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Free radicals produced by X-irradiation of N2O-saturated aqueous solutions of purine nucleosides (2'-deoxyadenosine, adenosine, 2'-deoxyguanosine, 3'-deoxyadenosine, guanosine and inosine) and the corresponding homopolymers (poly A and poly I) have been investigated by the technique of spin-trapping and e.s.r. spectroscopy. 2-Methyl-2-nitrosopropane was used as a spin-trap. For 2'-deoxyadenosine and 2'-deoxyguanosine, the resulting spin-adducts were separated by Bio-Gel P-2 column chromatography and analysed by e.s.r. spectroscopy. For homopolymers, e.s.r. spectra were recorded at 50 degrees C after enzymatic digestion to obtain signals with narrower line width. The e.s.r. signal consisting of only a primary triplet without further splittings, which is consistent with assignment to the trapping of an H-abstraction radical at the C4' position of the sugar moiety, was observed in all cases. For 2'-deoxyguanosine an e.s.r. signal consisting of a secondary triplet was observed. Examinations using other spin-trapping reagents such as PBN, 4-PyOBN and DMPO provided no positive evidence supporting the proposal that this was due to an alpha-nitrogen. The e.s.r. signal consisting of a secondary doublet which further splits into a doublet was observed for 2'-deoxyadenosine, adenosine, 3'-deoxyguanosine, 2'-deoxyguanosine, and inosine, and tentatively associated with a radical centered in the sugar moiety.  相似文献   
The amino acid sequence of the first 30 residues of fragment C of tetanus toxin was determined, and a mixture of 32 complementary oligonucleotides, each 17 bases long, was synthesized. A 2-kilobase (kb) EcoI fragment of Clostridium tetani DNA was identified by Southern blotting and was cloned into the Escherichia coli plasmid vector pAT153 with the 32P-labeled oligonucleotide mixture as a probe. A second 3.2-kb Bg/II fragment was identified and cloned with the 2-kb EcoRI fragment as a probe. The nucleotide sequence of 1.8 kb of this DNA was determined and was shown to encode the entire fragment C and a portion of fragment B of tetanus toxin. The tetanus DNA was expressed in E. coli with pWRL507, a plasmid vector containing the trp promoter and a portion of the trpE gene. The trpE-tetanus fusion proteins were visualized by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and were shown to react with anti-fragment C antibody.  相似文献   
During the transition from the last feeding larval stage to the pupal stage of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, significant changes occur in the properties of lipophorin, the major hemolymph lipoprotein. Within the first 24 h after cessation of feeding, the larval lipophorin (HDLp-L) is first converted to a higher density form (HDLp-W2) and then HDLp-W2 is converted to a lower density form (HDLp-W1). HDLp-W1 remains in the hemolymph until pupation, when another form, HDLp-P, with a density between HDLp-W1 and HDLp-L, is present. Although all the lipophorins contain identical apoproteins, they differ in lipid content and composition; the differences in density being primarily related to diacylglycerol content. The conversion of HDLp-L to HDLp-W1 is accompanied by a loss of hydrocarbon and uptake of carotenes. These latter changes in lipophorin composition reflect alterations in cuticular lipid composition. HDLp-L was radiolabeled in the apoproteins by injecting animals with 3H-amino acids early in the last larval stage. Subsequently HDLp-L was isolated at the end of the larval stage, HDLp-W2 and HDLp-W1 were isolated during the wandering stage, and HDLp-P was isolated after pupation. The specific activity of the apoproteins in the four lipophorins was not significantly different, suggesting that the observed alterations in lipophorin properties do not require synthesis of new apoproteins but result from retailoring the lipid composition of preexisting molecules. Examination of the hemolymph of individual animals during these transitions showed that only one species of lipoprotein was present, never a mixture of two or more species. These observations suggest that the lipoprotein conversions are precisely timed and that lipoprotein metabolism during larval development and pupation cannot be considered a static process. The unique finding of these studies was that synthesis of lipophorin apoproteins proceeds actively during the first part of the fifth instar but then ceases and does not recommence during the wandering or early pupal stages.  相似文献   
The functional domains of coagulation factor VIII:C   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A lack of factor VIII:C, manifested as a bleeding disorder due to the absence of clot formation, is known as hemophilia A, an X chromosome-linked inherited disease afflicting 1-2 males/10,000. To determine the minimum functional domain(s) essential for factor VIII:C activity, we have expressed the amino-terminal (92-kDa) and carboxyl-terminal (80-kDa) proteolytic cleavage products as individual, secreted polypeptides in monkey cells without the 909-residue central region. We have found that neither terminal domain alone is able to promote coagulation in factor VIII:C-deficient plasma. However, when the 92- and 80-kDa peptides are co-expressed, clotting activity is readily detected. Thus, these two chains alone constitute an active or activatable complex. The central domain is required neither for activity nor for the assembly of an active complex from two chains expressed in trans. These results suggest that a truncated derivative of factor VIII:C may be useful in coagulation therapy.  相似文献   
The metabolism of low density lipoproteins (LDL), and LDL modified by reductive methylation (M-LDL) of lysine residues, was studied in proximal tubular (PT) cells both from normal human kidney and from urine of patients with homozygous (LDL receptor-negative) familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). LDL and M-LDL was labeled either in the protein moiety with 125I or in the lactosylceramide moiety with 3H. The binding and degradation of 125I-LDL in normal cells was saturable and displaced by unlabeled LDL but not by M-LDL. The uptake of [3H]lactosylceramide (LacCer) low density lipoprotein in normal renal cells was saturable, and time and temperature-dependent. Exogenously derived [3H]LacCer on LDL was rapidly taken up and catabolized to monoglycosylceramide, or it was utilized for the endogenous synthesis of globotriaosylceramide (trihexosylceramide) and globotetraosylceramide (tetraglycosylceramide). [3H]LacCer M-LDL was taken up less avidly and metabolized less extensively than [3H]LacCer-LDL in normal cells. In homozygous FH renal cells the binding of 125I-LDL was not saturable and not displaced by unlabeled LDL. 125I-LDL degradation did not occur in FH cells. The homozygous FH PT cells took up a 2-fold greater amount of exogenously derived [3H]LacCer on LDL than normal cells. Yet, most of the [3H]LacCer taken up by FH PT cells accumulated as LacCer, and only small amounts were metabolized to monoglycosylceramide, globotriaosylceramide (trihexosylceramide), or globotetraosylceramide (tetraglycosylceramide). When normal and FH PT cells were preincubated with LDL (0-100 micrograms/ml medium), there was a 5-fold increase in cellular LacCer levels in FH cells at saturating levels of LDL, whereas there was about a 50% decrease in LacCer levels in normal cells. While the high affinity binding of LDL was not essential for the delivery of LacCer to cells, the data support the conclusion that LDL binding to the LDL receptor facilitates further LacCer processing and metabolism in normal renal cells. We speculate that [3H] LacCer is taken up by FH homozygous cells via a LDL receptor-independent mechanism and accumulates in the cells without significant metabolism. LacCer taken up by this mechanism contributes to the storage of LacCer in FH PT cells.  相似文献   
Peptide mapping analysis of the avian progesterone receptor   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Progesterone receptor from the chicken oviduct has been shown to exist as two 8 S forms (I and II). Form I contains a protein of Mr = 75,000 and form II contains a protein of Mr = 110,000. In addition to these hormone-binding proteins, both receptor forms contain a protein with Mr = 90,000 that does not bind steroid. To investigate the possibility that these proteins are structurally related, they were isolated by preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis and subjected to peptide mapping analyses after digestion with Staphylococcus aureus V-8 protease, papain, or alpha-chymotrypsin. Receptor proteins labeled with [32P]orthophosphate in tissue minces were also subjected to peptide mapping analysis. The electrophoretic patterns of peptide fragments of the 90-kDa protein from receptor forms I and II were identical but were different from the peptide patterns obtained from the 75- and 110-kDa proteins which generated similar peptide patterns, indicating that these are structurally related. However, some differences were evident, indicating that these latter two proteins are not identical substrates for proteases. A one-dimensional comparison of the phosphopeptide patterns from the 75- and 110-kDa proteins also showed them to be similar, but not identical. Two-dimensional maps of phosphopeptides generated from the 75- and 110-kDa protein after complete tryptic digestion revealed multiple sites of phosphorylation which were identical except for one phosphopeptide that was unique to the 110-kDa protein. These results show the two progesterone-binding proteins to be very similar in structure, but to differ considerably from the 90-kDa protein.  相似文献   
Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell mutants that required exogenously added phosphatidylserine for cell growth were isolated by using the replica technique with polyester cloth, and three such mutants were characterized. Labeling experiments on intact cells with 32Pi and L-[U-14C]serine revealed that a phosphatidylserine auxotroph, designated as PSA-3, was strikingly defective in phosphatidylserine biosynthesis. When cells were grown for 2 days without phosphatidylserine, the phosphatidylserine content of PSA-3 was about one-third of that of the parent. In extracts of the mutant, the enzymatic activity of the base-exchange reaction of phospholipids with serine producing phosphatidylserine was reduced to 33% of that in the parent; in addition, the activities of base-exchange reactions of phospholipids with choline and ethanolamine in the mutant were also reduced to 1 and 45% of those in the parent, respectively. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the serine-exchange activity in the parent was inhibited approximately 60% when choline was added to the reaction mixture whereas that in the mutant was not significantly affected. From the results presented here, we conclude the following. There are at least two kinds of serine-exchange enzymes in CHO cells; one (serine-exchange enzyme I) can catalyze the base-exchange reactions of phospholipids with serine, choline, and ethanolamine while the other (serine-exchange enzyme II) does not use the choline as a substrate. Serine-exchange enzyme I, in which mutant PSA-3 is defective, plays a major role in phosphatidylserine biosynthesis in CHO cells. Serine-exchange enzyme I is essential for the growth of CHO cells.  相似文献   
Numerous hormones are known to rapidly activate polyphosphoinositide turnover in target cells by promoting phosphodiesteratic cleavage of the phospholipids; however, little is known about the enzymology of receptor-mediated phosphoinositide breakdown. In the present study, thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) stimulation of polyphosphoinositide turnover has been characterized in electrically permeabilized, [3H]myoinositol-labeled GH3 cells. The permeable cells allow the influence of small molecular weight (Mr less than or equal to 1000) cofactors to be determined. We present evidence for the following: 1) TRH stimulates inositol phosphate generation in permeable cells; 2) optimal hormone-stimulated inositol phosphate generation requires Mg2+, ATP, and Ca2+; 3) Mg2+ and ATP requirements reflect polyphosphoinositide kinase reactions; 4) in the absence of MgATP, TRH stimulates the phosphodiesteratic breakdown of pre-existing polyphosphoinositides in a reaction which requires only low Ca2+ (10(-7) M); 5) hormone activation is potentiated in the presence of the stable guanine nucleotide, GTP gamma S; neither TRH-stimulated nor GTP gamma S-potentiated hydrolysis is inhibited by cholera or pertussis toxin treatment. These results demonstrate that hormone-induced phospholipid hydrolysis involves activation of a phosphoinositide phosphodiesterase; activation results in lowering the Ca2+ requirement of the phosphodiesterase such that maximal activity is observed at Ca2+ levels characteristic of a resting cell (10(-7) M). Furthermore, TRH regulation of polyphosphoinositide hydrolysis is modulated by guanine nucleotides; however, nucleotide regulation appears to involve a GTP-binding factor (Np) other than Ns or Ni.  相似文献   
The atrial gland of the marine mollusk Aplysia californica contains several biologically active peptides that are thought to be important in reproductive function. In the present study, three novel peptides, which we named califin A, B, and C, were purified from extracts of atrial glands by high performance liquid chromatography, and their primary structures were determined. Each consists of a 36-residue subunit bound by a single disulfide bond to an 18-residue subunit. The large subunits differ from each other by one or two residues, whereas the small subunits are identical. The large subunits are 78-83% homologous to egg-laying hormone (ELH), a 36-residue peptide synthesized by the neuroendocrine bag cells of Aplysia. Like ELH, the califins excite LB and LC cells of the abdominal ganglion and cause egg laying when injected into sexually mature animals. Based on previously described DNA sequence data, each califin is likely to be derived from one of several precursor proteins that are encoded by members of the ELH gene family. Califin A is encoded on the peptide A precursor, and califin B may be encoded on the peptide B precursor. No gene encoding califin C has been sequenced. Because peptides A and B are also biologically active, the precursors encoding them and califins A and B are polyproteins. The possible role of atrial gland peptides as pheromones is discussed.  相似文献   
The orientation of mannosidase II, an integral Golgi membrane protein involved in asparagine-linked oligosaccharide processing, has been examined in rat liver Golgi membranes. Previous studies on mannosidase II purified from Golgi membranes revealed an intact subunit of 124,000 daltons, as well as a catalytically active 110,000-dalton degradation product generated during purification (Moremen, K. W., and Touster, O. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 6654-6662). In Triton X-100 extracts of Golgi membranes, the intact enzyme was cleaved by a variety of proteases to generate degradation products similar to those observed previously. At appropriate concentrations, chymotrypsin, pronase, and proteinase K generated 110,000-dalton species, while trypsin and Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease generated 115,000-dalton forms. Cleavage by chymotrypsin under mild conditions (10 micrograms/ml, 10 min, 20 degrees C) resulted in a complete conversion to a catalytically active 110,000-dalton form of the enzyme which was extremely resistant to further degradation. Attempts to demonstrate these protease digestions in nonpermeabilized Golgi membranes were unsuccessful, a result suggesting that the protease-sensitive regions are not accessible on the external surface of the membrane. In Golgi membranes permeabilized by treatment with 0.5% saponin, mannosidase II could readily be cleaved to the 110,000-dalton form by digestion with chymotrypsin under conditions similar to those which result in a proteolytic inactivation of galactosyltransferase, a lumenal Golgi membrane marker. Although mannosidase II catalytic activity was not diminished by this chymotrypsin digestion, as much as 90% of the enzyme activity was converted to a nonsedimentable form. To examine the effect of the proteolytic cleavage on the partition behavior of the enzyme, control and chymotrypsin-treated Triton X-114 extracts of Golgi membranes were examined by phase separation at 35 degrees C. The undigested enzyme partitioned into the detergent phase consistent with its location as an integral Golgi membrane protein, while the 110,000-dalton chymotrypsin-digested enzyme partitioned almost exclusively into the aqueous phase in a manner characteristic of a soluble protein. These results suggest that mannosidase II catalytic activity resides in a proteolytically resistant, hydrophilic 110,000-dalton domain. Attachment of this catalytic domain to the lumenal face of Golgi membranes is achieved by a proteolytically sensitive linkage to a 14,000-dalton hydrophobic membrane anchoring domain.  相似文献   
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