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Isolation of ribosomal precursors from Escherichia coli K12 is described. The RNA and protein content of the precursor particles was determined.One physiologically stable precursor was found for the 30 S subunit. The assembly scheme is as follows: p16 S RNA + 9 proteins → p30 S (“21 S” precursor) p30 S + 12 proteins → 30 S subunit where p is precursor.Each of the two precursors for the 50 S subunit, P150 S and p250 S (“32 S” and “43 S” precursors, respectively), contains p5 S + p23 S RNA's in a 1:1 molar ratio. The assembly scheme is as follows: p23 S RNA + p5 S RNA + 16 or 17 proteins → p150 S
In contrast to the p250 S precursor the p150 S precursor is not similar to any core particles, which were obtained by treating 50 S subunits with different concentrations of LiCl or CsCl.The precursors p30 S and p250 S can be converted into active 30 S and 50 S sub-units, respectively, by incubation at 42 °C in the presence of ribosomal proteins and under RNA methylating conditions.  相似文献   
Summary The paper is a study of the cytology of the regeneration cells (neoblasts) in Planaria vitta.The morphology of the living cells has first been examined to provide a reference for an investigation of the fixed neoblasts as studied by ordinary cytological, cytochemical and electron microscopical technics.A rather selective staining method has been devised based on the strong basophilic properties of the scanty cytoplasm. The morphology of the fixed neoblasts and their distribution in the intact animal have been described, using this method.The marked cytoplasmic basophilia was found to be exclusively due to ribonucleic acid, and not to desoxyribonucleic acid or acid mucopolysaccharides.The cytoplasm contains moderate to considerable amounts of basic proteins. Tyrosine, cysteine/cystin, arginine, lysine and perhaps histidine were present, while tryptophan could not be demonstrated.No enzymes could be demonstrated apart perhaps from cytochrome oxidase.The mitochondria are small and inconspicuous and more or less evenly distributed throughout the cytoplasm. A Golgi apparatus could not be demonstrated.The electron microscopic picture is very characteristic, because of the high electron density of the cytoplasm. This density is the result of the presence of a great number of ribonucleoprotein granules. Most of the granules are free and only a minor part bound to the membranes of the endoplasmatic reticulum. The interesting features of the cell membrane are discussed in relation to the structure of the parenchyma.The cytochemical properties of the neoblast (RNA and sulfhydryl-groupcontaining protein) and the fine structure as revealed in the electron microscope characterize the neoblast as a morphogenetically active cell.  相似文献   
A survey of the genus Sorbaria (Rosaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A taxonomic revision of the Asiatic genus Sorbaria (Rosaceae). 4 species are recognized: S. sorbifolia (including S. stellipila), S. grandiflora (= S. pallasii incl. S. rhoifolia), S. kirilowii,(incl. S. arborea and S. assurgens ) and S. tomentosa (= S. lindleyana , incl. S. olgae and S. gilgitensis ) with var. angustifolia , comb. nov. (= S. aitchisonii ). Hybrids presumably between S. sorbifolia and S. grandiflora and S. sorbifolia and S. kirilowii are found cultivated.  相似文献   
Association of ribosomal subunits is an essential reaction during the initiation phase of protein synthesis. Optimal conditions for 70S formation in vitro were determined to 20 mM Mg2+ and 30 mM K+. Under these conditions, the association reaction proceeds with first order kinetics, suggesting a conformational change to be the rate-limiting step. 70S formation separates into two sub-reactions, the adaptation of the ribosomal subunits to the association conditions and the association step itself. The activation energy of the process was determined to 78 kJ/mol and revealed to be required exclusively for the adaptation of the small subunit, rather than the large subunit or the association step. The presence of mRNA [poly(U)] together with cognate AcPhe-tRNA, accelerates the association rate significantly, forming a well-defined 70S peak in sucrose gradient profiles. mRNA alone provokes an equivalent acceleration, however, the resulting 70S couple impresses as an ill-defined, broad peak, probably indicating the readiness of the ribosome for tRNA binding, upon which the ribosome flips into a defined state.  相似文献   
We assessed the hypothesis that the epinephrine surge present during sepsis accelerates aerobic glycolysis and lactate production by increasing activity of skeletal muscle Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase. Healthy volunteers received an intravenous bolus of endotoxin or placebo in a randomized order on two different days. Endotoxemia induced a response resembling sepsis. Endotoxemia increased plasma epinephrine to a maximum at t = 2 h of 0.7 +/- 0.1 vs. 0.3 +/- 0.1 nmol/l (P < 0.05, n = 6-7). Endotoxemia reduced plasma K(+) reaching a nadir at t = 5 h of 3.3 +/- 0.1 vs. 3.8 +/- 0.1 mmol/l (P < 0.01, n = 6-7), followed by an increase to placebo level at t = 7-8 h. During the declining plasma K(+), a relative accumulation of K(+) was seen reaching a maximum at t = 6 h of 8.7 +/- 3.8 mmol/leg (P < 0.05). Plasma lactate increased to a maximum at t = 1 h of 2.5 +/- 0.5 vs. 0.9 +/- 0.1 mmol/l (P < 0.05, n = 8) in association with increased release of lactate from the legs. These changes were not associated with hypoperfusion or hypoxia. During the first 24 h after endotoxin infusion, renal K(+) excretion was 27 +/- 7 mmol, i.e., 58% higher than after placebo. Combination of the well-known stimulatory effect of catecholamines on skeletal muscle Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity, with the present confirmation of an expected Na(+)-K(+)- ATPase-induced decline in plasma K(+), suggests that the increased lactate release was due to increased Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity, supporting our hypothesis. Thus increased lactate levels in acutely and severely ill patients should not be managed only from the point of view that it reflects hypoxia.  相似文献   
Aim Cuckoo‐shrikes and allies (Campephagidae) form a radiation of birds widely distributed in the Indo‐Pacific and Africa. Recent studies on the group have been hampered by poor taxon sampling, causing inferences about systematics and biogeography to be rather speculative. With improved taxon sampling and analyses within an explicit spatiotemporal framework, we elucidate biogeographical patterns of dispersal and diversification within this diverse clade of passerine birds. Location Africa, Asia, Australo‐Papua, the Pacific, the Philippines and Wallacea. Methods We use model‐based phylogenetic methods (Mr Bayes and garli ) to construct a phylogenetic hypothesis of the core Campephagidae (Campephagidae with the exclusion of Pericrocotus). The phylogeny is used to assess the biogeographical history of the group with a newly developed Bayesian approach to dispersal–vicariance analysis (Bayes‐diva) . We also made use of a partitioned beast analysis, with several calibration points taken from island ages, passerine mitochondrial substitution rates and secondary calibration points for passerine birds, to assess the timing of diversification and dispersal. Results We present a robust molecular phylogeny that includes all genera and 84% of the species within the core Campephagidae. Furthermore, we estimate divergence dates and ancestral area relationships. We demonstrate that Campephagidae originated in Australo‐Papua with a single lineage (Pericrocotus) dispersing to Asia early. Later, there was further extensive transoceanic dispersal from Australo‐Papua to Africa involving lineages within the core Campephagidae radiation. Main conclusions The phylogenetic relationships, along with the results of the ancestral area analysis and the timing of dispersal events, support a transoceanic dispersal scenario from Australo‐Papua to Africa by the core Campephagidae. The sister group to core Campephagidae, Pericrocotus, dispersed to mainland Asia in the late Oligocene. Asia remained uncolonized by the core Campephagidae until the Pliocene. Transoceanic dispersal is by no means an unknown phenomenon, but our results represent a convincing case of colonization over a significant water gap of thousands of kilometres from Australo‐Papua to Africa.  相似文献   
We have studied the distribution and methylation of CpG islands on human chromosomes, using the novel technique of self-primed in situ labeling (SPRINS). The SPRINS technique is a hybrid of the two techniques primed in situ labeling (PRINS) and nick translation in situ. SPRINS detects chromosomal DNA breaks, as in nick translation in situ, and not annealed primers, as is the case in PRINS. We analyzed in situ-generated DNA breaks induced by the restriction enzymes HpaII and MspI. These restriction enzymes enable the detection of chromosomal CpG islands. Both HpaII- and MspI-SPRINS produce a banding pattern resembling R-banding, indicating a higher level of CpG islands in R-positive bands than in R-negative bands. Our SPRINS banding observations also indicate differences in sequence copy number in the satellites of homologous acrocentric chromosomes. Furthermore, a comparison of homologous HpaII-SPRINS-banded X chromosomes of females from lymphocyte cultures grown without methotrexate or bromodeoxyuridine revealed methylation difference between them. The same comparison of homologous X chromosomes from the cell line GM01202D, which has four X chromosomes, one active and three inactive, revealed the active X chromosome to be hypermethylated. Received: 5 February 1998; in revised form: 8 May 1998 / Accepted: 11 May 1998  相似文献   
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