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Au Mali la leishmaniose cutanée (LC) est bien décrite en milieu rural, mais sa transmission n’est pas encore établie en milieu urbain. L’objectif de l’étude était de décrire la faune phlébotomienne à Bamako et dans ses environs. Les pièges CDC et adhésifs servaient à collecter les phlébotomes en 2011 et 2012 à Bamako. Les pièges étaient placés dans le district de Bamako répartis en 30 zones (200 m × 200 m) à l’aide des images de satellite SPOT-5. La délimitation des zones était basée sur les facteurs écologiques (relief, hydrographie, couverture végétale) et anthropologiques (nature des maisons, dépôts d’ordure). Les pièges étaient placés en 2011 à Sotuba, zone périurbaine, puis à Donéguébougou et Banambani, deux villages environnants de Bamako. Au total 122 phlébotomes étaient collectés 27 (22,13 %) à Banambani, 12 (9,83 %) à Donéguébougou, 2 (1,63 %) à Sotuba et 81 (66,39 %) à Bamako. La densité des phlébotomes en novembre était plus élevée, avec 48 spécimens capturés (39,3 %), que celle d’avril, mai et décembre (p ≥ 0,001). A Bamako, les zones 6 et 28 étaient associées aux densités les plus élevées de phlébotomes respectivement 32 (26,22 %) et 23 (18,85 %) (p ≤ 0,005). Les résultats suggèrent que le genre Phlebotomus n’était pas présent à Bamako, et que la densité des vecteurs variait en fonction des zones et des mois.  相似文献   
The discovery of a Salmonella‐targeting phage from the waterways of the United Kingdom provided an opportunity to address the mechanism by which Chi‐like bacteriophage (phage) engages with bacterial flagellae. The long tail fibre seen on Chi‐like phages has been proposed to assist the phage particle in docking to a host cell flagellum, but the identity of the protein that generates this fibre was unknown. We present the results from genome sequencing of this phage, YSD1, confirming its close relationship to the original Chi phage and suggesting candidate proteins to form the tail structure. Immunogold labelling in electron micrographs revealed that YSD1_22 forms the main shaft of the tail tube, while YSD1_25 forms the distal part contributing to the tail spike complex. The long curling tail fibre is formed by the protein YSD1_29, and treatment of phage with the antibodies that bind YSD1_29 inhibits phage infection of Salmonella. The host range for YSD1 across Salmonella serovars is broad, but not comprehensive, being limited by antigenic features of the flagellin subunits that make up the Salmonella flagellum, with which YSD1_29 engages to initiate infection.  相似文献   

In Côte d'Ivoire, rubber cultivation has more than doubled since 2010. These mass agricultural areas require a large workforce with little information on how this environment might impact risk of mosquito-borne diseases. The objective of this study was to assess the larval ecology of mosquitoes in rubber areas of Dabou, Côte d'Ivoire. From January to June 2017, an entomological survey was conducted of mature (MP) and immature (IP) rubber plantations, as well as in villages surrounded by rubber plantations (SV) and remote from rubber plantations (RV). The number and type of potential and positive breeding sites were recorded, and mosquito larval densities and diversity were estimated. Seven genera divided into 31 species including major vector such as Anopheles gambiae s.l. and Aedes aegypti were identified. A total of 1,660 waterbodies were identified with a larvae positivity rate of 63.1%. A majority of waterbodies were identified in SV (N?=?875, 53.4% positivity rate), followed by MP (N?=?422, 81.8% positivity rate), IP (N?=?194, 72.2% positivity rate) and least in RV (N?=?169, 57.4% positivity rate). The most important breeding sites for disease vectors were leaf axils in IP (N?=?108, 77.1%), latex collection cups in MP (N?=?332, 96.2%) and the containers abandoned in the SV (N?=?242, 51.8%) as well as in the RV (N?=?59, 60.8%). All these results allow us to affirm that the cultivation of rubber trees has an impact on the larval ecology by increasing the number of available sites and favoring a high larval density and diversity.

BackgroundThe existence of an animal reservoir of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense (T. b. gambiense), the agent of human African trypanosomiasis (HAT), may compromise the interruption of transmission targeted by World Health Organization. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of trypanosomes in pigs and people in the Vavoua HAT historical focus where cases were still diagnosed in the early 2010’s.MethodsFor the human survey, we used the CATT, mini-anion exchange centrifugation technique and immune trypanolysis tests. For the animal survey, the buffy coat technique was also used as well as the PCR using Trypanosoma species specific, including the T. b. gambiense TgsGP detection using single round and nested PCRs, performed from animal blood samples and from strains isolated from subjects positive for parasitological investigations.ResultsNo HAT cases were detected among 345 people tested. A total of 167 pigs were investigated. Free-ranging pigs appeared significantly more infected than pigs in pen. Over 70% of free-ranging pigs were positive for CATT and parasitological investigations and 27–43% were positive to trypanolysis depending on the antigen used. T. brucei was the most prevalent species (57%) followed by T. congolense (24%). Blood sample extracted DNA of T. brucei positive subjects were negative to single round TgsGP PCR. However, 1/22 and 6/22 isolated strains were positive with single round and nested TgsGP PCRs, respectively.DiscussionFree-ranging pigs were identified as a multi-reservoir of T. brucei and/or T. congolense with mixed infections of different strains. This trypanosome diversity hinders the easy and direct detection of T. b. gambiense. We highlight the lack of tools to prove or exclude with certainty the presence of T. b. gambiense. This study once more highlights the need of technical improvements to explore the role of animals in the epidemiology of HAT.  相似文献   
Our objective was to analyze the evolutionary paths of cultivated diploid Brassica species and a few related wild species (tribe Brassiceae) in relation to Arabidopsis thaliana (tribe Arabidae), using the Rps2 sequence. Rps2 confers resistance to Pseudomonas syringae in A. thaliana. We found that similar to Arabidopsis, the Rps2 homolog in Brassica species is present in a single copy. Primers based in the Rps2 sequence amplified Rps2 homologs from the other species. Maximum-parsimony analysis based on number of nucleotide substitutions yielded a single tree, grouping the species as expected from other evolutionary inferences. Age of divergence between the two tribes was within the range of previous estimates. Indels in the different sequences were also useful for distinguishing some of the species. The Rps2 gene is a useful phylogenetic tool for more comprehensive studies of the species of Brasicaceae.  相似文献   


Besides existing artemisinin-based combination therapies, alternative safe, effective and affordable drug combinations against falciparum malaria are needed. Methylene blue (MB) was the first synthetic antimalarial drug ever used, and recent studies have been promising with regard to its revival in malaria therapy. The objective of this study was to assess the safety and efficacy of two MB-based malaria combination therapies, MB–artesunate (AS) and MB–amodiaquine (AQ), compared to the local standard of care, AS-AQ, in Burkina Faso.

Methods and Findings

Open-label randomised controlled phase II study in 180 children aged 6–10 years with uncomplicated falciparum malaria in Nouna, north-western Burkina Faso. Follow-up was for 28 days and analysis by intention-to-treat. The treatment groups were similar in baseline characteristics and there was only one loss to follow-up. No drug-related serious adverse events and no deaths occurred. MB-containing regimens were associated with mild vomiting and dysuria. No early treatment failures were observed. Parasite clearance time differed significantly among groups and was the shortest with MB-AS. By day 14, the rates of adequate clinical and parasitological response after PCR-based correction for recrudescence were 87% for MB-AS, 100% for MB-AQ (p = 0.004), and 100% for AS-AQ (p = 0.003). By day 28, the respective figure was lowest for MB-AS (62%), intermediate for the standard treatment AS-AQ (82%; p = 0.015), and highest for MB-AQ (95%; p<0.001; p = 0.03).


MB-AQ is a promising alternative drug combination against malaria in Africa. Moreover, MB has the potential to further accelerate the rapid parasite clearance of artemisinin-based combination therapies. More than a century after the antimalarial properties of MB had been described, its role in malaria control deserves closer attention.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00354380  相似文献   
Among the sibling species of the AfrotropicalAnopheles gambiae complex, the nominal taxon (An. gambiae s.str.) is the major malaria vector. Its bionomics suggest a man-dependent speciation process which involves, in West Africa, various incipient species chromosomally recognized by different combinations of 2R paracentric inversions. One of the most recent evolutionary steps of such a speciation process appears to be the chromosomal form Mopti, which is associated with dry season irrigation in arid zones, and is characterized by a remarkable ecological flexibility related to three 2R alternative arrangements, namelybc, u and +, whose expected karyotypes are found in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The study of this chromosomal polymorphism in samples from a 16-locality transect in Mali shows wide variations and highly significant correlation with both temporal and spatial climatic differences. Mosquitoes homokaryotypic for 2Rbc are the actual dry season and arid areas breeders. The regular rise of 2Rbc frequency, up to fixation, during each dry season, corresponds to the South-North clinal increase of the same arrangement along the transect, from about 30% in the humid savanna to near fixation in the South-Saharan zone. This coherent ecological genetics case provides full support to the hypothesis of the adaptive nature of paracentric inversions. Moreover, the very peculiar system of combinations of contiguous 2R inversions, utilized by Mopti as well as by other chromosomal forms ofAn. gambiae, suggests a process of polygenic reorganization based on linkage disequilibria and involving the inversions as driving selection units.  相似文献   
All over the world, pollinators are threatened by land‐use change involving degradation of seminatural habitats or conversion into agricultural land. Such disturbance often leads to lowered pollinator abundance and/or diversity, which might reduce crop yield in adjacent agricultural areas. For West Africa, changes in bee communities across disturbance gradients from savanna to agricultural land are mainly unknown. In this study, we monitored for the impact of human disturbance on bee communities in savanna and crop fields. We chose three savanna areas of varying disturbance intensity (low, medium, and high) in the South Sudanian zone of Burkina Faso, based on land‐use/land cover data via Landsat images, and selected nearby cotton and sesame fields. During 21 months covering two rainy and two dry seasons in 2014 and 2015, we captured bees using pan traps. Spatial and temporal patterns of bee species abundance, richness, evenness and community structure were assessed. In total, 35,469 bee specimens were caught on 12 savanna sites and 22 fields, comprising 97 species of 32 genera. Bee abundance was highest at intermediate disturbance in the rainy season. Species richness and evenness did not differ significantly. Bee communities at medium and highly disturbed savanna sites comprised only subsets of those at low disturbed sites. An across‐habitat spillover of bees (mostly abundant social bee species) from savanna into crop fields was observed during the rainy season when crops are mass‐flowering, whereas most savanna plants are not in bloom. Despite disturbance intensification, our findings suggest that wild bee communities can persist in anthropogenic landscapes and that some species even benefitted disproportionally. West African areas of crop production such as for cotton and sesame may serve as important food resources for bee species in times when resources in the savanna are scarce and receive at the same time considerable pollination service.  相似文献   
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