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Here, we describe a proteomics approach to study protein expression changes in differentiating Caco-2 cells. Caco-2 is a colorectal carcinoma cell line, which upon differentiation loses its tumorigenic phenotype and displays characteristics of mature enterocytes, including brush borders with microvilli. Cells were grown in culture flasks and harvested at different stages of differentiation (days post-confluence: -3, 0, 3, 7, 10, 14, and 18). Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis was used to analyse proteome changes. Approximately 1400 protein spots were detected within the Caco-2 proteome, within the pH 4-7 range. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis allowed for the detection of 18 proteins from which the levels of expression were found to be associated with differentiation. Of these proteins, 11 were identified by means of MALDI-TOF or NANO-ESI-MS/MS mass spectrometry and include liver fatty acid binding protein (FABL), three forms of alpha-enolase (ENOA), nucleoside diphosphate kinase A (NDKA), cofilin-1 (COF1), translationally controlled tumour protein (TCTP), mitochondrial 60-kDa heat shock protein (CH60), probable protein disulfide isomerase (ER60), creatine kinase B (KCRB), and glutathione S-transferase alpha (GTA1). Thus, proteomics revealed that the differentiation-related change in phenotype of Caco-2 involves changes in a variety of distinct biochemical pathways. Some of these proteins have not been shown before to be associated with Caco-2 differentiation (ER60; COF1; CH60; NDKA; TCTP and ENOA). Therefore, processes related to protein folding and disulfide bridge formation, cytoskeleton formation and maintenance, nucleotide metabolism, glycolysis as well as tumorigenesis-associated proteins may be involved in Caco-2 differentiation. Changes in the expression of CH60, TCTP, GTA1, NDKA, and FABL have also been reported to be associated with in vivo colon carcinogenesis. These findings illustrate that a combination of proteomics and cell culture is a useful approach to find markers for Caco-2 differentiation, which could contribute to the comprehension of the process of colon carcinogenesis.  相似文献   
The potential of viral contamination is a regulatory concern for continuous cell line-derived pharmaceutical proteins. Complementary and redundant safety steps, including an evaluation of the viral clearance capacity of unit operations in the purification process, are performed prior to registration and marketing of biotechnology pharmaceuticals. Because process refinement is frequently beneficial, CBER/FDA has published guidance facilitating process improvement by delineating specific instances where the bracketing and generic approaches are appropriate for virus removal validation. In this study, a generic/matrix study was performed using Q-Sepharose Fast Flow (QSFF) chromatography to determine if bracketing and generic validation can be applied to anion exchange chromatography. Key operational parameters were varied to upper and lower extreme values and the impact on viral clearance was assessed using simian virus 40 (SV40) as the model virus. Operational ranges for key chromatography parameters were identified where an SV40 log(10) reduction value (LRV) of >or=4.7 log(10) is consistently achieved. On the basis of the apparent robustness of SV40 removal by Q-anion exchange chromatography, we propose that the concept of "bracketed generic" validation can be applied to this and potentially other chromatography unit operations.  相似文献   
The organization of skeletal muscles in decapod crustaceans is significantly altered during molting and development. Prior to molting, the claw muscles atrophy dramatically, facilitating their removal from the base of the claw. During development, lobster claw muscles exhibit fiber switching over several molt cycles. Such processes may be influenced by the secretion of steroid molting hormones, known collectively as ecdysteroids. To assay the effects of these hormones, we used eyestalk ablation to trigger an elevation of circulating ecdysteroids and then quantified myofibrillar mRNA levels with real-time PCR and myofibrillar protein levels by SDS-PAGE. Levels of myosin heavy chain (MHC) and actin proteins and the mRNA encoding them were largely unaffected by eyestalk ablation, but in muscles from intact animals, myofibrillar gene expression was modestly elevated in premolt and postmolt animals. In contrast, polyubiquitin mRNA was significantly elevated (about 2-fold) in claw muscles from eyestalk-ablated animals with elevated circulating ecdysteroids. Moreover, patterns of MHC and actin gene expression are significantly different among slow and fast claw muscles. Consistent with these patterns, the three muscle types differed in the relative amounts of myosin heavy chain and actin proteins. All three muscles also co-expressed fast and slow myosin isoforms, even in fibers that are generally regarded as exclusively fast or slow. These results are consistent with other recent data demonstrating co-expression of myosin isoforms in lobster muscles.  相似文献   


Methylation of lysine 79 on histone H3 by Dot1 is required for maintenance of heterochromatin structure in yeast and humans. However, this histone modification occurs predominantly in euchromatin. Thus, Dot1 affects silencing by indirect mechanisms and does not act by the recruitment model commonly proposed for histone modifications. To better understand the role of H3K79 methylation gene silencing, we investigated the silencing function of Dot1 by genetic suppressor and enhancer analysis and examined the relationship between Dot1 and other global euchromatic histone modifiers.  相似文献   
The formation of epithelial tissues requires both the generation of apical-basal polarity and the coordination of this polarity between neighbouring cells to form a central lumen. During de novo lumen formation, vectorial membrane transport contributes to the formation of a singular apical membrane, resulting in the contribution of each cell to only a single lumen. Here, from a functional screen for genes required for three-dimensional epithelial architecture, we identify key roles for synaptotagmin-like proteins 2-a and 4-a (Slp2-a/4-a) in the generation of a single apical surface per cell. Slp2-a localizes to the luminal membrane in a PtdIns(4,5)P(2)-dependent manner, where it targets Rab27-loaded vesicles to initiate a single lumen. Vesicle tethering and fusion is controlled by Slp4-a, in conjunction with Rab27/Rab3/Rab8 and the SNARE syntaxin-3. Together, Slp2-a/4-a coordinate the spatiotemporal organization of vectorial apical transport to ensure that only a single apical surface, and thus the formation of a single lumen, occurs per cell.  相似文献   
Effects of Pb(2+) on vesicular catecholamine release in intact and ionomycin-permeabilized PC12 cells were investigated using carbon fibre microelectrode amperometry. Changes in intracellular Pb(2+) and Ca(2+) were measured from indo-1 fluorescence by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Depolarization of intact cells and superfusion of permeabilized cells with saline containing > or = 100 microm Ca(2+) rapidly evokes quantal catecholamine release. Superfusion with up to 10 microm Pb(2+) -containing saline evokes release of similar catecholamine quanta after a concentration-dependent delay. Thresholds to induce exocytosis within 30 min of exposure are between 1 and 10 microm Pb(2+) in intact cells and between 10 and 30 nm Pb(2+) in permeabilized cells. Additional inhibition of exocytosis occurs in permeabilized cells exposed to 10 microm Pb(2+). Using membrane-impermeable and -permeable chelators it is demonstrated that intracellular Ca(2+) is not required for Pb(2+) -induced exocytosis. In indo- 1-loaded cells Pb(2+) reduces the fluorescence intensity after a concentration-dependent delay, whereas the fluorescence ratio, indicating intracellular Ca(2+) concentration, remains unchanged. The delay to detect an increase in free intracellular Pb(2+) (> or = 30 nm) is much longer than the delay to Pb(2+) -induced exocytosis, indicating that cytoplasmic components buffer Pb(2+) with high affinity. It is concluded that Pb(2+) acts as a high-affinity substitute for Ca(2+) to trigger essential steps leading to vesicular catecholamine release, which occurs when only approximately 20% of the intracellular high-affinity binding capacity ( approximately 2 attomol/cell) is saturated with Pb(2+).  相似文献   


DIPLOSPOROUS (DIP) is the locus for diplospory in Taraxacum, associated to unreduced female gamete formation in apomicts. Apomicts reproduce clonally through seeds, including apomeiosis, parthenogenesis, and autonomous or pseudogamous endosperm formation. In Taraxacum, diplospory results in first division restitution (FDR) nuclei, and inherits as a dominant, monogenic trait, independent from the other apomixis elements. A preliminary genetic linkage map indicated that the DIP-locus lacks suppression of recombination, which is unique among all other map-based cloning efforts of apomeiosis to date. FDR as well as apomixis as a whole are of interest in plant breeding, allowing for polyploidization and fixation of hybrid vigor, respectively. No dominant FDR or apomixis genes have yet been isolated. Here, we zoom-in to the DIP-locus by largely extending our initial mapping population, and by analyzing (local) suppression of recombination and allele sequence divergence (ASD).  相似文献   
Length growth, instar durations, fecundity and mortality rates of fivespecies of microcrustacean zooplankton from a tropical reservoir weremeasured in relation to food quantity and temperature in laboratorycultures. Three cladocerans (Ceriodaphnia cornuta, Moina micrura,Diaphanosoma excisum), one calanoid copepod (Heliodiaptomus viduus), and onecyclopoid copepod (Mesocyclops thermocyclopoides) were studied. Filteredseston (45 µm mesh) from a local pond was used for food. Two foodconcentrations were employed: (1) 10 µg chlorophyll l–1(ca 0.25 mg Cl–1), and (2) 50 µg chlorophylll–1 (ca 1.25 mg C l–1). Food levels and watertemperature (22.5, 27.5, and 32.5 °C) used, roughly covered the rangesfound in the reservoir. Although all the three growth parameters were oftenaffected to some degree by temperature and food, the quantitative responseof the species differed. Also, the species reacted differently to the threepossible interactions (i.e. food×temperature,food×instar, andtemperature×instar). This contributed to the overalldifferences in the species responses. For the cladocerans, instar durationswere always affected by temperature. The food did not affect the durationtime of the adults and that of the combined juvenile instars, the latterexcept in one case significantly. For the two copepods food level affectedthe duration times of naupliar and copepodite instars, but the effect oftemperature was only significant for H. viduus. The development timesobserved for H. viduus were extraordinary long compared with values reportedin the literature for other tropical calanoids. This suggests that foodconditions in our culture were adversely affecting its growth rates.  相似文献   
The neurotoxic action of toxin gamma from the venom of the Brazilian scorpion Tityus serrulatus (TiTx gamma) has been investigated in cultured mouse neuroblastoma cells (N1E115) using the suction pipette technique. Addition of 14 to 53 nM TiTx gamma to the external solution causes nerve cell membrane depolarization, membrane potential oscillations and spontaneous action potentials within 10 min. None of these effects were observed within 15 min after application of 1 microM toxin IV from Centruroides sculpturatus venom. Under voltage clamp the amplitude of the sodium current evoked by test pulses to potentials more positive than -30 mV is reversibly reduced by 50% after 17 to 105 nM TiTx gamma. On the other hand, a sodium current component appears after TiTx gamma at test pulse potentials between -70 and -40 mV, for which no sodium current is observed in the control experiment. The outward potassium current is not significantly affected by the highest TiTx gamma concentrations used. The potential-dependence of inactivation of the sodium current component that is induced by TiTx gamma is shifted by -30 mV with respect to control values. The local anaesthetic procain at 1 mM discriminates between the two populations of sodium channels observed in the presence of TiTx gamma.  相似文献   
Osteosarcoma and Ewing’s sarcoma tumor cells are susceptible to IL15-induced or antibody-mediated cytolytic activity of NK cells in short-term cytotoxicity assays. When encountering the tumor environment in vivo, NK cells may be in contact with tumor cells for a prolonged time period. We explored whether a prolonged interaction with sarcoma cells can modulate the activation and cytotoxic activity of NK cells. The 40 h coculture of NK cells with sarcoma cells reversibly interfered with the IL15-induced expression of NKG2D, DNAM-1 and NKp30 and inhibited the cytolytic activity of NK cells. The inhibitory effects on receptor expression required physical contact between NK cells and sarcoma cells and were independent of TGF-β. Five days pre-incubation of NK cells with IL15 prevented the down-regulation of NKG2D and cytolytic activity in subsequent cocultures with sarcoma cells. NK cell FcγRIIIa/CD16 receptor expression and antibody-mediated cytotoxicity were not affected after the coculture. Inhibition of NK cell cytotoxicity was directly linked to the down-regulation of the respective NK cell-activating receptors. Our data demonstrate that the inhibitory effects of sarcoma cells on the cytolytic activity of NK cells do not affect the antibody-dependent cytotoxicity and can be prevented by pre-activation of NK cells with IL15. Thus, the combination of cytokine-activated NK cells and monoclonal antibody therapy may be required to improve tumor targeting and NK cell functionality in the tumor environment.  相似文献   
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