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Iridescent blue leaf coloration in two neotropical ferns, Danaea nodosa (L.) Sm. (Marattiaceae) and Trichomanes elegans L. C. Rich. (Hymenophyllaceae), is caused by thin film constructive interference. The ultrastructural basis for the film in D. nodosa is multiple layers of cellulose microfibrils in the adaxial cell walls of the adaxial epidermis. The apparent helicoidal arrangement of the fibrils is analogous to similar color production in arthropods. In T. elegans the blue-green coloration is caused by the remarkably uniform thickness and arrangement of grana in specialized chloroplasts adjacent to the adaxial wall of the adaxial epidermis. The selective advantage of this color production, if any, is unknown but apparently different from that previously studied in Selaginella.  相似文献   
Steering their swimming direction toward the light is crucial for the viability of Volvox colonies, the larger members of the volvocine algae. While it is known that this phototactic steering is achieved by a difference in behavior of the flagella on the illuminated and shaded sides, conflicting reports suggest that this asymmetry arises either from a change in beating direction or a change in beating frequency. Here, we report direct observations of the flagellar behavior of various Volvox species with different phyletic origin in response to light intensity changes and thereby resolve this controversy: Volvox barberi W. Shaw from the section Volvox sensu Nozaki (2003) changes the direction of the flagellar beating plane, while species encompassed in the group Eudorina (Volvox carteri F. Stein, Volvox aureus Ehrenb., and Volvox tertius Art. Mey.) decrease the flagellar beating frequency, sometimes down to flagellar arrest.  相似文献   


To investigate correlates of eating disorder psychopathology in adolescent males and females with type 1 diabetes.


A total of 105 adolescents with type 1 diabetes (42% males), aged 12–20 years, were recruited from the Norwegian Childhood Diabetes Registry in this population-based study. All participants were interviewed with the Child Eating Disorder Examination. Additionally, the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire, the Adolescent Coping Orientation for Problem Experiences and the Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire were administered to assess health-related functioning. Clinical data were obtained from the Norwegian Childhood Diabetes Registry.


Significant gender differences were demonstrated in the pattern of correlates of eating disorder pathology. Among females, eating disorder psychopathology was significantly associated with body mass index adjusted for age and gender, age, insulin restriction, coping, illness perceptions, and perceptions of insulin concern. In a regression model, age, illness perceptions, and insulin restriction remained significantly associated with eating disorder psychopathology, explaining 48% of the variance. None of the variables were associated with eating disorder psychopathology among males.


Greater clinical awareness of illness perceptions, attitudes toward insulin, and insulin restriction may potentially decrease the risk of developing eating disorders among female adolescents with type 1 diabetes, and the subsequent increased morbidity and mortality associated with comorbid type 1 diabetes and eating disorders.  相似文献   
The role of competition in tree communities is increasingly well understood, while little is known about the patterns and mechanisms of the interplay between above- and belowground competition in tree communities. This knowledge, however, is crucial for a better understanding of community dynamics and developing adaptive near-natural management strategies. We assessed neighbourhood interactions in an unmanaged old-growth European beech (Fagus sylvatica) forest by quantifying variation in the intensity of above- (shading) and belowground competition (crowding) among dominant and co-dominant canopy beech trees during tree maturation. Shading had on average a much larger impact on radial growth than crowding and the sensitivity to changes in competitive conditions was lowest for crowding effects. We found that each mode of competition reduced the effect of the other. Increasing crowding reduced the negative effect of shading, and at high levels of shading, crowding actually had a facilitative effect and increased growth. Our study demonstrates that complementarity in above- and belowground processes enable F. sylvatica to alter resource acquisition strategies, thus optimising tree radial growth. As a result, competition seemed to become less important in stands with a high growing stock and tree communities with a long continuity of anthropogenic undisturbed population dynamics. We suggest that growth rates do not exclusively depend on the density of potential competitors at the intraspecific level, but on the conspecific aggregation of large-diameter trees and their functional role for regulating biotic filtering processes. This finding highlights the potential importance of the rarely examined relationship between the spatial aggregation pattern of large-diameter trees and the outcome of neighbourhood interactions, which may be central to community dynamics and the related forest ecosystem services.  相似文献   
Microglia are tissue macrophages of the central nervous system (CNS) that control tissue homeostasis. Microglia dysregulation is thought to be causal for a group of neuropsychiatric, neurodegenerative and neuroinflammatory diseases, called “microgliopathies”. However, how the intracellular stimulation machinery in microglia is controlled is poorly understood. Here, we identified the ubiquitin‐specific protease (Usp) 18 in white matter microglia that essentially contributes to microglial quiescence. We further found that microglial Usp18 negatively regulates the activation of Stat1 and concomitant induction of interferon‐induced genes, thereby terminating IFN signaling. The Usp18‐mediated control was independent from its catalytic activity but instead required the interaction with Ifnar2. Additionally, the absence of Ifnar1 restored microglial activation, indicating a tonic IFN signal which needs to be negatively controlled by Usp18 under non‐diseased conditions. These results identify Usp18 as a critical negative regulator of microglia activation and demonstrate a protective role of Usp18 for microglia function by regulating the Ifnar pathway. The findings establish Usp18 as a new molecule preventing destructive microgliopathy.  相似文献   
Mechanisms reducing inbreeding are thought to have evolved owing to fitness costs of breeding with close relatives. In small and isolated populations, or populations with skewed age- or sex distributions, mate choice becomes limited, and inbreeding avoidance mechanisms ineffective. We used a unique individual-based dataset on moose from a small island in Norway to assess whether inbreeding avoidance was related to population structure and size, expecting inbreeding avoidance to be greater in years with larger populations and even adult sex ratios. The probability that a potential mating event was realized was negatively related to the inbreeding coefficient of the potential offspring, with a stronger relationship in years with a higher proportion or number of males in the population. Thus, adult sex ratio and population size affect the degree of inbreeding avoidance. Consequently, conservation managers should aim for sex ratios that facilitate inbreeding avoidance, especially in small and isolated populations.  相似文献   
Genes with altered DNA methylation can be used as biomarkers for cancer detection and assessment of prognosis. Here we analyzed the methylation status of a colorectal cancer biomarker panel (CNRIP1, FBN1, INA, MAL, SNCA, and SPG20) in 97 cancer cell lines, derived from 17 different cancer types. Interestingly, the genes were frequently methylated also in hematological cancer types and were therefore subjected to analyses in primary tumor samples from the major types of non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL) and in healthy controls. In total, the genes CNRIP1, FBN1, INA, MAL, SNCA, and SPG20 were methylated in 53%, 23%, 52%, 69%, 97%, and 92% of the tumor samples, respectively, and were unmethylated in all healthy controls. With the exception of a single tumor sample, a correct prediction of lymphoma or normal sample was made in a blinded analysis of the validation series using a combination of SNCA and SPG20. The combined ROC-curve analysis of these genes resulted in an area under the curve of 0.999 (P = 4.2 × 10−18), and a sensitivity and specificity of 98% and 100%, respectively, across the test and validation series. Interestingly, the promoter methylation of CNRIP1 was associated with decreased overall survival in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) (P = 0.03).   In conclusion, our results demonstrate that SNCA and SPG20 methylation might be suitable for early detection and monitoring of NHL. Furthermore, CNRIP1 could potentially be used as a prognostic factor in DLBCL.  相似文献   
People with TB and/or HIV frequently experience severe economic barriers to health care, including out-of-pocket expenses related to diagnosis and treatment, as well as indirect costs due to loss of income. These barriers can both aggravate economic hardship and prevent or delay diagnosis, treatment and successful outcome, leading to increased transmission, morbidity and mortality. WHO, UNAIDS and the ILO argue that economic support of various kinds is essential to enable vulnerable people to protect themselves from infection, avoid delayed diagnosis and treatment, overcome barriers to adherence, and avert destitution. This paper analyses successful country proposals to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria that include economic support in Rounds 7 and 10; 36 and 20 HIV and TB grants in Round 7 and 32 and 26, respectively, in Round 10. Of these, up to 84 percent included direct or indirect economic support for beneficiaries, although the amount constituted a very small proportion of the total grant. In TB grants, the objectives of economic support were generally clearly stated, and focused on mechanisms to improve treatment uptake and adherence, and the case was most clearly made for MDR-TB patients. In HIV grants, the objectives were much broader in scope, including mitigation of adverse economic and social effects of HIV and its treatment on both patients and families. The analysis shows that economic support is on the radar for countries developing Global Fund proposals, and a wide range of economic support activities are in place. In order to move forward in this area, the wealth of country experience that exists needs to be collated, assessed and disseminated. In addition to trials, operational research and programme evaluations, more precise guidance to countries is needed to inform evidence-based decision about activities that are cost-effective, affordable and feasible.  相似文献   
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