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In the past, Rhopalomyia longitubifex, Rhopalomyia shinjii, and Rhopalomyia sp. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) have been regarded as independent species based on differences in the sizes and shapes of axillary bud galls induced on Artemisia montana (Asteraceae) in Japan and A. princeps in Japan and Korea. However, comparison of morphological features and molecular sequencing data indicate that these Rhopalomyia gall midges are identical and that the differences in gall shape are polymorphisms, although the measurements of gall height and diameter overlap slightly. This finding suggests that although galls have frequently been regarded as extensions of the phenotype of a species, differences in gall shape may not always be reliable for identifying gall‐inducing cecidomyiids. The older name, R. longitubifex, is applied to these gall midges, and the names that were applied to this species on later occasions are revised or synonymized. The mature and immature stages of R. longitubifex are redescribed and information on the distribution, host range, and gall size of this species is provided. We also discuss the role of gall polymorphism in the early stages of speciation.  相似文献   
Four gall midge species (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) that induce leaf galls on Styrax japonicus (Styracaceae) were identified to generic level based on larval morphology. Three of these gall midges, which induce whitish hemiglobular galls, flattened subglobular galls, and purple globular galls, respectively, were identified as three genetically distinct species of Contarinia, and the remaining species, which induces globular galls with dense whitish hairs, was identified as a species of Dasineura. Field surveys in Fukuoka, Japan, revealed that adults of these gall midges emerged and oviposited in late March to mid‐April at Mount Tachibana (approximately 200 m a.s.l.) and in late April to early May at Mount Sefuri (about 1050 m a.s.l.), coinciding with the leaf‐opening season of S. japonicus. Larvae of these gall midges mostly developed into third instars by June and then left their galls and dropped to the ground. These species therefore have a life history strategy that differs from that of another S. japonicus‐associated gall midge, Oxycephalomyia styraci, which overwinters as the first instar in ovate swellings, matures rapidly in spring, and emerges directly from the galls.  相似文献   
Multilocus sequence analysis based on hypervariable housekeeping proteins was utilized to differentiate closely related species in the family Enterobacteriaceae. Of 150 housekeeping proteins, the top 10 hypervariable proteins were selected and concatenated to obtain distance data. Distances between concatenated proteins within the family were 0.9–41.2%, whereas the 16S rRNA and atpD‐gyrB‐infB‐rpoB concatenated sequence (4MLSA) distances were 0.8–6.0% and 0.9–22.1%, respectively. These data indicate that phylogenetic analysis by concatenation of hypervariable proteins is a powerful tool for discriminating species in the family Enterobacteriaceae. To confirm the discriminatory power of the 10 chosen concatenated hypervariable proteins (C10HKP), phylogenetic trees based on C10HKP, 4MLSA, and the 16S rRNA gene were constructed. Comparison of average bootstrap values among C10HKP, 4MLSA and 16S rRNA genes indicated that the C10HKP tree was the most reliable. Location via the C10HKP tree was consistent with existing assignments for almost all species in the family Enterobacteriaceae. However, the C10HKP tree suggested that several species (including Enterobacter massiliensis, Escherichia vulneris, Escherichia hermannii, and Salmonella subterranea) should be reassigned to different clusters than those defined in previous analyses. Furthermore, E. hermannii and S. subterranea appeared to fall onto a branch independent from those occupied by the other Enterobacteriaceae. Therefore, we propose Atlantibacter gen. nov., such that E. hermannii and S. subterranea would be transferred to genus Atlantibacter as Atlantibacter hermannii, comb. nov. and Atlantibacter subterranea. comb. nov., respectively.  相似文献   
Global viewing of protein–protein interactions (PPIs)is a useful way to assign biological roles to large numbersof proteins predicted by complete genome sequence. Here, wesystematically analyzed PPIs in the nitrogen-fixing soil bacteriumMesorhizobium loti using a modified high-throughput yeast two-hybridsystem. The aims of this study are primarily on the providingfunctional clues to M. loti proteins that are relevant to symbioticnitrogen fixation and conserved in other rhizobium species,especially proteins with regulatory functions and unannotatedproteins. By the screening of 1542 genes as bait, 3121 independentinteractions involving 1804 proteins (24% of the total proteincoding genes) were identified and each interaction was evaluatedusing an interaction generality (IG) measure and the generalfeatures of the interacting partners. Most PPIs detected inthis study are novel interactions revealing potential functionalrelationships between genes for symbiotic nitrogen fixationand signal transduction. Furthermore, we have predicted theputative functions of unannotated proteins through their interactionswith known proteins. The results described here represent newinsight into protein network of M. loti and provide useful experimentalclues to elucidate the biological function of rhizobial genesthat can not be assigned directly from their genomic sequence.  相似文献   
The complete nucleotide sequence of the plastid genome of the unicellular primitive red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae 10D (Cyanidiophyceae) was determined. The genome is a circular DNA composed of 149,987 bp with no inverted repeats. The G + C content of this plastid genome is 37.6%. The C. merolae plastid genome contains 243 genes, which are distributed on both strands and consist of 36 RNA genes (3 rRNAs, 31 tRNAs, tmRNA, and a ribonuclease P RNA component) and 207 protein genes, including unidentified open reading frames. The striking feature of this genome is the high degree of gene compaction; it has very short intergenic distances (approximately 40% of the protein genes were overlapped) and no genes have introns. This genome encodes several genes that are rarely found in other plastid genomes. A gene encoding a subunit of sulfate transporter (cysW) is the first to be identified in a plastid genome. The cysT and cysW genes are located in the C. merolae plastid genome in series, and they probably function together with other nuclear-encoded components of the sulfate transport system. Our phylogenetic results suggest that the Cyanidiophyceae, including C. merolae, are a basal clade within the red lineage plastids.  相似文献   
Molasses-based distilleries generate large volumes of a highly polluted and dark brown-colored wastewater. The present work describes the way in which an adsorbent-column chromatography can effectively remove the colorant and produce biomass ethanol from sugarcane or sugar beet molasses. It was found that the color and chemical oxygen demand of the resulting wastewater was respectively reduced by approximately 87% and 28% as compared with conventional molasses fermentation. Gas chromatography showed that the decolorized molasses maintained good ethanol productivity almost equal to that of the original molasses. Furthermore, it was revealed that the colorant concentrations of about 5 mg ml−1 in the medium were the most favorable for ethanolic fermentation. In summary, we have concluded that this method is the most effective when the adsorbent chromatography is performed just before molasses fermentation and that the decolorized molasses is an ideal substrate for fuel ethanol production.  相似文献   
Persistent infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) induces tumorigenicity in hepatocytes. To gain insight into the mechanisms underlying this process, we generated monoclonal antibodies on a genome-wide scale against an HCV-expressing human hepatoblastoma-derived cell line, RzM6-LC, showing augmented tumorigenicity. We identified 3β-hydroxysterol Δ24-reductase (DHCR24) from this screen and showed that its expression reflected tumorigenicity. HCV induced the DHCR24 overexpression in human hepatocytes. Ectopic or HCV-induced DHCR24 overexpression resulted in resistance to oxidative stress-induced apoptosis and suppressed p53 activity. DHCR24 overexpression in these cells paralleled the increased interaction between p53 and MDM2 (also known as HDM2), a p53-specific E3 ubiquitin ligase, in the cytoplasm. Persistent DHCR24 overexpression did not alter the phosphorylation status of p53 but resulted in decreased acetylation of p53 at lysine residues 373 and 382 in the nucleus after treatment with hydrogen peroxide. Taken together, these results suggest that DHCR24 is elevated in response to HCV infection and inhibits the p53 stress response by stimulating the accumulation of the MDM2-p53 complex in the cytoplasm and by inhibiting the acetylation of p53 in the nucleus.  相似文献   


Increased pro-inflammatory cytokines in tracheal aspirates correlate with the development of BPD in preterm infants. Ventilation of preterm lambs increases pro-inflammatory cytokines and causes lung inflammation.


We tested the hypothesis that selective inhibitors of pro-inflammatory signaling would decrease lung inflammation induced by ventilation in preterm newborn lambs. We also examined if the variability in injury response was explained by variations in the endogenous surfactant pool size.


Date-mated preterm lambs (n = 28) were operatively delivered and mechanically ventilated to cause lung injury (tidal volume escalation to 15 mL/kg by 15 min at age). The lambs then were ventilated with 8 mL/kg tidal volume for 1 h 45 min. Groups of animals randomly received specific inhibitors for IL-8, IL-1, or NF-κB. Unventilated lambs (n = 7) were the controls. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and lung samples were used to quantify inflammation. Saturated phosphatidylcholine (Sat PC) was measured in BALF fluid and the data were stratified based on a level of 5 μmol/kg (~8 mg/kg surfactant).


The inhibitors did not decrease the cytokine levels or inflammatory response. The inflammation increased as Sat PC pool size in BALF decreased. Ventilated lambs with a Sat PC level > 5 μmol/kg had significantly decreased markers of injury and lung inflammation compared with those lambs with < 5 μmol/kg.


Lung injury caused by high tidal volumes at birth were decreased when endogenous surfactant pool sizes were larger. Attempts to decrease inflammation by blocking IL-8, IL-1 or NF-κB were unsuccessful.  相似文献   
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