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An AGAMOUS/SHATTERPROOF homologue (Vvmads1) was isolated from grapevine by differential display between berry and leaf mRNA. The predicted protein sequence of the full-length clone shows a high degree of homology to PLENA (77% identity) and to SHP1 and SHP2 (75% and 74% identity respectively), and is grouped with AGAMOUS/PLENA homologues when the conserved MADS and K domains are compared. Vvmads1 is expressed only in the later stages of flower development and throughout berry development, although expression is reduced after ripening commenced. When Vvmads1 was over-expressed in tobacco, the resulting plants display altered morphologies in the outer two floral whorls. In the most extreme cases, the inner whorls were surrounded by a carpelloid structure created by the modified sepals. Within these sepals were petals which had been split into sections and which were attached at the base of the flower by structures with the appearance of filaments. The results of this study suggest that Vvmads1 has a regulatory role in flower development before fertilisation and a role in fruit development after fertilisation.  相似文献   
S-adenosylmethionine synthetase (AdoMet synthetase) is responsible for the synthesis of the major methyl donor S-adenosylmethionine. The AdoMet synthetase gene was identified by subtractive suppressive hybridization as being expressed at higher levels in the liver of rats continuously exposed to growth hormone (GH) than in rats intermittently exposed to the hormone. Further studies on the regulation of AdoMet synthetase showed that the activity and mRNA levels were higher in female than in male rats. Hypophysectomy increased AdoMet synthetase mRNA in both male and female rats. Combined thyroxine and cortisol treatment of hypophysectomized rats had no effect on AdoMet synthetase mRNA levels. Two daily injections of GH for 7 days, mimicking the male secretory pattern of GH, decreased AdoMet synthetase activity and mRNA levels. A continuous infusion of GH, mimicking the female secretory pattern of GH, had small or no effects on AdoMet synthetase activity and decreased the mRNA levels to a lesser degree than two daily injections. It is concluded that the lower AdoMet synthetase activity in male rats is due to an inhibitory effect of the male characteristic pulsatile secretory pattern of GH on AdoMet synthetase mRNA expression.  相似文献   
Summary Stimulations or inhibitions by various agents of45Ca efflux from prelabeled cells or tissues display distinct and reproducible profile patterns when the results are plotted against time as fractional efflux ratios (FER). FER is the fractional efflux of45Ca from stimulated cells divided by the fractional efflux from a control unstimulated group. These profile patterns fall into three categories: peak patterns, exponential patterns, and mixed patterns. Each category can be positive (stimulation) or negative (inhibition). The interpretation of these profiles is difficult because45Ca efflux depends on three variables: the rate of calcium transport out of the cell, the specific activity of the cell compartment from which the calcium originates, and the concentration of free calcium in this compartment. A computer model based on data obtained by kinetic analyses of45Ca desaturation curves and consisting of two distinct intracellular pools was designed to follow the concentration of the traced substance (40Ca), the tracer (45Ca), and the specific activity of each compartment before, during, and after the stimulation or the inhibition of calcium fluxes at various pool boundaries. The computer model can reproduce all the FER profiles obtained experimentally and bring information which may be helpful to the interpretation of this type of data. Some predictions of the model were tested experimentally, and the results support the views that a peak pattern may reflect a sustained change in calcium transport across the plasma membrane, that an exponential pattern arises from calcium mobilization from an internal subcellular pool, and that a mixed pattern may be caused by a simultaneous change in calcium fluxes at both compartment boundaries.  相似文献   
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To summarize recent data indicating that glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored high density lipoprotein-binding protein 1 (GPIHBP1) plays a key role in the lipolytic processing of chylomicrons. RECENT FINDINGS: Lipoprotein lipase hydrolyses triglycerides in chylomicrons at the luminal surface of the capillaries in heart, adipose tissue, and skeletal muscle. The endothelial cell molecule that facilitates the lipolytic processing of chylomicrons has never been clearly defined. Mice lacking GPIHBP1 manifest chylomicronemia, with plasma triglyceride levels as high as 5000 mg/dl. In wild-type mice, GPIHBP1 is expressed on the luminal surface of capillaries in heart, adipose tissue, and skeletal muscle. Cells transfected with GPIHBP1 bind both chylomicrons and lipoprotein lipase avidly. SUMMARY: The chylomicronemia in Gpihbp1-deficient mice, the fact that GPIHBP1 is located within the lumen of capillaries, and the fact that GPIHBP1 binds lipoprotein lipase and chylomicrons suggest that GPIHBP1 is a key platform for the lipolytic processing of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins.  相似文献   
Invasive infections with opportunistic fungi, such as Candida albicans, have become an increasing problem in aged adults in recent years. This work investigates the influence of human ageing on C. albicans recognition by toll-like receptors (TLRs), essential components of the innate immune system, using a cohort of 96 young (15-42 years) and aged (>70 years) human volunteers. No significant differences between aged and young donors were observed on (1) cell surface TLR2, TLR6 and TLR4 expression on lymphocytes, monocytes and granulocytes, (2) production of cytokines [IL-8, IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-10, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and IL-12p70] and prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) by whole human blood in response to C. albicans and (3) fungicidal activity of whole blood. A statistically significant higher titre of natural anti-C. albicans antibodies was found in plasma of volunteers between 80 and 95 years old when compared with other age groups, probably as a consequence of the increased levels of serum Ig that has been described in elderly subjects. Therefore, the results indicate that the increased susceptibility to C. albicans infections in the elderly is not a consequence of defects in TLRs expression or signalling, nor of an impaired fungicidal activity of blood.  相似文献   
During axonal maturation, voltage-gated sodium (Nav) channels accumulate at the axon initial segment (AIS) at high concentrations. This localization is necessary for the efficient initiation of action potentials. The mechanisms underlying channel trafficking to the AIS during axonal development have remained elusive due to a lack of Nav reagents suitable for high resolution imaging of channels located specifically on the cell surface. Using an optical pulse-chase approach in combination with a novel Nav1.6 construct containing an extracellular biotinylation domain we demonstrate that Nav1.6 channels are preferentially inserted into the AIS membrane during neuronal development via direct vesicular trafficking. Single-molecule tracking illustrates that axonal channels are immediately immobilized following delivery, while channels delivered to the soma are often mobile. Neither a Nav1.6 channel lacking the ankyrin-binding motif nor a chimeric Kv2.1 channel containing the Nav ankyrinG-binding domain show preferential AIS insertion. Together these data support a model where ankyrinG-binding is required for preferential Nav1.6 insertion into the AIS plasma membrane. In contrast, ankyrinG-binding alone does not confer the preferential delivery of proteins to the AIS.  相似文献   
Summary We have analysed two duplications of the X chromosome in male patients using chromosome replication and DNA methylation patterns as determinants of the functional status of the duplicated segments. In both cases, the large duplicated regions, Xq12-q22 and Xq26.3-qter, were not inactivated. A review of previously reported male cases revealed that these duplications were also not subject to inactivation. Taken together, the examined duplications cover almost the entire X chromosome except the pericentromeric region and Xq25–26. Thus, most regions of the X chromosome can be present in two functional copies without lethal consequences.  相似文献   
Delimiting and describing species is fundamental to numerous biological disciplines such as evolution, macroecology, and conservation. Delimiting species as independent evolutionary lineages may and often does yield different outcomes depending on the species criteria applied, but methods should be chosen that minimize the inference of objectively erroneous species limits. Several protocols exploit single-gene or multi-gene coalescence statistics, assignment tests or other rationales related to nuclear DNA (nDNA) allele sharing to automatically delimit species. We apply seven different species delimitation protocols to a taxonomically confusing group of Malagasy lizards (Madascincus), and compare the resulting taxonomies with two newly developed metrics: the Taxonomic index of congruence Ctax which quantifies the congruence between two taxonomies, and the Relative taxonomic resolving power index Rtax which quantifies the potential of an approach to capture a high number of species boundaries. The protocols differed in the total number of species proposed, between 9 and 34, and were also highly incongruent in placing species boundaries. The Generalized Mixed Yule-Coalescent approach captured the highest number of potential species boundaries but many of these were clearly contradicted by extensive nDNA admixture between sympatric mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotype lineages. Delimiting species as phenotypically diagnosable mtDNA clades failed to detect two cryptic species that are unambiguous due to a lack of nDNA gene flow despite sympatry. We also consider the high number of species boundaries and their placement by multi-gene Bayesian species delimitation as poorly reliable whereas the Bayesian assignment test approach provided a species delimitation highly congruent with integrative taxonomic practice. The present study illustrates the trade-off in taxonomy between reliability (favored by conservative approaches) and resolving power (favored by inflationist approaches). Quantifying excessive splitting is more difficult than quantifying excessive lumping, suggesting a priority for conservative taxonomies in which errors are more liable to be detected and corrected by subsequent studies.  相似文献   
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