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Isolation and identification of a cDNA clone of rat placental lactogen II   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The developing rat placenta expresses two placental lactogens at different stages of pregnancy: rat placental lactogen I from Days 11 to 13 of pregnancy and rat placental lactogen II (rPLII) from Day 12 to term. In this paper, we describe cDNA clones for rPLII, which have been isolated from a Day 18 rat placental cDNA library. The rPLII clones hybrid-select a mRNA which translates in vitro to a protein of 25,000 daltons. This protein is processed by dog pancreatic microsomes to a 22,000-dalton form, identical in size to rPLII isolated from pregnant rat serum. Both forms are precipitated by an anti-rPLII antiserum and an anti-ovine prolactin antiserum. The mRNA for rPLII is first expressed in Day 12 placenta and reaches a maximum at about Day 18 of pregnancy, in parallel with the appearance of the hormone in serum. Sequencing of the cDNA shows that, unlike human placental lactogen which is 85% homologous to human growth hormone at the amino acid level, rPLII is much more closely related to the prolactins. Thus, rPLII is 52% homologous to rat prolactin at the amino acid level, but only 34% related to rat growth hormone. This is the second placental lactogen to be fully characterized, and in the rat this hormone appears to have evolved by a route quite different from that which produced placental lactogen in humans.  相似文献   
A canonical variate analysis was used to summarize the distribution pattern of 30 species of dung beetles (Scarabaeinae) from 162 sites in the Iberian peninsula (Spain and Portugal) in relation to 4 site variables. The best separation of beetle species, obtained using a xerothermic climatic index, was into 3 groups called “mediterranean”, “unrestricted” and “temperate”. Little further separation was achieved using altitude, dung type or soil type. These data are used to select dung beetles for introduction to south-western Australia for bush fly control.
Résumé On a fait appel à l'analyse de variables canoniques pour résumer le plan de distribution, relatif à 4 variables de localité, de 30 espèces de bousiers (Scarabaeinae) de 162 localités de la Péninsule ibérique (l'Espagne et le Portugal). La meilleure division des espèces, obtenue à l'aide d'un indice xérothermique climatique, se faisait en 3 groupes désignés respectivement comme “méditerranéen”, “ubiquiste” et “tempéré”. Peu de séparation supplémentaire a été obtenue en ayant recours à des facteurs d'altitude, de nature de la bouse ou de type de sol. Ces données ont été employées pour aider à la sélection de bousiers destinés à être introduits en Australie Occidentale pour y combattreMusca vetustissima Walker[Diptera].
In order to evaluate whether irradiation of the postimplantation maternal environment contributed to the induction of postimplantation mortality or congenital anomalies, mouse ovaries were surgically exteriorised and selectively irradiated or shielded in a specially constructed apparatus. The results show that exposure of the mouse abdomen and uterus to 3.70 Gy X-rays, 15-21 days prior to conception, has no significant effect on the incidence of either postimplantation mortality or congenital anomalies. Exposure of the ovaries to 3.27 Gy X-rays during the same period, however, increased the frequency of both postimplantation mortality and congenital anomalies.  相似文献   
In mainland Australia and in southern Africa, the aridity of the climate and sparse vegetative cover increase the susceptibility of the soils to erosion, and as a consequence surface waters are usually turbid. The inanimate suspensoids in such waters, the tripton fraction of the limnologist, are responsible for virtually all the light scattering, and also, by virtue of the yellow-brown humic materials adsorbed on their surface, for a substantial part of the light absorption. Spectral absorption data for suspensoids in terms of theirin situ absorption coefficient values, and the contribution of suspensoids to absorption of photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) are given for certain Australian water bodies.To understand the effect of suspensoids on attenuation of the solar flux with depth, the scattering coefficient must also be known, and this can be determined from the nephelometric turbidity or from up- and down-welling irradiance measurements. The effect of particle size on scattering efficiency is discussed.An equation expressing the vertical attenuation coefficient for downward irradiance as a function of absorption coefficient, scattering coefficient and solar altitude is presented, and is used to explore the effects of absorption due to dissolved colour and suspensoids, and the effects of scattering by suspensoids, on the penetration of PAR.Suspensoids, by increasing the rate of attenuation of the solar flux with depth, can greatly diminish the euphotic depth of a water body, with a consequent decrease in the ratio of the euphotic to the mixed depth: thus turbidity can reduce productivity of a water body substantially below that which might be expected on the basis of nutrient availability. Shallow turbid waters of low intrinsic colour can, however, be highly productive. By diminishing the depth of the layer within which solar energy is dissipated as heat, suspensoids can greatly modify the hydrodynamic behaviour of water bodies, and this also has far-reaching ecological consequences.Suspensoids drastically impair the visual clarity of water, a fact of major significance for the aquatic fauna, as well of aesthetic significance for humanity. The reciprocal of the Secchi depth is more correctly thought of as a guide to the vertical contrast attenuation coefficient rather than to the vertical attenuation coefficient for irradiance. The reflectivity of a water body, being at any wavelength proportional to the backscattering coefficient divided by the absorption coefficient, is highly dependent on the concentration, and optical character, of the suspensoids present. This has implications not only for the appearance (colour, muddiness) of the water to an observer, but also for the remote sensing of water composition by air- or satellite-borne radiometric sensors.  相似文献   
3-Mercaptopicolinate, an inhibitor of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK), decreased esterification of [1-14C] oleate and [1-14C] myristate in hepatocytes from fed rats. In the absence of 3-mercaptopicolinate, adrenaline, noradrenaline, vasopressin or angiotensin II increased esterification to triacylglycerol of [1-14C] oleate but not [1-14C] myristate. Cyclic AMP decreased esterification of both oleate and myristate. In the presence of 3-mercaptopicolinate, stimulation of oleate esterification by the catecholamines, vasopressin or angiotensin II was increased, and stimulatory effects of these hormones on myristate esterification were observed. Adrenaline, noradrenaline, vasopressin or angiotensin II increased 14CO2 production from both [1-14C] oleate and [1-14C] myristate but the degree of stimulation was similar in the absence or presence of 3-mercaptopicolinate. The results indicate a role for the catecholamines and angiotensin II in the regulation of liver fat metabolism and emphasize the potential importance of changes in activity of PEPCK as determinants of hepatic carbon flux.  相似文献   
Ca2+ transport across mammary-gland Golgi membranes was measured after centrifugation of the membrane vesicles through silicone oil. In the presence of 2.3 microM free Ca2+ the vesicles accumulated 5.8 nmol of Ca2+/mg of protein without added ATP, and this uptake was complete within 0.5 min. In the presence of 1 mM-ATP, Ca2+ was accumulated at a linear rate for 10 min after the precipitation of intravesicular Ca2+ with 10 mM-potassium oxalate. ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake exhibited a Km of 0.14 microM for Ca2+ and a Vmax. of 3.1 nmol of Ca2+/min per mg of protein. Ca2+-dependent ATP hydrolysis exhibited a Km of 0.16 microM for Ca2+ and a Vmax. of 10.1 nmol of Pi/min per mg of protein. The stoichiometry between ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake and Ca2+-stimulated ATPase varied between 0.3 and 0.7 over the range 0.03-8.6 microM-Ca2+. Both Ca2+ uptake and Ca2+-stimulated ATPase were strongly inhibited by orthovanadate, which suggests that the major mechanism by which Golgi vesicles accumulate Ca2+ is through the action of the Ca2+-stimulated ATPase. However, Ca2+ uptake was also decreased by the protonophore CCCP (carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone), indicating that it may occur by other mechanisms too. The effect of CCCP may be related to the existence of transmembrane pH gradients (delta pH) in these vesicles: the addition of 30 microM-CCCP reduced delta pH from a control value of 1.06 to 0.73 pH unit. Golgi vesicles also possess a Ca2+-efflux pathway which operated at an initial rate of 0.5-0.57 nmol/min per mg of protein.  相似文献   
We continuously weighed fully distended excised or in situ canine lobes to estimate the fluid filtration coefficient (Kf) of the arterial and venous extra-alveolar vessels compared with that of the entire pulmonary circulation. Alveolar pressure was held constant at 25 cmH2O after full inflation. In the in situ lobes, the bronchial circulation was interrupted by embolization. Kf was estimated by two methods (Drake and Goldberg). Extra-alveolar vessels were isolated from alveolar vessels by embolizing enough 37- to 74-micron polystyrene beads into the lobar artery or vein to completely stop flow. In excised lobes, Kf's of the entire pulmonary circulation by the Drake and Goldberg methods were 0.122 +/- 0.041 (mean +/- SD) and 0.210 +/- 0.080 ml X min-1 X mmHg-1 X 100 g lung-1, respectively. Embolization was not found to increase the Kf's. The mean Kf's of the arterial extra-alveolar vessels were 0.068 +/- 0.014 (Drake) and 0.069 +/- 0.014 (Goldberg) (24 and 33% of the Kf's for the total pulmonary circulation). The mean Kf's of the venous extra-alveolar vessels were similar [0.046 +/- 0.020 (Drake) and 0.065 +/- 0.036 (Goldberg) or 33 and 35% of the Kf's for the total circulation]. No significant difference was found between the extra-alveolar vessel Kf's of in situ vs. excised lobes. These results suggest that when alveolar pressure, lung volume, and pulmonary vascular pressures are high, approximately one-third of the total fluid filtration comes from each of the three compartments.  相似文献   
The induction of congenital malformations among the offspring of male mice treated with X-rays at pre-meiotic and post-meiotic stages has been studied in two experiments. Firstly, animals were exposed to varying doses (108–504 cGy) of X-rays and mated at various time intervals (1–7, 8–14, 15–21 and 64–80 days post-irradiation), so as to sample spermatozoa, spermatids and spermatogonial stem cells. In the second experiment, only treated spermatogonial stem cells were sampled. One group of males was given a single 500-cGy dose, a second group a fractionated dose (500 + 500 cGy, 24 h apart) and a third group was left unexposed.In the first experiment, induced post-implantation dominant lethality increased with dose, and was highest in week 3, in line with the known greater radiosensitivity of the early spermatid stage. Preimplantation loss also increased with dose and was highest in week 3. There was no clear induction of either pre-implantation or post-implantation loss at spermatogonial stem cell stages.There was a clear induction of congenital malformations at post-meiotic stages, the overall incidence being 2.0 ± 0.32% in the irradiated series and 0.24 ± 0.17% among the controls. The induction was statistically significant at each dose. At the two highest doses the early spermatids (15–21 days) appeared more sensitive than spermatozoa, and at this stage the incidence of malformations increased with dose. The data from Expt. 1 on the induction of malformations by irradiation of spermatogonial stages were equivocal. In contrast, Expt. 2 showed a statistically significant induction of malformations at both dose levels (2.2 ± 0.46% after 500 cGy and 3.1 ± 0.57% after 500 + 500 cGy). The relative sensitivities of male stem cells, post-neiotic stages and mature oocytes to the induction of congenital malformations were reasonably similar to their sensitivities for specific-locus mutations, except that the expected enhancing effect of the fractionation regime used was not seen.Dwarfism and exencephaly were the two most commonly observed malformations in all series.  相似文献   
This study examined the ligninase-catalysed degradation of lignin model compounds representing the arylglycerol beta-aryl ether substructure, which is the dominant one in the lignin polymer. Three dimeric model compounds were used, all methoxylated in the 3- and 4-positions of the arylglycerol ring (ring A) and having various substituents in the beta-ether-linked aromatic ring (ring B), so that competing reactions involving both rings could be compared. Studies of the products formed and the time courses of their formation showed that these model compounds are oxidized by ligninase (+ H2O2 + O2) in both ring A and ring B. The major consequence with all three model compounds is oxidation of ring A, leading primarily to cleavage between C(alpha) and C(beta) (C(alpha) being proximal to ring A), and to a lesser extent to the oxidation of the C(alpha)-hydroxy group to a carbonyl group. Such C(alpha)-oxidation deactivates ring A, leaving only ring B for attack. Studies with C(alpha)-carbonyl model compounds corresponding to the three basic model compounds revealed that oxidation of ring B leads in part to dealkoxylations (i.e. to cleavage of the glycerol beta-aryl ether bond and to demethoxylations), but that these are minor reactions in the model compounds most closely related to lignin. Evidence is also given that another consequence of oxidation of ring B in the C(alpha)-carbonyl model compounds is formation of unstable cyclohexadienone ketals, which can decompose with elimination of the beta-ether-linked aromatic ring. The mechanisms proposed for the observed reactions involve initial formation of aryl cation radicals in either ring A or ring B. The cation radical intermediate from one of the C(alpha)-carbonyl model compounds was identified by e.s.r. spectroscopy. The mechanisms are based on earlier studies showing that ligninase acts by oxidizing appropriately substituted aromatic nuclei to aryl cation radicals [Kersten, Tien, Kalyanaraman & Kirk (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 2609-2612; Hammel, Tien, Kalyanaraman & Kirk (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 8348-8353].  相似文献   
WRK 1, a cloned cell line derived from a rat mammary tumour, carries specific vasopressin-binding sites. Specific binding of 2-tyrosine-3H-labelled [8-lysine]vasopressin ([3H]vasopressin) was time-dependent, saturable and reversible. Scatchard-plot analysis of hormone binding indicated the presence of a single class of receptors with an equilibrium dissociation constant of 12.7 +/- 0.2 nM. The maximal binding capacity was 75 +/- 6 fmol/10(6) cells, which corresponds to approx. 45,000 sites per cell. Oxytocin and a highly potent oxytocin analogue were able to inhibit completely [3H]vasopressin binding, but, in this respect, they were far less potent than vasopressin. This clearly demonstrates the vasopressinergic nature of this receptor. Pharmacological studies using a series of 14 vasopressin or oxytocin analogues indicated that the ligand selectivity of the vasopressin receptor found on WRK 1 cells resembles that of the rat hepatocyte. This signifies that this vasopressin receptor is of the V1a subtype. This conclusion was confirmed by the observation that vasopressin did not influence the production of intracellular cyclic AMP in WRK 1 cells.  相似文献   
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