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Human xylosyltransferase is the chain-initiating enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of glycosaminoglycans. Large amounts of xylosyltransferase are required to study the biochemical properties of the native enzyme. To achieve this goal a scale-up of animal cell culture systems was inevitable due to the small amounts of the enzyme present in tissues, e.g. only 0.5 microg XT can be obtained from a chick embryo. JAR choriocarcinoma cells cultured with 10% fetal calf serum were found to secrete xylosyltransferase with relatively high activities (1.10 mU l(-1)). To reduce contaminating proteins JAR cells were adapted to serum-free conditions. Xylosyltransferase activities up to 0.22 mU l(-1) were determined in the harvested cell culture supernatant. Scaling-up of JAR cell culture in the hybrid hollow fiber bioreactor Tecnomouse resulted in the production of 15.8 mU or 270 microg XT in 0.5 l of XT-enriched cell culture supernatant using 57 l of serum-free cell culture medium. The XT activity per ml harvest solution was 200-280-fold higher in this cell culture supernatant than in cell culture flasks. In addition, the specific XT activity of the bioreactor product was 6 microU mg(-1) of total protein, which is 2-fold higher than that obtained under static culture conditions. This study clearly demonstrates the successful high-density, tissue-like cultivation of JAR choriocarcinoma cells in a hollow fiber bioreactor resulting in an effective production of native human xylosyltransferase.  相似文献   
This study examines the distribution of apolipoprotein E (APOE) alleles in a population of healthy male and female Norwegians (n = 798) below the age of 40. The -491A/T polymorphism of the promoter region of the APOE gene was also examined. A seminested polymerase chain reaction was applied in the genotyping. The results showed that the E3 allele had the highest frequency (0.744), followed by E4 (0.198) and E2 (0.058). The APOE frequencies found in this study differ significantly from those obtained in earlier Norwegian APOE phenotypings. The allele frequencies in the -491 site of the promoter region were 0.845 for the A allele and 0.155 for the T allele. The genotype frequency was highest for AA (0.707), followed by AT (0.277) and TT (0.016). Moreover, the A allele was in linkage disequilibrium to E4.  相似文献   
Multiple sequence alignment is one of the dominant problems in computational molecular biology. Numerous scoring functions and methods have been proposed, most of which result in NP-hard problems. In this paper we propose for the first time a general formulation for multiple alignment with arbitrary gap-costs based on an integer linear program (ILP). In addition we describe a branch-and-cut algorithm to effectively solve the ILP to optimality. We evaluate the performances of our approach in terms of running time and quality of the alignments using the BAliBase database of reference alignments. The results show that our implementation ranks amongst the best programs developed so far.  相似文献   
The active site metal in horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase has been studied by metal-directed affinity labeling of the native zinc(II) enzyme and that substituted with cobalt(II) or cadmium(II). Reversible binding of bromoimidazolyl propionic acid to the cobalt enzyme blueshifts the visible absorption band originating from the catalytic cobalt atom at 655 to 630 nm. Binding of imidazole to the cobalt(II) enzyme redshifts the 655 nm band to 667 nm. Addition of bromoimidazolyl propionic acid blueshifts this 667 nm band back to 630 nm. This proves direct binding of the label to the active site metal in competition with imidazole. The affinity of the label for the reversible binding site in the three enzymes follows the order Zn ? Cd ? Co. After reversible complex formation, bromoimidazolyl propionic acid alkylates cysteine-46, one of the protein ligands to the active site metal. The nucleophilic reactivity of this metal-mercaptide bond in each reversible complex follows the order Co ? Zn ? Cd.  相似文献   
The CC chemokine CCL14/HCC-1(9-74), a 66-residue polypeptide containing two disulfide bonds, was recently discovered from a human hemofiltrate peptide library as a high-affinity ligand of the chemokine receptors CCR1 and CCR5. It has been shown to inhibit HIV infection by blocking CCR5. Using Fmoc methodology, we report the chemical synthesis of CCL14/HCC-1 by conventional stepwise solid-phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) and, alternatively, native chemical ligation. To optimize SPPS of CCL14/HCC-1, difficult sequence regions were identified by mass spectrometry, in order to obtain a crude tetrathiol precursor suitable for oxidative disulfide formation. For synthesis of CCL14/HCC-1 by native chemical ligation, the peptide was divided into two segments, CCL14/HCC-1(9-39) and CCL14/HCC-1(40-74), the latter containing a cysteine residue at the amino-terminus. The synthesis of the thioester segment was carried out comparing a thiol linker with a sulfonamide safety-catch linker. While the use of the thiol linker led to very low overall yields of the desired thioester, the sulfonamide linker was efficient in obtaining the 31-residue thioester of CCL14/HCC-1(9-39), suggesting a superior suitability of this linker in generating larger thioesters using Fmoc chemistry. The thioester of CCL14/HCC-1 was subsequently ligated with the cysteinyl segment to the full-length chemokine. Disulfides were introduced in the presence of the redox buffer cysteine/cystine. The products of both SPPS and native chemical ligation were identical. The use of a sulfonamide safety-catch linker enables the Fmoc synthesis of larger peptide thioesters, and is thus useful to generate arrays of larger polypeptides.  相似文献   
The human impact on the African savanna is parcelling large native mammals into game reserves, with cattle and other livestock replacing these native mammals in the matrix surrounding these reserves. Concordant with this are other landscape changes such as fire maintenance within the reserve but no longer outside. How does this composite landscape change affect biodiversity, as represented by small animals such as grasshoppers? This question was addressed against the premise that grasshoppers have evolved in the context of native mammal ecology. One of the most significant aspects of this ecology is grazing and trampling by the large number of ungulates congregating at waterholes. The results clearly show that the grasshopper fauna is only marginally impoverished outside the reserve, and that cattle trampling and grazing (along with less fire) is a simulation of these impacts by native ungulates. As greatest grasshopper diversity is encouraged by some trampling and grazing, the presence of cattle in place of native mammals is not entirely adverse to biodiversity, as represented by grasshoppers.  相似文献   
Animal personality has been studied extensively in recent years, yet multidimensionality in tendencies of risk‐related behavior, and the role of such consistency from a mating tactics perspective, is yet to be investigated. We used a semi‐domesticated herd of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) to examine individual subdominant male propensity to risk mating attempts on guarded females, as well as flight initiation distance (FID), within the personality paradigm to elucidate potential fitness consequences of consistency from an adaptive perspective. Data were collected at the Kutuharju Reindeer Research Station in Kaamanen, Finland, where measures of personality were generated using field observation data based on the relative frequency of dominant male–subdominant male agonistic interactions over 4 years and subdominant males' FID measured over 1 year. Individual propensity for transient mating attempts was not significantly repeatable and did not significantly predict reproductive success or somatic cost during the mating season. Individuals varied consistently in FID, and although repeatable, FID was not related to reproductive success or somatic cost. Proximate state‐dependent or social mechanisms may be driving decision‐making with respect to mating effort, whereas consistent between‐individual differences in FID may be maintained by mechanisms unrelated to life‐history trade‐offs involving productivity.  相似文献   


Mass Spectrometry coupled to Liquid Chromatography (LC-MS) is commonly used to analyze the protein content of biological samples in large scale studies. The data resulting from an LC-MS experiment is huge, highly complex and noisy. Accordingly, it has sparked new developments in Bioinformatics, especially in the fields of algorithm development, statistics and software engineering. In a quantitative label-free mass spectrometry experiment, crucial steps are the detection of peptide features in the mass spectra and the alignment of samples by correcting for shifts in retention time. At the moment, it is difficult to compare the plethora of algorithms for these tasks. So far, curated benchmark data exists only for peptide identification algorithms but no data that represents a ground truth for the evaluation of feature detection, alignment and filtering algorithms.  相似文献   
Different kinds of experience during early life can play a significant role in the development of an animal''s behavioural phenotype. In natural contexts, this influences behaviours from anti-predator responses to navigation abilities. By contrast, for animals reared in captive environments, the homogeneous nature of their experience tends to reduce behavioural flexibility. Studies with cage-reared rodents indicate that captivity often compromises neural development and neural plasticity. Such neural and behavioural deficits can be problematic if captive-bred animals are being reared with the intention of releasing them as part of a conservation strategy. Over the last decade, there has been growing interest in the use of environmental enrichment to promote behavioural flexibility in animals that are bred for release. Here, we describe the positive effects of environmental enrichment on neural plasticity and cognition in juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Exposing fish to enriched conditions upregulated the forebrain expression of NeuroD1 mRNA and improved learning ability assessed in a spatial task. The addition of enrichment to the captive environment thus promotes neural and behavioural changes that are likely to promote behavioural flexibility and improve post-release survival.  相似文献   
Synthesis of the cortical dibenzofuran derivative usnic acid and the medullary depsidone salazinic acid was studied in Xanthoparmelia stenophylla thalli from which the compounds had been removed by acetone rinsing prior to a 21-day field experiment with UV absorbing and transmitting screens. Natural levels of ultraviolet radiation clearly induced the re-synthesis of usnic acid. The re-synthesis was boosted by the addition of ribitol, the carbohydrate delivered from the Trebouxia photobiont to the mycobiont. Salazinic acid was also weakly induced by UV. Re-synthesis was relatively low, up to 2.5 and 3.1% of start values for usnic and salazinic acid, respectively. However, given that the natural content of both compounds was high, constituting 12% of thallus dry weight, the absolute amounts of lichen compounds re-synthesised were not so small. We also studied the extractability of nine extracellular lichen compounds in three species X. stenophylla, Hypogymnia tubulosa, and Vulpicida pinastri, and found two distinct fractions of cortical compounds, one major that was completely extractable from living lichens and one minor that was only extractable with grinding. Medullary compounds were completely extracted without grinding. These findings did not influence the relative differences between treatments in our experiment, but may be of importance for future assessments of, e.g., quantitative studies of extracellular lichen compounds.  相似文献   
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