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Protein substrates of the proteasome must apparently be unfolded and translocated through a narrow channel to gain access to the proteolytic active sites of the enzyme. Protein folding in vivo is mediated by molecular chaperones. Here, to test for chaperone activity of the proteasome, we assay the reactivation of denatured citrate synthase. Both human and yeast proteasomes stimulate the recovery of the native structure of citrate synthase. We map this chaperone-like activity to the base of the regulatory particle of the proteasome, that is, to the ATPase-containing assembly located at the substrate-entry ports of the channel. Denatured but not native citrate synthase is bound by the base complex. Ubiquitination of citrate synthase is not required for its binding or refolding by the base complex of the proteasome. These data suggest a model in which ubiquitin-protein conjugates are initially tethered to the proteasome by specific recognition of their ubiquitin chains; this step is followed by a nonspecific interaction between the base and the target protein, which promotes substrate unfolding and translocation.  相似文献   
In the present communication, we report the identification of a new gene family which encodes the protein subunits of the proteasome. The proteasome is a high-Mr complex possessing proteolytic activity. Screening a Drosophila λgt11 cDNA expression library with the proteasome-specific antibody N19-28 we isolated a clone encoding the 28-kDa No. 1 proteasome protein subunit. In accordance with the nomenclature of proteasome subunits in Drosophila, the corresponding gene is designated PROS-28.1, and it encodes an mRNA of 1.1 kb with an open reading frame of 249 amino acids (aa). Genomic Southern-blot hybridization shows PROS-28.1 to be a member of a family of related genes. Analysis of the predicted aa sequence reveals a potential nuclear targeting signal, a potential site for tyrosine kinase and a potential cAMP/cGMP-dependent phosphorylation site. The aa sequence comparison of the products of PROS-28.1 and PROS-35 with the C2 proteasome subunit of rat shows a strong sequence similarity between the different proteasome subunits. The data suggest that at least a subset of the proteasome-encoding genes belongs to a family of related genes (PROS gene family) which may have evolved from a common ancestral PROS gene.  相似文献   
Antitopes define preferential proteasomal cleavage site usage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Protein degradation by proteasomes is a major source of peptides presented by major histocompatibility v complex class I proteins. Importantly, interferon gamma-induced immunoproteasomes in many cases strongly enhance the generation of antigenic peptides both in vitro and in vivo. Whether this is due to enhanced substrate turnover or to a change in proteasomal cleavage specificity is, however, largely unresolved. To overcome the problems of peptide quantification inherent to mass spectrometry, we introduced the "antitope" as substrate-specific internal standard. The antitope is a non-functional peptide that is generated by proteasomal cleavage within the epitope, resulting in partial overlaps with the functional epitope. Using antitopes as internal standards we demonstrate that the observed enhanced immunoproteasome-dependent presentation of the bacterial listeriolysin O T-cell epitope LLO(296-304) is indeed due to altered cleavage preferences. This method is also applicable to other major histocompatibility class I epitopes as is shown for two potential epitopes derived from Coxsackievirus.  相似文献   
The COP9 signalosome (CSN) is a conserved protein complex found in all eukaryotic cells and involved in the regulation of the ubiquitin (Ub)/26S proteasome system. It binds numerous proteins, including the Ub E3 ligases and the deubiquitinating enzyme Ubp12p, the S. pombe ortholog of human USP15. We found that USP15 copurified with the human CSN complex. Isolated CSN complex exhibited protease activity that deubiquitinated poly-Ub substrates and was completely inhibited by o-phenanthroline (OPT), a metal-chelating agent. Surprisingly, the recombinant USP15 was also not able to cleave isopeptide bonds of poly-Ub chains in presence of OPT. Detailed analysis of USP sequences led to the discovery of a novel zinc (Zn) finger in USP15 and related USPs. Mutation of a single conserved cysteine residue in the predicted Zn binding motif resulted in the loss of USP15 capability to degrade poly-Ub substrates, indicating that the Zn finger is essential for the cleavage of poly-Ub chains. Moreover, pulldown experiments demonstrated diminished binding of tetra-Ub to mutated USP15. Cotransfection of USP15 and the Ub ligase Rbx1 revealed that the wild-type deubiquitinating enzyme, but not the USP15 mutant with a defective Zn finger, stabilized Rbx1 toward the Ub system, most likely by reversing poly/autoubiquitination. In summary, a functional Zn finger of USP15 is needed to maintain a conformation essential for disassembling poly-Ub chains, a prerequisite for rescuing the E3 ligase Rbx1.  相似文献   
In euplotid ciliates, the cortex is reinforced by alveolar plates--proteinaceous scales located within the membranous alveolar sacs, forming a monolayer just below the plasma membrane. This system appears to play a cytoskeletal role analogous to that provided by the fibrous epiplasm found beneath the cortical alveoli in other ciliates. In Euplotes aediculatus, the major alveolar plate proteins (termed alpha-, beta-, and gamma-plateins) have been identified. Using anti-platein antibodies, an expression library of Euplotes genes was screened, and a platein gene identified, cloned, and completely sequenced. Comparison of its derived amino acid sequence with microsequences obtained directly from purified plateins identified this gene as encoding one of the closely related beta- or gamma-plateins. The derived protein, of 644 amino acids (74.9 kDa), is very acidic (pI = 4.88). Microsequences from authentic alpha-platein were then used to design oligonucleotide primers, which yielded, via a PCR-based approach, the sequences of two alpha-platein genes from E. aediculatus. Even more acidic proteins, the derived alpha1- and alpha2-plateins contain 536 and 501 residues, respectively. Analyses of their amino acid sequences revealed the plateins to be members of the articulin superfamily of cytoskeletal proteins, first described in Euglena and now identified in the ciliate Pseudomicrothorax and in Plasmodium. The hallmark articulin repetitive motifs (based on degenerate valine- and proline-rich 12-mers) are present in all three plateins. In beta/gamma-platein this primary motif domain (27 repeats) is central in the molecule, whereas the primary repeats in the alpha-plateins lie near their C-termini. A cluster of proline-rich pentameric secondary repeats is found in the C-terminus of beta/gamma-platein, but near the N-terminus of alpha-plateins. All three plateins contain canonical N-terminal signal sequences, unique among known cytoskeletal proteins. The presence of start-transfer sequences correlates well with the final intra-alveolar location of these proteins. This feature, and significant differences from known articulins in amino acid usage and arrangement within the repeat domains, lead us to propose that the plateins comprise a new family of articulin-related proteins. Efforts to follow microscopically the assembly of plateins into new alveolar plates during pre-fission morphogenesis are underway.  相似文献   
The effects of proteasome inhibition (PI) on heat-shock protein (HSP) expression in cardiomyocytes were investigated. Neonatal rat cardiomyocytes were incubated with MG132 (0.1-10 microM) for 1 h. Induction of various HSPs was determined by real-time PCR and Western blotting. PI induced a 2- to 3-fold increase in HSP27, HSP60, and HSP90, and a 18-fold increase in HSP70 mRNA expression, whereas HSP40 levels were unaffected. Western blotting revealed increased protein expression for HSP70 after PI. Similar results were obtained with MG262. HSP induction correlated with enhanced survival of neonatal cardiomyocytes after sublethal heat stress in XTT testing. In papillary muscles, pretreatment with MG132 (10 microM, 90 min) was associated with enhanced recovery of the contractile parameters after a 40-min hypoxia. In these proof-of-principle experiments, we show that PI induces differential heat-shock response in cardiomyocytes, accompanied by enhanced cell survival and functional recovery after various forms of stress.  相似文献   
Loss of immunogenic epitopes by tumors has urged the development of vaccines against multiple epitopes. Recombinant DNA technologies have opened the possibility to develop multiepitope vaccines in a relatively rapid and efficient way. We have constructed four naked DNA-based multiepitope vaccines, containing CTL, Th cell, and B cell epitopes of the human papillomavirus type 16. Here we show that gene gun-mediated vaccination with an epitope-based DNA vaccine protects 100% of the vaccinated mice against a lethal tumor challenge. The addition of spacers between the epitopes was crucial for the epitope-induced tumor protection, as the same DNA construct without spacers was significantly less effective and only protected 50% of the mice. When tested for therapeutic potential, only the epitope construct with defined spacers significantly reduced the size of established tumors, but failed to induce tumor regression. Only after targeting the vaccine-encoded protein to the protein degradation pathway by linking it to ubiquitin, the vaccine-induced T cell-mediated eradication of 100% of 7-day established tumors in mice. The finding that defined flanking sequences around epitopes and protein targeting dramatically increased the efficacy of epitope string DNA vaccines against established tumors will be of importance for the further development of multiepitope DNA vaccines toward clinical application.  相似文献   
The proteasome is an essential part of our immune surveillance mechanisms: by generating peptides from intracellular antigens it provides peptides that are then 'presented' to T cells. But proteasomes--the waste-disposal units of the cell--typically do not generate peptides for antigen presentation with high efficiency. How, then, does the proteasome adapt to serve the immune system well?  相似文献   
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