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In plants, the stacking of part of the photosynthetic thylakoid membrane generates two main subcompartments: the stacked grana core and unstacked stroma lamellae. However, a third distinct domain, the grana margin, has been postulated but its structural and functional identity remains elusive. Here, an optimized thylakoid fragmentation procedure combined with detailed ultrastructural, biochemical, and functional analyses reveals the distinct composition of grana margins. It is enriched with lipids, cytochrome b6f complex, and ATPase while depleted in photosystems and light‐harvesting complexes. A quantitative method is introduced that is based on Blue Native Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (BN‐PAGE) and dot immunoblotting for quantifying various photosystem II (PSII) assembly forms in different thylakoid subcompartments. The results indicate that the grana margin functions as a degradation and disassembly zone for photodamaged PSII. In contrast, the stacked grana core region contains fully assembled and functional PSII holocomplexes. The stroma lamellae, finally, contain monomeric PSII as well as a significant fraction of dimeric holocomplexes that identify this membrane area as the PSII repair zone. This structural organization and the heterogeneous PSII distribution support the idea that the stacking of thylakoid membranes leads to a division of labor that establishes distinct membrane areas with specific functions.  相似文献   
The distribution of photosystem (PS) II complexes in stacked grana thylakoids derived from electron microscopic images of freeze-fractured chloroplasts are examined for the first time using mathematical methods. These characterize the particle distribution in terms of a nearest neighbor distribution function and a pair correlation function. The data were compared with purely random distributions calculated by a Monte Carlo simulation. The analysis reveals that the PSII distribution in grana thylakoids does not correspond to a random protein mixture but that ordering forces lead to a structured arrangement on a supramolecular level. Neighboring photosystems are significantly more separated than would be the case in a purely random distribution. These results are explained by structural models, in which boundary lipids and light-harvesting complex (LHC) II trimers are arranged between neighboring PSII. Furthermore, the diffusion of PSII was analyzed by a Monte Carlo simulation with a protein density of 80% area occupation (determined for grana membranes). The mobility of the photosystems is severely reduced by the high protein density. From an estimate of the mean migration time of PSII from grana thylakoids to stroma lamellae, it becomes evident that this diffusion contributes significantly to the velocity of the repair cycle of photoinhibited PSII.  相似文献   
The lentiviral Nef protein has been studied extensively for its ability to induce the downregulation of several immunoreceptors on the surfaces of infected cells. However, Nef expression is unique in inducing highly effective upregulation of the major histocompatibility complex class II-associated chaperone invariant (Ii) chain complexes in different cell types. Under normal conditions, endocytosis of the Ii chain and other molecules, like the transferrin receptor and CD4, is rapid and AP-2 dependent. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Nef expression strongly reduces the internalization of the Ii chain, enhances that of CD4, and does not modify transferrin uptake. The mutation of AP-2 binding motifs LL164 and DD174 in Nef leads to the inhibition of Ii chain upregulation. In AP-2-depleted cells, surface levels of the Ii chain are high and remain unmodified by Nef expression, further indicating that Nef regulates Ii chain internalization via the AP-2 pathway. Immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that the Ii chain can interact with Nef in a dileucine-dependent manner. Importantly, we have shown that Nef-induced CD4 downregulation and Ii chain upregulation are genetically distinguishable. We have identified natural nef alleles that have lost one of the two functions but not the other one. Moreover, we have characterized Nef mutant forms possessing a similar phenotype in the context of HIV-1 infection. Therefore, the Nef-induced accumulation of Ii chain complexes at the cell surface probably results from a complex mechanism leading to the impairment of AP-2-mediated endocytosis rather than from direct competition between Nef and the Ii chain for binding AP-2.  相似文献   
Cytogenetic analysis of solid tumors with comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) is hampered by the dilution of DNA from individual tumor subpopulations with DNA from other cells. We investigated to what extent this dilution effect can be alleviated using fluorescence activated cell sorting (flow sorting) of experimental DNA heteroploid cell mixtures prior to CGH. From mixtures of normal lymphocytes with triploid K-562 cells the individual components were sorted according to stemline DNA content and processed by CGH in comparison with pure K-562 samples and the original mixtures. Compared with 30 autosome copy number imbalances found in pure K-562 samples, a mixture with 32% K-562 cells showed 16 imbalances, and none were detected in mixtures with 13% or 5% K-562 cells. In contrast, 29, 22 and 23 imbalances were detected in K-562 nuclei sorted from the 32%, 13% and 5% mixtures, respectively. This indicate that CGH analysis of flow sorted DNA aneuploid subpopulations enables a specific cytogenetic analysis of the individual subclones in a DNA heteroploid cell population.  相似文献   
The accessory protein Nef of human and simian immunodeficiency viruses (HIV and SIV) is an important pathogenicity factor known to interact with cellular protein kinases and other signaling proteins. A canonical SH3 domain binding motif in Nef is required for most of these interactions. For example, HIV-1 Nef activates the tyrosine kinase Hck by tightly binding to its SH3 domain. An archetypal contact between a negatively charged SH3 residue and a highly conserved arginine in Nef (Arg77) plays a key role here. Combining structural analyses with functional assays, we here show that Nef proteins have also developed a distinct structural strategy—termed the "R-clamp”—that favors the formation of this salt bridge via buttressing Arg77. Comparison of evolutionarily diverse Nef proteins revealed that several distinct R-clamps have evolved that are functionally equivalent but differ in the side chain compositions of Nef residues 83 and 120. Whereas a similar R-clamp design is shared by Nef proteins of HIV-1 groups M, O, and P, as well as SIVgor, the Nef proteins of SIV from the Eastern chimpanzee subspecies (SIVcpzP.t.s.) exclusively utilize another type of R-clamp. By contrast, SIV of Central chimpanzees (SIVcpzP.t.t.) and HIV-1 group N strains show more heterogenous R-clamp design principles, including a non-functional evolutionary intermediate of the aforementioned two classes. These data add to our understanding of the structural basis of SH3 binding and kinase deregulation by Nef, and provide an interesting example of primate lentiviral protein evolution.  相似文献   
The accumulation of oestrogen receptors in the liver cell nuclei of intact female rats 45 min after administration of 100 micrograms 17 alpha-ethynyloestradiol-17 beta i.p., decreased progressively during a 72-h fast from 2550 +/- 860 to 257 +/- 67 fmol/mg DNA, a level not significantly different from that in uninjected animals. Cytoplasmic oestrogen receptor concentrations also decreased, but only to about 60% of the original level (from 84.1 +/- 27.5 to 50.3 +/- 2.09 fmol/mg protein during the fast). Similar differences were found when these parameters were examined in normally fed and 72-h-fasted ovariectomized rats. On the other hand these parameters were unaffected in uterus, pituitary and hypothalamus. Uterine cytoplasmic receptor concentrations remained at about 500 fmol/mg protein during the fasting period, those in the pituitary and hypothalamus at about 230 and 30 fmol/mg protein, respectively. Nor was in vivo translocation in these organs affected by fasting. Regardless of nutritional status, the nuclear oestrogen receptor concentrations in uterus rose from about 500 to 2000 fmol/mg DNA after ethynyloestradiol administration, those in the pituitary and hypothalamus from approximately 250 to 2000 and from 250 to 500 fmol/mg DNA respectively.  相似文献   
The neural cell adhesion molecule L1 is a phosphorylated integral membrane glycoprotein that is recovered from adult mouse brain by immunoaffinity chromatography as a set of polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 200, 180, 140, 80, and 50 kilodaltons (L1-200, L1-180, L1-140, L1-80, and L1-50, respectively). In the present study, we show that two kinase activities are associated with immunopurified L1: One specifically phosphorylates L1-200 and L1-80 but not L1-180, L1-140, or L1-50. This pattern of phosphorylation corresponds to the one described for L1 after metabolic phosphate incorporation into cultures of cerebellar cells. In both cases, serine is the main amino acid that is labeled by radioactive phosphate. The kinase activity is not activated by Ca2+, calmodulin, phosphatidylserine, diolein, cyclic AMP, or cyclic GMP, a result suggesting that the enzyme is distinct from Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinases, from protein kinase C, or from cyclic AMP/cyclic GMP-dependent kinases and may belong to the independent kinase group. The other kinase phosphorylates only casein but not L1, utilizes GTP as well as ATP, and is strongly inhibited by heparin. Because the primary structure of the L1 protein does not contain consensus sequences characteristic for known kinases, we believe that the catalytic activities detectable in immunopurified L1 are due to kinases that are strongly enough associated with L1 to withstand the stringent purification procedures.  相似文献   
Despite advances toward understanding the prevention and treatment of many cancers, patients who suffer from oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) confront a survival rate that has remained unimproved for more than 2 decades, indicating our ability to treat them pharmacologically has reached a plateau. In an ongoing effort to improve the clinical outlook for this disease, we previously reported that an essential component of the mechanism by which the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib (PS-341, Velcade) induced apoptosis in OSCC required the activation of a terminal unfolded protein response (UPR). Predicated on these studies, the authors hypothesized that high-throughput screening (HTS) of large diverse chemical libraries might identify more potent or selective small-molecule activators of the apoptotic arm of the UPR to control or kill OSCC. They have developed complementary cell-based assays using stably transfected CHO-K1 cell lines that individually assess the PERK/eIF2α/CHOP (apoptotic) or the IRE1/XBP1 (adaptive) UPR subpathways. An 66 K compound collection was screened at the University of Michigan Center for Chemical Genomics that included a unique library of prefractionated natural product extracts. The mycotoxin methoxycitrinin was isolated from a natural extract and found to selectively activate the CHOP-luciferase reporter at 80 μM. A series of citrinin derivatives was isolated from these extracts, including a unique congener that has not been previously described. In an effort to identify more potent compounds, the authors examined the ability of citrinin and the structurally related mycotoxins ochratoxin A and patulin to activate the UPR. Strikingly, it was found that patulin at 2.5 to 10 μM induced a terminal UPR in a panel of OSCC cells that was characterized by an increase in CHOP, GADD34, and ATF3 gene expression and XBP1 splicing. A luminescent caspase assay and the induction of several BH3-only genes indicated that patulin could induce apoptosis in OSCC cells. These data support the use of this complementary HTS strategy to identify novel modulators of UPR signaling and tumor cell death.  相似文献   
The effects of offshore aquaculture on SBT health (particularly parasitic infections and haematology) and performance were the main aim of this study. Two cohorts of ranched Southern Bluefin tuna (SBT) (Thunnus maccoyii) were monitored throughout the commercial season, one maintained in the traditional near shore tuna farming zone and one maintained further offshore. SBT maintained offshore had reduced mortality, increased condition index at week 6 post transfer, reduced blood fluke and sealice loads, and haematological variables such as haemoglobin or lysozyme equal to or exceeding near shore maintained fish. The offshore cohort had no Cardicola forsteri and a 5% prevalence of Caligus spp., compared to a prevalence of 85% for Cardicola forsteri and 55% prevalence for Caligus spp. near shore at 6 weeks post transfer. This study is the first of its kind to examine the effects of commercial offshore sites on farmed fish parasites, health and performance.  相似文献   
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