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Paraffin sections of nervous tissue, which had been fixed in Hofker's fluid, stained readily with protargol solution without the addition of metallic copper or other activator. Amidolsulfite mixtures reduced the protargol more rapidly and completely than hydroquinone-sulfite. Intensification of the stain could be secured by reducing with 0.5% amidol (or pyrogallol) solution after gold toning. The completeness of staining of unmyelinated fibers of the dorsal roots of cat spinal nerves was checked by estimating the number of fibers in a root and the cells of its associated ganglion. A fiber cell ratio of 1:1 was found hi 4 specimens, indicating within limits of error that all fibers were stained. An improvement of die original Hofker's mixture as a fixative was obtained by using a mixture of formic acid, 5 cc.; trichloracetic acid, 10 g.; n-propyl alcohol, 20 cc.; and n-butyl alcohol, 60 cc. (instead of the acetic, trichloracetic, ethyl alcohol mixture used hi the original formula). The following arbitrary method is suggested. Fix 12 to 24 hours, pass to water thru graded ethyl alcohol, wash several hours, dehydrate and embed in paraffin. Cut, mount, and remove the paraffin, pass to water and impregnate 2 or 3 days at 27 to 30$$C. in a 0.5% aqueous solution of protargol (Winthrop Chemical Co.). Rinse 2 or 3 seconds and reduce with 0.5% amidol (Agfa brand used) in 5% sodium sulfite solution. Wash, tone with 0.1% gold chloride, wash and reduce with 0.5% amidol (no sulfite), wash, dehydrate and cover. The method works well on spinal nerve roots, cerebrum, cerebellum, and spinal cord, and moderately well on nerve trunks including sympathetic nerves. Tissues from cat and guinea pig were used.  相似文献   


The rising temperature of the world''s oceans has become a major threat to coral reefs globally as the severity and frequency of mass coral bleaching and mortality events increase. In 2005, high ocean temperatures in the tropical Atlantic and Caribbean resulted in the most severe bleaching event ever recorded in the basin.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Satellite-based tools provided warnings for coral reef managers and scientists, guiding both the timing and location of researchers'' field observations as anomalously warm conditions developed and spread across the greater Caribbean region from June to October 2005. Field surveys of bleaching and mortality exceeded prior efforts in detail and extent, and provided a new standard for documenting the effects of bleaching and for testing nowcast and forecast products. Collaborators from 22 countries undertook the most comprehensive documentation of basin-scale bleaching to date and found that over 80% of corals bleached and over 40% died at many sites. The most severe bleaching coincided with waters nearest a western Atlantic warm pool that was centered off the northern end of the Lesser Antilles.


Thermal stress during the 2005 event exceeded any observed from the Caribbean in the prior 20 years, and regionally-averaged temperatures were the warmest in over 150 years. Comparison of satellite data against field surveys demonstrated a significant predictive relationship between accumulated heat stress (measured using NOAA Coral Reef Watch''s Degree Heating Weeks) and bleaching intensity. This severe, widespread bleaching and mortality will undoubtedly have long-term consequences for reef ecosystems and suggests a troubled future for tropical marine ecosystems under a warming climate.  相似文献   
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) virus is one among the major zoonosis viral diseases that use the Hyalomma ticks as their transmission vector to cause viral infection to the human and mammalian community. The fatality of infectious is high across the world especially in Africa, Asia, Middle East, and Europe. This study regarding codon usage bias of S, M, and L segments of the CCHF virus pertaining to the host Homo sapiens, reveals in-depth information about the evolutionary characteristics of CCHFV. Relative Synonymous Codon Usage (RSCU), Effective number of codons (ENC) were calculated, to determine the codon usage pattern in each segment. Correlation analysis between Codon adaptation index (CAI), GRAVY (Hydrophobicity), AROMO (Aromaticity), and nucleotide composition revealed bias in the codon usage pattern. There was no strong codon bias found among any segments of the CCHF virus, indicating both the factors i.e., natural selection and mutational pressure shapes the codon usage bias.  相似文献   
A non-specific nucleoside hydrolase from Escherichia coli (RihC) has been cloned, overexpressed, and purified to greater than 95% homogeneity. Size exclusion chromatography and sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis show that the protein exists as a homodimer. The enzyme showed significant activity against the standard ribonucleosides with uridine, xanthosine, and inosine having the greatest activity. The Michaelis constants were relatively constant for uridine, cytidine, inosine, adenosine, xanthosine, and ribothymidine at approximately 480 μM. No activity was exhibited against 2′-OH and 3′-OH deoxynucleosides. Nucleosides in which additional groups have been added to the exocyclic N6 amino group also exhibited no activity. Nucleosides lacking the 5′-OH group or with the 2′-OH group in the arabino configuration exhibited greatly reduced activity. Purine nucleosides and pyrimidine nucleosides in which the N7 or N3 nitrogens respectively were replaced with carbon also had no activity.  相似文献   
The determinants of conversational dominance are not well understood. We used videotaped triadic interactions among unacquainted same-sex American college students to test predictions drawn from the theoretical distinction between dominance and prestige as modes of human status competition. Specifically, we investigated the effects of physical formidability, facial attractiveness, social status, and self-reported subclinical psychopathy on quantitative (proportion of words produced), participatory (interruptions produced and sustained), and sequential (topic control) dominance. No measure of physical formidability or attractiveness was associated with any form of conversational dominance, suggesting that the characteristics of our study population or experimental frame may have moderated their role in dominance dynamics. Primary psychopathy was positively associated with quantitative dominance and (marginally) overall triad talkativeness, and negatively associated (in men) with affect word use, whereas secondary psychopathy was unrelated to conversational dominance. The two psychopathy factors had significant opposing effects on quantitative dominance in a multivariate model. These latter findings suggest that glibness in primary psychopathy may function to elicit exploitable information from others in a relationally mobile society.  相似文献   
A current trend in the production of biopharmaceuticals is the replacement of fixed stainless steel fluid‐handling units with disposable plastic bags. Such single‐use systems (SUS) offer numerous advantages, but also introduce a new set of materials into the production process and consequently expose biomanufacturers to a new set of risks related to those materials, not to mention reliance on an entirely new supply chain. In the course of developing and conducting a cell‐growth‐based test for suitability of disposable plastic components destined for use in cell culture operations, we discovered that the cytotoxic compound bis(2,4‐di‐tert‐butylphenyl)phosphate (bDtBPP) leaches out of certain bags and into cell culture media in concentrations that are deleterious to cell growth. Specifically, media held in certain bags for several days at 37°C was found to contain bDtBPP, and use of those held‐media samples in cell growth experiments provides data that overlap neatly with cell growth experiments using media spiked directly with bDtBPP, proving that bDtBPP leaching is responsible for the reduced growth attributable to those SUS bags. Overall, this issue represents a risk to the production of biopharmaceuticals in SUS, a risk that must be managed by diligent collaboration among companies along the entire supply chain for SUS components. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 30:332–337, 2014  相似文献   
Several studies suggest that highly skewed X chromosome inactivation (HSXI) is associated with recurrent spontaneous abortion. We hypothesized that this association reflects an increased rate of trisomic conceptions due to anomalies on the X chromosome that lead both to HSXI and to a diminished oocyte pool. We compared the distribution of X chromosome inactivation (XCI) skewing percentages (range: 50%–100%) among women with spontaneous abortions in four karyotype groups—trisomy (n = 154), chromosomally normal male (n = 43), chromosomally normal female (n = 38), nontrisomic chromosomally abnormal (n = 61)—to the distribution for age-matched controls with chromosomally normal births (n = 388). In secondary analyses, we subdivided the nontrisomic chromosomally abnormal group, divided trisomies by chromosome, and classified women by reproductive history. Our data support neither an association of HSXI with all trisomies nor an association of HSXI with chromosomally normal male spontaneous abortions. We also find no association between HSXI and recurrent abortion (n = 45).  相似文献   
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