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Botulinum C2 toxin is known to ADP-ribosylate actin. The toxin effect was studied on [3H]noradrenaline secretion of PC12 cells. [3H]Noradrenaline release was stimulated five- to 15-fold by carbachol (100 microM) or K+ (50 mM) and 10-30-fold by the ionophore A23187 (5 microM). Pretreatment of PC12 cells with botulinum C2 toxin for 4-8 h at 20 degrees C, increased carbachol-, K+-, and A23187-induced, but not basal, [3H]noradrenaline release maximally 1.5-to three-fold, whereas approximately 75% of the cellular actin pool was ADP-ribosylated. Treatment of PC12 cells with botulinum C2 toxin for up to 1 h at 37 degrees C also increased stimulated [3H]noradrenaline secretion, whereas toxin treatment for greater than 1 h decreased the enhanced [3H]noradrenaline release stimulated by carbachol and K+ but not by A23187. Concomitantly with toxin-induced stimulation of secretion, 20-50% of the cellular actin was ADP-ribosylated, whereas greater than 60% of actin was modified when exocytosis was attenuated. The data indicate that ADP-ribosylation of actin by botulinum C2 toxin largely modulates stimulation of [3H]noradrenaline release. Moreover, the biphasic toxin effects suggest that distinct mechanisms are involved in the role of actin in secretion.  相似文献   
This paper describes the macroflora and macrofauna associated with two bull kelp species,Laminaria hyperborea andL. digitata, at the island of Helgoland, North Sea. During a study period of seven months (March–September 1987), 29 macroflora species and 125 macrofauna species were found. The dominant taxonomic groups were Polychaeta (25 species), Bryozoa (17), Amphipoda (14), Hydrozoa (10) and Ascidiae (8). The species maximum was in July. In general,L. hyperborea was preferred as a substrate for settlement toL. digitata. Composition of the communities associated with kelp changed during the season according to exposure to wave action, and according to location on the kelp thallus. The rhizoid community of both kelps bore more species at exposed locations. Wave-exposedL. digitata lacked obvious faunal settlement on both phylloid and cauloid. Phylloid and cauloid ofL. hyperborea were chosen as an attractive substrate at both sheltered and wave-exposed locations, showing an association of encrusting bryozoan and hydrozoan colonies.  相似文献   
We have previously demonstrated that vitronectin (VN), a morphoregulatory protein in the vessel wall, is internalized and translocated to the subendothelial matrix by an integrin-independent mechanism (J. Histochem. Cytochem.41, 1823–1832, 1993). The cell surface component which mediates the initial contact of VN with endothelial cells is defined here. The specific binding of VN to endothelial cells demonstrated the following properties: a threefold increase after phorbol ester treatment; 85% inhibition by pretreatment of cells with phosphatidylinositol–phospholipase C to release glycolipid-anchored surface proteins; a 90% inhibition by urokinase (u-PA) receptor blocking antibody. u-PA increased VN binding to cells due to an eightfold increase in the affinity of VN for the u-PA receptor. Structure–function studies showed that the amino-terminal fragment of u-PA, devoid of any proteolytic activity, mediated this effect. Active plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), but not inactivated PAI-1, inhibited VN binding to cells and displaced VN that was prebound to endothelial cell monolayers. Similarly, VN binding to purified (immobilized) u-PA receptor, but not to integrin, was enhanced by u-PA and inhibited by PAI-1. Hence, the binding of soluble VN to endothelial cell surfaces is mediated by the u-PA receptor, and the relative concentrations of u-PA and PAI-1 are able to regulate the strength of this interaction. Endothelial cell adhesion to immobilized VN was found to be integrin-mediated without any involvement of the VN–uPA-receptor system. Hence, the interaction of VN with the u-PA receptor may be involved in the regulation of cellular processes necessary for endothelial cell invasion and migration at VN-rich extracellular matrix sites.  相似文献   
Fifteen species of Heterostropha are described, 12 of them for the first time. All are newly interpreted with regard to their taxonomic relation to fossil and living gastropods. The Streptacidoidea with long Paleozoic history are represented in the Late Triassic St. Cassian Formation by several genera that can be differentiated into four families. The Ebalidae are represented byEbala, with smooth protoconch, Cassianebalidae byCassianebala andLoxebala with axially ornamented protoconch. The Donaldinidae of St. Cassian are represented by one species ofDonaldina and two ofNeodonaldina that stand in the continuation of Paleozoic species ofDonaldina. Architectonicoidea with shells coiled in a plane and Valvatoidea appear in the St. Cassian fauna without known Paleozoic relation. In the former superfamily the Architectonicidae can be recognized in the genusRinaldoconchus with two species. Cassianaxidae withCassianaxis, Amphitomariidae withAmphitomaria, Stuoraxidae withStuoraxis andAmpezzogyra have a sinistral protoconch and planispirally coiled dextral teleconchs. They all resemble different modern species that have similarly small shells. Modern Hyalogyrinidae have withAlexogyra a new representative from the Triassic. The Valvatoidea are represented with the generaCarboninia andBandellina of the Cornirostridae in the Triassic representatives. The relation of described species in the system of the Heterostropha is discussed.  相似文献   
In a captive group of long-tailed macaques, tool-using behavior by a single competent individual had a significant effect on the synchronous manipulative behavior of naïve animals. Group members engaged in manipulations on the same object class more frequently during times when the model was working than when it was not. The form of their behavior, however, in no way resembled the technique used by the model. All three animals that later became successful tool users were among the few subjects that exhibited a significant increase in manipulations on the same object class while the model was working. Possible causal relationships between this stimulus enhancement and the transmission of the new behavior to other group members are analyzed and discussed.  相似文献   
The roles of photorespiration and the Mehlerperoxidase pathway in sustaining electron transport and protection from photoinhibition were studied in outer canopy leaves of two species of tropical trees: the drought-deciduous Pseudobombax septenatum (Jacq.) Dug. and the evergreen Ficus insipida Willd. Ficus had a higher photosynthetic capacity than Pseudobombax and also a greater capacity for light-dependent electron transport under photorespiratory conditions (in the absence of CO2). As a consequence, in the absence of CO2, Ficus was able to maintain a largely oxidized electron-transport chain at higher photon flux densities than Pseudobombax. Under the same light conditions, photoinhibition (reduction in Fv/Fm) was always greater in Pseudobombax than Ficus, was increased when leaves were exposed to 2% O2 in nitrogen compared to 21% O2 in CO2-free air, but was not increased by the absence of CO2. Rates of electron transport due to the Mehler-peroxidase pathway (assessed in 2% O2 in nitrogen) ranged between 16–40 mol · m–2·s–1 in both species. As the dry season approached and Pseudobombax neared leaf senescence there was a decline in the capacity for photorespiratory flux to maintain electron transport in Pseudobombax, but not in Ficus. Ratios of light-dependent electron transport to net CO2 fixation for Pseudobombax, Ficus and two other species in the field, Luehea seemannii Tr. & Planch, and Didymopanax morototoni (Aubl.) Dec. & Planch., ranged from 6.2 (Ficus) to 16.7 (Pseudobombax). High in-situ rates of photorespiration combined with the decreased capacity of Pseudobombax for photorespiratory flux as the dry season approached indicates a decreased capacity to protect against photooxidative damage. This may contribute to the promotion of leaf senescence in Pseudobombax during the transition from wet to dry season.Abbreviations Fv/Fm ratio of variable to maximum chlorophyll a fluorescence - NPQ nonphotochemical fluorescence quenching - PFD photon flux density - QA primary electron acceptor of PSII This research was supported by a grant from the Mellon Foundation. We thank Monica Mejia and Juan Posada for assisting with the fluorescence measurements and Aurelio Virgo for assisting with the field CO2-exchange measurements.  相似文献   
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