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Ascorbate oxidase activity rapidly increased during callus formationfrom pumpkin fruit tissue. The activity reached a maximum at5 days after transfer and then declined. In callus which hadbeen subcultured at about 4-week intervals for more than oneyear, the activity also increased after transfer to fresh mediumand reached a maximum in the early logarithmic phase of growth.Light had little effect on the appearance of ascorbate oxidaseactivity in pumpkin callus. In the callus grown in the presenceof 10µM CuSO4, the activity was about 10 times that inthe presence of 0.1 µM CuSO4, suggesting that the formatonof ascorbate oxidase in pumpkin callus is stimulated by copper,a prosthetic metal of the enzyme. From 45 to 75% of the totalascorbate oxidase activity in pumpkin cell suspension cultureswas found in the medium. Ascorbate oxidase activity in the medium,as well as that in the cells, increased soon after transferto fresh medium, and reached a maximum at about 5 days. (Received July 2, 1987; Accepted November 21, 1987)  相似文献   
Summary The endocytotic process in cultured human RPE cells was observed after 1 min, 20 min, and 2 h incubation with cationized ferritin. Within 1 min the ferritin particles were seen to attach to the cell membrane, especially between microvilli. Uncoated and coated pits could be recognized on the cell membranes, and uncoated and coated endocytotic vesicles were found in the cytoplasm after 20 min of incubation. These vesicles were surrounded by abundant microfilaments and had no visible membranes. Loss of membrane may be an initial step in the process of developing into the irregular clumps of ferritin particles found inside the plasma membrane. With time, more irregular clumps of ferritin, smaller than the particles introduced during incubation, appeared just beneath the cell membrane. Lysosomes were adjacent to the clumps of ferritin particles associated with microtobules and finally degraded these particles. The phagolysosomes containing many particles were surrounded by many microtubules. Small ferritin particles surrounded but had not entered the rough endoplasmic reticulums, and no particles were seen either around or in the Golgi apparatus. Presented at the 7th International Congress of Eye Research, Nagoya, Japan, 27 September 1986.  相似文献   
The inside-out patch-clamp technique was applied to the plasmolyzedplasmalemma of inter-nodes of Chara corallina without enzymatictreatment. We found two different types of channel activitythat were CP-sensitive. Both types of channel were Ca2+-dependent.However, the one that exhibited greater dependence on Ca2+ ionswas the focus of our studies, and we named it the Ca2+-dependentCP-sensitive anion channel. When the concentration ofCa2+ ions on the cyto-plasmic side was 1.0 µM, the Ca2+-dependentCP-sensitive channel opened most frequently between approximately–80 and –100 mV. At 10 µM Ca2+, it openedless frequently, and at 0.1 µM Ca2+ it scarcely openedat all. These observations indicate that the anion channel ofinterest is voltage-dependent over a restricted range of concentrationsof Ca2+ ions. The dependence on Ca2+ and voltage of the channelcan explain the behavior of the excitable Ca2+-activated Clchannel in the Chara plasmalemma. The channel activity was blockedby several antagonists of calmodulin. 4 Present Address: Department of Biology, College of GeneralEducation, Osaka University, Toyonaka, 560 Osaka, Japan (Received October 8, 1990; Accepted April 4, 1991)  相似文献   
Acid phosphatase in rat liver lysosomal contents, C-APase I, was purified about 5,700-fold over the homogenate with 8.0% recovery, to apparent homogeneity as determined from the pattern on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence and in the absence of SDS. The purification procedures included; preparation of crude lysosomal contents, DEAE-Sephacel ion exchange chromatography, hydroxylapatite chromatography, and gel filtration with Sephacryl S-300. The enzyme is composed of three identical subunits with an apparent molecular weight of 48K. The enzyme contains about 11% carbohydrate and the carbohydrate moiety was composed of mannose, fucose, N-acetylglucosamine, and N-acetylgalactosamine in a molar ratio of 20:3:11:1. Sialic acid was not detected in the enzyme. Antisera against the purified C-APase I were raised in goat and the C-APase I was rapidly purified with high yield (10%) by using the specific antibodies coupled to Sepharose 6B.  相似文献   
Thin sections of Lowicryl K4M-embedded materials were labeled with protein A-gold complex. Gold particles representing the antigen sites for cathepsin B were exclusively confined to lysosomes of each segment of the nephron. The heaviest labeling was noted in the lysosomes of the S1 segment of the proximal tubules. Labeling intensity varied considerably with the individual lysosomes. Lysosomes of the other tubular segments, such as the S2 and S3 segments of the proximal tubules, distal convoluted tubules, and collecting tubules were weakly labeled by gold particles. Quantitative analysis of labeling density also confirmed that lysosomes in the S1 segment have the highest labeling density and that approximately 65% of labeling in the whole renal segments, except for the glomerulus, was found in the S1 segment. These results indicate that in rat kidney the lysosomes of the S1 segment are a main location of cathepsin B. Further precise observations on lysosomes of the S1 segment revealed that apical vesicles, tubules, and vacuoles were devoid of gold particles, but when the vacuoles contained fine fibrillar materials, gold labeling was detectable in such vacuoles. As the lysosomal matrix becomes denser, the labeling density is increased. Some small vesicles around the Golgi complex were also labeled. These results indicate that the endocytotic apparatus including the apical vesicles, tubules, and vacuoles contains no cathepsin B. When the vacuoles develop into phagosomes, they acquire this enzyme to digest the absorbed proteins.  相似文献   
The dependence of membrane potentials on changes in the extra-cellularK+ concentration [K+]e was investigated in potato tuber sliceswith dripping perfusion, and in growing Vigna hypocotyl segmentswith pressurized intra-organ perfusion methods. Only under anoxiawere the membrane potential of potato tuber slices and the electricpotential difference between the parenchyma symplast and xylem(Vpx) of Vigna hypocotyl segments depolarized markedly (46 mVand 42 mV/log[K+]e unit, respectively) with increasing [K+]eabove the critical values. The electric potential differencebetween the parenchyma symplast and organ surface (Vps of thehypocotyl segments remained nearly unchanged up to 30 mEq [K+]e.Under highly aerobic conditions the membrane potentials wererelatively independent of [K+]e except at very high K+ concentrations.Vps showed even hyperpolarization with the increasing KCl concentrationin the perfusion solution that is not in direct contact withthe surface membrane of the parenchyma symplast. The respiration-dependentelectrogenic components of the membrane potentials regularlyincreased with the increasing [K+]e. A voltage-dependent homeostaticcontrol of membrane potential is discussed. (Received August 13, 1984; Accepted December 21, 1984)  相似文献   
The relationship between O3 tolerance and the chloroplast H2O2scavenging system (PS I  相似文献   
Abstract The cytochrome b556 -deficient mutant Escherichia coli K12 strain TK3D11 [7] could not grow with succinate as the sole carbon source, but could grow well on dl -lactate. This finding suggested that cytochrome b556 is primarily responsible for oxidative metabolism and utilization of succinate. 24 Amino acid residues at the amino-terminal of purified cytochrome b556 were determined. This sequence coincided completely with amino acid residues 4 to 27, predicted from the DNA sequence of the sdhC gene, one of the unassigned open reading frames of the sdh gene cluster recently reported by Wood et al. [16]. Based on these and other results, we concluded that cybA , the gene for cytochrome b556 , is assignable as sdhC .  相似文献   
The cellular distribution of S100 subunits in human brain and peripheral nerves was studied by means of an immunohistochemical technique using antibodies specific to the alpha subunit or the beta subunit of S100 protein. The results indicate that the distribution of the alpha subunit and the beta subunit is different among cell types in the nervous tissue, and that neurons in the brain and peripheral nerves contain only the alpha subunit, or S100a0 protein. The subunit distribution also appears to be different at an intracellular level, where the immunoreaction products for the alpha subunit show granular arrangement whereas those for the beta subunit are found diffusely in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   
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