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The maintenance of sexual reproduction is discussed using a model based on the familiar Lotka-Volterra competition equations. Both the equilibrium and the stability conditions that allow a sexual population to resist invasion by a single asexual clone are considered. The equilibrium conditions give results similar to previous models: When the cost of sex, within phenotype niche width, and environmental variance are low, the sexual population coexists with the asexual clone and remains at a high density. However, the asexual clone is never completely excluded. Analysis of the stability conditions shows a different picture: The introduction of an asexual clone considerably reduces the stability of the community. However, owing to its larger total niche width, the sexual population exists partly in a “competitor-free space” where the asexual clone has almost no influence on the outcome of the interactions. Therefore the asexual clone is less stable than the sexual population and has a higher probability of extinction. In contrast, the sexual population does not become extinct, since the extreme phenotypes remain at a stable, though low, density, and the central phenotypes, where stability is low, are recreated every generation through recombination. I therefore conclude that the ecological conditions under which sexual reproduction is favored over asexual reproduction are fairly easily attained and are more general than previous analyses had suggested.  相似文献   
This paper presents a simple model for the evolution of reaction norms for age and size at maturity that predicts reaction norms with a variety of shapes. Using realistic parameter values the model predicts reaction norms close to those observed in Drosophila. The major assumptions of the model are: 1) that net reproductive rate is maximized, 2) that growth is determinate, and 3) that mortality rates are independent of age and size at maturity. If, additionally, juvenile mortality is uncorrelated with a growth coefficient, k, the model predicts that selection favors maturation later at a smaller size when k is reduced by environmental factors and that decreased juvenile mortality leads to delayed maturity. These two predictions conform with those found by previous models using other measures of fitness. Correlations between k and juvenile mortality can change the shape of the predicted reaction norm. Depending on the precise form of the correlation, the model can predict done- or bowl-shaped reaction norms and can predict delayed or earlier maturity as k decreases. These shapes are qualitatively different from those predicted by previous models that used different fitness measures. Systematic estimates of the parameter values for this and for related models are required to determine the appropriate fitness measure for models of reaction norms.  相似文献   
The idea of implementing genetics-based insect control strategies modelled on the traditional SIT is becoming increasingly popular. In this paper we compare a genetically modified line of Aedes aegypti carrying a tetracycline repressible, lethal positive feedback system (OX513A) with its wild type counterpart with respect to their insemination capacities and the cost of courtship and mating. Genetically modified males inseminated just over half as many females as the wild type males during their lifetime. Providing days of rest from mating had no significant effect on the total number of females inseminated by males of either line, but it did increase their longevity. Producing sperm had a low cost in terms of energy investment; the cost of transferring this sperm to a receptive female was much higher. Continued mating attempts with refractory females suggest that males could not identify refractory females before investing substantial energy in courtship. Although over a lifetime OX513A males inseminated fewer females, the number of females inseminated over the first three days, was similar between males of the two lines, suggesting that the identified cost of RIDL may have little impact on the outcome of SIT-based control programmes with frequent releases of the genetically modified males.  相似文献   
Coevolution of parasite virulence and host life history   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most models about the evolutionary interactions between a parasite's virulence and its host's life history neglect two potentially important aspects: epidemiological and coevolutionary feedback. We emphasize their importance by presenting models that describe the coevolution of a semelparous host's age at reproduction and a parasite's virulence in different environmental conditions. In particular, we first show that an epidemiological feedback will lead to a nonmonotonic response of the host's age at reproduction as virulence increases. We then show that the coevolutionary pressure on virulence can lead to complex associations between the host's life history and the parasite's virulence, which would not be expected with more traditional models of host or parasite evolution. Thus, for example, a high mortality rate of the host favours avirulent parasites and late reproduction of the host when the environmental conditions allow the host to grow rapidly, but early reproduction and high virulence when growth is slow.  相似文献   
Documented demographic bottlenecks resultingfrom introductions of the dice snake to severallakes in Switzerland provide a rare opportunityto study the effect of serial bottlenecks onthe genetic properties of Natrixtessellata populations. We investigated twointroduced populations using informationderived from eight microsatellite markers. Bothintroduced populations had significantlyreduced levels of allelic diversity relative tonon-bottlenecked populations. The severity ofthe bottlenecks was underlined by thesignificant reduction in observed and expectedheterozygosity. The loss of allelic diversityand observed heterozygosity was stronger in theserially bottlenecked population than in thepopulation that was bottlenecked only once.From previous studies, scale anomalies wereknown to be more common in introducedpopulations relative to native populations. Weinvestigated whether the higher occurrence ofscale anomalies in introduced populations isassociated with individual heterozygosity andmean genomic diversity d 2. We founda significant relationship between theoccurrence of scale anomalies and individualheterozygosity but no significant relationshipbetween scale anomalies and the microsatellitespecific measurement, d 2, was found.Because of their known history, introducedpopulations in Switzerland may serve as a modelto demonstrate the effect of severe populationbottlenecks on genetic variability anddevelopmental stability in N. tessellata.The results therefore help to device strategiesfor the management and protection of endangerednatural N. tessellata populations.  相似文献   


Mosquitoes that have been genetically modified to better encapsulate the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum are being considered as a possible tool in the control of malaria. Hopes for this have been raised with the identification of genes involved in the encapsulation response and with advances in the tools required to transform mosquitoes. However, we have only very little understanding of the conditions that would allow such genes to spread in natural populations.  相似文献   
We selected six lines of mosquito Aedes aegypti for earlier or later pupation and measured the correlated responses of several life history traits: adult size, two fecundity measures and pre-adult survival. We further examined the influence of two environmental parameters – larval food availability and infection by the microsporidian parasite Edhazardia aedis– on the correlated responses. Pre-adult survival did not respond to selection for age at pupation in any environment. For all of the other traits, the environment influenced the correlated response, though the contribution of the different environmental aspects differed among traits. While the correlated response of adult size was influenced only by larval food availability, the likelihood that a female laid eggs was influenced by parasite infection, and the correlated response of the number of eggs was influenced by the interaction of the two environmental parameters. Generally, a deteriorating environment moved the correlated response from one favouring later pupation to one favouring earlier pupation. Larval food availability and parasite infection also influenced the association between the mean wing length and fecundity of the selected lines. At high food availability, there was a positive relationship between adult size and fecundity, while infected mosquitoes reared at low food availability showed the opposite trend. We discuss these results in light of the coevolutionary potential of the host–parasite interaction.  相似文献   


Intra-specific variation in sperm length influences male reproductive success in several species of insects. In males of the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae, sperm length is highly variable but the significance of this variation is unknown. Understanding what determines the reproductive success of male mosquitoes is critical for controlling malaria, and in particular for replacing natural populations with transgenic, malaria-resistant mosquitoes.


A laboratory population of A. gambiae males was tested for intra-specific variation in sperm length. A full-sib quantitative genetic design was used to test for a genetic component of sperm length in A. gambiae males and estimate its heritability. This study also tested for a relationship between sperm length and male reproductive success in A. gambiae. Male reproductive success was measured as the proportions of inseminated and ovipositing females.


There was intra-specific variation of sperm length in A. gambiae. There was no significant genetic variation in sperm length and its heritability was low (h2 = 0.18) compared to other insects. Sperm length was correlated with male body size (measured as wing length). Males with short sperm had significantly higher reproductive success than males with long sperm and this was independent of body size.


This is the first study to demonstrate intra-specific variation in sperm length in A. gambiae and that males with short sperm have higher reproductive success. That sperm length influences female oviposition is important for any strategy considering the release of transgenic males.
We have performed a global genome expression analysis of mosquito responses to CM-25 Sephadex beads and identified 27 regulated immune genes, including several anti-Plasmodium factors and other components with likely roles in melanization. Silencing of two bead injection responsive genes, TEP1 and LRIM1, which encode proteins known to mediate Plasmodium killing, significantly compromised the ability to melanize the beads. In contrast, silencing of two Plasmodium protective c-type lectins, CTL4 and CTLMA2, did not affect bead melanization. This data suggest that the anti-Plasmodium factors have dual functions, as determinants of both Plasmodium killing and melanization of the parasite and other foreign bodies, while the Plasmodium protective factors are specifically utilized by the parasite for evasion of mosquito defense mechanisms.  相似文献   
To what extent the combined effect of several parasite species co-infecting the same host (i.e. polyparasitism) affects the host’s fitness is a crucial question of ecological parasitology. We investigated whether the ecological setting can influence the co-infection’s outcome with the mosquito Aedes aegypti and two parasites: the microsporidium Vavraia culicis and the gregarine Ascogregarina culicis. The cost of being infected by the two parasites depended on the interaction between the two infectious doses and host food availability. The age at pupation of the mosquito was delayed most when the doses of the two parasites were highest and little food was available. As infectious dose increases with the parasites’ prevalence and intensity of transmission, the cost of being co-infected depends on the epidemiological status of the two parasite species.  相似文献   
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