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The function of conserved novel human genes can be efficiently addressed in genetic model organisms. From a collection of genes expressed in the Drosophila visual system, cDNAs expressed in vertebrates were identified and one similar to a novel human gene was chosen for further investigation. The results reported here characterize the Drosophila retinophilin gene and demonstrate that a similar gene is expressed in the human retina. The Drosophila and human retinophilin sequences are 50% identical, and they share an additional 16% conserved substitutions. Examination of the cDNA and genomic sequence indicates that it corresponds to the gene CG10233 of the annotated genome and predicts a 22.7 kDa protein. Polyclonal antibodies generated to a predicted retinophilin peptide recognize an antigen in Drosophila photoreceptor cells. The retinophilins encode 4 copies of a repeat associated with a Membrane Occupation and Recognition Nexus (MORN) function first discovered in junctophilins, which may interact with the plasma membrane. These results therefore show that Drosophila retinophilin is expressed in fly photoreceptor cells, demonstrate that a conserved human gene is expressed in human retina, and suggest that a mutational analysis of the Drosophila gene would be valuable.  相似文献   
Adhesion of cells to biomaterial surfaces is one of the major factors which mediates their biocompatibility. Quantitative or qualitative cell adhesion measurements would be useful for screening new implant materials. Microjet impingement has been evaluated by scanning electron microscopy, to determine to what extent it measures cell adhesion. The shear forces of the impingement, on the materials tested here, are seen to be greater than the cohesive strength of the cells in the impinged area, causing their rupture. The cell bodies are removed during impingement, leaving the sites of adhesion and other cellular material behind. Thus the method is shown not to provide quantification of cell adhesion forces for the metals and culture plastic tested. It is suggested that with highly adherent biomaterials, the distribution and patterns of these adhesion sites could be used for qualitative comparisons for screening of implant surfaces.  相似文献   
The 7 beta progesterone-hydroxylating microorganism Botryosphaerica obtusa was tested for its ability to hydroxylate at this site the C-19 androstene-based compounds, androstenedione (androst-4-ene-3,17-dione) and testosterone (17 beta-hydroxyandrost-4-en-3-one). Only very limited 7 beta hydroxylation of both substrates was observed. The products included traces of 7 beta-monohydroxytestosterone and 6 beta,7 beta-dihydroxyandrostenedione from testosterone, and of 6 beta,7 beta-dihydroxyandrostenedione from androstenedione. 6 beta,7 beta-Dihydroxyandrostenedione does not appear to have been reported previously as a microbial transformation product. Both substrates were monohydroxylated in significant amounts at the isomeric 7 alpha site and at the 6 beta site. Testosterone was also significantly monohydroxylated at the 15 alpha site and in minor amounts at the 11 alpha and 12 beta sites. Some monohydroxytestosterones had also been oxidised at their 17-OH group, converting them into the corresponding monohydroxy androstenediones. The 7 alpha-hydroxy metabolites and 15 alpha-hydroxytestosterone being chemically demanding to synthesis are valuable microbial transformation products.  相似文献   
The genus Phyllachora contains numerous obligate fungal parasites that produce raised, melanized structures called stromata on their plant hosts referred to as tar spot. Members of this genus are known to infect many grass species but generally do not cause significant damage or defoliation, with the exception of P. maydis which has emerged as an important pathogen of maize throughout the Americas, but the origin of this pathogen remains unknown. To date, species designations for Phyllachora have been based on host associations and morphology, and most species are assumed to be host specific. We assessed the sequence diversity of 186 single stroma isolates collected from 16 hosts representing 15 countries. Samples included both herbarium and contemporary strains that covered a temporal range from 1905 to 2019. These 186 isolates were grouped into five distinct species with strong bootstrap support. We found three closely related, but genetically distinct groups of Phyllachora are capable of infecting maize in the United States, we refer to these as the P. maydis species complex. Based on herbarium specimens, we hypothesize that these three groups in the P. maydis species complex originated from Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean. Although two of these groups were only found on maize, the third and largest group contained contemporary strains found on maize and other grass hosts, as well as herbarium specimens from maize and other grasses that include 10 species of Phyllachora. The herbarium specimens were previously identified based on morphology and host association. This work represents the first attempt at molecular characterization of Phyllachora species infecting grass hosts and indicates some Phyllachora species can infect a broad range of host species and there may be significant synonymy in the Phyllachora genus.  相似文献   
Previous studies have compared grassland restoration techniques based on resulting species richness and composition. However, none have determined if different techniques generate different plant distributions in space, which may further impact restoration success. This study tests if there are quadrat‐scale (1 m2) differences between paired drilled and broadcast plantings in diversity, composition, and plant distributions. Higher competition intensity in and more contiguous spaces between rows in drill‐seeded restorations were hypothesized to result in larger patches of native grasses and exotic species. Two paired drill‐ and broadcast‐seeded plantings were sampled in June 2007 in Iowa, U.S.A. Within 10 quadrats in each planting, we measured species abundance with point intercept sampling and plant distributions by dividing the quadrat into 64 cells and recording the most abundant species in each cell. Drilled and broadcast plantings at both sites had similar Simpson’s diversity and evenness. However, the effect of planting type on species richness, composition, and plant distribution was site dependent. Native warm‐season grasses in one site, and exotic species in the second, occupied more space and were distributed in larger patches in drilled plantings. Furthermore, drilled canopies consistently captured more light than broadcast canopies. This suggests that initial differences in seed placement can affect resulting plant distributions, resource use, and potentially long‐term species turnover. Mechanisms structuring vegetation in these communities need to be further investigated to determine if this approach can provide more information on long‐term diversity maintenance in restorations than traditional measures.  相似文献   
Although biomechanical studies of the normal rat vein wall have been reported (Weizsacker, 1988, Plante, 2002), there are no published studies that have investigated the mechanical effects of thrombus formation on murine venous tissue. In response to the lack of knowledge concerning the mechanical consequences of thrombus resolution, distinct thrombus-induced changes in the biomechanical properties of the murine vena cava were measured via biaxial stretch experiments. These data served as input for strain energy function (SEF) fitting and modeling (Gasser et al., 2006). Statistical differences were observed between healthy and diseased tissue with respect to the structural coefficient that represents the response of the non-collagenous, isotropic ground substance. Alterations following thrombus formation were also noted for the SEF coefficient which describes the anisotropic contribution of the fibers. The data indicate ligation of the vena cava leads to structural alterations in the ground substance and collagen fiber network.  相似文献   
Previously, we observed that the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) channel openings are destabilized by replacing several acidic residues in the amino-terminal tail with alanines (Naren, A. P., Cormet-Boyaka, E., Fu, J., Villain, M., Blalock, J. E., Quick, M. W., and Kirk, K. L. (1999) Science 286, 544-548). Here we determined whether this effect is due to the loss of negative charge at these sites and whether the amino-terminal tail also modulates other aspects of channel gating. We introduced cysteines at two of these positions (E54C/D58C) and tested a series of methanethiosulfonate (MTS) reagents for their effects on the gating properties of these cysteine mutants in intact Xenopus oocytes and excised membrane patches. Covalent modification of these sites with either neutral (MMTS) or charged (2-carboxyethylmethanethiosulfonate (MTSCE) and 2-(trimethylammonium)ethylmethanethiosulfonate (MTSET)) reagents markedly inhibited channel open probability primarily by reducing the rate of channel opening. The MTS reagents had negligible effects on the gating of the wild type channel or a corresponding double alanine mutant (E54A/D58A) under the same conditions. The inhibition of the opening rate of the E54C/D58C mutant channel by MMTS could be reversed by the reducing agent dithiothreitol (200 microm) or by elevating the bath ATP concentration above that required to activate maximally the wild type channel (>1 mm). Interestingly, the three MTS reagents had qualitatively different effects on the duration of channel openings (i.e. channel closing rate), namely the duration of openings was negligibly changed by the neutral MMTS, decreased by the positively charged MTSET, and increased by the negatively charged MTSCE. Our results indicate that the CFTR amino tail modulates both the rates of channel opening and channel closing and that the negative charges at residues 54 and 58 are important for controlling the duration of channel openings.  相似文献   
The dynamics of proteins within large cellular assemblies are important in the molecular transformations that are required for macromolecular synthesis, transport, and metabolism. The capsid expansion (maturation) accompanying DNA packaging in the dsDNA bacteriophage P22 represents an experimentally accessible case of such a transformation. A novel method, based on hydrogen-deuterium exchange was devised to investigate the dynamics of capsid expansion. Mass spectrometric detection of deuterium incorporation allows for a sensitive and quantitative determination of hydrogen-deuterium exchange dynamics irrespective of the size of the assembly. Partial digestion of the exchanged protein with pepsin allows for region-specific assignment of the exchange. Procapsids and mature capsids were probed under native and slightly denaturing conditions. These experiments revealed regions that exhibit different degrees of flexibility in the procapsid and in the mature capsid. In addition, exchange and deuterium trapping during the process of expansion itself was observed and allowed for the identification of segments of the protein subunit that become buried or stabilized as a result of expansion. This approach may help to identify residues participating in macromolecular transformations and uncover novel patterns and hierarchies of interactions that determine functional movements within molecular machines.  相似文献   
The c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) can be activated in T-cells either by the combination of TCR and CD28 costimulation or by a variety of stress-related stimuli including UV light, H(2)O(2), and hyperosmolar sorbitol solutions. In T-lymphocytes, TCR/CD28 stimulation of JNK leads to induction of new gene expression via c-Jun, ATF-2, and Elk-1. Phosphorylation of c-Jun in CD4(+) T-cells stimulated by CD3/CD4/CD28 cross-linking declines with age, due to diminished activation of JNK. Here we show that the age-related decline in TCR/CD28 activation of JNK reflects two effects of age: the accumulation of memory cells (in which JNK stimulation is poor regardless of donor age) and age-dependent declines in JNK activation within the naive subset. Cyclosporin A inhibits induction of JNK function by TCR/CD28, PMA/ionomycin, ceramide, or H(2)O(2), but not induction by UV light or hyperosmolar sorbitol. Although aging impairs JNK induction by UV light, it has no effect on JNK activation by ceramide, H(2)O(2), or sorbitol. The data as a whole indicate that there are at least four pathways that activate JNK in CD4(+) T-cells, of which two are age-sensitive and two others unaffected by aging. Two of the pathways (UV and hyperosmolar sorbitol) are insensitive to cyclosporin inhibition. Finally, we show that the alterations in JNK function are not due to changes in the expression of MKK4, an upstream activator of JNK, and that another JNK kinase, MKK7, is not expressed in splenic T-cells.  相似文献   
Normal senescent adult human fibroblasts are relatively insensitive to the effects of serum deprivation in culture. In contrast, the myofibroblast phenotype, which is predominant in scleroderma-affected skin and cultured fibroblasts from scleroderma-affected skin, shows signs of deterioration within 3 days of serum starvation. The addition of IL-1 (5 ng/ml) prevents this deterioration. We propose that IL-1 is a factor promoting myofibroblast longevity with consequent fibrosis in scleroderma skin.  相似文献   
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