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Phytochrome A (phyA) is the dominant photoreceptor of far-red light sensing in Arabidopsis thaliana. phyA accumulates at high levels in the cytoplasm of etiolated seedlings, and light-induced phyA signaling is mediated by a complex regulatory network. This includes light- and FHY1/FHL protein-dependent translocation of native phyA into the nucleus in vivo. It has also been shown that a short N-terminal fragment of phyA (PHYA406) is sufficient to phenocopy this highly regulated cellular process in vitro. To test the biological activity of this N-terminal fragment of phyA in planta, we produced transgenic phyA-201 plants expressing the PHYA406-YFP (YELLOW FLUORESCENT PROTEIN)-DD, PHYA406-YFP-DD-NLS (nuclear localization signal), and PHYA406-YFP-DD-NES (nuclear export signal) fusion proteins. Here, we report that PHYA406-YFP-DD is imported into the nucleus and this process is partially light-dependent whereas PHYA406-YFP-DD-NLS and PHYA406-YFP-DD-NES display the expected constitutive localization patterns. Our results show that these truncated phyA proteins are light-stable, they trigger a constitutive photomorphogenic-like response when localized in the nuclei, and neither of them induces proper phyA signaling. We demonstrate that in vitro and in vivo PHYA406 Pfr and Pr bind COP1, a general repressor of photomorphogenesis, and co-localize with it in nuclear bodies. Thus, we conclude that, in planta, the truncated PHYA406 proteins inactivate COP1 in the nuclei in a light-independent fashion.  相似文献   
Snow was falling heavily when Sarah was driving on a slippery road to her cousin's country cottage. It was dark outside, and the visibility was poor. She had planned to arrive before sunset, but the rental service had made a mistake, and it took hours before she got her rental car at the airport. It was past midnight now, and after a long day of traveling, Sarah was starting to get sleepy. Fortunately, there were only 15 km to go, but her eyelids were starting to feel heavy. To stay awake, she put her favorite CD on, turned up the volume, and started to sing along. This seemed to help a little-good-only 10 km to go. This was when Sarah's phone started ringing, and she awkwardly tried to find the mute button for the car stereo while answering the phone. As she looked up again, she barely caught a glimpse of the red brake lights of the car in front of her as she smashed into it.  相似文献   
Ghrelin release in man depends on the macronutrient composition of the test meal. The mechanisms contributing to the differential regulation are largely unknown. To elucidate their potential role, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP), insulin, gastrin and somatostatin were examined on isolated rat stomach ghrelin secretion, which offers the advantage of avoiding systemic interactions. Basal ghrelin secretion was in a range that did not permit to consistently evaluate inhibiting effects. Therefore, the effect of gastrointestinal hormones and insulin was analyzed during vagal prestimulation. GLP-1(7-36)amide 10(-8) and 10(-7) M decreased ghrelin secretion significantly. In contrast, GIP 10(-8) and 10(-7) M augmented not only prestimulated, but also basal ghrelin secretion (p<0.05). Insulin reduced ghrelin at 10(-10), 10(-8) and 10(-6) M (p<0.05). Both gastrin 10(-8) M and somatostatin 10(-6) M also significantly inhibited ghrelin secretion. These data demonstrate that GLP-1(7-36)amide, insulin, gastrin and somatostatin are potential candidates to contribute to the postprandially observed inhibition of ghrelin secretion with insulin being the most effective inhibitor in this isolated stomach model. GIP, on the other hand, could attenuate the postprandial decrease. Because protein-rich meals do not effectively stimulate GIP release, other as yet unknown intestinal factors must be responsible for protein-induced stimulation of ghrelin release.  相似文献   
The phytochrome family of red/far-red (R/FR)-responsive photoreceptors plays a key role throughout the life cycle of plants . Arabidopsis has five phytochromes, phyA-phyE, among which phyA and phyB play the most predominant functions . Light-regulated nuclear accumulation of the phytochromes is an important regulatory step of this pathway, but to this date no factor specifically required for this event has been identified . Among all phyA signaling mutants, fhy1 and fhy3 (far-red elongated hypocotyl 1 and 3) have the most severe hyposensitive phenotype, indicating that they play particularly important roles . FHY1 is a small plant-specific protein of unknown function localized both in the nucleus and the cytoplasm . Here we show that FHY1 is specifically required for the light-regulated nuclear accumulation of phyA but not phyB. Moreover, phyA accumulation is only slightly affected in fhy3, indicating that the diminished nuclear accumulation of phyA observed in fhy1 seedlings is not simply a general consequence of reduced phyA signaling. By in vitro pull-down and yeast two-hybrid analyses, we demonstrate that FHY1 physically interacts with phyA, preferentially in its active Pfr form. Furthermore, FHY1 and phyA colocalize in planta. We therefore identify the first component required for light-regulated phytochrome nuclear accumulation.  相似文献   

Background and methods

Human metapneumovirus (hMPV) is a recently discovered respiratory virus associated with bronchiolitis, pneumonia, croup and exacerbations of asthma. Since respiratory viruses are frequently detected in patients with acute exacerbations of COPD (AE-COPD) it was our aim to investigate the frequency of hMPV detection in a prospective cohort of hospitalized patients with AE-COPD compared to patients with stable COPD and to smokers without by means of quantitative real-time RT-PCR.


We analysed nasal lavage and induced sputum of 130 patients with AE-COPD, 65 patients with stable COPD and 34 smokers without COPD. HMPV was detected in 3/130 (2.3%) AE-COPD patients with a mean of 6.5 × 105 viral copies/ml in nasal lavage and 1.88 × 105 viral copies/ml in induced sputum. It was not found in patients with stable COPD or smokers without COPD.


HMPV is only found in a very small number of patients with AE-COPD. However it should be considered as a further possible viral trigger of AE-COPD because asymptomatic carriage is unlikely.  相似文献   
Phytochromes (phy) are a family of photoreceptors that control various aspects of light-dependent plant development. Phytochrome A (phyA) is responsible for the very low fluence response (VLFR) under inductive light conditions and for the high irradiance response (HIR) under continuous far-red light. We have recently shown that nuclear import of rice phyA:GFP is regulated by VLFR in transgenic tobacco. The import is preceded by very fast, light-induced formation of sequestered areas of phyA:GFP in the cytosol. Here we report that expression of the Arabidopsis phyA:GFP fusion protein in phyA-deficient Arabidopsis plants complements the mutant phenotype. In these transgenic Arabidopsis lines, both light-dependent cytosolic formation of sequestered areas of the phyA:GFP as well as VLFR or HIR-mediated nuclear import of the fusion protein was observed. By contrast, light-dependent nuclear import of the same fusion protein was induced only by continuous far-red light (HIR) but not by pulses of far-red light (VLFR) in transgenic tobacco. These results demonstrate that photoregulation of intracellular partitioning of the Arabidopsis phyA:GFP differs significantly in different genetic backgrounds.  相似文献   
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