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Selected plant species and environmental conditions were investigated for their influences on expression of ice nucleation activity by 15 Pseudomonas syringae strains grown on plants in constant-temperature growth chamber studies. Ice nucleation frequencies (INFs), the fraction of cells that expressed ice nucleation at −5 or −9°C, of individual strains varied greatly, both on plants and in culture. This suggests that the probability of frost injury, which is proportional to the number of ice nuclei on leaf surfaces, is strongly determined by the particular bacterial strains that are present on a leaf surface. The INFs of strains were generally higher when they were grown on plants than when they were grown in culture. In addition, INFs in culture did not correlate closely with INFs on plants, suggesting that frost injury prediction should be based on INF measurements of cells grown on plants rather than in culture. The relative INFs of individual strains varied with plant host and environment. However, none of seven plant species tested optimized the INFs of all 15 strains. Similarly, incubation for 48 h at near 100% relative humidity with short photoperiods did not always decrease the INF when compared with a 72 h, 40% relative humidity, long-photoperiod incubation. Pathogenic strains on susceptible hosts were not associated with higher or lower INFs relative to their INFs on nonsusceptible plant species. The ice nucleation activity of individual bacterial strains on plants therefore appears to be controlled by complex and interacting factors such as strain genotype, environment, and host plant species.  相似文献   
The relatedness of several marine Synechococcus spp. was estimated by DNA hybridization. Strains isolated from various geographical locations and representing a diversity of DNA base compositions and phycobiliprotein profiles were compared by restriction fragment length polymorphisms for a number of genes. DNAs from two marine red algae and a cryptomonad alga (which exhibit a phycobiliprotein composition similar to that of the marine Synechococcus spp.) and Synechococcus strain PCC6301 (Anacystis nidulans) were also included in the comparison. Strains WH8008, WH8018, and WH7805 were shown to be very similar to one another, as were strains WH7802 and WH7803. Strains WH8110 and WH5701 were clearly unrelated to any of the other strains, and no marine Synechococcus isolate showed any similarity to the freshwater Synechococcus strain PCC6301 or the eucaryotic algae. The method is relatively straightforward and sensitive and uses a variety of basic molecular biology techniques. Its utility in ascertaining the genetic relatedness and diversity of marine Synechococcus spp. and possible extension to field studies are discussed.  相似文献   
The main polymorphic system of esterase isoenzymes in adults of the G3 laboratory strain ofAnopheles gambiae consists of two to five major bands of activity per individual. The bands are designated 5S, 5F, 13, 14, and 15. In genetic crosses, the genes which coded for the bands assorted as three codominant alleles, Est A, Est B, and Est C, at a single autosomal locus. Homozygotes for the Est C allele were significantly underrepresented among backcross progeny. The developmental pattern of esterase expression was examined. Esterase gene expression in embryos was first detectable between 2 and 12 hr after oviposition. The initiation or termination of expression of some of the bands corresponded to boundaries between developmental stages. Most of the esterase fractions were not specifically localized within the tissues tested, with the exception of a series of bands which were restricted largely to adult male testes.  相似文献   
The cementum annulation aging technique was evaluated in a sample of 80 clinically extracted premolars (age range 11–70 years). Demineralized thin sections (7μm) stained with hematoxylin were used. The correlation (r) between age and adjusted count (number of annulations added to age of tooth eruption) was 0.78 for the entire sample (N = 73) and 0.86 for a subsample in which teeth with periodontal disease were excluded (N = 55). Standard error of the estimates ranged from 4.7 to 9.7 years depending on sex and health status of the tooth. The technique provided significantly better estimates for females than for males. The overall inaccuracy (mean absolute error) of the technique was 6.0 years, with a bias (mean error) of 0.26 years. Reduced major axis regression of adjusted count on age produced a slope of 0.797 for the entire sample and 0.889 for the nonperiodontal disease subsample. These slopes are consistent with a hypothesis of annual deposition of cementum rings given a decrease in cementogenesis with increasing age.  相似文献   
The pattern of maternal age-specific incidence of autosomal trisomy in spontaneous abortions was examined for each chromosome for which a sufficient number of trisomies was observed. This included chromosomes 2, 4, 7-10, 13-16, 18, and 20-22. The rate of increase after age 30 for each of the small chromosomes (groups D-G) was similar, with the exception of chromosome 16, which showed a significantly shallower rate. The C group chromosomes tended to have an intermediate rate of increase after age 30, with the exception of chromosome 7, which had a pattern similar to the smaller chromosomes. The larger chromosomes (2 and 4) had the smallest rate of increase. There was a significant relationship between chromosome size and rate of increase after age 30 (after excluding chromosome 16), but not with rate of increase before age 30. The results suggest that autosomal trisomies may be of heterogeneous origin, with a maternal age-related factor associated with chromosome size and other sources unrelated to chromosome size. Additional evidence for and against this hypothesis is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Attempts to measure the nesting density or territory size of bald eagles led to a fundamental difficulty, inherent in all such measurements on organisms which are distributed along an irregular boundary, such as a coastline. The length of such a boundary is not a meaningful measure, and neither can a meaningful area be associated with each nest. Mandelbrot's (1983) fractal geometry applies to the problem, but has not previously supplied practical units of measurement for fractals such as coastlines or rugged surfaces. A practical method is given for measuring the extent of such fractals, introducing a unit of variable dimension, the metron, which includes the existing SI units of length, area and volume as special cases. A linear measure, the spacing allows densities on fractals of different dimensions to be compared directly. The method is applied to the distribution of bald eagle nests along the coastlines of two islands in the Aleutians, and an extension of the method to handle distributions on mountainsides and island surfaces is indicated.  相似文献   
The ATP2 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae codes for the cytoplasmically synthesized beta-subunit protein of the mitochondrial F1-ATPase. To define the amino acid sequence determinants necessary for the in vivo targeting and import of this protein into mitochondria, we have constructed gene fusions between the ATP2 gene and either the Escherichia coli lacZ gene or the S. cerevisiae SUC2 gene (which codes for invertase). The ATP2-lacZ and ATP2-SUC2 gene fusions code for hybrid proteins that are efficiently targeted to yeast mitochondria in vivo. The mitochondrially associated hybrid proteins fractionate with the inner mitochondrial membrane and are resistant to proteinase digestion in the isolated organelle. Results obtained with the gene fusions and with targeting-defective ATP2 deletion mutants provide evidence that the amino-terminal 27 amino acids of the beta-subunit protein precursor are sufficient to direct both specific sorting of this protein to yeast mitochondria and its import into the organelle. Also, we have observed that certain of the mitochondrially associated Atp2-LacZ and Atp2-Suc2 hybrid proteins confer a novel respiration-defective phenotype to yeast cells.  相似文献   
The photosynthetic rate of a decaploid genotype (1-16-2) of tall fescue ( Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) is about twice that of a common hexaploid genotype (V6-802) (Plant Physiol. 72: 16–21, 1983). Translocation of photosynthate out of the leaves is a possible means of regulating carbon assimilation. To evaluate this possibility, we have examined a) translocation velocity, b) time course of translocation from leaves, c) photoassimilate partitioning pattern into whole plants in pulse and chase experiments, and d) interveinal distances between two ploidy genotypes. Most of the 14C accumulated in sucrose, and the labelled carbon moved down the leaf blades at similar velocities (6 to 10 cm h−1) in both genotypes. Recent 14C assimilate was rapidly translocated from the fed area of the leaf blade. For example, the decaploid and the common hexaploid had translocated 40 and 26% of the 14C, respectively, at 6 h, and 79 and 49% of the 14C, respectively, at 24 h. Partitioning of 14C among plant organs was considerably different between the genotypes after a 24 h chase. For example, out of the total 14C recovered from the whole plant, the decaploid had retained 40% in the labelled leaf with 10, 33 and 29% in other leaves, stem bases and roots, respectively; whereas the hexaploid had retained 91% in the labelled leaf with 4, 3 and 2% in other leaves, stem bases and roots, respectively. However, the higher rate of translocation was correlated with greater interveinal distances in the decaploid genotype. These results suggested that the higher translocation percentage in the decaploid than the hexaploid genotype was due to greater sink activity.  相似文献   
Radioactive- and stable isotope-containing substrates were used to identify the biosynthetic precursors of the beta-lactam antibiotic, thienamycin, in Streptomyces cattleya. Acetate is utilized by the organism to form C(6) and C(7) of the beta-lactam ring. The two carbons of the hydroxyethyl group attached to C(6) are both derived from the methyl of methionine. The cysteaminyl side chain attached to C(2) is derived from cysteine. Selective inhibition of thienamycin and cephamycin C biosynthesis has been achieved either through the addition of metabolic inhibitors or through manipulation of the growth medium. These results suggest that the two beta-lactam antibiotics, thienamycin and cephamycin C, are formed by different biosynthetic pathways.  相似文献   
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