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We examined 219 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) strains from meat, milk, and cheese samples collected in Germany between 2005 and 2006. All strains were investigated for their serotypes and for genetic variants of Shiga toxins 1 and 2 (Stx1 and Stx2). stx(1) or variant genes were detected in 88 (40.2%) strains and stx(2) and variants in 177 (80.8%) strains. Typing of stx genes was performed by stx-specific PCRs and by analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) of PCR products. Major genotypes of the Stx1 (stx(1), stx(1c), and stx(1d)) and the Stx2 (stx(2), stx(2d), stx(2-O118), stx(2e), and stx(2g)) families were detected, and multiple types of stx genes coexisted frequently in STEC strains. Only 1.8% of the STEC strains from food belonged to the classical enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) types O26:H11, O103:H2, and O157:H7, and only 5.0% of the STEC strains from food were positive for the eae gene, which is a virulence trait of classical EHEC. In contrast, 95 (43.4%) of the food-borne STEC strains carried stx(2) and/or mucus-activatable stx(2d) genes, an indicator for potential high virulence of STEC for humans. Most of these strains belonged to serotypes associated with severe illness in humans, such as O22:H8, O91:H21, O113:H21, O174:H2, and O174:H21. stx(2) and stx(2d) STEC strains were found frequently in milk and beef products. Other stx types were associated more frequently with pork (stx(2e)), lamb, and wildlife meat (stx(1c)). The combination of serotyping and stx genotyping was found useful for identification and for assignment of food-borne STEC to groups with potential lower and higher levels of virulence for humans.  相似文献   
One sorting mechanism of apical and basolateral proteins in epithelial cells is based on their solubility profiles with Triton X-100. Nevertheless, apical proteins themselves are also segregated beyond the trans-Golgi network by virtue of their association or nonassociation with cholesterol/sphingolipid-rich microdomains (Jacob, R., and Naim, H. Y. (2001) Curr. Biol. 11, 1444-1450). Therefore, extractability with Triton X-100 does not constitute an absolute criterion of protein sorting. Here, we investigate the solubility patterns of apical and basolateral proteins with other detergents and demonstrate that the mild detergent Tween 20 is adequate to discriminate between apical and basolateral proteins during early stages in their biosynthesis. Although the mannose-rich forms of the apical proteins sucrase-isomaltase, lactase-phlorizin hydrolase, aminopeptidase N, and dipeptidylpeptidase IV reveal similar solubility profiles comprising soluble and nonsoluble fractions, the basolateral proteins, vesicular stomatitis virus G protein, major histocompatibility complex class I, and CD46 are entirely soluble with this detergent. The insoluble Tween 20 membranes are enriched in phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylglycerol compatible with their synthesis in the endoplasmic reticulum and the existence of a novel class of detergent-resistant membranes. The association of the mannose-rich biosynthetic forms of the apical proteins, sucraseisomaltase, lactase-phlorizin hydrolase, aminopeptidase N, and dipeptidylpeptidase IV with the Tween 20-resistant membranes suggests an early polarized sorting mechanism prior to maturation in the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   
Storage protein synthesis is dependent on available nitrogen in the seed, which may be controlled by amino acid import via specific transporters. To analyze their rate-limiting role for seed protein synthesis, a Vicia faba amino acid permease, VfAAP1, has been ectopically expressed in pea (Pisum sativum) and Vicia narbonensis seeds under the control of the legumin B4 promoter. In mature seeds, starch is unchanged but total nitrogen is 10% to 25% higher, which affects mainly globulin, vicilin, and legumin, rather than albumin synthesis. Transgenic seeds in vitro take up more [14C]-glutamine, indicating increased sink strength for amino acids. In addition, more [14C] is partitioned into proteins. Levels of total free amino acids in growing seeds are unchanged but with a shift toward higher relative abundance of asparagine, aspartate, glutamine, and glutamate. Hexoses are decreased, whereas metabolites of glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid cycle are unchanged or slightly lower. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity and the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase-to-pyruvate kinase ratios are higher in seeds of one and three lines, indicating increased anaplerotic fluxes. Increases of individual seed size by 20% to 30% and of vegetative biomass indicate growth responses probably due to improved nitrogen status. However, seed yield per plant was not altered. Root application of [15N] ammonia results in significantly higher label in transgenic seeds, as well as in stems and pods, and indicates stimulation of nitrogen root uptake. In summary, VfAAP1 expression increases seed sink strength for nitrogen, improves plant nitrogen status, and leads to higher seed protein. We conclude that seed protein synthesis is nitrogen limited and that seed uptake activity for nitrogen is rate limiting for storage protein synthesis.  相似文献   
SASH1, a member of the SLY-family of signal adapter proteins, is a candidate tumor suppressor in breast and colon cancer. Reduced expression of SASH1 is correlated with aggressive tumor growth, metastasis formation, and inferior prognosis. However, the biological role of SASH1 remains largely unknown. To unravel the function of SASH1, we have analyzed the intracellular localization of endogenous SASH1, and have generated structural SASH1 mutants. SASH1 localized to the nucleus as well as to the cytoplasm in epithelial cells. In addition, SASH1 was enriched in lamellipodia and membrane ruffles, where it co-distributed with the actin cytoskeleton. Moreover, we demonstrate a novel interaction of SASH1 with the oncoprotein cortactin, a known regulator of actin polymerization in lamellipodia. Enhanced SASH1 expression significantly increased the content of filamentous actin, leading to the formation of cell protrusions and elongated cell shape. This activity was mapped to the central, evolutionarily conserved domain of SASH1. Furthermore, expression of SASH1 inhibited cell migration and lead to increased cell adhesion to fibronectin and laminin, whereas knock-down of endogenous SASH1 resulted in significantly reduced cell–matrix adhesion. Taken together, our findings unravel for the first time a mechanistic role for SASH1 in tumor formation by regulating the adhesive and migratory behaviour of cancer cells.  相似文献   
Recently, research on olfactory functions in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has become prominent, whereas gustation has never been investigated. Increased odor sensitivity was found in medication-na?ve children with ADHD, but not in adult ADHD, which might be due to a dopaminergic dysregulation presumed to underlie this disorder. Taste sensitivity, in particular bitter sensitivity as a hereditary trait, also might be altered in ADHD. To examine olfactory and gustatory functions in adult ADHD patients, we assessed odor sensitivity by Sniffin' Sticks, taste sensitivity by taste strips, and bitter sensitivity by the one-solution test in women with ADHD (n = 12), Bulimia Nervosa (n = 12), and healthy control women (n = 12). Bulimia Nervosa as second patient group was included to control for effects of impulsivity. Preliminary results indicate that ADHD patients were significantly more often classified as tasters, i.e. perceived the bitter taste as more intense, compared to both bulimic patients and healthy controls. No group differences were found with regard to general odor and taste sensitivity. It is proposed that the higher frequency of tasters in ADHD patients might underlie a genetic variation of the bitter receptor-dependent signaling pathway associated with ADHD.  相似文献   
A 13 kb DNA fragment was isolated from a grapevine (Vitis var. Optima) genomic library by hybridizing with elicitor-induced stilbene synthase cDNA as a probe. After fragmentation with Eco RI, subcloning and sequencing, two full-size stilbene synthase genes (Vst1 and Vst2) and the 3 end of a third stilbene synthase gene (Vst3) were located within the 13 kb fragment. Vst1 and Vst2, differing only slightly in the coding region, are distinguished in the intron size and in the structure of the promoter region. The 5 flanking region of gene Vst1 contains a TATAA box at nucleotide –48. The substantial structural differences found for the promoters of the two genes are paralleled by a striking difference in the expression of the two genes in elicitor-treated cells. Moreover, the accumulation upon elicitation of six different stilbene synthase mRNAs was studied and found to differ by two orders of magnitude.  相似文献   
The complex mutualistic relationship between the cleaner fish (Labroides dimidiatus) and their ‘clients’ in many reef systems throughout the world has been the subject of debate and research interest for decades. Game‐theory models have long struggled with explaining how the mixed strategies of cheating and honesty might have evolved in such a system and while significant efforts have been made theoretically, demonstrating the nature of this relationship empirically remains an important research challenge. Using the experimental framework of behavioural syndromes, we sought to quantitatively assess the relationship between personality and the feeding ecology of cleaner fish to provide novel insights into the underlying mechanistic basis of cheating in cleaner‐client interactions. First, we observed and filmed cleaner fish interactions with heterospecifics, movement patterns and general feeding ecology in the wild. We then captured and measured all focal individuals and tested them for individual consistency in measures of activity, exploration and risk taking (boldness) in the laboratory. Our results suggest a syndrome incorporating aspects of personality and foraging effort are central components of the behavioural ecology of L. dimidiatus on the Great Barrier Reef. We found that individuals that exhibited greater feeding effort tended to cheat proportionately less and move over smaller distances relative to bolder more active, exploratory individuals. Our study demonstrates for the first time that individual differences in personality might be mechanistically involved in explaining how the mixed strategies of cheating and honesty persist in cleaner fish mutualisms.  相似文献   
The performance of an individual can be critically influenced by its experience early in life as well as trans-generationally by the conditions experienced by its parents. However, it remains unclear whether or not the early experience of parents and offspring interact with each other and adapt offspring when the parental and own early environmental conditions match. Here, zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) that had experienced either early low or high nutritional conditions raised their offspring under either matched or mismatched nutritional conditions. Parental and offspring early conditions both separately affected the offspring’s adult phenotype, but early conditions experienced by parents and offspring did not interact as predicted. Offspring that grew up under conditions matching those their parents had experienced did not do better than those that grew up in a mismatched environment. Thus, transgenerational effects remain a lifelong burden to the offspring acting in addition to the offspring’s own early life experience. The lack of evidence for adaptive programming to matching environmental conditions may result from non-predictive environments under natural conditions in such opportunistic breeders.  相似文献   
A computer program (RFAC) has been developed, which allows the automated estimation of residual indices (R-factors) for protein NMR structures and gives a reliable measure for the quality of the structures. The R-factor calculation is based on the comparison of experimental and simulated 1H NOESY NMR spectra. The approach comprises an automatic peak picking and a Bayesian analysis of the data, followed by an automated structure based assignment of the NOESY spectra and the calculation of the R-factor. The major difference to previously published R-factor definitions is that we take the non-assigned experimental peaks into account as well. The number and the intensities of the non-assigned signals are an important measure for the quality of an NMR structure. It turns out that for different problems optimally adapted R-factors should be used which are defined in the paper. The program allows to compute a global R-factor, different R-factors for the intra residual NOEs, the inter residual NOEs, sequential NOEs, medium range NOEs and long range NOEs. Furthermore, R-factors can be calculated for various user defined parts of the molecule or it is possible to obtain a residue-by-residue R-factor. Another possibility is to sort the R-factors according to their corresponding distances. The summary of all these different R-factors should allow the user to judge the structure in detail. The new program has been successfully tested on two medium sized proteins, the cold shock protein (TmCsp) from Termotoga maritima and the histidine containing protein (HPr) from Staphylococcus carnosus. A comparison with a previously published R-factor definition shows that our approach is more sensitive to errors in the calculated structure.  相似文献   
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