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Understanding geographic variation in the species richness and lineage composition of regional biotas is a long‐standing goal in ecology. Why do some evolutionary lineages proliferate while others do not, and how do new colonists fit into an established fauna? Here, we analyze the morphological structure of assemblages of passerine birds in four biogeographic regions to examine the relative influence of colonization history and niche‐based processes on continental communities of passerine birds. Using morphological traits related to habitat choice, foraging technique, and movement, we quantify the morphological spaces occupied by different groups of passerine birds. We further quantify morphological overlap between groups by multivariate discriminant analysis and null model analyses of trait dispersion. Finally, we use subclade disparity through time to assess the temporal component of morphological evolution. We find mixed support for the prediction, based on priority, that first colonizers constrain subsequent colonizers. Indeed, our results show that the assembly of continental communities is idiosyncratic with regards to the diversification of new clades and the filling of morphospace.  相似文献   
Birds vary greatly in their life‐history strategies, including their breeding systems, which range from brood parasitism to a system with multiple nonbreeding helpers at the nest. By far the most common arrangement, however, is where both parents participate in raising the young. The traits associated with parental care have been suggested to affect dispersal propensity and lineage diversification, but to date tests of this potential relationship at broad temporal and spatial scales have been limited. Here, using data from a globally distributed group of corvoid birds in concordance with state‐dependent speciation and extinction models, we suggest that pair breeding is associated with elevated speciation rates. Estimates of transition between breeding systems imply that cooperative lineages frequently evolve biparental care, whereas pair breeders rarely become cooperative. We further highlight that these groups have differences in their spatial distributions, with pair breeders overrepresented on islands, and cooperative breeders mainly found on continents. Finally, we find that speciation rates appear to be significantly higher on islands compared to continents. These results imply that the transition from cooperative breeding to pair breeding was likely a significant contributing factor facilitating dispersal across tropical archipelagos, and subsequent world‐wide phylogenetic expansion among the core Corvoidea.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The insulin/IGF-1 signaling pathway controls cellular and organismal growth in many multicellular organisms. In Drosophila, genetic defects in components of the insulin signaling pathway produce small flies that are delayed in development and possess fewer and smaller cells as well as female sterility, reminiscent of the phenotypes of starved flies. RESULTS: Here we establish a causal link between nutrient availability and insulin-dependent growth. We show that in addition to the Drosophila insulin-like peptide 2 (dilp2) gene, overexpression of dilp1 and dilp3-7 is sufficient to promote growth. Three of the dilp genes are expressed in seven median neurosecretory cells (m-NSCs) in the brain. These m-NSCs possess axon terminals in the larval endocrine gland and on the aorta, from which DILPs may be released into the circulatory system. Although expressed in the same cells, the expression of the three genes is controlled by unrelated cis-regulatory elements. The expression of two of the three genes is regulated by nutrient availability. Genetic ablation of these neurosecretory cells mimics the phenotype of starved or insulin signaling mutant flies. CONCLUSIONS: These results point to a conserved role of the neuroendocrine axis in growth control in multicellular organisms.  相似文献   
Our previously published second generation genetic map for the American mink (Neovison vison) has been used and redesigned in its best for genome-wide studies with maximum of efficiency. A number of 114 selected markers, including 33 newly developed microsatellite markers from the CHORI-231 mink Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) library, have been genotyped in a two generation population composed of 1200 individuals. The outcome reassigns the position of some markers on the chromosomes and it produces a more reliable map with a convenient distance between markers. A total of 104 markers mapped to 14 linkage groups corresponding to the mink autosomes. Six markers are unlinked and four markers are allocated to the X chromosome by homology but no linkage was detected. The sex-average linkage map spans 1192 centiMorgans (cM) with an average intermarker distance of 11.4 cM and 1648 cM when the ends of the linkage groups and the autosomal unlinked markers are added. Sex-specific genetic linkage maps were also generated. The male sex-specific map had a total length of 1014.6 cM between the linked markers and an average inter-marker interval of 9.7 cM. The female map has a corresponding length of 1378.6 cM and an average inter-marker interval of 13.3 cM. The study is complemented with additional anchorage for most of the chromosomes of the map by BAC in situ hybridization with clones containing microsatellites strategically selected from the various parts of the genome. This map provides an improved tool for genetic mapping and comparative genomics in mink, also useful for the future assembly of the mink genome sequence when this will be taken forward.  相似文献   
Conjointly, the solvent-exposed residues of the central alpha-helix of the B chain form a well-defined ridge, which is flanked and partly overlapped by the two described insulin receptor binding surfaces on either side of the insulin molecule. To evaluate the importance of this interface in insulin receptor binding, we developed a new powerful method that allows us to introduce all the naturally occurring amino acids into a given position and subsequently determine the receptor binding affinities of the resulting insulin analogues. The total amino acid scanning mutagenesis was performed at positions B9, B10, B12, B13, B16, and B17, and the vast majority of the insulin analogue precursors were expressed and secreted in amounts close to that of the wild-type (human insulin) precursor. The analogue binding data revealed that positions B12 and B16 were the two positions most affected by the amino acid substitutions. Interestingly, the receptor binding affinities of the B13 analogues were also markedly affected by the amino acid substitutions, suggesting that GluB13 indeed is a part of insulin's binding surface. The B10 library screen generated analogues covering a wide range of (20-340%) of relative binding affinities, and the results indicated that a structural stabilization of the central alpha-helix and thereby a more rigid presentation of the binding epitope at the insulin receptor is important for receptor recognition. In conclusion, systematic amino acid scanning mutagenesis allowed us to confirm the importance of the B chain alpha-helix as a central recognition element serving as a linker of a continual binding surface.  相似文献   
Qin Y  Polacek N  Vesper O  Staub E  Einfeldt E  Wilson DN  Nierhaus KH 《Cell》2006,127(4):721-733
The ribosomal elongation cycle describes a series of reactions prolonging the nascent polypeptide chain by one amino acid and driven by two universal elongation factors termed EF-Tu and EF-G in bacteria. Here we demonstrate that the extremely conserved LepA protein, present in all bacteria and mitochondria, is a third elongation factor required for accurate and efficient protein synthesis. LepA has the unique function of back-translocating posttranslocational ribosomes, and the results suggest that it recognizes ribosomes after a defective translocation reaction and induces a back-translocation, thus giving EF-G a second chance to translocate the tRNAs correctly. We suggest renaming LepA as elongation factor 4 (EF4).  相似文献   
The systematic relationships among avian families within Crown Corvida have been poorly studied so far and as such been of limited use for biogeographic interpretations. The group has its origin in Australia and is thought to have colonized Africa and the New World via Asia beginning some 35 Mya when terranes of Australian origin approached Asian landmasses. Recent detailed tectonic mapping of the origin of land masses in the region around Wallace's line have revealed a particularly complex movement of terranes over the last 20-30 Myr. Thus the biogeographic dispersal pattern of Crown Corvida is a particularly exciting case for linking vicariance and dispersal events with Earth history. Here we examine phylogenetic affinities among 72 taxa covering a broad range of genera in the basal radiations within Crown Corvida with an emphasis on Campephagidae and Pachycephalidae. Bayesian analyses of nuclear DNA sequence data identified the family Campephagidae as monophyletic but the large genus Coracina is not. Within the family Pachycephalidae the genera Pachycephala and Colluricincla are paraphyletic with respect to each other. The resulting phylogeny suggests that patterns of dispersal across Wallace's line are complex and began at least 25 Mya. We find evidence of explosive radiations and multi-directional dispersal within the last 10 Myr, and three independent long distance ocean dispersal events between Wallacea and Africa at 10-15 Mya. Furthermore, the study reveals that in the Campephagidae a complex series of dispersal events rather than vicariance is the most likely explanation for the current biogeographic pattern in the region.  相似文献   
Short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (SCAD) deficiency is an inherited disorder of mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation associated with variations in the ACADS gene and variable clinical symptoms. In addition to rare ACADS inactivating variations, two common variations, c.511C > T (p.Arg171Trp) and c.625G > A (p.Gly209Ser), have been identified in patients, but these are also present in up to 14% of normal populations leading to questions of their clinical relevance. The common variant alleles encode proteins with nearly normal enzymatic activity at physiological conditions in vitro. SCAD enzyme function, however, is impaired at increased temperature and the tendency to misfold increases under conditions of cellular stress. The present study examines misfolding of variant SCAD proteins identified in patients with SCAD deficiency. Analysis of the ACADS gene in 114 patients revealed 29 variations, 26 missense, one start codon, and two stop codon variations. In vitro import studies of variant SCAD proteins in isolated mitochondria from SCAD deficient (SCAD−/−) mice demonstrated an increased tendency of the abnormal proteins to misfold and aggregate compared to the wild-type, a phenomenon that often leads to gain-of-function cellular phenotypes. However, no correlation was found between the clinical phenotype and the degree of SCAD dysfunction. We propose that SCAD deficiency should be considered as a disorder of protein folding that can lead to clinical disease in combination with other genetic and environmental factors. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
The golden‐mangrove whistler complex Pachycephala pectoralis/melanura is, with 66 named populations, described as the most complex avian example of geographic variation in the World. It represents a well‐known example of niche differentiation where one species P. pectoralis is found on faunistically rich larger islands (and mainland) and the other P. melanura is confined to adjacent, faunistically poor islets. Except for a comparison of some Solomon Island populations, the relationships among these taxa have not been tested using molecular data. Here we combine a dense taxon sampling (22 populations of 12 named taxa distributed east of New Guinea and in Australia), with molecular data (two nuclear and two mitochondrial markers) to unravel more of the evolutionary history behind the golden whistler complex. In particular we examine relationships between Pachycephala melanura, and the very similar‐looking P. citreogaster (Bismarcks Islands) and P. pectoralis (Australia). We demonstrate that a well‐supported group of golden whistlers inhabit the Bismarck Islands and that several small islets in the immediate vicinity are inhabited by another monophyletic group consisting of P. melanura, mangrove golden whistler.  相似文献   
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