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K Ekena  M K Liao    S Maloy 《Journal of bacteriology》1990,172(6):2940-2945
Proline uptake can be mediated by three different transport systems in wild-type Salmonella typhimurium: a high-affinity proline transport system encoded by the putP gene and two glycine-betaine transport systems with a low affinity for proline encoded by the proP and proU genes. However, only the PutP permease transports proline well enough t allow growth on proline as a sole carbon or nitrogen source. By selecting for mutations that allow a putP mutant to grow on proline as a sole nitrogen source, we isolated mutants (designated proZ) that appeared to activate a cryptic proline transport system. These mutants enhanced the transport of proline and proline analogs but did not require the function of any of the known proline transport genes. The mutations mapped between 75 and 77.5 min on the S. typhimurium linkage map. Proline transport by the proZ mutants was competitively inhibited by isoleucine and leucine, which suggests that the ProZ phenotype may be due to unusual mutations that alter the substrate specificity of the branched-chain amino acid transport system encoded by the liv genes.  相似文献   
J L Popp  B Kalyanaraman  T K Kirk 《Biochemistry》1990,29(46):10475-10480
Veratryl alcohol (3,4-dimethoxybenzyl alcohol) appears to have multiple roles in lignin degradation by Phanerochaete chrysosporium. It is synthesized de novo by the fungus. It apparently induces expression of lignin peroxidase (LiP), and it protects LiP from inactivation by H2O2. In addition, veratryl alcohol has been shown to potentiate LiP oxidation of compounds that are not good LiP substrates. We have now observed the formation of Mn3+ in reaction mixtures containing LiP, Mn2+, veratryl alcohol, malonate buffer, H2O2, and O2. No Mn3+ was formed if veratryl alcohol or H2O2 was omitted. Mn3+ formation also showed an absolute requirement for oxygen, and oxygen consumption was observed in the reactions. This suggests involvement of active oxygen species. In experiments using oxalate (a metabolite of P. chrysosporium) instead of malonate, similar results were obtained. However, in this case, we detected (by ESR spin-trapping) the production of carbon dioxide anion radical (CO2.-) and perhydroxyl radical (.OOH) in reaction mixtures containing LiP, oxalate, veratryl alcohol, H2O2, and O2. Our data indicate the formation of oxalate radical, which decays to CO2 and CO2.-. The latter reacts with O2 to form O2.-, which then oxidizes Mn2+ to Mn3+. No radicals were detected in the absence of veratryl alcohol. These results indicate that LiP can indirectly oxidize Mn2+ and that veratryl alcohol is probably a radical mediator in this system.  相似文献   
Female mice were exposed to varying absorbed doses (108–504 rad) of X-rays and mated at different intervals after irradiation (1–7, 8–14, 15–21 and 22–28 days). Uterine contents were examined at late pregnancy in order to detect early fetal deaths (dominant lethality) and malformations in the live fetuses.Two trends were apparent from data on abnormal fetuses. At each weekly interval, the incidence of abnormalities tended to rise with increase in dose, and, at any given dose, the incidence tended to increase with time after irradiation. Dwarfism and exencephaly were the two most common malformations found.The changes in incidence of dominant lethality and of abnormal fetuses with time and with dose follow each other closely, the highest incidence for both being reached in week 3 (59±4.7% for dominant lethals and 12.5±3.1% for abnormal fetuses, after 504 rad) indicating increased radiosensitivity of less mature oocytes. These results parallel those obtained from known genetic effects reported by other workers and suggest that testing for incidence of congenital malformations among offspring of treated animals may prove a useful means of assessing genetic hazards of radiation of chemicals.  相似文献   
The results of a national clinical trial to compare combination and sequential chemotherapy for stage III or IV ovarian cancer are reported. Of the 253 patients from 16 centres across Canada who were admitted to the trial 13 were excluded from the analysis. All the patients were observed for 2 to 5 years from entry into the trial. There were no differences in response to therapy or in survival between the patients treated with melphalan followed by 5-fluorouracil and then by methotrexate in high dosage and the patients treated with the same agents in combination. Patients with minimal residual disease after resection of stage III ovarian cancer had a good prognosis. Other favourable prognostic factors were age (less than 55 years), performance status (90% or 100% on the Karnofsky scale) and histologic grade of the tumour.  相似文献   
The cerambycid stem borerPhytoecia coerulescens (Scopoli) is a possible biological control agent for the weedEchium plantagineum L. in Australia. The adult beetle oviposits at the base of stems ofEchium spp. and a few otherBoraginaceae. The larva damages the flower stem by boring both upwards and downwards and eventually, at the end of the season, girdling the stem at its base. It overwinters in the rootstock of its host plant. It does not attack plants of agricultural importance in the field and host restriction to a small group of boraginaceous plants was confirmed in the laboratory, withEchium spp. as principal hosts. It is therefore considered thatP. coerulescens is a safe agent to introduce into Australia for the control ofE. plantagineum.  相似文献   
2-Fluoro-L-Histidine inhibits protein synthesis in various cell cultures, as measured by 3H-leucine incorporation. This histidine analog also inhibits the cytopathogenicity of a number of RNA and DNA viruses in primary and continuous cell cultures; it blocks the transformation of normal mouse (MO) cells by murine sarcoma virus, and partially suppresses the release of murine leukemia virus by a continuously infected mouse cell line (JLSV5). In human skin fibroblasts, it reduces the interferon-inducing capacity of poly(I)·poly(C). Inhibition of cell protein synthesis may be the common cause of the various effects. 4-Fluoro-L-histidine is essentially inert in all of the test systems examined.  相似文献   
Oxygen uptake with succinate or palmitoyl-CoA as substrates can be measured in rat liver mitochondria that have been isolated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation providing the fractions are diluted with a 30 mM phosphate buffer rather than with an isotonic medium. Separate assay procedures were used to measure peroxisomal and mitochondrial β-oxidation of palmitoyl-CoA in the fractions of a sucrose gradient used to separate these organelles. A preliminary estimate of the ratio of palmitoyl-CoA oxidation by the mitochondrial fraction relative to the surviving peroxisomes from livers of male rats was 3.2.  相似文献   
M. R. Kirk  U. Heber 《Planta》1976,132(2):131-141
Summary Intact chloroplasts capable of high rates of CO2 assimilation completely oxidized 3-phosphoglycerate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate to glycolate when CO2 concentrations were low. Bicarbonate was converted first into products of the Calvin cycle and then into glycolate. Under high oxygen and at high pH values CO2 fixation and glycolate formation ceased before bicarbonate was exhausted. This is interpreted as the consequence of a depletion of ribulose diphosphate (RuDP) at the oxygen compensation point, where oxygen consumption by glycolate formation and oxygen evolution by phosphoglycerate reduction balance each other. Depletion of RuDP by glycolate formation is proposed to play a role in the Warburg effect. The maximum rate of glycolate synthesis observed with dihydroxyacetone phosphate as substrate was 35 mol mg-1 chlorophyll h-1 at 20°C. This may not reflect the maximum capacity of chloroplasts for glycolate synthesis. Dithiothreitol and catalase, which prevent accumulation of oxygen radicals or H2O2 during carbon assimilation, increased glycolate formation. H2O2 was inhibitory. Other inhibitors of glycolate formation were glyceraldehyde and carbonylcyanide p-trifluoro-methoxphenylhydrazone. From the sensitivity of glycolate synthesis to uncoupling and the ATP requirement of RuDP formation it is concluded that glycolate originated from RuDP. Different induction periods of carbon fixation and glycolyte formation suggested that glycolate synthesis is not only regulated by the ratio of oxygen to CO2 but also by another factor.  相似文献   
D N Kirk  M S Rajagopalan 《Steroids》1976,27(2):269-274
18-Hydroxyprogesterone is conveniently prepared from 3beta-acetoxypregn-5-en-20beta-ol by a modified route. 3beta-Acetoxy-18-iodopregn-5-en-20-one, obtained by the hypoiodite-photolysis procedure and oxidation, is treated with methanolic silver acetate to give the 18, 20-epoxy-20-methoxy derivative, which crystallises directly without need for chromatography. Hydrolysis of the 3-acetate, and a modified Oppenauer oxidation, gave 18-hydroxy-progesterone in 24% over-all yield.  相似文献   
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