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High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is an abundant plasma lipoprotein that is generally thought to be anti-inflammatory in both health and infectious disease. It binds and neutralizes the bioactivity of the potent bacterial lipids, LPS and lipoteichoic acid, that stimulate host innate immune responses. LPS-binding protein (LBP) plays an important role in augmenting leukocyte responses to LPS, whereas high concentrations of LBP, in the range of those found in plasma, can be inhibitory. We found that native HDL (nHDL) augmented human monocyte responses to LPS in the presence of inhibitory concentrations of LBP as measured by production of TNF and other cytokines. HDL did not stimulate cells in the absence of LPS, and it did not augment responses that were stimulated by IL-1beta or lipoteichoic acid. This activity of HDL was inhibited by trypsin treatment, suggesting that one or more protein constituents of HDL are required. In contrast to nHDL, low-density lipoprotein, and reconstituted HDL did not possess this activity. The total lipoprotein fraction of normal plasma had activity that was similar to that of nHDL, whereas lipoproteins from septic patients with reduced HDL levels had a reduced ability to augment responses to LPS; this activity was restored by adding normal HDL to the patient lipoproteins. Our results demonstrate a novel proinflammatory activity of HDL that may help maintain sensitive host responses to LPS by suppressing the inhibitory activity of LBP. Our findings also raise the possibility that the decline of HDL during sepsis may help control the response to LPS.  相似文献   
The immunoglobulin kappa light-chain constant region gene (C kappa) has been cloned and sequenced from five wild mouse species. Analysis of these data has permitted an assessment of single-copy gene evolution during a limited time period as defined by the genus Mus. Sequence conservation was found to be as high (or higher) in the 5' and enhancer regions as in the coding region. The pattern of substitutions throughout these genes suggests that parallel evolution has occurred frequently and that substitutions at replacement sites have not decreased significantly, owing to saturation during this period of approximately 10 Myr. Phylogenetic relationships have been determined among these wild species as well as among members of the genus Rattus.   相似文献   
It has long been known, from the distribution of multiple amino acid replacements, that not all amino acids of a sequence are replaceable. More recently, the phenomenon was observed at the nucleotide level in mitochondrial DNA even after allowing for different rates of transition and transversion substitutions. We have extended the search to globin gene sequences from various organisms, with the following results: (1) Nearly every data set showed evidence of invariable nucleotide positions. (2) In all data sets, substitution rates of transversions and transitions were never in the ratio of 2/1, and rarely was the ratio even constant. (3) Only rarely (e.g., the third codon position of beta hemoglobins) was it possible to fit the data set solely by making allowance for the number of invariable positions and for the relative rates of transversion and transition substitutions. (4) For one data set (the second codon position of beta hemoglobins) we were able to simulate the observed data by making the allowance in (3) and having the set of covariotides (concomitantly variable nucleotides) be small in number and be turned over in a stochastic manner with a probability that was appreciable. (5) The fit in the latter case suggests, if the assumptions are correct and at all common, that current procedures for estimating the total number of nucleotide substitutions in two genes since their divergence from their common ancestor could be low by as much as an order of magnitude. (6) The fact that only a small fraction of the nucleotide positions differ is no guarantee that one is not seriously underestimating the total amount of divergence (substitutions). (7) Most data sets are so heterogeneous in their number of transition and transversion differences that none of the current models of nucleotide substitution seem to fit them even after (a) segregation of coding from noncoding sequences and (b) splitting of the codon into three subsets by codon position. (8) These frequently occurring problems cannot be seen unless several reasonably divergent orthologous genes are examined together.   相似文献   
Interlimb Coordination During Locomotion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SYNOPSIS. Studies of interlimb control during cat locomotionare directed at four different levels of organization. Interlimbstepping patterns are described from studies of the timing ofelectromyographic activity of muscles of different limbs. Patternsof coordination are based on the frequency of occurrence ofthe phasing of step cycles of the different limbs. Selectivespinal cord lesions are used to perturb those patterns of coordinationand have implicated two ascending spinal systems in interlimbcontrol: long ascending propriospinal neurons (LAPNs) and neuronsof the ventral spinocerebellar tract (VSCT). The results ofneuroanatomical tract tracing experiments indicate that twodifferent populations of LAPNs exist which might provide directconnection between cervical and lumbosacral locomotor centersbut that neurons of the VSCT do not make such connections. Theseresults imply that the role of the VSCT in interlimb controlis by way of the cerebellum. Unit recordings made from axonsof the VSCT during treadmill locomotion are consistent withthe VSCT carrying information about the timing of both hindlimbstep cycles.  相似文献   
A simplified method for coliphage detection in natural waters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ARCAT (A Rapid Coliphage Analysis Technique) method for detecting coliphages in water has been modified. Modifications to the original method include media optimization, the use of frozen host cultures, the use of a single agar coliphage assay and optimized plaque resolution with 2, 3, 4-triphenyltetrazolium chloride. Detection of 5 coliphages per 100 ml of water sample is accomplished in 6 hours for rapid estimation of water quality.  相似文献   
A rapid coliphage analysis technique for enumerating coliphages in natural waters has been evaluated by water quality laboratories located throughout the United States. Correlations were established between coliphages and coliforms in natural water systems. These correlations were highly significant. This relationship can thus be used to determine the number of fecal or total coliforms present in natural water samples based on an enumeration of coliphages. With this method, coliphages in natural water systems (containing greater than or equal to six coliphages per 100 ml) can be enumerated within 6 h.  相似文献   
When bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) enters the bloodstream, it is thought to have two general fates. If LPS binds to circulating leukocytes, it triggers innate host defense mechanisms and often elicits toxic reactions. If instead LPS binds to plasma lipoproteins, its bioactivity is largely neutralized. This study shows that lipoproteins can also take up LPS that has first bound to leukocytes. When monocytes were loaded with [(3)H]LPS and then incubated in plasma, they released over 70% of the cell-associated [(3)H]LPS into lipoproteins (predominantly high density lipoprotein), whereas in serum-free medium the [(3)H]LPS remained tightly associated with the cells. The transfer reaction could be reproduced in the presence of pure native lipoproteins or reconstituted high density lipoprotein. Plasma immunodepletion experiments and experiments using recombinant LPS transfer proteins revealed that soluble CD14 significantly enhances LPS release from the cells, high concentrations of LPS-binding protein have a modest effect, and phospholipid transfer protein is unable to facilitate LPS release. Essentially all of the LPS on the monocyte cell surface can be released. Lipoprotein-mediated LPS release was accompanied by a reduction in several cellular responses to the LPS, suggesting that the movement of LPS from leukocytes into lipoproteins may attenuate host responses to LPS in vivo.  相似文献   
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