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The N-banding patterns of the polytene chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster, Chironomus melanotus, Ch. th. thummi and Ch. th. thummi x Ch. th. piger were studied. In Chironomus the polytene N-banding patterns correspond to the polytene puffing patterns. This is revealed by comparison of the puffing and N-banding patterns of identical chromosomes. Size and staining intensity of the N-bands reflect the size of the puffs as shown by puff induction. There is no evidence that the N-bands are also located in Chironomus heterochromatin or are restricted to the nucleolar organizer regions. In Drosophila the -heterochromatin is strongly N-positive, whereas the -heterochromatin, as well as the Chironomus heterochromatin is not N-banded. Contrary to Chironomus, the puffs in Drosophila polytene chromosomes do not give rise selectively to well stained N-bands. — The N-banding method is interpreted to stain specifically non-histone protein which is (1) accumulated in genetically active chromosome regions and (2) present in a specific type of heterochromatin (-heterochromatin of Drosophila).  相似文献   
The amount of calliphorin, its biosynthesis, and the levels of translatable calliphorin-mRNA have been determined during the postembryonic development of Calliphora vicina R.-D. The amount of calliphorin increases in early third-instar larvae, reaching maximal levels in 6-day-old animals. It continuously decreases during late larval and pupal development to approximately one-half of the maximal levels and abruptly sinks during eclosion. The biosynthesis of calliphorin takes place only in 3- to 5-day-old larvae. Poly(A)+-RNA has been translated into proteins in a wheat germ cell-free system. Calliphorin-mRNA can be detected in 3- to 7-day-old larvae; maximal concentrations are observed in 4- and 5-day-old animals. No calliphorin-mRNA can be detected in prepupae, pupae, or imagos. The biosynthesis of calliphorin in blowfly larvae stops before a decrease of translatable calliphorin-mRNA is observed. This finding raises the question of the mechanism of in vivo inactivation of this specific mRNA.  相似文献   
Nuclei from Concanavalin A-stimulated lymphocytes (30 hr after Con A addition) incorporate up to 5 times more (3-H)UTP into RNA than nuclei from resting lymphocytes. The incorporation kinetics is linear for almost 60 min. 14–20% of the in vitro labeled RNA is polyadenylated. Poly(A) (?)RNA from both types of nuclei sediments from 4–5S up to more than 30S on sucrose gradients. Nuclei from stimulated cells synthesize about double the amount of RNA larger than 18S than nuclei from resting cells. The same holds for poly(A) (+)RNA. Poly(A) (?) RNA labeled during 10 min in both types of nuclei is stable during a 30 min chase. Under the same conditions poly(A) (+)RNA in nuclei from resting cells is degraded to about 50% during the chase whereas it is stable in nuclei from stimulated cells.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung 1979 und 1980 wurde in Ostbornholm ein einheitlicher Regenrufdialekt des Buchfinken gefunden, der dem Alarmruf des Sprossers sehr ähnlich klingt. Auch im Sonagramm zeigen sich morphologische Entsprechungen. Nach demMann-Whitney-Test sind die Mittelwerte der Frequenzen und Impulsdauer hochsignifikant verschieden, was jedoch im felde ohne direkten Vergleich nicht wahrnehmbar ist. Trotz der Differenzen wird Fremdimitaton für sehr wahrscheinlich gehalten, Zufallskonvergenz jedoch nicht ganz ausgeschlossen.
A case of vocal appropriation in the Chaffinch to the alarm-call of the Thrush Nightingale at Bornholm?
Summary In 1979 and 1980 in the east of Bornholm (Baltic Sea, Danmark), an uniform dialect of the rain-call was found in the Chaffinch, which resembles the alarm call of the Thrush Nightingale(Luscinia luscinia). The sonagrams of the two calls are very similar in structure. The frequency and duration differ significantly. In the field, however, one can hardly take apart the two calls without direct comparison. Despite these differences, it is speculated, that the rain-call is an imitation, but convergence by chance can not be excluded.
Limited chymotryptic cleavage of soluble chicken gizzard desmin protofilaments allows the characterization of three structurally distinct domains. A surface-exposed very basic amino-terminal region (the headpiece) with an amino acid sequence excluding a-helical organization (7.5 kd) is separated from the perhaps globular carboxy-terminal 48 residues (the tailpiece) by a distinctly different middle domain of approximately 330 residues. This 38 kd domain is very rich in α-helix (at least 83%), and electron microscopy reveals a thin rod with a length of 500 ± 50 Å. Amino acid sequence data also show that the rod domain is interrupted by a nonhelical portion. An a-helical array is able to form a coiled-coil spanning the carboxy-terminal half of the 38 kd domain. The a-type diffraction pattern of 10 nm filaments arises from a coiled-coil conformation displayed through most but not all of the middle domain of the protofilaments.  相似文献   
Barley plants grown under intermittent light show a plastid membrane composition intermediate between those of etioplasts and chloroplasts. In particular protochlorophyll reductase disappears from the membranes whereas the 32000 protein, coded for by chloroplast DNA, becomes integrated into the membranes. The light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein does not accumulate within the membranes even after 11 d of development, while the corresponding mRNA can already be observed after 4 d and is translated under in vivo conditions.Abbreviations LHCP light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein - IL intermittent light - LD light-dark (12-h day) - EGTA ethyleneglycol-bis(oxy-ethylenenitrile)tetraacetic acid  相似文献   
The membranes from the chromoplasts of Narcissus pseudonarcissus L. which are derived from the inner envelope membrane are the site of -carotene synthesis from [1-14C]isopentenyl diphosphate. The enzymes involved are partly peripheral membrane proteins (prenyltransferase, phytoene synthase) and partly integral membrane proteins (cis-trans isomerase, dehydrogenase(s), cyclase(s)). Metabolic channeling is suggested.Abbreviations IPP isopentenyl diphosphate - GGPP geranylgeranyl diphosphate  相似文献   
A system has been established from isolated intact chromoplasts of Narcissus pseudonarcissus flowers that synthesizes geranylgeraniol, an unknown polyprenoid alcohol, phytoene, and -carotene from [1-14C]isopentenyl pyrophosphate in a good yeild. Long chain pyrophosphates are not accumulated. San 6706 inhibits the dehydrogenation of phytoene, whereas nicotine does not lead to an accumulation of lycopene. Separation and identification of polyprenoid lipids was performed by HPLC. The properties and advantages of the chromoplast system are discussed.Abbreviations IPP isopentenyl pyrophosphate - TLC thin-layer chromatography - HPLC high pressure liquid chromatography - GC gas chromatography - Sau 6706 4-chloro-5-(dimethylamino)-2-,,-(trifluoro-m-tolyl)3(2H)-pyridazinone  相似文献   
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