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Natural transformation in bacteria facilitates the uptake and genomic integration of exogenous DNA. This allows horizontal exchange of adaptive traits not easily achieved by point mutations, and has a major role in the acquisition of adaptive traits exemplified by antibiotic resistance determinants and vaccination escape. Mechanisms of DNA uptake and genomic integration are well described for several naturally transformable bacterial species; however, the selective forces responsible for its evolution and maintenance are still controversial. In this study we evolved transformation-proficient and -deficient Acinetobacter baylyi for 175 days in serial transfer cultures where stress was included. We found that natural transformation-proficient populations adapted better to active growth and early stationary phase. This advantage was offset by the reduced performance in the late stationary/death phase. We demonstrate fitness trade-offs between adaptation to active growth and survival in stationary/death phase caused by antagonistic pleiotropy. The presented data suggest that the widely held assumption that recombination speeds up adaptation by rapid accumulation of multiple adaptive mutations in the same genetic background is not sufficient to fully account for the maintenance of natural transformation in bacteria.  相似文献   


Gait and balance impairments lead to frequent falls and injuries in individuals with Huntington''s disease (HD). Assistive devices (ADs) such as canes and walkers are often prescribed to prevent falls, but their efficacy is unknown. We systematically examined the effects of different types of ADs on quantitative gait measures during walking in a straight path and around obstacles.


Spatial and temporal gait parameters were measured in 21 subjects with HD as they walked across a GAITRite walkway under 7 conditions (i.e., using no AD and 6 commonly prescribed ADs: a cane, a weighted cane, a standard walker, and a 2, 3 or 4 wheeled walker). Subjects also were timed and observed for number of stumbles and falls while walking around two obstacles in a figure-of-eight pattern.


Gait measure variability (i.e., coefficient of variation), an indicator of fall risk, was consistently better when using the 4WW compared to other ADs. Subjects also walked the fastest and had the fewest number of stumbles and falls when using the 4WW in the figure-of-eight course. Subjects walked significantly slower using ADs compared to no AD both across the GAITRite and in the figure-of-eight. Measures reflecting gait stability and safety improved with the 4WW but were made worse by some other ADs.  相似文献   
Abstract: The Spanish town of Galve (Teruel) is notable because of the abundance of Upper Jurassic and, especially, Lower Cretaceous vertebrates recorded there. Although most groups have been studied in detail, information on turtles is very limited even though the material is relatively abundant. So far, no turtle taxa have been identified at the generic level. The only Lower Cretaceous articulated specimen from Galve is analysed here. It is identified as a representative of Cryptodira, Galvechelone lopezmartinezae gen. et sp. nov. Galvechelone lopezmartinezae is determined as a taxon belonging to the node that groups the turtles traditionally assigned to ‘Macrobaenidae’ and ‘Sinemydidae’, and other taxa such as the members of Panchelonioidea. This node, very abundant in the Lower Cretaceous of Asia, and with a broad subsequent distribution, has recently been recognized in the Lower Cretaceous of Europe. The diversity of basal members of Eucryptodira in the European Late Jurassic (represented by Thalassemydidae, Plesiochelyidae and Eurysternidae) was high. Owing to a relative scarcity of well‐preserved early Cretaceous turtles from Europe, the knowledge of this group of reptiles is limited. The study of the new turtle from Galve, together with the recently described Hoyasemys jimenezi, and the recently completed review of the enigmatic Chitracephalus dumonii demonstrate that members of the cryptodiran node grouping ‘Macrobaenidae’, ‘Sinemydidae’ and Panchelonioidea were also very diverse in this period.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: This study investigated causes of malaria and how cases were managed at household level, in order to improve the ability to identify malaria and ensure correct use of chloroquine. It was conducted in Nakonde District, Northern Province of Zambia, between 2000 and 2001. Nakonde district is in a hyperendemic malaria province, where Plasmodium falciparum is predominant. The district has a total population of 153, 548 people, the majority of whom are peasant farmers. The main aim of the post intervention survey was to establish the proportion of caretakers of children five years and below, who were able to identify simple and severe malaria and treat it correctly using chloroquine in the home. METHODS: A baseline survey was conducted in five wards divided into intervention and control.Intervention and control wards were compared. Village health motivators and vendors were identified and trained in three intervention wards, as a channel through which information on correct chloroquine dose could be transmitted. A total of 575 carers, who were 15 years old and above and had a child who had suffered from malaria 14 days before the survey commenced, were interviewed. The two control wards received no intervention. 345 caretakers were from the intervention wards, while 230 came from the control wards. Identification of malaria and correct use of anti-malarial drugs was assessed in terms of household diagnosis of malaria in children under five years, type and dose of anti-malarial drugs used, self medication and the source of these anti-malarials. RESULTS: The majority of respondents in the study were females (81%). Chloroquine was the most frequently used anti-malarial (48.5%) in both the intervention and control wards. There was no difference between the intervention and control wards at pre-intervention (P = 0.266 and P = 0.956), in the way mothers and other caretakers identified simple and severe malaria. At baseline, knowledge on correct chloroquine dosage in the under five children was comparable between intervention and control wards. Post-intervention revealed that mothers and other caretakers were 32% and 51%, respectively, more likely to identify simple and severe malaria. There was a 60% increase on correct chloroquine dosage in all age groups among carers living in post-intervention wards. CONCLUSION: Compliance with standard therapeutic doses and correct identification of malaria was poorest in control wards, where no motivators and vendors were trained.  相似文献   
Polygonum punctatum (Polygonaceae) is an herb known in some regions of Brazil as "erva-de-bicho" and is used to treat intestinal disorders. The dichloromethane extract of the aerial parts of this plant showed strong activity in a bioautographic assay with the fungus Cladosporium sphaerospermum. The bioassay-guided chemical fractionation of this extract afforded the sesquiterpene dialdehyde polygodial as the active constituent. The presence of this compound with antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and anti-hyperalgesic properties in "erva-de-bicho" may account for the effects attributed by folk medicine to this plant species.  相似文献   
This paper examines the distribution and infection of Biomphalaria glabrata with Schistosoma mansoni in all aquatic snail habitats in a rural area in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, in relation to physico/biotic and behavioral factors. Snail and environmental surveys were carried out semi-annually between July 2001 and November 2002 at 106 sites. Collected snails were examined in the laboratory for infection. B. glabrata densities were highest in overflow ponds, irrigation ponds, springs, canals and wells, and lowest in fishponds and water tanks. Snail densities were higher during the hot, rainy season except for streams and canals and were statistically associated with the presence of fish, pollution, and vegetation density. Tilapia fish and an unidentified Diptera larva were found to be predators of B. glabrata but ducks were not. Twenty-four of the 25 infected snails were collected in 2001(1.4% infection rate) and only one in 2002, after mass chemotherapy. The occurrence of B. glabrata in all 11 snail habitats both at and away from water contact sites studied indicates widespread risk of human infection in the study area. In spite of the strong association between B. glabrata and tilapia in fishponds we do not recommend its use in schistosomiasis control for ecological reasons and its relative inefficiency in streams and dams.  相似文献   


Heterologous prime-boost immunization protocols using different gene expression systems have proven to be successful tools in protecting against various diseases in experimental animal models. The main reason for using this approach is to exploit the ability of expression cassettes to prime or boost the immune system in different ways during vaccination procedures. The purpose of the project was to study the ability of recombinant vaccinia virus (VV) and bacterial plasmid, both carrying the NS1 gene from tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) virus under the control of different promoters, to protect mice against lethal challenge using a heterologous prime-boost vaccination protocol.  相似文献   
Bacteriophage RB69 encodes a replicative B-family DNA polymerase (RB69 gp43) with an associated proofreading 3' exonuclease. Crystal structures have been determined for this enzyme with and without DNA substrates. We previously described the mutation rates and kinds of mutations produced in vivo by the wild-type (Pol(+) Exo(+)) enzyme, an exonuclease-deficient mutator variant (Pol(+) Exo(-)), mutator variants with substitutions at Tyr(567) in the polymerase active site (Pol(M) Exo(+)), and the double mutator Pol(M) Exo(-). Comparing the mutational spectra of the Pol(+) Exo(-) and Pol(+) Exo(+) enzymes revealed the patterns and efficiencies of proofreading, while Tyr(567) was identified as an important determinant of base-selection fidelity. Here, we sought to determine how well the fidelities of the same enzymes are reflected in vitro. Compared to their behavior in vivo, the three mutator polymerases exhibited modestly higher mutation rates in vitro and their mutational predilections were also somewhat different. Although the RB69 gp43 accessory proteins exerted little or no effect on total mutation rates in vitro, they strongly affected mutation rates at many specific sites, increasing some rates and decreasing others.  相似文献   
The Hero gene of tomato is a broad spectrum resistance gene that confers a high level of resistance to all pathotypes of the potato cyst nematodes Globodera rostochiensis and partial resistance to G. pallida. The gene was identified by map-based cloning, sequencing and complementation analysis of two susceptible tomato lines with an array of 13 overlapping cosmids spanning a total distance of 135 kb. Hero encodes a protein with a nucleotide-binding site (NBS) and a leucine-rich-repeat (LRR) domain and is a member of a gene family of 14 highly homologous genes, which are clustered within a continuous 118-kb region. The isolated Hero gene displayed resistance to various G. rostochiensis pathotypes and partial resistance to G. pallida pathotype Pa2/3 in transgenic tomato lines. None of the Hero homologues conferred resistance to G. rostochiensis pathotypes. Hero can be distinguished from its homologues by the length of a compound hexanucleotide microsatellite, which codes for a charged and repetitive amino acid domain within the LRR. We propose that the expansion of this microsatellite may be involved in the evolution of the Hero resistance gene.  相似文献   
A continuous-culture system was developed to study changes in the structure of Staphylococcus epidermidis populations exposed to subminimum inhibitory concentrations of erythromycin. Continuous-culture experiments were carried out in a dextrose-free, tryptic soy broth medium supplemented with lactic acid and sodium lactate (MTSB-D). The multiresistant (penicillin-, tetracycline-, and erythromycin-resistant) S. epidermidis strain NRC853 was subjected to a series of experiments: (i) growth individually in continuous culture in the absence and presence of erythromycin and (ii) growth in mixed culture with the erythromycin-susceptible S. epidermidis strain NRC852 in the absence and presence of erythromycin. Strain NRC853 produced colony morphology variants during continuous culture in the presence of 0.05 and 0.1 microgram of erythromycin per ml. Variants (A, B, and C) were different from their wild-type parent on the basis of colony size, sector pattern, and/or the ability to transmit light. A variants rapidly lost a 2.7-MDa tetracycline resistance plasmid. B and C variants formed an ermC plasmid multimer series from unit size to a 16-mer and exhibited an approximately twofold increase in erythromycin MIC over that of the wild-type parent. They slowly lost the tetracycline resistance plasmid. The small-colony B variant demonstrated an increased virulence in the neonatal mouse weight gain test and an increase in fibronectin binding compared with the wild-type parent. The presence of a competing strain drastically increased the frequency of all variants.  相似文献   
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