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Visual arrestin binds to the phosphorylated carboxy-terminal region of rhodopsin to block interactions with transducin and terminate signaling in the rod photoreceptor cells. A synthetic seven-phospho-peptide from the C-terminal region of rhodopsin, Rh(330-348), has been shown to bind arrestin and mimic inhibition of signal transduction. In this study, we examine conformational changes in this synthetic peptide upon binding to arrestin by high-resolution proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). We show that the peptide is completely disordered in solution, but becomes structured upon binding to arrestin. A control, unphosphorylated peptide that fails to bind to arrestin remains highly disordered. Specific NMR distance constraints are used to model the arrestin-bound conformation. The models suggest that the phosphorylated carboxy-terminal region of rhodopsin, Rh(330-348), undergoes significant conformational changes and becomes structured upon binding to arrestin.  相似文献   
GTP hydrolysis catalyzed in the ribosome by a complex of two polypeptide release factors, eRF1 and eRF3, is required for fast and efficient termination of translation in eukaryotes. Here, isothermal titration calorimetry is used for the quantitative thermodynamic characterization of eRF3 interactions with guanine nucleotides, eRF1 and Mg2+. We show that (i) eRF3 binds GDP (Kd = 1.9 μM) and this interaction depends only minimally on the Mg2+ concentration; (ii) GTP binds to eRF3 (Kd = 0.5 μM) only in the presence of eRF1 and this interaction depends on the Mg2+ concentration; (iii) GTP displaces GDP from the eRF1•eRF3•GDP complex, and vice versa; (iv) eRF3 in the GDP-bound form improves its ability to bind eRF1; (v) the eRF1•eRF3 complex binds GDP as efficiently as free eRF3; (vi) the eRF1•eRF3 complex is efficiently formed in the absence of GDP/GTP but requires the presence of the C-terminus of eRF1 for complex formation. Our results show that eRF1 mediates GDP/GTP displacement on eRF3. We suggest that after formation of eRF1•eRF3•GTP•Mg2+, this quaternary complex binds to the ribosomal pretermination complex containing P-site-bound peptidyl-tRNA and the A-site-bound stop codon. The guanine nucleotide binding properties of eRF3 and of the eRF3•eRF1 complex profoundly differ from those of prokaryotic RF3.  相似文献   
Translation termination in eukaryotes is governed by the interaction of two, class 1 and class 2, polypeptide chain release factors with the ribosome. The middle (M) domain of the class 1 factor eRF1 contains the strictly conserved GGQ motif and is involved in hydrolysis of the peptidyl-tRNA ester bond in the peptidyl transferase center of the large ribosome subunit. Heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy was used to map the interaction interface of the M domain of human eRF1 with eukaryotic ribosomes. The protein was found to specifically interact with the 60S subunit, since no interaction was detected with the 40S subunit. The amino acid residues forming the interface mostly belong to long helix α1 of the M domain. Some residues adjacent to α1 and belonging to strand β5 and short helices α2 and α3 are also involved in the protein-ribosome contact. The functionally inactive G183A mutant interacted with the ribosome far more weakly as compared with the wild-type eRF1. The interaction interfaces of the two proteins were nonidentical. It was concluded that long helix α1 is functionally important and that the conformational flexibility of the GGQ loop is essential for the tight protein-ribosome contact.  相似文献   
Mazur  A. M.  Kholod  N. S.  Seit-Nebi  A.  Kisselev  L. L. 《Molecular Biology》2002,36(1):104-109
Termination of protein synthesis (hydrolysis of the last peptidyl-tRNA on the ribosome) takes place when the ribosomal A site is occupied simultaneously by one of the three stop codons and by a class-1 translation termination factor. The existing procedures to measure the functional activity of this factor both in vitro and in vivo have serious drawbacks, the main of which are artificial conditions for in vitro assays, far from those in the cell, and indirect evaluation of activity in in vivo systems. A simple reliable and sensitive system to measure the functional activity of class-1 translation termination factors could considerably expedite the study of the terminal steps of protein synthesis, at present remaining poorly known, especially in eukaryotes. We suggest a novel system to test the functional activity in vitro using native functionally active mRNA, rather than tri-, tetra-, or oligonucleotides as before. This mRNA is specially designed to contain one of the three terminating (stop) codons within the coding nucleotide sequence. Plasmids have been generated that carry the genes of suppressor tRNAs each of which is specific toward one of the three stop codons. They were shown to support normal synthesis of a reporter protein, luciferase, by reading through the stop codon within the coding mRNA sequence. We have demonstrated that human class-1 translation termination factor eRF1 is able to compete with suppressor tRNA for a stop codon and to completely prevent its suppressive effect at a sufficient concentration. Forms of eRF1 with point mutations in functionally essential regions have lower competitive ability, demonstrating the sensitivity of the method to the eRF1 structure. The enzymatic reaction catalyzed by the full-size reporter protein is accompanied by emission of light quanta. Therefore, competition between suppressor tRNA and eRF1 can be measured using a luminometer, and this allows precise kinetic measurements in a continuous automatic mode.  相似文献   
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