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Extant xenarthrans (armadillos, anteaters and sloths) are among the most derived placental mammals ever evolved. South America was the cradle of their evolutionary history. During the Tertiary, xenarthrans experienced an extraordinary radiation, whereas South America remained isolated from other continents. The 13 living genera are relics of this earlier diversification and represent one of the four major clades of placental mammals. Sequences of the three independent protein-coding nuclear markers alpha2B adrenergic receptor (ADRA2B), breast cancer susceptibility (BRCA1), and von Willebrand Factor (VWF) were determined for 12 of the 13 living xenarthran genera. Comparative evolutionary dynamics of these nuclear exons using a likelihood framework revealed contrasting patterns of molecular evolution. All codon positions of BRCA1 were shown to evolve in a strikingly similar manner, and third codon positions appeared less saturated within placentals than those of ADRA2B and VWF. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses of a 47 placental taxa data set rooted by three marsupial outgroups resolved the phylogeny of Xenarthra with some evidence for two radiation events in armadillos and provided a strongly supported picture of placental interordinal relationships. This topology was fully compatible with recent studies, dividing placentals into the Southern Hemisphere clades Afrotheria and Xenarthra and a monophyletic Northern Hemisphere clade (Boreoeutheria) composed of Laurasiatheria and Euarchontoglires. Partitioned likelihood statistical tests of the position of the root, under different character partition schemes, identified three almost equally likely hypotheses for early placental divergences: a basal Afrotheria, an Afrotheria + Xenarthra clade, or a basal Xenarthra (Epitheria hypothesis). We took advantage of the extensive sampling realized within Xenarthra to assess its impact on the location of the root on the placental tree. By resampling taxa within Xenarthra, the conservative Shimodaira-Hasegawa likelihood-based test of alternative topologies was shown to be sensitive to both character and taxon sampling.  相似文献   
Sexual dimorphism is widespread in lizards, with the most consistently dimorphic traits being head size (males have larger heads) and trunk length (the distance between the front and hind legs is greater in females). These dimorphisms have generally been interpreted as follows: (1) large heads in males evolve through male-male rivalry (sexual selection); and (2) larger interlimb lengths in females provide space for more eggs (fecundity selection). In an Australian lizard (the snow skink, Niveoscincus microlepidotus), we found no evidence for ongoing selection on head size. Trunk length, however, was under positive fecundity selection in females and under negative sexual selection in males. Thus, fecundity selection and sexual selection work in concert to drive the evolution of sexual dimorphism in trunk length in snow skinks.  相似文献   
We used geochemical analyses of groundwater and laboratory-incubated microcosms to investigate the physiological responses of naturally occurring microorganisms to coal-tar-waste constituents in a contaminated aquifer. Waters were sampled from wells along a natural hydrologic gradient extending from uncontaminated (1 well) into contaminated (3 wells) zones. Groundwater analyses determined the concentrations of carbon and energy sources (pollutants or total organic carbon), final electron acceptors (oxygen, nitrate, sulfate), and metabolic byproducts (dissolved inorganic carbon [DIC], alkalinity, methane, ferrous iron, sulfide, Mn2+). In the contaminated zone of the study site, concentrations of methane, hydrogen, alkalinity, and DIC were enhanced, while dissolved oxygen and nitrate were depleted. Field-initiated biodegradation assays using headspace-free serum bottle microcosms filled with groundwater examined metabolism of the ambient organic contaminants (naphthalene, 2-methylnaphthalene, benzothiophene, and indene) by the native microbial communities. Unamended microcosms from the contaminated zone demonstrated the simultaneous degradation of several coal-tar-waste constituents at the in situ temperature (10°C). Lag phases prior to the onset of biodegradation indicated the prevalence of both aerobic and anaerobic conditions in situ. Electron acceptor-amended microcosms from the most contaminated well waters demonstrated only aerobic naphthalene degradation. Collectively, the geochemical and microbial evidence show that biodegradation of coal-tar-waste constituents occurs via both aerobic and anaerobic terminal electron accepting processes at this site.  相似文献   
We report the development of a nonantibiotic and nonpathogenic host-plasmid selection system based on lactococcal genes and threonine complementation. We constructed an auxotrophic Lactococcus lactis MG1363Deltathr strain which carries deletions in two genes encoding threonine biosynthetic enzymes. To achieve plasmid-borne complementation, we then constructed the minimal cloning vector, pJAG5, based on the genes encoding homoserine dehydrogenase-homoserine kinase (the hom-thrB operon) as a selective marker. Using strain MG1363Deltathr, selection and maintenance of cells carrying pJAG5 were obtained in threonine-free defined media. Compared to the commonly used selection system based on erythromycin resistance, the designed complementation system offers a competitive and stable plasmid selection system for the production of heterologous proteins in L. lactis. The potential of pJAG5 to deliver genes for expression in eukaryotes was evaluated by insertion of a mammalian expression unit encoding a modified green fluorescent protein. The successful delivery and expression of genes in human kidney fibroblasts indicated the potential of the designed nonantibiotic host-plasmid system for use in genetic immunization.  相似文献   
Malaria pigment, or beta-hematin, the insoluble heme detoxification product resulting from the intraerythrocitic digestion of hemoglobin by young malaria trophozoites has been structurally characterized by X-ray powder diffraction and shown to contain chains of propionic acid linked dimers. Although there is considerable spectroscopic evidence for a monodentate propionate-iron interaction in this crystalline material, the spectroscopic characterization of the propionic acid dimer is limited. Herein we demonstrate the presence of the propionic acid dimer unit by H/D isotope substitution in carboxylic acid dimer. In the Raman spectrum of the deuterium substituted compound there is a circa 12 cm(-1) shift, H: 1629 cm(-1) vs. D: 1617 cm(-1) in the symmetric ring breathing mode for the propionic acid dimer. On the other hand, the IR active asymmetric stretch has a very small shift, <3 cm(-1), upon deuteration. These, and other vibrational data, are consistent with the presence of a planar carboxylic acid dimer in the structure of beta-hematin.  相似文献   
AIMS: To investigate contamination of surfaces on a poultry slaughter line from infected poultry and subsequent cross-contamination of non-infected poultry. METHODS AND RESULTS: A broiler slaughterhouse was investigated for the presence of Salmonella on 17 defined points over two 1-week periods. Flocks supplied to slaughter and neck skin samples from processed chicken were likewise investigated. Salmonella was detected in 10 out of 18 flocks at ante-mortem inspection, while seven flocks tested positive in the finished products. Equipment at all but one control point at the slaughter line tested positive at least once during the study. The chicken receiving area was the most contaminated. By comparison of typing results from serotyping, plasmid profile typing and phage typing, direct evidence for cross-contamination with Salm. serotype Typhimurium, Salm. Serotype 4.12:b:- and Salm. serotype Virchow on the slaughter line was obtained for four of the flocks. The cleaning procedure in place did not remove all Salmonella from the contaminated areas. CONCLUSIONS: Evidence for contamination of equipment on a slaughter line and subsequent cross-contamination to non-infected chicken was provided by typing methods. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study has provided detailed information on cross-contamination on a slaughter line by the use of phage typing and plasmid profiling. The study stresses the importance of controlling Salmonella in the primary production, as contamination of the equipment on the slaughter line will act as a vehicle to contaminate finished products. Cleaning procedures on slaughter lines cannot be expected to control this problem with the current equipment.  相似文献   
The porcine COL10A1 gene, encoding the alpha1(X) chain of type X collagen, has been sequenced. The gene structure is evolutionarily conserved, consisting of three exons and two introns spanning 7100 bp. Linkage mapping localized the gene to chromosome 1, which is in agreement with human-pig homology maps. Furthermore, protein structure comparison of the functionally important carboxyl domain between species revealed that amino acid changes were few and mainly situated in loop regions.  相似文献   
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