginine-glycine-aspartic acid and leucine-aspartate-valine. Using phage display, we have now found that the leukocyte-specific beta(2) integrins bind sequences containing a leucine-leucine-glycine (LLG) tripeptide motif. An LLG motif is present on intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1, the major beta(2) integrin ligand, but also on several matrix proteins, including von Willebrand factor. We developed a novel beta(2) integrin antagonist peptide CPCFLLGCC (called LLG-C4), the structure of which was determined by nuclear magnetic resonance. The LLG-C4 peptide inhibited leukocyte adhesion to ICAM-1, and, interestingly, also to von Willebrand factor. When immobilized on plastic, the LLG-C4 sequence supported the beta(2) integrin-mediated leukocyte adhesion, but not beta(1) or beta(3) integrin-mediated cell adhesion. These results suggest that LLG sequences exposed on ICAM-1 and on von Willebrand factor at sites of vascular injury play a role in the binding of leukocytes, and LLG-C4 and peptidomimetics derived from it could provide a therapeutic approach to inflammatory reactions.  相似文献   
Protein-disulfide isomerase (PDI) is a catalyst of folding of disulfide-bonded proteins and also a multifunctional polypeptide that acts as the beta-subunit in the prolyl 4-hydroxylase alpha(2)beta(2)-tetramer (P4H) and the microsomal triglyceride transfer protein alphabeta-dimer. The principal peptide-binding site of PDI is located in the b' domain, but all domains contribute to the binding of misfolded proteins. Mutations in the C-terminal part of the a' domain have significant effects on the assembly of the P4H tetramer and other functions of PDI. In this study we have addressed the question of whether these mutations in the C-terminal part of the a' domain, which affect P4H assembly, also affect peptide binding to PDI. We observed a strong correlation between P4H assembly competence and peptide binding; mutants of PDI that failed to form a functional P4H tetramer were also inactive in peptide binding. However, there was also a correlation between inactivity in these assays and indicators of conformational disruption, such as protease sensitivity. Peptide binding activity could be restored in inactive, protease-sensitive mutants by selective proteolytic removal of the mutated a' domain. Hence we propose that structural changes in the a' domain indirectly affect peptide binding to the b' domain.  相似文献   
Six rabbits were sham operated and were given water to drink (sham-water group); six additional rabbits were sham operated and were given saline to drink (sham-salt group); another six rabbits received an implant of deoxycorticosterone (DOCA) and were given water to drink (DOCA-water group); a final group of six rabbits received implants of DOCA and were given saline to drink (DOCA-salt group). Two weeks later, all four groups of rabbits had approximately the same mean arterial pressures, and the sham-salt, DOCA-water, and DOCA-salt groups all had plasma renin activity values less than the sham-water group. The DOCA-salt group had greater pressor responses to norepinephrine (NE) at several doses than did the other three groups of rabbits. In another group of six sham-water and six DOCA-salt rabbits, measurements of cardiac output before and during infusions of NE at 800 ng/min/kg body wt revealed no changes in cardiac output before or during NE infusion, but the DOCA-salt group had significantly greater increases in mean arterial pressure and total peripheral resistance during NE than did the sham-water group. In another group of six DOCA-salt rabbits, the pressor response to several doses of NE were determined during infusion of the angiotensin II (AII) antagonist, [Sar1, Ile8] AII; this AII antagonist failed to alter the enhanced pressor responses to NE. A final experiment examined pressor responses to NE in six normal rabbits before and after cross circulation of blood with six DOCA-salt rabbits. After blood cross circulation the normal rabbits had exaggerated pressor responses to NE at 5, 15, and 30 min, but not at 60 min. Similar cross-circulation experiments between six pairs of normal rabbits did not show any transfer of pressor hyperresponsiveness. These studies indicated that pressor and vascular hyperresponsiveness in DOCA-salt rabbits is conveyed by a fast-acting hormonal factor and that AII probably is not involved in mediating this hyperresponsiveness.  相似文献   
Norepinephrine was infused iv at several doses into four groups of conscious rabbits (six per group), and the pressor responses were recorded. The groups were 3-day sham-operated rabbits; 3-day, two-kidney rabbits with unilateral renal artery stenosis (RAS); 3-day, two-kidney rabbits with unilateral renal denervation; and 3-day, two-kidney rabbits with unilateral renal denervation plus RAS of the denervated kidney. The rabbits with RAS of an innervated kidney and those with RAS of a denervated kidney had the same pressor responses to norepinephrine, which were greater than the pressor responses in the sham-operated rabbits or in the rabbits with a denervated kidney but without RAS. Four additional groups of similarly prepared rabbits were infused with norepinephrine at 800 ng/min/kg body wt, and mean arterial pressure and cardiac output were determined before and during norepinephrine infusion. The rabbits with RAS of an innervated or of a denervated kidney had greater increases in total peripheral resistance as well as in mean arterial pressure during norepinephrine infusion than did the two groups of rabbits without RAS. This indicated that the rabbits with RAS also had increased vascular responses to norepinephrine. The concentration of norepinephrine in six denervated kidneys was extremely low as compared to that of six innervated kidneys. Because renal denervation did not diminish pressor and vascular hyperresponsiveness in 3-day RAS rabbits, the signal that originates in the kidney following RAS and that results ultimately in pressor and vascular hyperresponsiveness is not mediated by renal nerves.  相似文献   
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