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The inactivation of Bacillus subtilis spores during long-term exposure (up to several months) to extreme dryness (especially vacuum) is strain-dependent, through only to a small degree. During a first phase (lasting about four days) monolayers of spores lose about 20% of their viability, regardless of the strain studied. During this phase loss in viability can be equally attributed both to damages of hydrophobic structures (membranes and proteins) and DNA. During a second phase lasting for the remaining time of experimental observation (weeks, months and years) the loss in viability is slowed. A viability of 55% to 75% (depending on the strain) is attained after a total exposure of 36 days. The loss in viability during the second phase can be correlated with the occurrence of DNA double strand breaks. Also covalent DNA-protein cross-links are formed by vacuum exposure. If the protein moiety of these cross-links is degraded by proteinase K-treatment in vitro additional DNA double strand breaks result. The data are also discussed with respect to survival on Mars and in near Earth orbits.  相似文献   
Several hundred proteins have been resolved on two-dimensional gels of extracts of [35S]methionine-labeled adult Drosophila melanogaster. 27 of these polypeptides disappear from the gel pattern after feeding the K+ ionophore nonactin. These proteins have been identified as mitochondrial, since the two-dimensional gel pattern of extracts of isolated mitochondria correlates well with the pattern of the proteins missing from that of nonactin-treated flies. Nine new proteins also appear on the two-dimensional gels of the extracts from the nonactin-treated flies. Apparently, these nine proteins are precursors of the mature mitochondrial forms. These particular data support the concept that processing of many of the cytoplasmically synthesized mitochondrial proteins requires a specific membrane potential, and that some of these proteins are modified intramitochondrially. However, using [35S]methionine incorporation techniques, not all labeled polypeptides disappear from mitochondria during such treatment. Feeding similarly radiolabeled flies with chloramphenicol, an inhibitor of mitochondrial protein synthesis, results in the disappearance of only one protein from the gel pattern with the concurrent appearance of a ‘new’ high-molecular-weight polypeptide. Collectively, these data show that a specific group of [35S]methionine-labeled mitochondrial proteins can be identified by selective inhibition of mitochondrial function in whole cell protein maps of adult D. melanogaster.  相似文献   
In-situ studies on sublittoral soft bottom macrofauna (depth: 14–16 m) employing the underwater laboratory (UWL) “Helgoland” were carried out. Sets of samples were compared for small-scale local and short-term changes in species richness, faunal abundance, numerical dominance, diversity, evenness, homogeneity, and similarity. It could be shown that minor differences in sediment quality can cause conspicuous heterogeneity within a small sampling area (diameter: ca. 100 m). Both spatfall and mortality of benthic invertebrates can change the faunal structure within a short period (two months). The degree of change varies between species and thus at stations harbouring different faunal assemblages as well.  相似文献   
The impact of ticks on pheasant territoriality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pheasants are competent reservoir hosts for the Lyme disease spirochaete, Borrelia burgdorferi s.l., and carry large, but highly over-dispersed, infestations of the vector ticks, Ixodes ricinus . The effects of experimental reduction of tick infestation levels on the survival and territorial behaviour of male pheasants were studied. Over three years in two woodlands in southern England, birds were marked individually and half were fitted with a slow-release acaricide, which substantially reduced their tick burdens from March to August. Acaricide treatment affected reproductive success but had no discernible impact on the survival rates of male pheasants. The degree of wattle inflation by males, an indicator of territorial status and a correlate of harem acquisition, was significantly greater among treated males. In each year, a significantly higher proportion of treated (overall 44%) than control (22%) males acquired harems. Males that acquired females ranged over small areas on field edges. By contrast, those with no females ranged more widely in woods and the adjoining fields, increasing their exposure to questing ticks. The relative contribution of such roving males to tick-borne pathogen transmission may thus increase.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Beim ThermometerhuhnLeipoa ocellata tragen die Partner eine Paares ein Rufduett vor. Der Anteil des besteht aus einer Rufreihe, die sich aus einer Folge von 2–7 identischen, zweisilbigen Rufen zusammensetzt. Das trägt einen einzelnen, obertonreichen und langgezogenen Ruf vor. Sowohl der Ruf des als auch die Rufreihe des wird in Serien vorgetragen. Innerhalb einer solcher Ruf- bzw. Rufreihenserie können mehrere Duette auftreten. Die Rufe sind jedoch nicht ausschließlich an das Duett gebunden. Die Variabilität im Aufbau des Duetts äußert sich im Zeitpunkt des Einsatzes des antwortenden Vogels, in der Anzahl der -Rufe während des Duetts und in der Anzahl der Einheiten, aus denen sich der Duettanteil des zusammensetzt. Das beginnt signifikant häufiger als das eine Serie, in der ein oder mehrere Duette vorkommen. Ebenso ist es häufiger der Initiator des ersten in dieser Serie liegenden Duetts. Das Duett dient wohl hauptsächlich zur Festigung des Zusammenhalts zwischen den Paarpartnern. Es erfüllt jedoch von seinen physikalischen Eigenschaften her auch die Bedingungen, die für ein territorial wirksames Signal gelten.
Structure, variability and possible functions of duetting in the Mallee FowlLeipoa ocellata
Summary In the Australian Mallee Fowl,Leipoa ocellata, both and of a pair are involved in a call duet. The part of the consists of a sequence of 2–7 identical two-syllable calls. The contributes a single long-drawn-out call rich in harmonics. The call of the as well as the call sequence of the are presented in series. Within a series of calls () or call sequences () several duets can occur. The respective vocalizations, however, do not exclusively occur during the duet.The variability in the details of the duet expresses itself in the lag period after which the mate responds, in the number of -calls during the duet, and in the number of calls within the call sequence of the . The begins a series during which one or several duets occur significantly more frequently than the . The circumstances under which duetting occurs indicate that duet calling mainly serves to maintain the pair bond. Moreover, due to its physical characteristics the duet also seems to be suited to serve as a territorial signal.
We have recently described three "immature" B cell lymphomas which are exquisitely sensitive to growth inhibition by anti-Ig reagents and may serve as models for tolerance induction in normal B cells. These cells are inhibited from cell cycle progression into S after receiving a negative signal in early G1. In this paper, we demonstrate that the growth inhibition by anti-Ig can be prevented and reversed by the addition of supernatants from T cell lines. One such line, called Tova, produces factors which restore normal levels of DNA synthesis in the presence of concentrations of anti-Fab or anti-kappa immunoglobulins which cause up to a 90% inhibition of thymidine incorporation in a 2- to 3-day culture period. This factor is at least partially effective when added up to 24 hr after anti-Ig to unsynchronized lymphoma cells and it does not alter the growth of control cultures. Studies using synchronized lymphoma cells indicated that the T cell factor permitted cycle progression into S when added during the early G1 exposure to anti-kappa and was less effective when added late in G1. Preliminary characterization suggests that both B cell growth factor II (interleukin 5) and B cell stimulatory factor 1 (interleukin 4) have additive activity in this system, although another unidentified lymphokine may also be involved. The relevance of T cell reversal of Ig receptor-mediated negative signaling to neonatal B cell tolerance is emphasized.  相似文献   
The following gill monogeneans are described, based on a survey of 240 Rastrelliger kanagurta, 12 R. faughni and 185 R. brachysoma (Scombridae) from many geographical areas: Eyelavera typica from R. kanagurta, R. faughni and R. brachysoma, Indomazocraes jagannath from R. kanagurta and R. faughni, Kuhnia sprostonae from R. kanagurta and R. brachysoma, and Kuhnia scombercolias from R. kanagurta and R. brachysoma. Eyelavera parukhini Lebedev, 1980 is synonymised with E. typica, Scomberocotyle eyela Unnithan, 1964 with Indomazocraes jagannath, Kuhnia microlepidotusi Gupta & Krishna, 1977 and K. kanagurta Mamaev & Parukhin, 1986 with K. sprostonae, K. arabica Mamaev & Parukhin, 1986 with K. scombercolias Nasir & Fuentes Zambrano, 1983. It is emphasized that populations of Monogenea from the same host species or genus in different geographical areas are likely to be conspecific, and should not be described as different species, if they differ only slightly from each other. Monogenea that differ from insufficiently described species in minor detail should not be described as new species unless material of the original species has been examined.  相似文献   
Important prebiotic organic compounds might have been transported to Earth in dust or produced in vapor clouds resulting from atmospheric explosions or impacts of comets. These compounds coalesced in the upper atmosphere with particles ejected from craters formed by impacts of large objects. Coalescence during exposure to UV radiation concentrated organic monomers and enhanced formation of oligomers. Continuing coalescence added material to the growing particles and shielded prebiotic compounds from prolonged UV radiation. These particles settled into the lower atmosphere where they were scavenged by rain. Aqueous chemistry and evaporation of raindrops containing nomomers in high temperature regions near the Earth's surface also promoted continued formation of oligomers. Finally, these oligomers were deposited in the oceans where continued prebiotic evolution led to the most primitive cell. Results of our studies suggest that prebiotic chemical evolution may be an inevitable consequence of impacting comets during the late accretion of planets anywhere in the universe if oceans remained on those planetary surfaces.  相似文献   
Divalent cations activate the lysophospholipase and transacylase reactions catalyzed by the same enzymes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The activation was observed at neutral pH, but not at the pH optimum of lysophospholipase/transacylase, near 3.5. Adenine nucleotides, especially AMP and ADP, are strong inhibitors of the same group of enzymes. Half maximal inhibition by AMP was found at a concentration of about 20 M. The inhibition by nucleotides in low concentrations is enhanced by divalent cations.  相似文献   
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